

The sun was setting.

The last days of September had were going on . In these days there was neither too much hot nor too much cold. In the house preparation for the feast underway. Many stores in the market were decorated because of the festival. people were very happy. All shopkeepers greeted into the loud speaker. Everything looked happy.

Saina was walking in the balcony of Royal Mall near the market. she used to come here often and roamed here. she saw something in the mall, there was so much crowd . "bees are stuck by Honey " Saina said these words in his mind. she was feeling alone even standing in such a crowd.

she often stood in the mall lost in her thoughts and she used to forget herself.

"Still standing her"saina said coming out of her thoughts.

The small child was crying in the mall but no one paid attention to him.

"what kind of world is this, no one calls anyone without any meaning. Everyone is engaged in their own work ", such question came his mind.she came out of this thought knowingly and helped the child. It had been an hour since she come out of the house.she came out of the royal mall and stopped in the stairs and slowly started moving forward thinking something. when she walking on the side of the road then everyone was looking at him strangely. Saina stopped at King's cliff restaurant two people coming from the front. They looked at Saina face and started talking to each other.

"Did something wrong?... "Saina asked this question in her mind.she ignored them and walking forward.

Although it was not so hot, but still sweat was dripping from Saina's forehead.

"Have to drink water " a voice from his mind....

she went past restaurant . There was a park with fountains .Saina's heart very happy to see many fountains and colourful lights lit up in the Mukta minear park. she decided to take a walk in the park for a while and look at some nature beauty. she was walking alone. In the park she found some peace of mind. There were many old people and small children with their parents in the park. Seeing them laughing and playing in the park made Saina happy. A show was going on near the park .The excitement of many people in the show was visible from a distance. in the show the people were looking like they did not have any kind of burden, they were all quite carefree. After that she was looking at the sky. Many birds were flying in the sky.

"How much freedom God has given these birds"... saina starts thinking it.

In this thinking ,the outside world was forgotten .

suddenly there was gust wind. she got shock. After sometime the wind stopped.saina sat in the park. There was a little sunlight on one side of the park.In this in view, the park looked very beautiful. There was only a little sunlight on one side of the park in this view the park looked very beautiful .On the same side a child was selling balloons. All the parents were buying balloons from the happiness of their children but no one did not see the innocence of the child.

No one asked him ," why are you selling the Balloons?"....

All were busy with their own children. saina went to the child.

" hello kid"

"how are you?" .....saina asked

"I am fine ", the child replied to saina

"why are you selling balloons?"....saina asked to the child.

The child replied to saina "my mother is very ill, collecting money for their treatment.

saina asked to child, " where is your father?".....

one day my father was it returning home he was crossing the road . suddenly a car came at a high speed. There car hit him and his head hit the ground hard. people gathered on the road and took him the hospital but they died on the way due to the head injuries. saina encouraged him .

she said to the child" I will help you but promise me that you will go to school from tomorrow"..

The child replied "oK di"..

saina was happy to hear his answer.

"Thanks you so much ",The child said to saina ...

"walk with me", saina said to the child. there was a fruit shop near the park. saina had taken him to the shop with her. she asked the shopkeeper to pack some fruits.she gave the money to the shopkeeper and had the envelope of the fruits

"Grab it, kid" handing the envelope the Saina said to the child.

Didi for what?.... the child asked to the saina.

For you and your mom. seeing seeing all this the boy started looking at Saina's face. why are there tears in your eyes?..... do not worry your mom,your mom will get better soon. These tears are not coming because of my mom, they are coming because of you.

"something went wrong with me?".....saina asked to child .Nothing like that didi

"you are helping me so much "...the child replied to saina .she handed the envelope to the child. Saina loved him then she left the child at home.

saina seeing the sun setting and went ahead, turn left to the road . China was walking on the road and remembering the innocent face of the child

she was very sad but she was also happy that she could help someone in need.when she was crossing the road and passing by the temple. There was so much crowd in the temple. There was no place to stand.Seeing this she came forward.