
The secret hole -by unknown

That day when I, in the backyard of my 🏡, was spending time with Mother Nature, heard a terrible lightning bolt. And it just touched the ground with something silvery. The whole yard was filled a mysterious shine for a moment. But, suddenly everything came to still. The only thing left was that magical hole. In a second, it opened and in another it closed and that so very quickly. This went on until a weird, trembling voice, from that 🕳 only, called up to me, "Co...ome, Chi.. ld, Come.. ".

That day I spent the almost four hours trembling and shaking in my bedroom and I just don't dared to enter that very magical hole. Next day, when I gathered some courage, I went to see that hole, but... What happened? where's the 🕳. I scroached the place thoroughly but all went in vain.