

"Why do you push me away when you were the one who pulled me in?" she wails with a broken voice. Her voice wasn't the only one broken thing there, But 2 hearts. Two Hearts, yearning to connect but push each other away.

"I'm tired of never giving up on you. Guess this is my breaking point." she whispers slowly but firmly, just so he can hear and walks away into the dark night.

He steps back and feels the coolness of the wall. A man emerges from the dark with a smirk, "See, that wasn't so hard. You should've left her long ago. Moreover, I did you a favour. Ain't she annoying?". If eyes could burn, the man would be an unrecognised human burnt to crisp. "I did what you asked for. Do what you have to. Don't you dare talk anything about her." He walks away pushing his gun into the belt. His eyes containing the anger and grief from bursting, he thinks to himself that he'd make everyone of them pay. Pay for their sins at his feet.