
The seven continental warriors (deluxs)

We're all connected

Ezra_John · Aktion
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1 Chs

The seven continental warrior

Chaper one:The creation 

Some believe the world could not have been created by a single being,but by several beings to be precise 7,these seven being are called the continental gods and are said to hold a special key, one to each force of nature,history had it that the created the earth and divided it into 7 and each were named individually, which one god holds the key to each part of the earth (Africa,Asia,Antatica ,Europe,South America,North America,Australia) things were said to have been moving well ,but there was a god named gullit who was envious of the work of the seven continental god and wanted the key of each continent to him self so he rose up and created an army of gods and spiritual destroyer with the help of the nephet box's which is said to be the key of any god or spiritual being destruction ,history have it that he lost the fight and him and his warriors were thrown into the devil's pit,a pit of no escape, the seven gods saw this and were scared of more people seeing these enormous power and wanting it all to there self so the all sacrificed there self's and created a little diamond and each god placed its gift in each diamond ,Africa is said to have placed the gift of strength ,Asia with the gift of wisdom ,Europe with the gift of water control,Australia with the gift of fire control ,Antatica with the gift of ice control ,North America with the gift of plant control ,South America with the gift of speed control and the scatterd it into there various continent in the deepest part of the earth which no one is said to have found .but surprisingly an African kid found his and it sparked the anger of gullit.

Stay tuned to find out more in chapter 2:Dead reawakening 

This book is about the great mysteries of the 7 continent,proving there all connected by the power of the the 7 gods

Ezra_Johncreators' thoughts