
Little flower

it was early evening when Kurt entered the building. From the outside, it had looked like a futuristic warehouse—a big, rectangular structure, but well-lit and modern. On the inside, the white-walled foyer looked a little like the lobby of a high-end hospital, or a tech company.

A slim, fair-skinned approached. His white-blonde hair almost matched the walls. He wore an ivory-colored suit jacket and a salmon tie, both of which seemed calculated not to draw too stark a contrast with either their wearer or the facility's decor. Kurt felt a bit conspicuous with his swarthy complexion, his crop of dark-brown hair, and his dark-blue suit jacket, but he supposed that most visitors to this place stood out as much as he did.

"Welcome to First Flowers, Mr. Weiss," the man said. "My name is Landon. I understand you are interested in acquiring one of our girls."

"I might be, yes," Kurt replied. "I received a Gold-level membership as a gift, so I came to take a look."

"That is a rather substantial gift."

"I work for Governor Cleburne. Lobbyists can be pretty generous."

"I see," Landon said. "Well, a Gold-level membership entitles you to a tour of our facility, as well as the opportunity to try out up to three girls free of charge. That's per year."

Kurt nodded slowly. "I'd definitely be interested in the tour. I don't know much about facilities like this; I've owned two girls before, but I got them both through private sale."

"I see," Landon replied. "I think you'll find that our product is vastly superior to what can be obtained by dealing directly with the parents."

"And correspondingly more expensive, I'm guessing," Kurt said.

"This is true. But your membership entitles you to a discount, should you find a girl you wish to purchase."

"I think it would help me if you explained the basics of what you do here."

"Certainly. Put simply, we train girls to provide sexual satisfaction to men and boys. As you may know, our particular specialty is very young girls, ages three to five."

"So how old are they when you start training them?"

"Generally, their training begins as soon as we acquire them—after a thorough medical screening for defects, of course. The economy being what it is these days, parents are usually ready to sell early on, so most of our girls begin their conditioning in the first few months of life."

"Do all your girls get the same training?" Kurt asked.

"A few of our girls are trained to particular tastes," Landon said. "For example, some customers prefer their girl to be completely passive, so a few of our girls—we call them Passives, actually—are trained to simply let themselves be positioned and fucked."

"That must be easier than teaching them to give blowjobs or whatnot," Kurt said.

"It is not as easy as one might think. For example, a girl who is being face-fucked rather than actively performing fellatio still has to close her lips around the man's cock and avoid touching it with her teeth if the man is to be satisfied. She must also be prepared for the man's cock to be thrust into the back of her throat or down her throat at any time, rather than when she is ready. All of that requires significant conditioning. Furthermore, when a Passive is placed in a particular position, she must be able to hold that position for as long as her owner wishes, so she needs considerable physical toning."

"Is there an opposite kind of girl to that? An, an Active?"

"Oh, yes, although they, too, are a niche product. We call them Lustlings, and they are trained to actively pursue sex and engage in it enthusiastically."

"Why are they a niche product?"

"Because their behavior is the result of an enhanced libido, which we instill with hormone treatments, and which is often more than one man can satisfy. For that reason, Lustlings are most often purchased for households with multiple males. I could show you a Lustling in training if you'd like."


They walked down the hall until they came to a large window. It looked into a room where a light-skinned Black girl who looked about four years old was on a bed with three boys perhaps twice her age. She was straddling one of them and riding him like a galloping horse while she stroked the other two boys' cocks with her hands. As soon as the boy beneath her came, one of the other two took his place, and the girl rode him with just as much enthusiasm.

"Oh, yes!" the girl cried out as she bounced madly on the new boy's hips. "I love your cocks! They feel so good inside me!"

The boy she was still jacking off moved around behind the girl, grabbed hold of her petite ass, and shoved his cock into her already-lubricated anus. Immediately, the girl came, screaming and thrashing. But after her climax ended, she rode the two boys' cocks just as hard as before, already working toward another release.

"Amazing," Kurt said. "Do you have other girls with specialized training?"

"Certainly. Do you have anything in particular in mind?"

"No, I was just curious. Your website doesn't provide many details about the specialty girls."

"Well, before we see more of those, why don't I show you what our standard conditioning consists of? That might help you make an informed choice."

"That makes sense," Kurt replied. "Lead on."

Landon led Kurt through a door and into a much longer hallway, which had several large windows on either side. The two men stopped at the first right-hand window, which looked in on a roomful of infants in bassinets. A man in a white, medical-looking uniform was supervising them.

"As soon as we acquire a girl," Landon said, "we bring her here and begin conditioning her to respond properly to stimulation. To spread her legs when her vagina is touched, for example. Simple responses like that can be trained during the first six months of life, before the girls can walk.

"Then, as the girl grows older and develops more motor control, we train more complex behaviors. For instance, any of our one-year-olds, if something is pushed in and out of her vagina, will move in synchrony with the object to increase the stimulation. We call that the 'fuckback response.'"

"What about oral training?"

"Given that infants instinctively suck whatever is put in their mouths, oral training begins at acquisition. Have a look."

Through the window, Kurt saw that several of the infant girls were being bottle-fed by mechanical arms. The bottles used to feed the true neonates looked like any other baby bottle. But the bottles for the girls who were more than two or three months old were different: The nipples were longer, and rounded at the end. In fact, it appeared that the older the girl, the longer and thicker the nipple on her bottle. The oldest girls in the room, who were not quite a year old, drank from bottles with nipples the size and shape of a grown man's cock.

"It's not just the size of the nipple that we increase with the girl's age," Landon explained. "We also gradually increase the minimum length of nipple that the girl must take into her mouth before the bottle will release any milk. As a result, virtually all of the girls are ready to begin deep-throat training by the time they are a year old. By eighteen months, our girls can swallow a five-inch cock to the balls, because that's what they must do to extract milk from their bottles."

"That's impressive. Is all the oral training done by machines?"

"Oh, not at all." He glanced at his tablet, then went on, "In fact, several of the girls are just about to start their 'live' training sessions. Come this way."

They went down the hall and stopped in front of another window, the shading of which made Kurt think that it might be a one-way mirror. The room beyond was white and sterile-looking like the first, but there were only three girls inside. The girls appeared to be between six and nine months old, and all were naked.

Each girl was strapped to a small, padded table that was low to the ground and that seemed to be adjustable into a variety of configurations. One girl, who had poofy blonde hair, was lying on her back, with her legs bent and spread wide by two flexible "arms" attached to the end of the table, exposing her puffy pink vagina. Another girl, who had honey-toned skin and shiny black hair, was on all fours, the table supporting her torso from beneath. Kurt smiled at the sight of the girl's cute little ass. And a little Black girl was in a sitting position, her legs spread so wide by the table's arms that Kurt could see the pink between her pussyfolds. All three girls' pussies and assholes were shining with clear lubricant.

"Lovely, aren't they?" Landon said.

"Why are they strapped down like that?"

"Chiefly so they don't fall off the tables and hurt themselves," Landon replied. "But also because the girls need to become accustomed to having no control, especially during sex. They are taught from the beginning that their main purpose in life is to be used for the sexual gratification of men and boys."

"Not women?"

"Girls trained to satisfy women are another niche product. Such girls are trained at other, boutique facilities."

A door on the far side of the room opened, and in came a line of ten boys, each about three or four years old. A tall woman in a floral dress entered behind them and shut the door; Kurt guessed that she was the boys' teacher.

"Now," the woman said, "you've all been very good this week, so you can use these baby girls as much as you want. Just don't forget to share."

In a flurry of movement, the boys variously pushed down their pants, took them off, or stripped completely naked. Their small cocks were either already hard or rapidly becoming so.

One of the boys—the most eager of an eager bunch—quickly got between the little Black girl's wide-spread legs. Wasting no time at all, he shoved his hard cock into her little pink sex and began fucking the baby girl at a rapid pace.

Another boy got in front of the Latina girl who was strapped to the table in a doggy position. When he put the head of his hard little cock to her lips, the girl immediately opened her mouth and let the boy push his cock inside, whereupon she began sucking it earnestly. Meanwhile, a boy got behind her, pushed his little member into her tiny asshole, and pumped her rapidly, a big grin on his face. Perhaps inspired by this sight, a boy got behind the little Black girl—both of whose lower holes were exposed by her specialized chair—and began fucking her asshole at the same rapid pace with which the boy in front of her was fucking her pussy.

Another boy got between the legs of the little blonde girl and began fucking her. Because the girl was lying on her back, a second boy was able to walk up behind her, tilt her head back, and begin fucking her little mouth.

Thus, the three girls were being penetrated by two boys each, which was as many as their respective body positions would allow. The remaining boys watched, rubbing their cocks as they eagerly awaited their turn.

"Multiple penetration is a standard part of our training," Landon explained. "Although most of our girls are sold to a single owner, many owners share their girl with male family members, or use her to entertain guests. In addition, we have some 'group clients,' such as college fraternities whose members chip in to purchase a girl.

"Also, because First Flowers' clients generally prefer very young girls, these girls are usually sold to another owner once they exceed their owner's preferred age range. So even if the first owner purchases the girl for his exclusive use, the next owner may not. All in all, it simply makes sense to train all of our girls to service multiple males at once."

Inside the room, the boy who had put his cock in the cute Latina girl's mouth was now vigorously fucking her face. The boy who had been fucking her ass had already climaxed and been replaced by another boy, who was pounding the child's pussy as hard as his classmate was fucking her mouth. The two other girls in the room continued being fucked vigorously, too, with one boy giving way to another and then another as they all took their turn.

"When a girl is six months old," Landon explained, "several boys of age three or four are brought in to deflower her. Not that she is a physical virgin at that point; in fact, our infant girls have a silicone insert in their little cunts for several hours a day. The staff call the inserts 'pussifiers.'

"In any case, after her formal deflowering, each of our girls is fucked four to five times a week, by many different boys. We have relationships with several boys' schools in the area that use sex with our girls as a reward for good behavior. Not only is this vitally important in training the girls, but we like to think that it helps generate a base of future customers.

"For these sessions, we match the girls to the boys by age—for example, whereas a six-month-old girl would be fucked by three- or four-year-old boys, a girl of two would be matched with boys of eight to ten. Of course, age is just one factor; the final matching of girl to boys depends on the size of cock the girl can take. We have a wonderful technician who is responsible for measuring each boy when erect. As you might expect, she very much enjoys her job.

"Now, if I may," Landon said, "I'd like to take you to a different room to show you a later phase of the girls' training."

"Lead on," Kurt replied.

They went down the hall to a different window. In the room beyond, there was a single, brown-haired, pale-skinned girl, who looked to be perhaps three years old and who was lying naked on a queen size bed. Around her stood five boys who appeared to be in their mid to late teens. The boys were also naked, and most were sporting erections. On the back wall was a window-sized mirror; Kurt guessed that someone was watching from the other side.

"One thing we make sure to instill in all of our girls is absolute obedience," Landon said. "Most of all when it comes to sex. Any client would be rightly disappointed if his new girl did not immediately suck his cock or spread her legs when told, regardless of how he gives her the command."

The boy whose penis was the hardest took hold of it and pointed it at the little girl. "Suck it, bitch."

The girl glanced around nervously at the boys, making Kurt think that perhaps this was the first time she'd been in such a position. After a couple of seconds, the girl made a squeak, and her whole body twitched for a moment.

"Subcutaneous electrodes," Landon explained. "Our girls learn that disobedience or hesitation leads to pain. It doesn't usually take more than half a dozen shocks before they learn that lesson permanently. However, unless the girl's purchaser requests otherwise, we leave the electrodes in place in case the new owner wishes to use them for additional training."

Now, the girl practically leaped up onto all fours in front of the boy and began sucking his cock. Then a second boy got on the bed behind her, shoved his cock into her asshole, and pumped her hard.

"Because of our intensive anal training," Landon said, "most of our girls can take an adult size cock in the ass by age two. Contrary to what you might think, training their assholes is quite a bit easier than training their pussies. Many of them aren't ready for vaginal penetration by an adult cock until age three. Although if a girl still isn't ready by three years and eight months, we resort to surgical intervention."

Kurt wasn't completely sure he'd wanted to know that. Nonetheless, it was good to know that any girl here that was available for sale would be ready for him to fuck her any way he wanted.

For the next several minutes, Kurt watched the bossy group of boys fuck the girl in every hole, and in various positions. When there was a lull in the action, Landon spoke.

"Naturally," he said, "the end goal of this process is to prepare the girls to service adult men. Most girls become certified for adult service at age three, and all of them are certified by age five."

"That's a little high, isn't it?" Kurt asked. "I've heard of other centers that certify two-year-olds."

"Our standards are more stringent than most," Landon replied. "We don't certify a girl until she has clearly demonstrated readiness for oral, vaginal, and anal service. Partial certification, we feel, is potentially dangerous; there have been more than a few instances of clients purchasing girls that were certified only for oral service and then rupturing them by forcible vaginal penetration. The result is a wasted product and a dissatisfied customer. Our philosophy is that clients shouldn't have to control themselves with their girls, so we make sure that our girls are ready for any kind of use."

"Sure, but I've heard of places that can make even a baby girl fuckable. Babyholes, I think they're called."

With only half-hidden disdain, Landon said, "That sort of thing requires extensive surgical modification, which is not the business we are in. First Flowers produces girls, not living toys."

Landon took a breath and said, "Please forgive me. We at First Flowers are committed to making a quality product, and it sometimes galls me when other companies merely produce novelties that have no long-term value. Those Babyholes may be amusing for a short while, but by the time they reach the age of five, they're good for very little besides large-animal sex shows."

"I see," Kurt replied.

"Would you like to see some of our girls being used by older boys? We have a group of high-school boys fucking a few girls just down the hall."

"No," Kurt said, "I think I've seen enough to be convinced that First Flowers makes a good product. Now I'm wondering whether you've got one that would be right for me."

"In that case," Landon replied, "please follow me."

Landon led Kurt down to the end of the hall, where he opened a door into a room with a single desktop computer. On the screen were a few headshots of pretty young girls, beneath which appeared the words, "First Flowers Catalog. Press any key to begin search."

"This," Landon said, "is our interactive catalog of all our girls who are ready for purchase or rental. You can search by age, hair color and texture, skin tone, maximum vaginal penetration depth, and several other characteristics."

Kurt hit a few buttons on the panel. "It looks like the maximum value you can select for age is five."

"Virtually all of our girls are purchased by that age. If you want an older girl, we could refer you to a center that specializes in reconditioning, but we don't do that here."

"No, no, I was just curious. I definitely want one of yours. In fact, I'd be most interested in a three-year-old."

"Perfect—we have a wide selection. Feel free to browse the catalog for as long as you like. Once you've chosen a girl, just click the call button, and I will take you to a room where you can try her."

"Thanks," Kurt said, and Landon left the room.

Kurt had a good idea of what he was looking for, so before hitting the Search button, he filled in almost every field with his criteria: age three, pale skin, blonde hair, small to average body size for her age, and a vaginal penetration depth of at least four inches.

Three girls' names and photos appeared on the screen. They were all beautiful—everything Kurt could have wanted. But one girl was of particular interest to him, because despite her slightly below-average body size, her vaginal penetration depth was listed at six inches. So Kurt clicked the call button.

"Yes, Mr. Weiss," Landon responded through the computer's speaker.

"I've found one I'd like to try out," Kurt said.

"Excellent. As a Gold-level client, you can try up to three girls without being charged a rental fee."

"That's perfect."

"And feel free to enjoy yourself fully," Landon added. "While any girl you choose will be exquisitely tight, you don't need to worry about hurting her. Every girl in our catalog can handle an adult-size cock, even a relatively large one."

"Good to know."

"There is a 'trial room' adjacent to the room you are in now. Just go out the door, turn left, and enter the next room on your left. I will bring the girl to you presently."

Kurt left the catalog room and went to the next room over. It was furnished with a simple queen-size bed with soft white sheets and pillows, but there was also a configurable sex table like the ones on which the three infant girls had been gang-fucked. Kurt nodded to himself; it would be nice to have options when his chosen girl arrived.

Moments later, Landon arrived with the girl. She was everything Kurt had wanted: small, blonde, blue-eyed, slim, and adorable. She wore a white dress with a lacy hem at the knee and a pastel-blue sash around the middle, and a pair of white sandals. Kurt thought she looked like she would fit right in at a fancy country-club picnic.

When Kurt had examined the images of the three girls his search had pulled up, he'd wondered whether the pictures had been enhanced to make the girls look more attractive. But that clearly wasn't the case. If anything, the photos in this child's digital profile didn't do the girl justice. He wondered whether First Flowers used plastic surgery on their girls but quickly decided that he didn't care.

"Here you are, Mr. Weiss," Landon said. "Sadie is yours to try out for the next hour. Once you have finished with her, press the blue button on the panel by the door, and I will return here to collect her. Oh, and there is a private washroom through that door, should you need it."

"Thank you."

Landon left, closing the door behind him. Kurt turned to the girl, who was looking up at him with a hint of expectation in her blue eyes.

"Hello, Sadie. My name is Kurt."

"Hi, Mr. Kurt. Are you gonna fuck me?"

Kurt chuckled. "You get right to the point, don't you? Yes, I'm going to fuck you. But first I want you to suck my cock."

"Okay," the girl replied readily, as though Kurt had just asked her to tie her shoes. Although now that he thought about it, this girl probably wasn't old enough to know how to tie her shoes.

"Oh, but before that," Kurt said, "I want to watch you take off your clothes."

Sadie grinned at him, then pulled her white dress up and off and stood there smiling in nothing but a pair of lacy white panties. She turned sideways to Kurt before she pushed the panties down and stepped out of them, along with her sandals.

"You like taking your clothes off, don't you?" Kurt asked.

The girl nodded emphatically. "Uh-huh. 'Specially when you watch."

Kurt wanted to tell her that maybe, if he took her home with him, he wouldn't even let her wear clothes in the house. He thought she would get a kick out of that. But beautiful and agreeable as Sadie was, Kurt didn't want to raise the subject of keeping her before he'd given her a thorough test drive.

He quickly undressed, standing close enough to Sadie that she would have a good view of his erect cock when he set it loose from his boxers. She smiled when it sprang out.

Now undressed, Kurt slowly moved closer to the girl, his cock bobbing in the air before her eyes. She seemed a bit captivated by it.

"All right, Sadie," Kurt said. "Show me what you can do with a cock."

She was short enough that she didn't even have to bend her knees. And the moment the head of his cock touched her lips, the little girl wrapped both her hands around his shaft, opened her mouth wide, and took the whole head inside. She sucked it rhythmically and hungrily, like a baby with a bottle.

"Ohhhh, yes…" Kurt murmured. "That's a good girl…"

Sadie sucked him for minutes, never slowing down or easing up. When Kurt put his hands on her blonde head and shoved two more inches of cock into the child's mouth, she pulled back for a moment—then pushed forward again, bobbing her head rhythmically, such that her soft lips slid back and forth over his glans.

"Good girl," Kurt murmured again, his fingers twining in the child's blonde hair. "Ohhhh, good girl…"

Perhaps in response to the praise, the little girl swallowed long and hard while pushing her head forward. Kurt groaned in pleasure as the head of his cock went down the three-year-old's throat. His eyes closed involuntarily from the sensation, but he forced himself to open them again so he could watch Sadie swallow him. He could see the little girl's throat bulging as she swallowed again and again, stimulating the entire length of his shaft with her throat muscles.

Even though Kurt had seen with his own eyes how thoroughly the girls at First Flowers were trained in oral sex, he nonetheless could scarcely believe that this three-year-old child had swallowed his entire length—and his not-inconsiderable girth—and was pleasuring it like the most skilled whore. She bobbed her head even as she swallowed rhythmically, thus doubly stimulating him. Before Kurt knew it, his orgasm was fast approaching, and his plan to save it for his first fuck with Sadie went flying out the window.

"Aaaaaaah!" he cried.

His fingers gripped the girl's head by her blonde curls as he fired gout after gout of semen down into her stomach. The child's swallowing continued unabated, massaging the cum from his cockshaft and gulping it down eagerly, as though she were voraciously hungry for his seed.

Even after Kurt's orgasm finished, Sadie kept her lips tight around his shaft to get every last drop of his cum as he pulled his cock from her mouth. Then Kurt watched, panting, as the girl swallowed visibly and audibly one more time, ingesting the last of his load.

"You're a good cocksucker, Sadie," Kurt puffed.

"Thank you," the girl replied sweetly. "I like your cock. It feels good in my throat. Your cum does, too."

"I'm glad," Kurt replied. Then he sat down on the edge of the bed and continued, "Because now I want you to suck my cock some more until it's hard again."

The girl didn't hesitate to again take his member, now only half erect, into her mouth. She suckled and tongued it as skillfully as before; thus, it was barely more than a minute before Kurt was fully hard again. He raised a hand, and Sadie released him from her mouth.

"Sit on the bed with me," Kurt said, patting a spot on the bed next to him.

She immediately jumped up and sat in the indicated place. Kurt slowly ran a hand down the front of her body and then down between her slim thighs.

"What a puffy little pussy you have," Kurt said, touching the girl's peach with one finger.

She smiled and spread her legs wide for Kurt, giving him better access. He played with her pussy for a few moments, pushing one finger halfway into her hole and then slow-fucking her with it.

"Good girl," Kurt said, taking his hand from her puffy, bald cunt. "You like having your pussy played with, don't you?"

The girl nodded eagerly.

"Good, because now I'm going to fuck you. Lie down."

The girl responded to his command the way most other children would have responded to "Here, eat this cookie" —that is, with speed and enthusiasm. Not only did Sadie lie down on the bed, but she bent her legs, lifted them into the air, and then spread them wide apart, making her pussy her body's focal point.

"Do you like to fuck?" Kurt asked.

"Uh-huh," the girl replied. "Please fuck me with your nice cock."

Kurt smiled. "Well, since you said please…"

Kurt had been about to get onto the bed and fuck Sadie missionary style, but he realized that he wanted to be able to see her—her face, and her body—when he fucked her. While he was considering moving her to the special sex table, he found a control on the wall for raising and lowering the bed. He raised the top of the bed to the height of his crotch; then he pulled Sadie to the edge of the bed and pushed her legs up at the knees but kept them spread wide. Sadie seemed to know instantly what he wanted and lifted her legs higher while grabbing her own ass so as to keep her pelvis canted upward, thus giving Kurt the perfect view of her puffy, bald cunt.

He had been planning to use lube, but little Sadie's pussy was so wet that it clearly wasn't necessary. So he simply put the head of his hard cock between her simple folds, found her little entrance, and pushed.

From what he'd seen on the tour, Kurt imagined that this little girl, although only three years old, had probably been fucked hundreds of times—thousands, if you counted all the dildo conditioning she would have received. And yet, as Kurt began pushing his cock into her tiny pussy, she was so tight that he could only barely get in. The girl whimpered a little as he eased his member into her, inch by inch.

"You're so big…" she whined.

"Don't worry," Kurt said. "You'll start to like it soon. Just relax so I can get as much of it into you as you can take."

"Uh-huh," she said, nodding. "I want it all in my pussy."

Although all three of the girls that Kurt had considered trying out were about equally attractive and well-trained, Sadie had stood out because of her vaginal penetration depth, which was listed as six inches. He wasn't sure that could be true; it seemed like a lot of dick for a three-year-old to take.

But it was true, as Kurt discovered when he hit bottom inside Sadie's cunt. Yet as deep as her pussy was, it was sweetly tight all the way in, squeezing every millimeter of his length.

"There we go," Kurt said to Sadie, looking down at her. She still looked a little uncomfortable, but her pale cheeks, neck, and chest were flushing pink with arousal.

"Ready to fuck?" he asked.

Panting a little, Sadie nodded eagerly and replied "Uh-huh."

Kurt started fucking her. He was taking it pretty slow, but Sadie's pussy was so tight that every millimeter of movement inside her felt very, very good.

"Mmm, Sadie," he said, "you've got a really nice pussy."

"Thank you," the girl breathed. "Your cock feels really good inside me. Please fuck me more."

"Oh, I'm definitely going to fuck you more."

He pumped her slowly for as long as he could, gazing down at her beautiful blue eyes, her rosy cheeks, her cute button nose, her sweet lips—which were parted as she breathed in time with Kurt's thrusts—her fair-skinned shoulders and chest, her rosy nipples, her sweet little belly button, and of course the puffy, shell-pink pussy that held and caressed his cock as though her little sex were in love with his member.

"When it's time," she gasped, "will you shoot your cum inside me?"

"Oh yes," Kurt replied as he pumped her. "Probably lots of cum."

Turned on by Sadie's words, Kurt had to fuck the little girl faster. Sadie's breathing quickened, and she started making a little noise—something between a moan and a squeak—on every thrust. Hearing those delightful sounds of sexual pleasure from a tiny child made Kurt fuck her even harder. The bed shook, and little Sadie gripped the covers at the bed's edge with her small hands so that Kurt's thrusts wouldn't push her backward.

"I'm…gonna…cum in you…soon…Sadie…" Kurt grunted.

"Yes!" the little girl cried. "Cum in me! Cum in my little pussy! Fill it all up!"

And now, Kurt plowed her, hard and fast and deep. The little girl couldn't hold herself in place anymore, so Kurt gripped her little hips and used his arms to pull her thighs against his hips every time he thrust powerfully into her.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Sadie cried, her tiny hands grasping Kurt's wrists as the man plowed his cock into her puffy, wide-open cunt again and again.

"Sadie…" Kurt gasped. "I'm…gonna…AAAAAAAH!"

The load he shot into her pussy felt even bigger than the one he'd fired down her throat. He imagined her little three-year-old womb filling with his seed, and the thought made him cum even harder.

"AAAAAIIIIIIAAAAH!" the girl cried, and her tiny legs gripped Kurt's waist and pulled her thighs against his hips, making sure he was as deep inside her as possible as she eagerly took his load.

When Kurt finally finished cumming in Sadie's tight pussy, he pulled out of her. Her shell-pink hole gaped, and his seed drooled copiously from it. Even though he had reached orgasm mere moments ago, the sight of his cum oozing from Sadie's little-girl body already had him thinking about what he wanted to do next. He hadn't fucked all of her holes yet, after all.

"Turn over and get on all fours now, Sadie," Kurt said. "I want to fuck your cute little ass."

The girl was still panting but managed a giggle nonetheless, then said, "Okay."

She got up on her hands and knees, giving Kurt a good look at her ass. It was just perfect—tight, but with just enough baby fat to make it soft and round. He fondled it with both hands for a little while, until the act made his cock fully hard again. Then he got up on his knees behind the girl.

"Oh, yeah, very cute," Kurt breathed, still looking at the girl's petite bottom. "Do you like getting fucked in your sweet little ass, Sadie?"

"Uh-huh," the little girl replied. "Will you put it all the way in me? It feels good when it's in really deep."

"Of course I will," Kurt said.

He put the tip of his cock to her asshole, and it reflexively opened for him just a little. Nonetheless, when he began to push in, her little pale-pink ass-ring was sweetly tight around his cockhead. Kurt supposed he had to commend First Flowers on the anal training the girl had received; from the looks of things, they had prepared her for a lifetime of getting fucked in the ass, but without loosening her hole more than was necessary.

He was pleased to find that he could get the entire length of his cock up the girl's ass without hitting any barriers inside her. Once he was all the way in, he looked down for a moment to take in the sight of the girl's asshole stretching obscenely wide around the base of his cock, and his balls resting against her little bald cunny.

"Here we go now," he murmured.

He started pumping her, taking it slow. After blowing two loads into this sweet little living fucktoy, he felt no need to rush. Over her shoulder, she looked back at him with those big blue eyes.

"Your cock feels nice in my ass," she breathed. "You push it in real deep."

"Your ass feels nice around my cock," Kurt replied. "Especially when my cock is all the way in you."

He fucked Sadie at the same gentle pace for several minutes, pushing his whole length into her on every stroke, and squeezing and fondling her sweet little ass as he did so. He could hear her breathe in deeply every time he buried his cock in her ass and let out a long exhale every time he pulled out. She moved with him as he fucked her, and it was clear that she wasn't just doing so by rote; rather, she seemed to sincerely want him to go inside her to the balls on every stroke.

She's everything I want, he thought. Beautiful, cooperative, and horny.

The thought made him fuck her a little faster. Sadie picked up her pace, too, and now she began to moan softly and repeatedly.

"I guess you really do like it in the ass, huh?" Kurt asked.

"I…like it…everywhere…" the girl breathed. "I love…getting fucked…and sucking cock…and getting cummed inside…"

"Good to know," Kurt replied.

As he continued pumping her ass, Kurt very gradually increased his speed. Sadie kept perfect pace with him, and she became progressively more vocal. By the time Kurt was fucking her fast enough that his hips made a slapping noise against her tiny ass, the girl was whimpering with pleasure with every thrust. And then she started to beg.

"Please…please…fuck me harder…please make…me cum…"

Kurt couldn't refuse this sweet, hot little girl a good hard plowing. He fucked her ass at full speed, his hands gripping her slim, childish hips so that he could go hard and deep on every thrust. The girl began moaning almost continuously, interrupted only by gasping breaths. She thrust her little ass hard back against him, and Kurt could almost feel her increasingly desperate craving for more.

"Take it…in the…ass…Sadie," he grunted, his climax approaching. "Take it…Take it…NNNNGH!"

He rammed into her and squeezed her tiny ass hard as he emptied his balls deep in her bowels.

"Your cum!" the little girl screamed. "It's SO HOT!"

Sadie shrieked and thrashed, orgasm wracking her small body. Kurt bent over her and pinned her to the bed to ensure that his cock would stay buried in her ass until he'd shot his last gout of seed into her.

He stayed that way, his stomach on her back and his cock deep in her ass, as they both came down from their orgasms and caught their breath. Even then, Kurt wasn't quite ready to pull out; he wanted to be deep inside Sadie when he said what he said next.

"You know, Sadie, I think I want to keep you."

"Really?" the blonde child replied hopefully.

"Uh-huh. But I'm warning you—as soon as I get you home, I'm going to fuck you all night long. Over and over, in all your sweet little holes."

"Okay!" the girl replied cheerily.

They used the room's bathroom—which included a shower—to clean up. Kurt wasn't ready for more sex just yet, but he nonetheless enjoyed soaping and rinsing Sadie's lovely little body before helping her dry off and get back into her clothes.

When they were both clean and dressed, Kurt pushed the blue button on the intercom by the door. Landon answered within moments.

"How can I help you, Mr. Weiss?"

"I'm all finished here," Kurt replied.

"Are you interested in trying any other girls?"

"No, there's no need," Kurt said. "I've already found the one I want." Sadie grinned at him.

"That's excellent," Landon replied. "I'll be there presently."

Kurt opened the door to the hallway, and shortly thereafter, Landon appeared.

"If you'll follow me to the payment desk," he said, "an attendant will help Sadie pack her things and will bring her there shortly."

Landon took Kurt to a large office area near the building's main entrance, then told Kurt he would return shortly.

The woman at the payment desk—a beautiful redhead in her twenties—was very efficient. It only took her a few minutes to arrange the transfer of funds from Kurt's account and to put Kurt's name on Sadie's title to establish his ownership of her.

"I hope you'll be very happy with her," the woman said, giving Kurt a sexy half-smile.

"Thank you," Kurt replied. Curious, he pointed to the floor and began to ask, "Are you…from here?"

The woman's smile broadened. "Yes, I'm a First Flowers girl. When I aged out of my last owner's preferred range, the company bought me back because I was good with numbers." Her half-smile grew into a full one as she added, "My other skills aren't going to waste, though. Some of the executives here make very good use of me."

At that point, Landon returned.

"To help you enjoy your purchase to the fullest," he said to Kurt, "I've sent you a list of things to consider regarding your new girl: what you want her to wear, whether you want her to sleep in your bed or have her own, how you want her to spend her time when she's not servicing you sexually, and so on. Each item includes a list of popular options selected by other owners of our girls. Of course, you don't have to use any of them if you have your own ideas. You may want to browse the list while you wait for Sadie; she should be ready to depart in a few minutes."

Landon left again, and Kurt sat down in a chair to browse the pamphlet that Landon had just emailed to him. The first question the pamphlet raised was "What Should She Call You?" The suggestions marked as most popular were Master and Daddy; other suggestions included Father, Mister (or Mister plus the owner's last name), Teacher, and even My Lord and Your Highness. Then there were other sections, including the ones Landon had mentioned, concerning topics that the first-time owner of a First Flowers girl should consider. Some of them were obvious, like, "Where should she sleep?" Others were things Kurt hadn't thought of when he'd bought his previous girls, like, "Diet and exercise: Keeping her body in the shape you want."

Landon soon returned, this time with an attendant and Sadie. The attendant brought a small rolling suitcase, which she said had all of Sadie's clothes and some toiletries.

When the attendant left, Landon said, "I hope you will be happy with your purchase, Mr. Weiss. Keep in mind that your Gold-level membership entitles you to our full range of support services, and to return or exchange the girl within sixty days if for some reason she is unsatisfactory."

"This membership has a lot of perks," Kurt said. "Although honestly, I probably would have come here even without the membership. Your customers seem very satisfied; heck, Governor Cleburne has bought a new girl from you after each of his six re-elections."

Landon nodded knowingly. Elections were largely a formality these days.

"We are most grateful to the governor," Landon replied. "This company would not exist without his efforts to repeal our state's overreaching 'human rights' laws during his first term. And his other legislative efforts have ensured an ample supply of girls for training."

Kurt took Sadie's hand and extended his other hand to Landon. "Well, thanks for all your help. I think this little girl is going to be just perfect for me."

"I do hope so. Goodbye, Mr. Weiss."

As Kurt walked Sadie toward the doors, he turned his head to look down at her. She smiled up at him. Then, as they exited the building, she put her hand on the low, elastic neck of her dress and pulled it down to show him her naked chest. Her pale-pink nipples were stiffening, and her face, neck, and chest were turning pink with arousal.

Yes, she would be just perfect.