
Brother and Sister Bond

In the fortress spa, no search parties have returned in the past couple of hours. Gowther, in a pink bathrobe and slippers, has been using his powers to redirect anybody coming close to the spa, so they're all safe at this point. Bluey has by now gone to the lab to start on the cure for the demon virus. Both Willie and Inuyasha have taken hot baths and are passed out on a couple of massage tables. Inuyasha refused to wear pink as his clothes dried and went searching for other robes while wrapped in a towel, eventually finding some and settling on a black robe. Nobody else made a big deal about the pink robes and put them on without fuss, even though Willie and especially Nuri feel awarkward in pink.

Inuyasha had been insistent that they go retrieve the Tassaiga and its sheath right away, but his exhaustion caught up to him and with Gowther's using his powers, the half-demon finally relaxed enough to sleep after a hard, stubborn fight. Two others who won't rest are Nuri and Iris despite really needing too. Nuri had briefly fallen asleep in the hot tube and now is fighting not to feel relaxed. She's also trying to hide the fact that she's really enjoying the cinnamon pancakes with freshly cut baked apples that were brought.

Hawk had tried to get some rest but is too full of anxiety to lay still. At least Melidy is sleeping soundly after her bottle and warm bath (dressed in a pink baby bathrobe and the headband with a pink bow). Thinking that the headband must be uncomfortable, Hawk tries to remove it. Melidy wakes up and cries. Hawk stops trying to take it off and she stops. He tries again and she seems to be trying to say something to him. He again lets go of the headband and she again quiets down and goes back to sleep. Either she doesn't want Hawk to bother her while she's sleeping, or she really doesn't want the headband off. Hawk asks Gowther what his baby sister is thinking, and Gowther confirms that she likes the headband bow and doesn't want it removed. Her dreams are literally full of the color pink, even imaging Wild as pink and Iris, Jasmine, and the church girls all dressed in pink. Hawk asked if he's in the dream, and he definitely is, dressed in pink swimming trunks with blue fish (Hawk actually put those swim trunks on a couple of weeks ago for a laugh). Melidy's also dreaming of herself swimming in the water in a pink bathing suit with a little skirt. She knows her name, as well as Hawk's and Wild's. She knows Jasmine and Iris as Jaz and Scout, and all of the church girls' names. She even knows a few tunes and even knows Iris's face. Her current goals in life are to walk, swim in a pink bathing suit, be able to drink real milk, and to talk.

Iris has been busy this whole-time taking care of everybody else, especially helping to gather and make food. She hasn't stopped to sit down or take in nourishment herself. She really hasn't slept in some days either, even though she really needs it.

The animals Cringer and Karoo are exhausted. Meliodas hasn't stopped eating at all unless there was no food left to eat. Even after nearly 3 hours, he's still showing no signs of stopping, although the color has returned to his face and his hunger pangs aren't so loud. He's obviously much more chipper, constantly teasing and making fun of the talking (or quacking) animals. They don't understand Meliodas's corny jokes and don't find them funny. Despite this, Cringer and Karoo still take a liking to him because he is generally nice and friendly and really seems to appreciate all the food and drinks they keep bring him. He has a certain charm to him despite his silly and goofy behavior.

Meliodas hasn't hit it off well with the other animal in the group, a llama wearing red silk pajamas. In fact, none of the guys have, especially Inuyasha, a mutual hate at first sight with the llama. Eyelash doesn't have much of a likely for his fellow animal comrades either and is very rude, disrespectful, and borderline mean to them.

The only ones Eyelash isn't rude or disrespectful to is the two ladies. He's always making lovey dovey eyes when looking at them and tries to make a fool out of himself personally attempting to cater to them. Both girls despise this, Nuri not even accepting any food, drink, or soap bubbles that the llama has offered her, instead shoving everything into his face and clobbering him out on the head at least three times already. Even Iris has slugged him twice for attempting to sniff her inappropriatly. Eyelash even tried sniffing her hair and actually asked if he could have a piece of it.

However, she is taking advantage of the llama's 'fondness for women'. She telepathically sends orders the llama to keep getting food, to stop spitting in Meliodas's face and his food, to stay away from her and Nuri for a while, and finally to be nice towards the others, all of which Eyelash happily obliges to without a thought, at least for a little while.

Cringer and Karoo are looking at the table filled with mountains of different kinds of pancakes, bacon, sausage and a type of fried egg cinnamon toast with powered sugar (like French toast), which they call friganele. Meliodas is hoarding it all and isn't being generous, only taunting the hungry tiger and duck by dangling food in front of them, only to snatch it away and eat it himself while laughing.

Finally, Hawk comes over. "Meliodas, please spare these guys some food. They've been working their butts off to feed you and they deserve a break."

"Yea, Meliodas, pleasssseeee;" goes Cringer. Karoo puts his hands together like in pray or pleading.

"Sure, why not." Meliodas then gives them each a plate of pancakes and sausage, shocking them. "Thank you for saying please."

Cringer and Karoo look at each other bewildered. "What? That's all we had we do was say please?"

"He's not cold-hearted guys;" explains Hawk; "Just...a little selfish and annoying at times, on purpose." Meliodas giggles as Hawk looks at his own plate. "Hey Meliodas, will you spare me some syrup please?"

"Yea sure." Meliodas deliberately pours the syrup on Hawk himself.

"HEY! What's the big idea!"

Meliodas giggles while pouring straight up syrup in his mouth. "Hehe. What's the difference, Hawk? You can just eat it off yourself like you usually do."

"Thanks a lot, now I have to have another bath. You haven't matured at all have you?"

Meliodas just smiles licking his fingers. "Why would I? You should know me better than that." Meliodas dangles a chocolate chip pancake with chocolate syrup in front of Hawk. "Want some? Oh yea, you're allergic to chocolate ain't you? I'll eat it then." That was uncalled for, Hawk is indeed VERY allergic to chocolate. Meliodas takes it a step further by dangling bacon and pork sausage in front of the pig, then eating them.

"You're so cruel and annoying!" Hawk's look then softens, and tears form in his eyes; "Gosh I've missed you." Hawk jumps on his old friend. Meliodas returns the embrace, admitting that he's missed him too.

"You're not going away again are you buddy? The Boar Hat isn't the same without you. Of course, you may have some heavy competition for Scrapes Disposal Captain." Meliodas smirks saying that.

"That's uncalled for;" snaps Hawk; "besides, I think you'll need to take that up with Wild. He eats three times more than I do, considering his size."

"Challenge accepted." Meliodas's grin widens, Wild really doesn't know what he's in for. "Wait, did you just Wild? He's alive?"

"Yes, he's alive and well." Hawk answers smiling.

"Hawk, THAT'S GREAT! I'm so happy for you!" Meliodas gives a Hawk a huge hug. They hear laughing, Iris is watching the two old friends.

"Yo, Iris;" says Meliodas. Hawk says Scout simultaneously, the dragon sin gives him a funny look. "Huh? Scout?"

"Oh yea. That's her nickname. Her full name is Iris Dawn De Santis."

Meliodas, who only has one name (plus titles), is perplexed by the multiple names. "Iris is enough." 

He notices that her face is covered again. "Are you wearing that stuff again? Take them off please. What's the point, we've already seen you? I want to talk to your face. Besides, your beautiful."

That's actually the main reason she hides her face. People always think she's beautiful and stare at her. As a naturally shy person who hates being the center of attention, it's usually more then she can bare. People pay much less attention to her when she covers her face.

However, this is her brother. She sucks it up and removes the mask and shades. "That's better." Meliodas smiles and pats the sit next to him on the couch. She looks unsure.

"Come on, I'm not going to touch you that way now. I'm so sorry about that. If I had known you were my...sister...I wouldn't have done it."

"That shouldn't matter, you pervert." Meliodas clonks Hawk on the head. Before she takes a sit, Iris grabs a wet towel for Hawk, then slowly sits next to her brother.

"Thanks Scout, your so kind." Hawk looks at Meliodas; "So are you, when you want to be."

Meliodas just smiles, taking it as a compliment. He eats some more pancakes and French toast then offers some to his sister, she declines. He asks her if she wants bacon or sausage as he stuffs some into his mouth. A disgusted look appears on her face as she doesn't eat nor like pork. "Where have you been all this time?" Meliodas asks with his mouth full; "When were you born and how old are you? I wonder why nobody ever told me about you or Mama? What was Mother like? Zeldris? I can't wait what to tell him we've got a sister! He'll be so thrilled."

Hawk clears his throat. "Actually, Meliodas, he already knows."

Meliodas almost chocks hearing that. "(Coughing) WHAT!? When? Why? How? Hawk...wait a minute? How do you know that...he knows?"

"He's only known for a couple of days. We learned it from Scout's journal. You left it for us, didn't you?"

Iris nods her head.

"Her journal?" asks a perplexed Meliodas. "Hang on. Hawk, how do you know her? What's been going on these past months?"

"We've only known her for about a month;" answers Hawk. "She came to purgatory to retrieve something and saved Melidy's life because our crib got destroyed by mysterious debris. We've been in a place called Amalfi, Naples. Zeldris, Elizabeth, and Ban are there now. I sure hope everybody's safe in that big church. They are, aren't they Scout?"

Iris nods her head assuredly but knowing that makes her concerned about the volcanic activity. She's been praying endlessly for them.

Meliodas actually stops eating. "You've seen Elizabeth?! Zeldris and Ban too? How are they? Are they alright?"

"Yea, they're great. In fact, Elizabeth's preg..."

"SHHH!" says Iris with her finger over her mouth. Hawk nods but really doesn't know how long he can keep this from Meliodas.

"Yes, Meliodas, she's good;" comes a very raspy sounding voice. Hawk and Meliodas look at Iris, she's surprised herself and touches her burning throat.

"SCOUT! YOU TALK!" Hawk jumps on her lap. "They said you could talk! How I've wanted to hear you speak and see your face! I still can't believe it! You look exactly like Meliodas and Zeldris. Well, almost. You're a carbon copy of your mother too! So is Meliodas. You two look more like twins. Now I understand why your only 18, even though you were born 3,000 years ago."

"18?" asks a surprised Meliodas; "You mean, just 18? Did Hawk just say you born 3,000 years ago? Did you reincarnate? I sure hope you're not cursed. Mother? What happened to Mother?" Meliodas takes a deep breath, suddenly feeling sad. He rubes a tear from his eye. "Mother...she's...gone, isn't she?"

Iris looks down, tears forming in her eyes as well. She tries to speak, but a raspy cough comes out instead of words. So she puts her hand on her brother's forhead and transplants her thoughts telepathicly. Meliodas hears inside his head; "Mama went heaven when I was born, after escaping the demon realm and Britannia. She found Uncle Azareth in Egypt. No Meliodas, I'm not cursed. I died right after birth. Uncle Azareth saved my soul and sealed it for 3,000 years, until God broke the seal...then...well here I am."

"Uncle Azareth saved you?!" Meliodas still feels a little sad, but better. "So, you were sealed until 18 years ago, I understand completely." Meliodas decides to stop at that. This is so much to process, and he doesn't need to know anymore right now. He puts his arm around his newly discovered sister and gives her the biggest hug. At first, she's surprised, but she lovingly returns the hug.

"Actually;" Meliodas realizes; "There are a couple other things I want to know. Was our mother really human? Are we hybrids? We are all full-blooded siblings, me, you, and Zeldris, aren't we?"

Iris gives a smile and nods her head. Hawk notices that her smile makes her look even more like her brother.

Meliodas is relieved to hear that. "Just one more thing, did Mother, love us? Did she love me?"

"Yes, she did;" Iris manages to say. Meliodas can't help but have more tears in his eyes. His mother really did love him, and that's all that really matters. He picks up one of the rum battles that's still left and drinks some, then offers one to Iris.

"Here Sis. This calls for a drink to celebrate!" Iris gasps and turns her head away, holding her nose. "NO!" Meliodas is perplexed and holds the bottle closer to her face; "Come on Sis, your old enough to drink. There's nothing wrong with drinking first thing in morning. I do it all the time, although I don't recommend drinking on a empty stomach. You haven't eaten yet have you? Ok, the toast can wait." Iris has a different idea. She pours herself a glass of milk and gestures to do the toast. Meliodas thinks that's tacky, but he shrugs his shoulders and accepts her toast, although it's not official to him. "Ok then, we'll do a real toast later. Guess you really aren't a morning drinker."

Iris shakes her head. Hawk doesn't know how to break it to Meliodas that own flesh and blood sister is a complete and total teetotaler. In fact, she can't stand the taste or the smell of alcohol at all, and the smell of the rum makes her feel like she's going to throw-up. Meliodas then pours all the remaining rum on the remaining pancakes and French toast, bacon and sausages. He then tops that off with heavy amounts of syrup, regular and chocolate, which he's also poured rum into. He proudly eats them all up with his fingers until the table is bare. "Brings out the flavor more, don't you think." He winks at her while licking each plate. She finds that so repulsive, yet there's something funny about it at the same time, especially when Meliodas belches and pats his belly. She giggles.

"Man, that really hits the spot. Hey, Sis, can I see those pictures again." Iris opens up the locket, which is around her neck, and Meliodas silently looks at the picture of their mother.

"What was her name?"


Meliodas just smiles. 


Inside the perfect cub, everybody except the daughters of Artemis are asleep, considering the fact that they've slept for four days in a row. Apolline is meditating while Stormy and Arwen sing hymns with open Bibles as they make their way towards the Romanian boarders. They've been traveling for nearly 5 hours now, and bad weather has slowed their progress. Stormy's starting to feel tired, and she can hear that most everyone on board is hungry, including herself. They soon pass over a partly clouded area with sunshine. Stormy immediately knows where they are and shifts to the right.

"Stormy, what are you doing?" Ask Apolline.

"Just taking a small brunch detour. See where we are."

"Are you out of your freaking mind! We don't have time for such nonsense."

"Apolline;" says Arwen; "Most of these people have had a very active night and haven't eaten since yesterday. We should replenish our energy if another big fight's coming."

"Just pray and meditate;" demands Apolline. "Focus your energies inward. Everybody can replenish on spiritual substance, not physical."

"Are we going to eat?!" Diane wakes up excitedly as her stomach growls.

King also wakes up and agrees, hoping to have something other than Tsampa.

"NO! We're not!"

"That sounds like a great idea!" adds Ban opening his eyes.

Elizabeth opens hers. She can feel that the babies inside her womb are demanding nutrients.

Gelda wakes up and is very thirsty. Zeldris also wakes up and offers her his blood to drink as usual, but his lover says she'll wait until he replenishes his energy first. Little Hana wakes up and is demanding food as well.

"Now look at what you've done!" yells Apolline. "Everyone, WE'RE NOT stopping for physical substance. Since it's Sunday, I'll preach on the reliance of spiritual food and teach you all how to meditate and pray properly!"

"Screw you!" says Ban.

"Yea, screw you;" agrees King and Zeldris.

"That settles it!" says Stormy heading to the ground. Apolline keeps protesting. Merlin awakens and uses her magic to seal the goddess/demon hybrid's mouth, which angers her.

"You better remove that;" says Stormy; "She'll lose control if she gets too angry and loses her temper."

Merlin relents and unseals Apolline's mouth. Her eyes turn black, and a demon mark appears on her forehead. "My emotions are under control!"

"Doesn't sound like they're under..." Arwen puts her hand over King's mouth.

"Don't say that out loud;" she whispers; "She can be very fragile."

"Don't whisper behind my back!" Elizabeth scoots next to her blood cousin and puts her hand on her shoulder. That's what she's always done for Meliodas when he starts to get too angry.

"Get your hand off me!" says Apolline rudely, shoving Elizabeth. "Only my sisters are allowed to do that."

"Be polite, Sister." Stormy moves and puts her hand on Apolline's should, as does Arwen. They encourage her to breathe and take her usual yoga/meditative position and find her center. It works, and she calms down. Stormy lands and undoes the perfect cub. The group's surprised as she's landed them literally between some farmland and a small wood.

"What's this?" asks Ban; "I thought you were taking us to a restaurant."

Wild wakes up and smells the most delicious wild fruit and game. He immediately goes after them.

"I'm cooking," informs Stormy; "This place has the best ingredients around."

She creates sheep to go gather ingredients from the forest and river. She sends Arwen with another group of sheep to go get some grain, wheat, oats, almonds, apples, grapes, blueberries, tomatoes, and peaches from the farms.

"You're not taking those without paying, are you?" asks King.

"It's fine;" answers Arwen; "It only takes one pinch of grain or wheat for me to produce a hundred pounds of it. Likewise, it only takes a piece of fruit or a nut, or it's seed, for me to make 100. It's part of my magic."

"Sounds good to me;" says Ban, who's just glad the locals won't suffer from missing a little food. "Your cooking is safe, I hope."

Arwen laughs. "You have nothing to worry about. Stormy's a master chef. She knows what she's doing, this is her forte."

"Unlike you;" says Apolline very bluntly.

"HEY! My cooking's not 'that' bad. It's better than the slop that Apolline makes."

"HEY! I resent that!"

"I'll help you out;" offers Ban.

"No need, thanks," answers Stormy. "Just relax, my sheep me help cook."

As the ingredients are being gathered, couples Diane/King and Zeldris/Gelda excuse themselves for some 'privacy'. Little Hana gets amused by a pond of frogs and butterflies and chases them. Ban, Merlin, and Elizabeth watch the little girl while Apolline tries to resume meditation. They can hear local church bells and music in the near distance. Jasmine seems to be humming along with the bells and hymns but remains asleep, along with Kagome.

Soon, Stormy and her magic sheep are cooking away with magic stoves, pots and pans, and all the necessary stuff.

Elizabeth approaches her cousin as she cooks. "Stormy, may I ask you a question?"

"Sure, Cousin Elizabeth, anything at all."

"Well." The goddess places her palm on her womb. "I was wondering about this hybrid thing. It seems that Apolline struggles to control her anger and demon powers. Meliodas does, too, as does Zeldris a little. They're both half-human, although we didn't know until a couple of days ago. I've never heard of full-blooded demons struggling like that. Do you struggle with that too, Stormy?"

Ban overhears and is also curious, as is Merlin. Merlin's always known that Meliodas and Zeldris were part human but never told her captain (she doesn't know about Isabella nor that she came from the exact same clan of people nearly 3 centauries before Merlin was born). Gowther has also known all this time but always assumed that Meliodas knew, so he never mentioned it. The other sins believed their captain to be a full-fledged demon, just as he did. Merlin has heard about others struggling with their 'dark' sides but has never really seen it aside from Meliodas himself.

"Wow, that's a complicated one;" answers Stormy as she and her sheep keep cooking. "Honestly, it's not an anger or wrath issue, it's an overall emotional and mental issue. It's also not a dark side or alternate personality either. Demon powers tend to be fueled by emotions more so than others, but it's not limited to demon hybrids. Goddess and other hybrid species also struggle, especially when mixed with human blood. Apolline is half-demon, half-goddess, and suppresses her emotions rather than feeling and dealing with them and dwells on the negative. Human hybrids are sometimes more powerful than, say, full-blooded demons or goddesses or elves and so on, but they're also a lot more emotional, mental, and spiritually complex. It's both a blessing and a curse, I guess. You should've seen me several years ago. I used to struggle with anxiety and uncertainty a lot, not so much anger or wrath. I was all over the place literally and struggled to control my powers. I had to learn to let go and let God, quit doubting myself and worrying so much. I still need to remind myself regularly. The anxiety's still there, but it doesn't dominate me anymore. It's good to have an Achilles heal, makes us stronger and much better people at the end of the day."

"That makes sense;" says Ban.

Elizabeth looks at her belly. "I'm pregnant with twins. They'll be part goddess, part demon, and part human. What should we expect with them?"

Stormy shrugs. "Honestly, I'd say take it one day at a time. Give them the best childhood possible. Get to know your children and their potential, and you'll figure out what works for them. I'm sure they'll have struggles, but they should know that they can rely on their parents for support and guidance. Also, I'd say don't pretend to be perfect. It's ok for your children to know that their parents are vulnerable and have flaws. Just love them and be the best parents you can be."

Ban's listening and taking Stormy's advice to heart. There's no way of knowing what abilities his and Eliane's children will have or what their personalities and characteristics will be. The one thing for sure Ban hopes for his children is to give them the loving family and childhood that he never had, hoping they don't have to learn about suffering and the nasty side of life too soon.

Merlin comes closer. "Lady Stormy, do you know about that jewel that gave me so much power back there? I also want to know about devil fruits, Nico Rieka and her abilities, Germany, your mother, and this fortress."

"One subject at a time, please. I can't tell you anything about that jewel. You'll need to ask that Japanese girl about that. I can tell you a bit about devil fruits. Their true origins are unknown, but it's rumored that they were created by..."

Apolline, trying to meditate, overhears, and shakes her head. "Blabber mouth."

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