
Chapter 107: A day off

She walked to Mrs. Jennifer as the remaining models in the shop took to their heels.

"I think we should lock up for today." Mrs. Jennifer said, carrying her back from her desk.

"But, the criminal is already gone." Daisy said.

"I don’t care! Did you see anyone here? Our customers are all gone!!" she scolded.

"Alright ma, I will start arranging," Daisy said, looking at the shop, which was a total mess with blood stains on the floor and broken windows and paper everywhere." Daisy sighed and was about to walk away when Mrs. Jennifer called out to her.

"I think you should ask Raymond to take a day off, because he is the reason that man attacked us." She remarked.

"The man is already gone, he won’t come back here because we have called the police." Daisy replied.

"I don’t care, tell him to take a day off, let him not come to walk tomorrow." She declared. Daisy twisted her mouth. She thinks Mrs. Jennifer was being paranoid as she squatted to pick up her camera from the floor.

The police pulled up in front of the shop and approached Raymond. They were two in number.

"What happened here, young man? Did you see the face of the criminal?" The man inquired.

"Yes, I saw his face, I think I am the one he wants to kill," Raymond said.

"Do you know what he looks like?" the man inquired.

"It all happened pretty quickly, but I got a good look at him. I was a little shocked at first, and then I was a little frightened. He first started trailing me when I went to buy wipers from the supermarket, he was dressed like a kid, except older. He had a mustache or maybe a beard. He had long hair and wore a hat and sunglasses too, he wasn’t too tall, but looked big. He ran from the shop. He got in a pickup and drove away." Raymond narrated. while the other policeman took notes.

"Alright, we will get to the bottom of this." The man assured. And an idea popped into Raymond’s head.

"Can you appoint a policeman to come and guide me to my house?" Raymond inquired.

"We can do that, but you will have to pay a huge sum of money." He stated.

"That’s not a big deal as long as I am protected." Raymond said, and they both shook hands as Daisy started walking toward them.

"You can’t go now, I will come to the station later." He started trying to get them to leave before Daisy got to where they were.

"Okay, Mr…." the policeman paused.

"Mr. Ray Bard." Raymond stated.

"We will get back to you." They said this and walked to their car. Raymond was about to enter the shop when he bumped into Daisy at the entrance.

"What did they say? Will they try to abduct him?" Daisy inquired.

"Yes they will." he replied.

"For your information, the boss asked me to tell you to take a day off." She stated, and his jaw dropped.