
Chapter 1

One cold winter night the sky was outcast with clouds and the chilly winds were blowing snow everywhere. In a ally way there sat a little girl with a old white beat up jacket on that was way too big for her and boots with holes in them. She sat there shivering in the cold the only form of warmth was the tears that streamed down her face .

The little girl had lost all hope of finding a home , she lost all hope of having a family this little girl didn't even know the meaning of fun anymore . She jumped as she heard the sound of footsteps coming her way , quickly the little girl hid behind the trash can not wanting to be seen by whomever was coming her way.

She peaked to see who it was and just as she did she felt a presence behind her , she didn't know weather she should scream or run or hide , she had no clue what to do so she sat there. " Well hello , what's your name ?" she heard a soft voice say , as she turned around to face the stranger she didn't expect to be meant with this very pretty woman. The woman looked to be 5'2 maybe and probably in her early to late 20's , the little girl didn't wanna be rude so she responded " hi " it came out in a whisper and if the woman was even a step back she wouldn't have heard her.

"Can I ask what you are doing out here all by yourself ?" The woman said with a look of worry on her face , the little girl had no idea what to respond with so she shrugged her shoulders and kept her head down . The woman had no clue what to say so she bent down to try and get a better look at the little girl in front of her, just as she did the little girl looked up and a look of shock came over her face this little girl was beautiful and unique.