
The Secret of Cherrysville ~ Book 1 of Changing Tides

Skylar Carter moves back to her old hometown after growing up in a dark and violent environment, only to be met with a handsome not-so stranger and a dark family secret that will tear her sense of reality to shreds. Kade Bennet is CEO of Bennet Car and Rental Services and although he is reserved to most people, he is the complete opposite with Amelia. his fiance. But when someone that he never thought he would see again comes back into his life and a chance encounter in an elevator with the said person twists his heart and he is left trying to understand this burning need he feels for Skylar while unknowingly being burdened by a big secret. Amelia Heartstone is always cloaked in shadow and mystery. However, certain things in Amelia's life she's tried really hard to keep hidden the most come to light after a chance return in the form of her own reunion with someone assembles deep cracks in her walls and throws everything into wild chaos. What will happen when all three clash and the secrets are revealed? What would you do if you found out who you are, has been a lie your entire life? Follow Skylar, Kade and Amelia on their journey of finding love just as they are ripped out of love's grasp and thrown into a world of complete chaos...

JessTheMess101 · Teenager
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15 Chs

Confused Feelings

Kades POV

The day started like any other Amelia and I had woken up, she was happy as she got dressed. She informed she had errands to run for awhile before she was going to be at my work with me. It's become a regular to have Amelia there, and everyone always enjoys her company.

I fix my shirt, and tighten my tie a little, "Alright baby. I love you." I say softly.

Amelia smiles and gently leans in to place her soft lips against mine. My response is weird. I tense up feeling her in my arms, and my breathing gets ragged. Amelia still earns a delicious reaction out of me, whenever she was near.

"I love you too! See ya." She yells over her shoulder and leaves the house for the day.

I watch her walk away, the tight dress she wore, hugged her ass, and made it stick out a little, making the way she walked even more mouth-watering.

I went to work early as usual and got there a little later than opening time, the traffic making the time go by painfully slow, but I just drum my fingertips on the steering wheel to bide my time by the time I got there.

When I did pull up and park, I notice a certain dark hair highlighted into a dark dirty blonde, walking inside. My gut twisted and it seemed as if I held my breath, watching her walk inside.

I blinked once, then twice and got out, trying not just shut the door too hard to my beautiful mustang. I got out and walked inside leisurely, my head swivels around until it settles on Skye and I smile, my heart doing a flip in my chest.

I approach the front desk and listen intently, Skye was asking Lucy if she knew where to go to rent a truck, and I had to let out a little chuckle and start forwards.

"It's okay Lucy. I got this one." I interjected.

Skye's body tenses and she spins around, "Kade?" She gasps out.

I smiled wide, happy to see her here, "Hello Skye. Welcome to one of the buildings I own." I said proudly, I spread my arms out and move around the lobby.

"O-oh. You own this building? A place to buy vehicles, aren't you like in charge of a police building of sorts? She asks out confused but lifts up her chin stubbornly.

I smiled internally, amused by her confusion.

"Sir." Lucy, behind the front desk, acknowledges my presence, but doesn't hold my gaze and looks back down to the ground. Amelia had threatened every woman's life to not stare at me for too long, or she would know, my little beauty always got jealous, but not too jealous. It never bothered me, I loved whenever she would get possessive over me.

I nod my head towards Lucy, "Thank you Lucy, but I will direct Ms. Carter on where to go." I said and then turn motioning for Skye to follow me. I don't look back as I know she is already following.

"I own just about every big company in this town Skye, it all ties into my own inherited company, maybe one day I'll sit down and explain it to you." I half-explained to Skye over my shoulder.

"I need a flatbed truck, so I can transfer a piece of my property from Willowstown to Cherrysville." Skye stated and huffed when I didn't answer.

'Willowstown? So that's where Skye moved to.' I thought curiously in my head.

I noticed Skye had slowed down, "Um, I just need a truck." She said and eyes the elevator I was bringing her to.

"Yes, but since you're dealing with me, we'll need to do paperwork, and that's all the way up in my office," I said, and smirked knowing she was eying the elevator because she didn't want to be in one with me. The last time we were alone in one, we were both then, and I threw my soda in her face. I have no idea why I did it, I just wanted to see her reaction.

"Can't you bring it down here, and I can fill it ou-" Skye started to say, before I intercepted what she was about to say.

I smiled, "Nope." popping the 'p'.

I silently reveled in the feel of making her squirm and uncomfortable, but once the elevator doors slid open, we walked in silently. She made her point to stand far away from me, and I bring my lips up into a smirk as my whole body becomes stiff, suddenly on edge.

Feeling something sparkle and crackle.

"What?" I asked and didn't mean to but the tiny quiet space made my voice boom out, and it scared Skye a little as she flinched and glanced towards my way.

"Um, N-nothing." She stammers out and a light blush hues her cheeks, "How many floors do we have to go?" She asks eying the elevator change floors slowly.

"About fifteen or so more left to go. Why?" I ask and lean forwards to get a better look at her face. Suddenly getting an idea.

I let out a small laugh, and see Skye meet my eyes, "What, are you afraid I'm going to bring up what happened the other night?" I ask very straightforward wanting so badly to see her squirm some more.

Skye stared at me, at a loss for words for a few seconds before finally retorting with:

"I didn't know you were on the damn call still!" She exclaims and tries to defend her.

But it's too late and she knows it as she stares at my face and I can't help what tumbles out of my lips next, "Or did you?" I say sarcastically. My heart started hammering so much faster and I stare down at Skye when she takes a step forwards and points her finger in my face.

"Kade Bennet! Do not and I mean it. Do not-" Skye went to say but I cut her off, I couldn't help it. This burning impulse I had, however weird and intense it was had me slapping her finger out of my face and gripping her hip and left arm swinging her around so her back landed up against the elevator wall.

I leaned forward and forcibly press my lips against Skye's, now feeling this burning feeling in my chest, not sure what it was, but I ignored it as I kissed Skye, quite roughly might I add. She acted like she was enjoying it as well, as my lips went everywhere, all over her neck, down to her breasts open to my lips, and back up to her own lips. I was being greedy I knew, but I just couldn't stop myself.

I growled when I heard Skye's low whimpers, and pressed myself into her harder. I needed this. I couldn't stop thinking about doing this to Skye. Her moans and breathless wanting whimpers, sent my blood boiling and the fire spread throughout my entire body and seemed to catch the whole building on fire.

Skye responded to my touches, my kisses as she throws her head about in intense pleasure, I notice she had opened her legs at some point, and let me lean in very close to her while rolling my hips, creating friction between us, but just in time to hear the elevator ding and I sprang from Skye, staring at her as the doors opened and somebody came in wheeling a cart.

My eyes widened considerably, 'Did that really just happen?' I thought shock to myself.

I cleared my throat and straightened my clothes, "Okay, Ms. Carter. If you go to the left, all the way down the hall and on your right at the last door, go inside and I'll be right there with your paperwork." I said and dismissed her.

I didn't want to walk away from her. It took everything in me to not turn around and go right back to her and continue where I left off.

I had to go calm myself down in the bathrooms for a couple of minutes. When I was able to collect myself. I reminded myself I was engaged to the woman who I was in love with, and I was completely happy with her. I reminded myself to be distant and cold when I went back in.

Or else I will cave and give in the delicious pleasure swirling around my mind, my mind still lust drunk, but my body already clearing up.

Licks of pleasure still hung onto my body, making me hum and them with excitment. I returned back to my office with the paperwork, and signaled whee she would have to sign, but in the middle of doing that Skye speaks up from across the desk, opposite of me.

"Kade?" Her voice speaks out and I try not to let out a loud moan, just hearing her utter my name from her lips, has me wanting to do so many bad things to her.

"What?" I snapped. But it was mostly me I was snapping at.

Skye flinched at my tone, and I tried not to soften my face upon seeing it, "Why did you do what you did." She asked.

I knew what she was talking about. But the thing is, is I didn't know the answer. I don't know why I did what I did in that elevator. It was just such a strong impulse to touch her and taste her beautiful lips, I don't know what happened to my self-control. I used to have a ton of it.

"I…..Don't know." I eventually confessed and added quickly, "But it will never happen again." I stated bluntly. Bt I knew that was a lie, because even as I said it my chest tightened and my heart threatened to crumble.

"You heard me the other night, right?" She asks.

I was confused, didn't I just ask her about that earlier, I think we established I heard, but I didn't look up from the papers I was going through and just sighed heavily, "Yes Skye, I did." I didn't say anything else after that, and I figured that would be it.

But then I hear Skye get up and out of her chair, and wait to see what she does, very aware of where she is walking to. Me.

I looked up at Skye as she approaches and watched her, I switched from being reserved to feeling this sudden sad and needy feeling. It was needy like dark desire, it was needy to just feel close again.

"Kade." She whispers out my name and I swallowed, suddenly Skye came to an abrupt spot right in between my legs, and she sucked in a deep breath leaning down slowly.

When she brushed her lips up against mine, it was as if all time stopped. It was only me and her that existed, but when I feel Skyes hands cupping my cheeks, I bring my own hands up and cupped the back of her head, and slid my hands down to her jaws, letting my thumbs rub on her cheekbones. She had me feeling like I was on cloud nine, with just a kiss. She made me feel as if everything came into place and is perfect.

I didn't think of anything else. I didn't care about anything else, all I wanted was for Skye to stay in my arms.

But when Skye started to pull away, I could feel it and just let her do what she wanted.

"Kade, I'm sorry." Skye whispers and she leans her face towards my hand, placing her lips in my hand, kissing the skin. She pulls away and throws her arms around my neck, crushing me to her. And for the longest time, I didn't hug her back, for I wasn't expecting her to pull away so fast.

"I promise I won't do that again." Skye says softly and I shout in my head, 'No! Please come back, please do it again!'

She pulls away and I hold on fast, "Hey." I say softly, hoping she would look at me. I put my finger under her chin, and pull up, so she starts to look up until she has no choice but to look into my eyes, I stared into her eyes for what seemed like an eternity. A flame igniting between us all over again. Skye brings her face into my hand and kisses it, as she closes her eyes, tears fall from them.

I lost my smile, and my heart pulls slightly, "Skye, It's okay. I-" I opened my mouth to say, but a knock at the door interrupted us.


I have no idea what is going to happen, but all I can say is. I'm screwed. I have intense impulses being around Skylar and now, I have secret wants. And they are all now about Skye.