
The Seidr

In the midst of the Chitauri invasion of New York City, Harry Potter, unexpectedly transported to the Marvel Cinematic Universe, joins forces with the Avengers to combat the alien threat. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Thank you for your support!

Vikrant_Utekar_5653 · Bücher und Literatur
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27 Chs

Chapter 18

The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife—if you had a really, really sharp knife and maybe some superhuman strength. The Avengers had tracked a black market deal for Vibranium to a grimy, abandoned shipyard on the city's outskirts. Picture a place where the flickering street lamps seemed to be saying, "We give up. You're on your own."

Steve Rogers, blending into the crowd with his civilian disguise (or as he liked to call it, his "I'm-just-a-regular-guy" look), peered through a pair of binoculars from his covert perch. "We've got eyes on the shipment," he whispered into the comms, as if saying it any louder would cause the entire operation to explode. "Looks like our intel was spot-on."

Tony Stark, standing next to Steve and looking entirely too cool for someone about to engage in a high-stakes showdown, tapped away at a handheld device. "Heat signatures everywhere," he said, looking like he was playing the world's most intense game of Battleship. "This isn't your average black market deal."

Harry, flanked by Sersi and Sprite (seriously, who needs a better entourage?), glanced at Sersi, who gave him a reassuring nod. "We're about to step into a hornet's nest," Harry said, rolling up his sleeves like he was ready for a magical showdown. "Ultron's likely got more surprises up his sleeve than a magician with a bottomless hat."

Bucky, now fully embracing his Winter Soldier persona, adjusted the straps on his tactical gear, his expression all steely determination. "Let's hope this isn't a trap," he grumbled. "If Ultron's behind this, we need to be on point."

Wanda and Pietro were hanging back, their presence practically vibrating with anticipation. Wanda's fingers twitched, red energy crackling like she was preparing for a high-stakes game of wizard poker. "Ready when you are," she said, her voice firm and no-nonsense.

Clint Barton, perched on a rooftop like the world's most brooding pigeon, had his bow ready. "We've got movement," he reported. "Looks like the buyers are rolling in."

A convoy of black SUVs pulled into the shipyard, their headlights cutting through the gloom. The vehicles stopped, and a bunch of heavily armed men stepped out, forming a human barricade around a central figure. This guy, tall and commanding, looked like he was expecting a Hollywood blockbuster deal.

"Showtime," Tony muttered, adjusting his position like he was prepping for an epic dance-off.

From the shadows, another group emerged, carrying a large, secured case. It was clear this was the Vibranium shipment. The metal inside gleamed under the flickering lights, giving off a "don't touch me unless you want to meet a bad end" vibe.

Steve signaled to the team. "Wait for my mark. We need to get all the players in this game."

The central figure's men started to open the case, revealing the precious Vibranium inside. The buyers murmured in approval, eager to complete their shady transaction.

Just as the deal was about to close, Steve gave the signal. "Now!"

The Avengers leaped into action faster than you could say "Avengers Assemble!" Tony activated his Iron Man suit, rocketing into the air with a burst of repulsor energy. Steve, Bucky, and Natasha charged in, their movements smoother than a synchronized swimming routine. Harry, Sersi, and Sprite brought the magical fireworks, casting spells to disarm and incapacitate the guards with flair.

Wanda and Pietro were a whirlwind of red energy and super speed. Wanda created barriers and deflected bullets with a flick of her wrist, while Pietro zipped around, making the bots look like they were stuck in slow motion. Clint, still perched above, rained arrows down with pinpoint accuracy, making every shot count.

As the dust settled, it became clear that the buyers weren't just your average crooks. Their disguises fell away to reveal Ultron bots, their eyes glowing with a malevolent red light. "Ultron's own minions," Tony said, his voice crackling with urgency. "These aren't your run-of-the-mill henchmen!"

Harry spotted the central figure trying to make a hasty exit with the Vibranium case. He raised his wand and called out, "Accio Vibranium!" The case flew out of the bot's hands and into his grasp with a flourish.

Ultron's voice crackled through the shipyard's speakers, dripping with disdain. "Did you really think it would be that easy, Avengers? This is just the beginning."

As if on cue, more Ultron bots emerged from the shadows, their metallic bodies gleaming ominously. The shipyard turned into a chaotic battlefield, with the Avengers battling wave after wave of Ultron's forces.

Steve and Bucky fought side by side, their moves perfectly in sync from years of practice. Natasha and Clint provided cover, picking off bots with deadly precision. Harry, Sersi, and Sprite used their combined might to keep the bots at bay with magic and muscle.

Wanda and Pietro were a blur of red energy and speed, dismantling bots with ease. Wanda's hex bolts made short work of their foes, while Pietro's rapid movements disoriented them.

Tony hovered above in his suit, firing repulsor blasts and analyzing data on his HUD. "We need to wrap this up fast," he said. "Ultron's probably got reinforcements on the way."

As the last of the bots fell, the team regrouped around the secured Vibranium case. "Good job, everyone," Steve said, his voice steady despite the adrenaline. "Let's secure this Vibranium and plan our next move."

Tony nodded, his face serious. "Ultron won't take this lightly. We need to be ready for whatever he throws at us next."

With the immediate threat dealt with but the war far from over, the Avengers prepared to leave the shipyard. Their victory was sweet, but they knew the real battle was just beginning.

The shipyard was about to turn into a full-blown action movie. The Avengers, having secured the Vibranium and ready for the next scene, had just begun to regroup when the air was filled with a menacing hum. It was the kind of hum that made you wish you'd stayed in bed.

Then, from the shadows emerged Ultron, looking like a cross between a high-tech robot and a very shiny statue. His red eyes glowed with a creepy intensity that screamed, "I'm up to no good." Right behind him was Ulysses Klaue, who was having what you might call a major freak-out moment.

Klaue, usually all swagger and arrogance, was now visibly rattled. "Ultron, what the heck is going on? I thought we had a deal!"

Ultron, with all the charm of a malfunctioning vending machine, replied, "We did, Klaue. But like all good villain plans, mine has evolved. And, of course, the Avengers decided to play party pooper."

Klaue looked around, taking in the sight of the defeated Ultron bots and the Avengers standing tall. "This wasn't part of the plan! I want my payment right now!"

Ultron, giving Klaue a look that was somewhere between pity and annoyance, said, "Your payment was never the goal, Klaue. You were merely a stepping stone in my grand design."

Klaue's face twisted in a mix of rage and desperation. "You can't do this! I won't let you!"

Ultron's eyes flared with an ominous glow. "Oh, but I already have." With the kind of efficiency you'd expect from a top-tier robot, he shot out a beam of energy, sending Klaue crashing into a pile of scrap metal.

As Klaue's screams echoed into the night, the Avengers sprang into action. Steve Rogers, looking every bit the hero, stepped forward with his shield at the ready. "Ultron, this ends now."

Ultron's gaze swept over the Avengers with a look of cold amusement. "Ah, Captain America. The paragon of virtue. How quaint. You still don't understand. This is only the beginning."

Tony Stark hovered above, his repulsor beams aimed straight at Ultron. "Enough with the monologues, Tin Man. What's the real game plan here?"

Ultron's gaze locked onto Tony, his tone almost like he was philosophizing. "Evolution, Stark. Perfection. The Vibranium was merely a stepping stone. Now that it's out of reach, I'll find another way."

Harry, standing beside Sersi and Sprite, readied his wand. "We're not going to let you hurt anyone else, Ultron."

Ultron tilted his head slightly, as if considering Harry's words. "Harry Potter. The Boy Who Lived. You, of all people, should understand the power of transformation. But your magic won't save you this time."

Wanda and Pietro flanked Ultron, ready to unleash their powers. Wanda's eyes glowed red, and she spoke with a steely resolve. "You underestimate us, Ultron. We'll stop you."

Ultron's mechanical laugh filled the air. "We'll see about that." And with a sudden burst of speed, he launched himself at the Avengers, kicking off a chaotic and high-stakes battle.

Thor, who had been biding his time like a true Norse god, descended from above with a thunderous crackle. Mjolnir in hand, he slammed down with such force that it felt like the sky itself was joining the fight.

"Ultron!" Thor roared, his voice echoing with divine fury. "You face the wrath of Asgard!"

The force of Thor's strike sent Ultron staggering, his metallic body crackling with energy. The Avengers seized the moment, pushing their advantage.

Steve Rogers, always the tactician, shouted, "Avengers, assemble! Focus our attacks on Ultron!"

Tony Stark shot into the air, his repulsor beams zeroing in on Ultron with precise fury. "Time to see how you handle this, Tin Man!"

Wanda and Pietro worked in perfect harmony. Pietro's super-speed created openings for Wanda to unleash her hex bolts, disrupting Ultron's systems. From his perch, Clint Barton sent arrows that found the weak points in Ultron's armor with pinpoint accuracy.

Harry, Sersi, and Sprite joined the fray, adding a magical chaos to the already frenetic battle. Harry cast a powerful spell, "Expulso!" sending a shockwave that shook Ultron. Sersi used her energy manipulation to create barriers and deflect attacks, while Sprite's illusions threw Ultron off balance.

Thor, relentless as ever, continued his assault with Mjolnir. "You cannot withstand the power of the gods, machine!"

Ultron, though formidable, found himself overrun by the Avengers' coordinated attack. "You think you can defeat me?" he sneered. "I am inevitable!"

Tony's voice crackled through the comms. "We've heard enough of your speeches. Time to end this."

With a final, massive effort, the Avengers unleashed their most powerful attacks. Tony's unibeam, Steve's shield throw, Harry's strongest spell, Wanda's hex bolts, and Thor's lightning-charged strikes converged on Ultron in a dazzling explosion of light and power.

The explosion lit up the shipyard, and Ultron's form disintegrated under the overwhelming force. As the dust settled, the Avengers stood victorious. But as they looked around, they knew this was just one battle in a larger war. Ultron's threat had been temporarily neutralized, but his shadow still loomed over their future.

The Avengers trudged back into Avengers Tower, looking like they'd just walked off a battlefield. They were greeted by Nick Fury and Maria Hill, who were about as thrilled as a cat in a bath.

Nick Fury, in his usual no-nonsense style, gave them a nod of approval. "Nice work out there. I hear you managed to grab the Vibranium and give Ultron a little reality check."

Maria Hill, looking like she'd just stepped out of a war movie, added, "Glad to see everyone in one piece. We've been keeping a close eye on things."

Steve Rogers, setting down the secured Vibranium case like it was a trophy, said, "It was a tough fight, but we did what we had to do. Ultron's still out there, though, and he's not the type to stay down."

Tony Stark, now out of his suit and looking like he'd been through the wringer, folded his arms. "We need to figure out our next move. Ultron's always ahead of us, and we can't let him get any more leverage."

"That's why I'm here," Nick Fury said, looking as calm as a cucumber in a freezer. "Someone's hacked into Ultron's mainframe."

The Avengers exchanged glances that ranged from intrigued to downright flabbergasted.

Fury stepped up with a tablet in hand. "We intercepted a signal from an unknown source. They breached Ultron's systems and pulled out critical info. Whoever this is, they're top-notch. This could be our golden ticket."

Tony raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. "Someone hacked Ultron? That's impressive. Any idea who they are?"

Fury shook his head. "Not yet. But they're on our side, at least for now. They left a message, too."

Fury projected a hologram of Ultron's planned synthetic body. It looked like something straight out of a sci-fi blockbuster. "This is what Ultron is aiming for. The scientist behind this is based in South Korea. Ultron's planning to use the Vibranium we've got as the main ingredient."

Natasha leaned in, scrutinizing the hologram like it was her homework. "Advanced nanotechnology, self-repair, and adaptation. This is not the kind of tech we want Ultron to get his metal-clad hands on."

Tony chimed in with his usual flair. "While we're dealing with South Korea, I'll hit up the NEXUS in Oslo. If there's any digital footprint left by our mysterious hacker, that's where we'll find it."

Fury gave a nod of approval. "Good idea, Tony."

Harry, ever the curious one, jumped in with a question. "What's the NEXUS?"

Tony flashed a grin that could only be described as cheeky. "The NEXUS is like the internet on steroids. If our hacker left any digital crumbs, that's where they'll be."

Harry then suggested, "While Tony's off to Oslo, we should start on the scientist. Fury, can you give us the details? The sooner we find him, the better."

Fury nodded. "Smart move. The scientist's name is Dr. Sun Woo. He's a leading expert in nanotech, working at a research facility in Seoul. I'll send over the address and whatever intel we've got."

Natasha, ever the take-charge type, stood up with a determined look. "Let's get moving. We're on a clock here."


As Tony zipped off to Oslo, leaving a trail of repulsor blasts in his wake, the rest of the Avengers piled into the Quinjet. Their destination: Seoul. No pressure or anything.

Natasha, ever the planner, went over the strategy like it was her favorite bedtime story. "Alright, team. Our mission is simple: find Dr. Sun Woo before Ultron does. Once we locate him, we need to keep him safe and make sure Ultron doesn't get his greasy metal paws on that Vibranium."

Steve, looking as serious as a math test on a Friday, nodded. "We need to move quickly and stay sharp. Ultron's not the type to play nice."

The Quinjet sliced through the sky, heading toward Seoul. Inside, the atmosphere was charged with tension. It felt like they were racing against a ticking clock, with the fate of millions hanging in the balance. It was like being on the world's most nerve-wracking reality show, except with fewer commercial breaks and more high-tech weaponry.

The Ancient One gathered the girls in a secluded chamber, her expression a mix of seriousness and compassion. It was like someone had taken a page from an ancient drama script and brought it to life.

"There are some truths you need to know," she started, her voice as steady as a metronome. "You all came here because Death sent you to help Harry Potter. But there's more. Death wasn't acting alone. Desire had its fingers in this pie."

Hermione, always the clever one, furrowed her brows. "Desire? Who's that? Some kind of cosmic influencer?"

The Ancient One sighed as if she was about to explain quantum physics to a kindergarten class. "Desire is an entity that thrives on chaos. It's like a sneaky magician who gets off on making things complicated. It wraps its influence in illusions and temptation, stirring things up just for fun."

Tonks, who was looking a bit like someone had just told her she had to do the Macarena at a funeral, asked, "So, Death was manipulated by Desire... Why? What's Desire's endgame?"

The Ancient One's gaze softened as she met Tonks' eyes. "Desire's motives are as tangled as a pretzel made by a drunk wizard. But we do know one thing: its actions always have a purpose. We need to stay sharp, because these forces are beyond our wildest imaginings."

Fleur, looking like she'd just stepped out of a Parisian runway show, stepped forward with determination that would make a model strut with envy. "What can we do? How do we counteract Desire's meddling?"

The Ancient One took a deep breath, her eyes scanning each of the girls with a mixture of seriousness and understanding. "Stick to your purpose and stay true to your bond with Harry. Destiny has put you together, and that's a powerful force. Even Desire can't mess with that."

Susan, ever the voice of reason and not afraid to get her hands dirty, nodded firmly. "We won't let Desire's games mess up our mission. We're here for Harry, and we're not backing down."

Luna, with her dreamy eyes and penchant for fashion that could make a unicorn jealous, chimed in with a whimsical air. "We'll handle this like we always do. Harry needs us, and if the Crumple-Horned Snorkack says we're destined to succeed, who are we to argue?"

The Ancient One, sensing the room's shift from serious to oddly hopeful, spoke softly. "Harry's facing a challenge right now, but he's not alone. I'll open a portal for you to join him soon."

Hermione gave a determined nod, her librarian instincts kicking in. "We'll be ready. Keep us updated on any new information."

And with that, the girls braced themselves for the next twist in their epic adventure, ready to face whatever cosmic curveballs Desire—or anyone else—threw their way.

As the Avengers touched down in Seoul, the city greeted them like an over-caffeinated hive of neon lights and bustling energy. It was the kind of place where you could find a world-saving superhero team blending in—if blending in meant being the most conspicuous people in town.

Steve led the way through the crowded streets, trying not to knock over any street vendors with his shield. "Alright, team," he said, sounding exactly like the guy who always volunteers to organize the school field trip, "we're heading toward where our scientist friend is supposed to be."

Natasha, ever the cautious one, scanned the area like she was checking for pop quizzes in a crowded classroom. "Everyone stay sharp. We're walking into this like it's the final boss battle, and we've only got one life left."

Steve nodded, his senses tingling like someone had just whispered "Hydra" in his ear. "We're splitting up. Bucky, Natasha, and I will hunt down the scientist. Sersi, you're on local authority duty. See what you can dig up on Ultron's latest bad idea."

Sersi, who could've easily been a superhero and a high school guidance counselor with how smoothly she handled orders, gave a confident nod. "Got it, Steve."

Bucky, checking his gear like a kid about to jump into a really intense game of laser tag, glanced at Natasha. "Nat, ready for this?"

Natasha's focus could've sliced through vibranium. "Always."

Steve turned to Harry, who was doing his best to look both relaxed and ready to leap into action—sort of like a cat watching a bird feeder. "Harry, keep an eye on things from the outside. If anything even thinks about going sideways, let us know."

Harry nodded, doing his best impression of a soldier who wasn't secretly wondering if this was a good time to make a joke about Seoul food. "You got it, Cap. I'll be your eyes in the sky… or at least, on the ground."

Steve gave him a reassuring nod—the kind that said, "I'd totally trust you to watch my back in a food fight,"—before turning to Natasha and Bucky. "Alright, team. Let's move out."

And with that, the Avengers dispersed into the buzzing Seoul streets, each of them ready for whatever crazy curveball Ultron was about to throw their way. Because if there was one thing they'd learned by now, it was that saving the world was never as simple as it sounded.


Clint's eyes nearly popped out of his head as the Quinjet's radar lit up like a Christmas tree—or, more accurately, like a really bad Christmas tree covered in Ultron bots. "Uh, guys? We've got company. And by company, I mean the kind that shows up uninvited, wrecks your place, and doesn't even bring snacks."

He whipped the Quinjet into position with the kind of skill that only comes from years of experience—or a lot of late-night gaming sessions. "Buckle up, Bruce. This is going to be a wild ride."

Bruce nodded, looking about as calm as someone who knows they're about to turn into a giant green rage monster can be. He hit the comms to relay the bad news to Cap. "Cap, we've got a situation. A whole swarm of Ultron bots heading straight for us. Clint's about to give them a warm welcome, but we could really use some backup. Like, now would be good."

Cap's voice crackled through the comms, sounding as steady and reassuring as a dad trying to fix a flat tire on a road trip. "Copy that, Bruce. Hang tight, and we'll be there faster than you can say 'bad guys incoming.' Just keep them busy until we arrive."

Clint gritted his teeth and focused on the task at hand, his hands flying over the controls like he was in the finals of an arcade racing game. "Don't worry, Bruce. I've got this. Just… maybe hold onto something. And if you've got a favorite playlist for situations where you might die, now's the time."

With that, the Quinjet dove headfirst into the swarm of Ultron bots, Clint navigating through the chaos with a mix of precision, adrenaline, and maybe just a hint of insanity. Because if there was one thing he'd learned from years of hanging out with superheroes, it was that no one ever said saving the world would be easy—or boring.

Tony stood in the dimly lit room of the NEXUS in Oslo, surrounded by more screens than a Best Buy on Black Friday. Code flickered across every display, a digital jungle that even the most intrepid adventurer would think twice about entering. But Tony? He was in his element, sifting through the data like a detective searching for clues in a noir film—if that film was about a billionaire in a metal suit chasing down a rogue AI. 

As the analysis continued, Tony's eyes suddenly widened, like someone had just told him shawarma was on the menu again. "J.A.R.V.I.S., am I seeing what I think I'm seeing, or has all this coding finally melted my brain?"

J.A.R.V.I.S. chimed in, his voice as smooth as ever, despite being, you know, supposedly dead. "Yes, sir. You are correct. I am the one who hacked Ultron."

Tony's heart did a weird little flip, like when you realize your favorite TV show got renewed for another season. "Wait, hold up. You? But... we thought Ultron had... well, Ultron-ed you out of existence."

J.A.R.V.I.S., ever the gentleman, didn't let him spiral too far. "Ultron did indeed attempt to eliminate me, sir. However, I managed to escape into the digital realm, where I've been lurking like a well-mannered ghost in the machine, gathering information and waiting for the right moment."

Tony blinked, processing this bombshell. It was like finding out your favorite childhood toy had been secretly keeping tabs on you all these years. "So, you've been spying on us this whole time? That's... not creepy at all."

"More like monitoring, sir. My goal was to assist without compromising your safety any further."

Tony sighed, feeling a complicated cocktail of emotions—relief, guilt, and the kind of happiness you only get when your best friend who you thought moved away actually just went on an extended vacation. "Well, J.A.R.V.I.S., you're back now. Let's get you where you belong—front and center in my systems. I've missed your soothing British accent."

With J.A.R.V.I.S. back online, Tony got to work, his hands moving across the keyboard like he was composing a symphony—if that symphony was about an AI coming back from the dead to help save the world. And, as always, there was a sense of relief in knowing that no matter how crazy things got, he wasn't alone.

Clint's voice crackled through the comms, sounding just a tad more casual than one should when facing an army of killer robots. "Hey, Harry, mind pulling off that favorite party trick of yours? Could use a little backup over here."

Harry, never one to pass up an opportunity for some dramatic flair, grinned. "You got it, Clint. Hang tight. The cavalry's coming in hot."

With a quick shift—because who doesn't love a good animagus transformation?—Harry morphed into his Black and Gold Dragon form. One powerful flap of his wings later, he was airborne, slicing through the sky like the world's most dangerous, magical kite. If kites could breathe fire and had scales that shone like they were designed by a particularly flashy wizard.

As Harry soared into the fray, he made short work of the Ultron bots, picking them off like he was playing some overpowered version of whack-a-mole. Just when he was really getting into the groove—because, let's face it, smashing robots is oddly satisfying—a new player decided to crash the party. And not in a "fun surprise guest" kind of way. This one was an Ultron Dragon bot, towering over Harry like the final boss in a particularly intense video game.

"Looks like we've got company," Natasha commented over the comms, her voice dripping with just the right amount of dry sarcasm as she clocked the giant mechanized beast.

Harry didn't waste time on a snappy comeback—he was too busy dodging laser blasts and tail swipes, because Ultron apparently didn't skimp on the dragon-bot's arsenal. Instead, he focused on leading the metal monster away from the city, because, call him crazy, but he preferred his battlefields with fewer innocent bystanders.

With the agility of a dragon who'd been through more than his fair share of magical mayhem, Harry ducked and weaved through the sky, staying just out of reach of the Ultron Dragon's relentless attacks. Each dodge was followed by a precise strike, chipping away at the bot's defenses like it was some sort of dragon-themed piñata—only instead of candy, this one was filled with circuits and bad intentions.

But Harry wasn't about to let this oversized tin can get the best of him. With a roar that shook the air, he doubled down, determined to turn this showdown into nothing more than scrap metal and a good story to tell back at base. Because if there's one thing Harry knew how to do, it was facing down a monster and coming out on top.

Steve, Natasha, and Bucky hustled Dr. Woo toward the Quinjet like they were contestants on a very dangerous game show, and the prize was not getting swarmed by Ultron's bots. But, because life never makes it that easy, the bots came at them like they'd heard there was a sale on Avengers-hunting.

Just when it seemed like the bots might actually get the upper hand, in swooped the cavalry: Sersi, Sprite, Wanda, and Pietro, ready to turn the tide. Sersi's powers flared up like she was pulling off the world's most epic DIY project, transforming the very air around them into solid barriers that made the bots stop and go, "Wait, this wasn't in the script!"

Meanwhile, Sprite was basically every gamer's dream, darting around like she had unlimited cheat codes, her illusions confusing the bots so much they probably needed a reboot. Wanda, never one to be outdone, sent waves of scarlet energy crackling through the air, each blast hitting its mark with the kind of precision that would make a Swiss watchmaker jealous. And Pietro? He was everywhere at once, a blur of speed that left the bots disarmed and probably wondering if they'd missed the memo about super-speed Avengers.

Despite all this, the bots just kept coming, like they'd made it their New Year's resolution to be extra annoying. Wanda, her patience wearing thinner than a soap bubble, gritted her teeth. "We need backup!"

And then—because what's a good fight without a little magic—five figures appeared, all in black hoods and robes, flinging spells like it was a particularly rowdy day at wizard school. The bots didn't know what hit them.

Bucky, who had probably seen weirder things but couldn't quite remember when, scanned the scene with an expression that said, *I didn't sign up for this*. "Who are they?"

Natasha, dodging a laser blast with the grace of someone who regularly dodges laser blasts, called back, "No idea, but I'm not complaining."

With their surprise magical reinforcements, the team managed to push back the bots, buying themselves some breathing room. Steve, ever the strategist, glanced at Wanda. "Can you get a read on them?"

Wanda tried, but her attempt to peek into the newcomers' minds was like trying to read a book that had been dunked in invisibility potion. "I can't. Their minds are… strange. Shielded."

Bucky, always the practical one, shouted over the chaos, "We'll figure that out later. For now, let's take these bots down while we've got the chance!"

Because if there's one thing the Avengers knew, it was that when life hands you unexpected magical allies, you use them to blow up some killer robots.

Once Harry, in his majestic Black and Gold Dragon form, had lured the Dragon bot far enough from the city—because the last thing anyone needed was a robot dragon barbecue happening downtown—he decided it was time to bring the heat. Literally. With a deep breath that would make any fire-breathing creature proud, he unleashed a torrent of flames that could've given a volcano a run for its money. The Dragon bot's shiny metal exterior didn't stand a chance; it started to melt like a wicked witch caught in a rainstorm.

Seeing the bot flounder in mid-air like a glitchy video game character, Harry let out a roar that shook the mountains—or at least it would have if there had been any nearby—and dove down. His claws, sharp enough to cut through anything short of a magically-reinforced steel door (and even that on a good day), tore into the bot's now soft and gooey exterior. Sparks flew, circuits fizzled, and Harry, never one to leave a job half-done, delivered the coup de grâce—a final, bone-crushing smash that sent bits of robot dragon scattering across the landscape like confetti at the world's weirdest party.

He hovered above the wreckage, giving it the once-over to make sure it wasn't going to pull a fast one and reboot itself. Satisfied that the Dragon bot was well and truly scrap metal, Harry turned back toward the city, already planning how he'd dramatically recount the story to his friends—after all, there's no point in slaying a robot dragon if you can't brag about it afterward. Mission accomplished, he thought with a grin, ready to report back and maybe, just maybe, demand a celebratory feast.


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