
The Shadows Edge

Cultivating_legend · Fantasie
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13 Chs


Without a word, they seize Kaze, roughly dragging him from the confines of his prison. He winces as their iron grip tightens around his arms, the pain of his injuries flaring to life once more. Kaze's heart races, a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he is led away from the relative safety of his cell.

The winding corridors are a maze of shadows and despair, the oppressive atmosphere weighing heavily upon Kaze's shoulders. As he is marched through the fortress, he catches glimpses of other prisoners, their faces etched with fear and hopelessness. Muffled cries and the clang of metal against metal echo through the gloom, a symphony of suffering that sends a shiver down Kaze's spine.

The young man's eyes dart from one cell to the next, his mind racing as he tries to comprehend the full extent of the cruelty that permeates this place. The realization that he is not alone in his captivity, that countless others are trapped within these walls, only serves to deepen his determination to escape.

Kaze's gaze hardens, his obsidian eyes narrowing with a newfound resolve. He will not be broken by this ordeal, not when the memory of his family's murder still burns within him. Whatever horrors await him, whatever trials he must endure, he will find a way to break free and exact the vengeance he so desperately craves.