
The Secrets of Zaderutt

In the hidden realm of Zaderutt, a small kingdom nestled on the slopes of the Dru'ira mountain, centuries of peace have been maintained, protected from danger. However, sinister changes are beginning to unfold as the once unshakable protection of the realm weakens. Ircem and Raczata, the guardians of the land, grow apprehensive as they gaze upon the city of Zaderut, bathed in the light of day. Something disturbing is brewing beneath the surface, and the tranquility they have cherished for so long seems on the verge of disappearing."

Ircem · Fantasie
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1 Chs

New Day

"This land, hidden by the clouds, shelters a small kingdom with a city embedded in the slopes of Mount Dru'ira. For centuries, it remained untouched by the rays of the sun or the shadows of the night.

"Ircem, how are you today?" Raczata says with a calm tone. Raczata looks down to see the city of Zaderut, its city lights resembling a starry night sky, something rare to see in that land. Raczata's voice carries a thunderous sound until it reaches Ircem's ears, who seems somewhat disturbed by something unusual. He has always been calm, and if something worries him, it's a bad sign. He looks around, taking a deep breath from the mountaintop.

"I don't know, Raczata, everything is changing rapidly. There's something that concerns me," his gaze remains heavy, but he knew that something was about to change. His gaze shifts to see the sunrise beginning to appear. The sunlight starts to flood the city and the surrounding fields. "Soon, the peace we cherish so much will come to an end. I wonder what will happen to this land."

The sunlight begins to enter through the window of Uviz's house, hitting him right in the eyes and waking him from his sleep. 'The night passes by so quickly. I'm still tired,' Uviz thinks. 'But it's already morning. Time flies.' He gets up slowly, letting out a big yawn from his bed. His calm demeanor fades as a sign of tiredness from a long night. 'Hmm, today is the day the enlistment for the guard begins,' he thinks after getting up. He heads to the wardrobe and starts searching for something, but his wardrobe is in a state of disorder that not even the gods would tolerate. Amidst the mess, he pulls out a worn leather armor, almost in tatters, which looks like a hodgepodge of patched pieces, but it still offers some protection.

He takes his ragged armor and wears it with pride. His pride is that of a noble warrior, but his appearance seems more like that of a beggar. Leaving his room and heading towards the kitchen with a walk of great pride, he starts looking for something to eat. Although he doesn't have much, he does his best to prepare a legendary egg with bread. The sound of the city starts to reach Uviz's ears. 'I better leave now to avoid being late.' With a quick and agile bite, he finishes his breakfast and goes out into the streets in search of the guard tower.

As Uviz was walking down the street that led to the square near his house, he noticed that some shops were already starting to have a slight movement of customers. Uviz noticed a group of children playing near the water fountain. Uviz gets lost in his thoughts, watching the children play. 'I remember when I used to play with my friends here. I miss those times.' He shakes his head slightly from side to side to snap back to reality. 'I have to go to the guard tower. Focus.' He starts running to avoid being late for the guard enlistment.

As Uviz approached the guard tower, the sound of military drums became more audible. The recruitment was about to begin, and anxiety took hold of the candidates. When he finally arrived at the square in front of the tower, he saw dozens of men and women dressed in armor, all awaiting the call.

The captains of arms stood in front of the crowd, closely observing each candidate. The captain of the guard, with his imposing armor and adorned helmet, raised his voice to announce the start of the selection process.

"Welcome to the guard enlistment! I am Captain Eraniz Lovento. Today, you will have the opportunity to prove your worth and swear loyalty to the city of Zaderut. For many generations, we have been under the protection of the great dragoness who covered our lands with a barrier that prevented outsiders from entering our realm, but we cannot lower our guard because even in times of peace, we must be ready to defend our way of life."

While the speech continued, Uviz observed the other candidates. Some were visibly nervous, while others displayed confidence and determination. He wondered which category he would be assigned to: a simple soldier or perhaps even part of the Pratemoon division.A young man caught Uviz's attention, standing next to him. He trembled with worry and whispered to himself in a low voice: "I have to succeed; I can't fail." Hearing the young man's concern next to him, Uviz spoke without losing his composure: "Hey, don't worry; you'll make it." The young man next to him stopped whispering and looked at Uviz's face, which had a slight smile. "Thank you for the motivation," the young man said in a more optimistic tone. "I'm Teraz. What's your name?" The young man, looking at Uviz, replied: "I'm Uviz," with a gleam in his eye and spoke with great enthusiasm: "Hello, Teraz! I know you'll make it. All you need to do is have confidence in yourself." Uviz saw Teraz's expressions lighten up; he was calmer and a bit more confident. In the background, the captain of the guard shouted that the tests were about to begin.Uviz was among the candidates preparing for the strength test. The sun was high in the sky, and the arena was filled with anticipation and tension. Captain Eraniz Lovento explained the rules of the test: each candidate would have to face an opponent in a test of strength. Uviz took a deep breath, trying to stay calm.His opponent was a burly soldier with well-defined muscles and a determined look. He seemed confident and experienced. The captain announced the start of the duel, and Uviz and his opponent positioned themselves face to face.The soldier charged with a powerful blow, but Uviz managed to dodge skillfully. He realized that he couldn't compete in brute strength, so he used his agility. He moved quickly around the soldier, looking for an opening.The soldier continued to strike with powerful blows, but Uviz managed to avoid them all. He knew he needed to tire his opponent out. After a few minutes of dodging and swift counterattacks, the soldier began to show signs of fatigue.That's when Uviz saw his chance. He closed in on the soldier with a nimble move and, using the soldier's own strength against him, managed to knock him to the ground. The soldier was exhausted and couldn't get up in time.After Uviz faced his opponent in the strength test, Teraz was about to face his own. He observed his opponent, a tall and muscular soldier with a serious expression. Teraz knew he couldn't win against the soldier in a direct contest of strength.Captain Eraniz Lovento announced the start of the duel, and Teraz and his opponent prepared themselves. The soldier advanced confidently, delivering a powerful blow. Teraz managed to narrowly avoid it but felt the force of the blow.He knew he had to be creative. Instead of directly confronting the soldier's brute strength, Teraz focused on his cunning. He moved carefully, dodging the soldier's strikes and keeping him at bay.The soldier was becoming frustrated as his blows failed to connect. Teraz waited for the right moment, and when the soldier left an opening, he closed in and used a disarming technique he had learned from observing his father. He managed to take the soldier's weapon and then disarm him.The soldier, recognizing the technique used, gave a smile acknowledging Teraz's skill, and he surrendered. Teraz had won the combat test not through physical strength but through intelligence and agility."Eraniz, the Captain of the Guard, observed young Teraz closely during the strength test. He immediately noticed the young man's talent for physical arts techniques, something that was rare among the recruits. With a nod of approval, Eraniz muttered to himself, "This young man has promising talent."Determined to acknowledge Teraz's potential, Eraniz gave orders for the young man to be assigned as a soldier. Although the approval rate was generally low in the tests, he saw something special in Teraz, something that could yield significant results in the city's guard.Eraniz left the balcony from where he had been observing the recruits and began to descend the stairs quickly. He knew it was time to make some important decisions for the formation of the new guard. As soon as he reached the plaza level, the captain wasted no time and exclaimed in a tone that sounded like a shout to get everyone's attention."All of you, I want a single line!" The captain's voice echoed through the square, and the recruits immediately began to organize themselves into a single line, awaiting his instructions.Eraniz, with a serious expression and attentive eyes, began to evaluate the abilities of each participant. He walked along the line, closely observing each face and posture. It was evident that he took the task of choosing the future members of the guard seriously, as the city's security was at stake.As Eraniz continued his inspection, he identified the recruits who excelled in different areas. Some were notably strong, while others displayed dexterity and agility. He also paid attention to those who showed courage and determination.Teraz was among those who caught the captain's attention. Eraniz made a mental note to keep an eye on the young recruit. He saw potential in Teraz, and now it was up to the young man to prove that he deserved his trust.With the initial assessment completed, Eraniz knew that the real challenge for these recruits was just beginning. The city of Zaderut needed a strong and dedicated guard to protect its people, and he was determined to form a team capable of facing any threat that arose.With the arrival of the new recruits, Eraniz knew he would be much busier. His free time was already rare, but he appreciated having a break. Returning to his office in the tower, Eraniz found himself followed by a young soldier. With a quick turn to face the young soldier, Eraniz exclaimed, "Speak, Sandez."Sandez, who had been heading toward the commander, stopped in response to Eraniz's voice. With a quick salute, he adjusted his posture and spoke, "Sir, I bring bad news." His expression seemed tense, and his gaze showed fear.Eraniz, who had been calm until then, had his expression change to something more tense. He knew something bad had happened."Come, Sandez, tell me everything in my office." Eraniz nodded gravely to Sandez and immediately headed for his office in the tower, with the young soldier following closely behind. When they arrived, he closed the door behind them and stared at Sandez seriously."And now, Sandez, what happened?""Sir, the barrier that keeps the city hidden has started to dissipate. No one has seen Ircem or Raczata, and we don't know what's happening."Upon hearing Sandez's message, Eraniz became nervous but took care not to show his concern and unsettle his soldier."This is serious, Sandez. The dissipation of the barrier is something that should never happen. Ircem and Raczata are the cornerstones of our protection. Without them, Zaderut becomes vulnerable to external threats."Sandez was clearly worried but maintained his composure while reporting the events."The city's mages are investigating the cause of the dissipation, sir. They are doing their best to maintain the barrier, but they are still unsure of what caused it."Eraniz took a deep breath, trying to think of a solution."We need to inform the City Council immediately. Additionally, order reinforcements for security at all entry and exit points of the city. We cannot allow any external threats to enter while the barrier is weakened."Sandez nodded, ready to carry out the commander's orders."Understood, sir. We will do our best to protect the city while the mages work to maintain the barrier."With Sandez's response, Eraniz turned to his desk, picking up a piece of parchment to write a message for the council."Take this message to Baroness Amber."Sandez nodded with determination and promptly took the message, carefully sealing it with the city guard's emblem. He knew that the mission was of utmost importance, and Baroness Amber needed to be informed as soon as possible about the critical situation of the city's barrier.After receiving the news that he had been accepted, Uviz was calmer with the approval and happy for his companion, Teraz, who had also been approved alongside him."Hey, Teraz, what are you going to do now? I wanted to know if you'd like to celebrate at a tavern. I know a good place to celebrate."Upon hearing Uviz's voice, Teraz turned to speak to him."We can go; I don't have plans for tonight."Uviz, excited to hear Teraz's confirmation, began to walk and pulled Teraz by the arm."Let's go; I'll show you the best place to drink."The two headed for the tavern. Unfortunately for Teraz, the tavern was on the other side of the city, and the journey was a long walk. As they walked toward the tavern, the city of Zaderut came to life with the lantern lights and the movement of residents coming and going.Teraz didn't seem to mind the walk; after all, he was happy to have been accepted and eager to celebrate with his friend. They chatted and laughed along the way, sharing stories about the admission test and their expectations for the future in the guard.Finally, after the long walk, they arrived at the tavern recommended by Uviz. It was a cozy and bustling place, with musicians playing lively songs and the sound of laughter filling the air.Once inside the tavern, Uviz and Teraz found an empty table and sat down. A waiter soon approached to take their orders. Uviz ordered two mugs of beer and a plate of snacks to start the celebration.While waiting for their drinks, Teraz looked around the tavern, observing the different people who were there to relax and have fun. It was a contrast to the rigorous training he had undergone recently.When the mugs of beer and the snacks arrived, Uviz raised his in a toast."To you, Teraz, and our future in the city guard! May we stand out and protect Zaderut with honor!"Teraz smiled, raised his mug, and enthusiastically toasted."To us, Uviz, and all the adventures that lie ahead in the city guard! Let's make our city proud!"And so, the two friends began to celebrate their acceptance into the city guard of Zaderut, looking forward to what the future held for them. The night in the tavern promised to be long and full of stories to tell.Uviz's head throbbed as if he had hit it against the wall. He looked at the window and noticed that time had flown by."Teraz, I think we stayed out too late. I think it's time to go," his voice came out with some difficulty due to the celebration's drinking.With a nod, Teraz agreed. He got up and headed for the exit, saying to Uviz, "I'm heading home. See you later, Uviz."Uviz waved in response, even though he was already struggling to keep his vision clear. His new companion had disappeared from sight, and he knew it was time for him to go home before drunkenness took over completely.Uviz made an effort to get up from the chair, feeling his legs a bit wobbly due to the amount of alcohol he had consumed. With unsteady steps, he made his way to the tavern's counter and settled the bill. The looks of the other tavern-goers indicated that he wasn't the only one who had enjoyed the night.With a sigh, Uviz left the tavern and was greeted by the cool night air. The nighttime breeze helped clear his head a bit, although he still felt dizzy. He knew he needed to get home.Walking through the quiet streets of Zaderut, Uviz tried to head in the right direction. As he advanced, the sleeping city seemed shrouded in tranquility, contrasting with the tavern's hustle and bustle. The only sounds he could hear were his own footsteps and the whisper of the wind.But a strange sound caught Uviz's attention; this sound drew him to a nearby alley. He headed for the alley where the sound of shackles could be heard. Sneaking through the shadows, he could see a wounded soldier with a hooded figure in front of him. The shadows around this figure seemed to behave in a malleable way. Uviz hid, fearing to be seen.Uviz, although still under the influence of alcohol, sharpened his senses in the face of the strange scene he witnessed in the alley. He hid in the shadows, trying not to attract the attention of the unknown figure in front of the wounded soldier.Carefully observing, Uviz realized that the hooded figure seemed to be manipulating the shadows around them. It was an unusual and sinister ability, something he had never seen before. He tried to analyze the situation, trying to understand what was happening.While the figure continued its strange manipulation of the shadows, the wounded soldier appeared defenseless and helpless. Uviz felt a mix of fear and concern. He didn't know whether to intervene or wait to better understand the situation.Determined to find out more, Uviz continued to observe, staying hidden in the shadows and waiting for the right moment to act if necessary. He knew that something mysterious was happening that night, and he was determined to uncover the truth behind it."Poor creature, your role in this story ends here. I cannot allow you to continue your path, but fear not, you will have use for the Lord of the Abyss." As the figure's voice spoke, the soldier moved his hand quickly before being engulfed by the shadows, slowly leaving the scene, and the figure had disappeared along with the soldier.Uviz had witnessed everything that had happened. He approached the spot where everything had occurred. On top of the spot where the soldier had disappeared, there was a message written in blood: "Don't trust anyone; they are inside." Along with the message, there was a letter sealed with the guard's emblem.


Sandez had received an important message to deliver to Baroness Amber, one of the most authoritative figures in the city of Zaderut. With firm steps, he made his way to the palace where the baroness resided. The night was quiet, and the city seemed shrouded in an almost solemn silence.Upon reaching the palace, Sandez was greeted by the guards at the entrance, who immediately recognized the guard seal on the message he carried. He was respectfully escorted to the baroness's chambers, where he intended to deliver the crucial message.However, as he approached the baroness's chambers, an unexpected and swift ambush unfolded. Out of nowhere, Sandez felt a sharp pain in his side. Acting on pure instinct, he jumped out of the window, landing in a nearby tree. The assailant who had stabbed him followed the same path, jumping out of the window shortly after."Sandez, do not fear; this will be quick," he heard his opponent's voice. He contemplated fighting back, but the wound he had sustained was somehow worsening. Deciding to retreat, he began running back to the city, his thoughts in chaos. "Who is he? We're already compromised. Who can we trust?"Sandez knew he needed urgent answers and help to deal with this threat. As he ran back to the city, he wondered about what to do.Out of nowhere, a figure shrouded in shadows appeared in front of him, seeming to burn like fire. A new attack was launched against Sandez, but he used his sword to deflect the attack."Are you going to run more, or will you surrender? I promise that if you surrender now, I will give you a quick death," Sandez said, looking to the side and spotting a small alley where he could attempt to escape. He ran toward the alley, trying to flee from the shadowy figure pursuing him.Sandez knew he was in a dangerous situation, but he was determined to survive and seek help to face this unknown enemy. As he ran through the alley, his thoughts focused on escaping and on who he could trust to confront this mysterious foe.However, in the midst of his escape, something grabbed his leg, causing him to fall. When he looked back, Sandez saw the figure approaching, its words sounding threatening."No more games; it's time for your show to end," said the shadowy figure as it drew nearer to Sandez.Sandez knew he was about to face his fate; there was no escape. However, in a last act of desperation, he looked around and noticed an opening leading to another part of the alley. With one final hope, he began writing a message with his own blood and concealed the letter along with the message before being engulfed by the shadows.Sandez hoped that someone would find his message and could help uncover the truth behind this mysterious attack. As the shadows enveloped him, he knew his only hope rested with those who could discover his message and understand the gravity of the situation."Uviz, still stunned by what had happened in the alley, set out in search of a place where he could reflect more calmly. He knew he needed to understand the gravity of the situation and plan his next steps carefully.He found a solitary bench in a small park near the alley. He sat there, looking around and seeking answers to the many questions that raced through his mind. 'What happened? What was that? What should I do?' These questions echoed repeatedly in his head.Uviz knew he couldn't trust anyone for the time being, as per the Soldier's message. He also understood that a threat loomed over Zaderut, a threat that was 'within' the city. He pondered over the information he had obtained and tried to formulate a strategy.He decided that the first thing to do was to investigate the letter. Perhaps there were clues in it that could point to the nature of the threat or the identities of the traitors. He opened the letter and examined every word, looking for any clues he could find.While Uviz was engrossed in the letter, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched. He looked around but saw nothing out of the ordinary. The city seemed too quiet, and the shadows seemed denser, as if they concealed dark secrets.As he read the letter attentively, a familiar figure caught his attention. It was the soldier who had been abducted by the strangers in the alley. Surprise took hold of Uviz because he didn't expect to see the soldier again. Quickly, he folded the letter and stashed it in his pocket, keeping it safe.Uviz, hidden among the shadows, watched the soldier walk away as if nothing had happened. It seemed extremely suspicious, and Uviz couldn't ignore the feeling that something was very wrong. 'Is he really the soldier? He might be someone else,' Uviz reflected. His doubts about the soldier's true identity made perfect sense. Nothing in this situation seemed clear or trustworthy, and the city had become a place of mystery and intrigue.Deciding to leave the soldier behind for now, Uviz returned to his home to find a safe place to contemplate his next steps. He knew he needed a clear plan before getting further involved.Upon arriving home, Uviz sat in his room and began to reflect on the information he had collected. The letter and the appearance of the mysterious soldier were elements that needed to be connected in some way. He reexamined the letter. 'Hmm, what should I do? The soldier must have answers, but what should I do? It would be too risky to do something alone.' Uviz contemplated his situation. He knew that confronting the soldier alone could be risky, but he also recognized that he needed answers and allies to unravel the mystery surrounding the city. The threat looming over the city couldn't be ignored, and he was determined to take action.He decided that the first step would be to seek trustworthy allies, people he could trust to help him face the situation. He thought of some long-time friends who might be of assistance, people he had full confidence in. Perhaps they had information or resources that would be useful.

Uviz stood up and grabbed his backpack, preparing to go in search of his colleagues. He knew he needed to act quickly, but he also needed to choose his actions wisely."***

Teraz left the tavern, feeling satisfied with the night he had. He knew he had drunk a bit too much. As he walked through the city streets towards his home, Teraz reflected on the night and the strange feeling that something was happening in the city. He couldn't ignore the strange lack of energy that enveloped the city, with a hint of doubt about something odd occurring. He decided to change his route to Sylvar's house, a powerful friend with whom he had forged a friendship over the years.Upon arriving at Sylvar's house, he noticed that it seemed older than the council's castle. He called out for her, but there was no response. After some time, he decided to enter his friend's house. He found her in her magical studio, surrounded by scrolls and glistening crystals."Sylvar, my friend," Teraz greeted with a smile.Sylvar looked at Teraz, visibly confused about how he had appeared there. "Teraz, my dear friend, what brings you to my house?"Teraz looked at her with a serious expression. "Have you felt that the barrier is weakening? Do you know anything about it?"Sylvar delved into deep thoughts for a moment and then said, "Teraz, this situation seems delicate, but yes, I've noticed something strange is happening. That's why I'm studying to get an idea of what might have caused it."Teraz asked a direct question in search of a solution to the problem they were facing. "What have you discovered?"Sylvar directed her gaze to a book and began flipping through it, then replied, "Hmm, it might be an anomaly, or it could be some issue. I don't know what it is, but I can say that it's getting worse."Teraz sighed at his friend's response. "I hope it returns to normal soon."Sylvar looked at her scrolls in search of answers. "I think I have an idea that might provide some answers, but it's not guaranteed." Taking a quill, she began drawing a representation of six circles. "We can use the Elemental energy from the primordial plane and focus the energy of the earthly plane to refine the primordial magic, with the basis of locating a disturbance point in the barrier or the source causing the disruption, but we'll need a catalyst to contain the primordial energy."Sylvar glanced at Teraz, who seemed a bit more confident. "Lucky for us, I have a catalytic crystal," he said with a smile.Sylvar, somewhat incredulous, said, "Seriously, where did you get a catalytic crystal, Teraz? These things aren't just given to anyone. You know what? I don't want to know. But where is the crystal?"Teraz responded with some annoyance, "It's at my house, and no, I didn't steal the crystal. It was given to me as a gift by my father."Sylvar gave him a look and said, "Sure, your father gave it to you. Let's say I believe you, but go get that crystal soon." Before she finished speaking, Teraz had already started to leave and shouted to Sylvar, "Okay, I'll go get it. Wait for me, and no crazy ideas, Sylvar." Sylvar returned to the table where the scrolls were and said, "Now, let's find out what kind of energy entered the city."


Leaving his house, Uviz seemed paranoid. "Whom can I trust? Who is a friend?" His thoughts were disturbed by the load of information he had received. Every face that passed by on the city streets was a potential enemy, and he walked quickly, staying in the shadows whenever possible.He needed to find answers and reliable allies. His path led him to the city center, where he noticed some commotion in front of a shop. Uviz approached, and to his surprise, he spotted Teraz.Teraz noticed Uviz's tense expression and approached, greeting him with a smile. "Uviz, are you okay? You seem a bit disturbed."Uviz looked around before responding, his voice in a tense whisper. "Teraz, things are happening—things that threaten us all."Teraz furrowed his brow, sensing the gravity in Uviz's voice. "What's going on?"Uviz showed the letter to Teraz, who observed the message with growing concern. Teraz was alarmed by the content of the letter. His voice faltered as he spoke, "How do you mean they disappeared? Where did you get this letter?"With a glance around, Uviz answered Teraz's question. "I found it in an alley near the square. I saw a soldier being taken somewhere, and then I saw him as if nothing had happened. Now, I don't know what to do. They might already be infiltrated within our ranks."Teraz widened his eyes, absorbing the gravity of the situation. "Infiltrated? But how can we be sure? And who are 'they'?" Uviz sighed, frustrated by the lack of concrete answers. "I don't know. The letter doesn't reveal many details. But something is happening, Teraz, something that threatens not only the city but all of us. We need to figure out what's behind this before it's too late." Teraz scratched his head, thoughtful. "So, what do you propose we do? We need to gather information, allies, something that gives us an advantage. We can't act in the dark." Uviz nodded. "I agree. My initial idea is to find out more about these strangers who took the soldier. If we can track them, maybe we'll discover who is behind this. And, of course, rely on the help of trustworthy people, like you." Teraz chuckled lightly. "Lucky for you, I already have the right person to ask for help. I was already curious about a certain matter and was asking for help from a friend to get an idea of what was happening. Now, this matter is urgent." Uviz looked at Teraz with interest. "Friend? Who is this person, and how can she help us?" Teraz smiled, confident in his friend's abilities. "Sylvar. She's a powerful sorceress and knowledgeable about ancient magics. If anyone can understand what's happening, it's her." Uviz nodded, recognizing the importance of having someone with magical abilities. "Great, let's look for Sylvar then. The sooner we know what's happening, the better."


"Teraz and Uviz arrived at Sylvar's house, an imposing structure with magical details in its architecture. As they approached the door, Teraz knocked forcefully, aware that Sylvar might be busy. It didn't take long for the door to open, revealing Sylvar with a curious expression."Sylvar, the problem is more serious than we thought. Something is happening in the city, and we have reason to believe that the weakening of the barrier is related to it," Teraz began to enter Sylvar's house with a sense of urgency.Teraz looked towards Uviz. "Hey, Uviz, show the letter to Sylvar. It's reliable. Tell her what you've been through."Heading towards the table, Teraz threw some of the scrolls on the floor to make space. "We need to start soon to get an idea of where to begin.""Hmm, this is getting worse. If what you say is true, we'll be in big trouble," Sylvar expressed her concern."Sylvar, what do you need to start? I already have the crystal," Teraz said, taking the crystal from his cloak and placing it on the table. The crystal was small, intricately shaped, with colors resembling a rainbow."Well, we already have the crystal. Now, grab a map of the region from my desk, five candles, and a bowl of water. Also, put another bowl with some soil," Sylvar instructed.Teraz turned to Uviz, who was standing and observing. "Uviz, can you get some soil from outside?" With a nod, Uviz went out to fulfill the task.While Uviz fetched the soil outside, Sylvar continued preparing the necessary elements for the ritual. Teraz watched attentively, eager to understand what was happening to the city.Uviz returned with a handful of soil in a makeshift bag. Sylvar thanked him and asked to put the soil in the prepared bowl. Meanwhile, Teraz approached the table, curious to learn more details about the upcoming ritual.Sylvar began to explain: "We'll use these elements to create a magical focus. The catalyst crystal will serve as a conduit for primal energies, and the elements represent fundamental pillars. Water symbolizes renewal, earth represents the cycle, and candles are to represent the destructive fire, the abundance of air."Teraz nodded, absorbing Sylvar's explanations. Uviz, although still uncomfortable with the situation, showed interest in understanding how each component would contribute to the investigation.Sylvar continued instructing: "Now, we need to focus our intentions and channel magic through the map. The crystal will help us sense disturbances in the barrier and guide us to the source of the problem."Teraz looked at Uviz, sharing a determined look. "We're ready when you are, Sylvar."The sorceress nodded and began reciting ancient words, channeling energy from the primal plane through the elements composing the ritual. The room began to fill with a gentle luminescence.The map, now under the influence of the crystal, started reacting. Magical lines appeared, revealing subtle patterns that were not visible to the naked eye. Sylvar, with intense concentration, followed the lines with her finger, trying to interpret the signs."It looks like we already have a place to go: the Sapphire Mountain," Sylvar spoke confidently."