
The second son of the fallen Royal is reincarnated

In a world where one's value is determined by their status, Raven was born in the deepest parts of the lawless city. Raised in an orphanage along with other kids, he trained to be a knight of a low rank Nobel family and rose upon the ranks and made it to captain at the age of 27, ten years later a war broke out and house Silver was destroyed. As his mind was slowly fading away, he couldn't help but think what would life been like for him if he was born as a nobleman himself, "would I be corrupted by greed? Or would I uphold the values of my home like the prideful master of house Silver?"

Victor_Progress · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Raven vs Eren

In a room deep underground. A large meeting between six people on a round table.


Greetings my fellow members of hydra, it's been a while.


I can't say the feeling us neutral on my part. Why have you called us here, Amon?


Why, can't I say hello to my comrades from time to time?


Comrades? Last time I checked you ordered your troops to invade my turf and take me out. And here you are calling me a "comrade" ? You must have a death wish boy.


I admit that it wasn't my best plan but I grantee it's all in the past. Besides I have something you'll find interesting. Here take a look.(He snaps his fingers and papers appear infront of each of them). If you take a look infront of you. The boys name is Raven Nightingale, the son of Joshua Nightingale.

A huge murderous intent is sensed from one of the attending the meeting.


Now, now. Calm down Lady Eunice. I know you had your differences with him at one point in your life but as you may know he was forced into an early retirement 22yrs back.


Retirement is an understatement. He got tired of sharing the spotlight of "strongest" with me and purposely put himself on the shelf. (In a sad tone) I haven't picked up a sowrd since word got out that he was exiled from his family. So I don't care about some snot nosed brat


Well. This "brat" as you call him may or may poses the ability to surpass you and his Oldman in one go.


There's no one alive who can surpass that idiot in strength. If he didn't marry that commoner he would without a doubt be the strongest being alive.


I know. But, if you look at the information I gave you, you'll notice that Raven not only created his own swordmanship style at the age of 12 but he was already compatible with a green rank at the age of 13. That's something not even you and Joshua couldn't do.


Let's say what you're saying is true and he has more potential for growth, wouldn't he be a bigger threat in our plans than the current patriarch of their family?


That's if he continues being apart of them. In a few days he'll he at the main house to discuss witch squad he would join. I say we recruit him to our ranks. Isn't it time that hydra had seven heads once more?


What makes you think he'll join us?


Why wouldn't he? Think about it. Didn't his father get banished from the family he worked so hard to protect for over 40yrs? Weren't they treated like trash cause of their mothers "commoner" status? If anything, I'm sure he hates them us much as us. Having a powerhouse like him would be advantages for us in the long run and once we overpower the current family we'll put him as a figurehead and rule from the Shadows.


A Nightingale as a member of Hydra? I'd like see that happen. Your free to do what you like,Amon. As long as it doesn't affect hydra and you don't get caught.


Thank you. I'll have him eating at our feet in no time.

A few days later at the Nightingale Patriarch's home. Raven and company had their weapons taken from them when they entered. Afterwards they are taken to a hall were they find Eren along with Marques, Drake, Fiona and Maxwell all sitting in their respective chairs.


Raven Nightingale. It's been a while. I see you've brought some friends along. They seem strong too. Tell me how have you been? Son of Joshua.


I've been well. Yourself?


I'm well. I hope your father filled you in on why you're summoned here.




Good. That'll make my job easier. You're to choose a squad you want to work under. I'm under the impression that you know these fine people next to me?


How could I not? They are four captains of their respective squads. Captain X Drake of the Blue Falcons. Captain Maxwell Johnson of the yellow Hawks. Captain Fiona Heartfelt of the Black Crows. Marques Nightingale of the Golden Eagles.


Before you choose, I'd like for you to hear what each squad has to offer you. You may make your decision as your friends excuse themselves from this meeting.

(Khaya and the rest are escorted to a separate room.)


Now that that's been taken care of. Captains you may speak.


It's been a while, little bro. I, X Drake and the Blue Falcons will like to offer you the seat of Lieutenant of our squad.


What happened to Erick?


It was actually his idea. You see his Been holding the position because of personal reasons. His brother was the real lieutenant and after his death Erick just started calling himself that and said he wouldn't let anyone else take his brothers spot unless he was a strong willed man like him.


I see.


Greetings. I am Maxwell Johnson. We of the yellow hawks will like to offer you the position of 4th sit. We have faith in your strength, however we reward those top 3 titles within our squad to thos we have shed blood with on the battle field.


I am Fiona Heartfelt. Thank you for what you did for my sister years back.




Reached has always been a protected child and as such she felt inferior to me and always needed my help. Two years ago you showed her that there is no limit to ones growth. Because of you she's hasn't lacked once in training and she's even reached the green rank in these two years.


It's good to hear that she's improving.


With that being said. I would like to offer you the position of lieutenant in my Squad.


I on the other hand would like to give you the title of vice captain. It's no secret that the pose has been vacated ever since Eren got promoted to Patriarch and I had to take over as captain and it brings me shame to say it but I couldn't find anyone reliable to take the spot.


Reliable you say? Although I appreciate the praise I'll have to decline your offer. Not just yours but the offer of every captain here. I have no interest in joining any of your squads.

Ravens words leave everyone in shock.


Explain yourself this instant.


Why should I serve people who treated my family like dirt? People who are yet to properly acknowledge my family as their own.


Are you saying that you won't use your strength to help your home nation? You might as well say your turning your back on it.


I never said I won't help it. I just said I won't be joining any of your squads. Instead I request to get authority to assemble my own unit.


Honestly,what makes you think that a commoner like you has the right to suggest such a thing.


There it is. The reason I refuse to surve under any of you. It's always "Commoner this" or "commoner that" with you people. As long as you people still have that mindset I refuse to surve under such people. I thought that "The four heavenly lords" existed to protect the people of this nation regardless of their status but all you've done is simply show that that's not the case.


So that's your answer? Interesting. Raven did you know that before the Era of "The four Heavenly lords" there were only 3 squads active? These 3 are The Yellow Hawks, The blue Falcons and The Golden Eagles. These 3 were known as "The 3 Lords" of our lands and it was about 200yrs back when lady Elzra Nightingale, our great grandmother started "The black Crows" in order to show her father that despite being a girl child she had what it took to rise to the top.


My lord, I don't understand why your telling him this.


Maybe you don't. But, he does.(he points at Raven). If you're saying you won't work under these gentlemen and Lady right here you must be saying you're on the same level as them and you're here to negotiate for you to have your own squad. Correct?


Something like that. Sir.


You little arrogant punk. What makes you think you can speak as you please in front of the patriarch? Regardless of sharing blood with him, you must know your limits when speaking to him.


Damn. You really are full of surprises.


You must think being a captain is a walk in the park to make such claims.

Marques:(showing interest)

You really are my father's grandchild and my brother's son.


Say I was to give you permission to start this squad of yours. How am I certain that I won't waist people's lives when I put them under your care?


I see what you're doing. Your indirectly trying to get me to show off my strength infront of you and the other captains.


Raven. When the Patriarch asks a question you respond.


I suggest a friendly duel with one of the captains.


I'm under the impression that you are a blue rank right now. So fighting a captain will mean he'll have to limit his strength to blue. Wouldn't a Vice captain do instead?


No, a captain is alright. And although I am ranked blue I would advise who ever my opponent is going to be to at least use white ranked level of aura and of course they won't be allowed to use their special skill.


Fine. I'll have a Crack at you. I've been dying to see how strong you are.


No. I feel like I should be the one to educate this boy on the power we captains have.


Huh? Are you an idiot or something? I said I got first Crack at the kid.


And I said I'll educate him so no need to worry.

Maxwell and Drake go back and forth bickering on who will face Raven while Fiona and Marques keep quiet until Erens Aura is detected.


Since it's come to this. I'll do it myself.


What? But my lord you must-


Are you questioning my actions. Maxwell?




Good. Raven, meet me in the arena after an hour. I have to get ready.


Very well.


Do not worry. I won't use any aura above white rank and my special skill like you requested.

At Blue Falcons Castle.


Whaaaat!? Raven is about to fight the patriarch?

B.F male member1:

Yes, sir. I just received the news 40 minutes ago as well.


This is big news. The patriarch only does training duels with captain Marques.

Female member1:

I know. Can I attend the duel sir?


Of course. I'm going there myself.

James comes walking in after completing a mission.


Lieutenant James. You've returned already?


Former Lieutenant. Yeah I'm back. What's all the fuss about?


The Patriarch is about to duel someone.


Him and Captain Marques are at it again? Call me if something interesting happens.


No. It's not Captain Marques this time. It's-


Ahh. It's probably Captain Drake. He's been trying to get a duel with him for months now.


It's actually Raven Nightingale.


That bastard is here? Why wasn't I told this before hand?


It's literally been the topic for the whole week, sir.


All I heard was news that someone called "Ray" was coming....wait a minute. Ray is short for Raven?




Whatever. It's none of my business who the Patriarch faces.


I'm off to see the match.


(Cliques tongue)

Back to Raven. He walks out to the arena and finds the sits crowded with people who came to see the duel. Members of the 4 squads who weren't on missions all gathered there to see the fight. Although they came for different reasons. Some came to see the patriarch in action, some came to see the rumored "Demon of the northern lands" while others came to just slack off (Erick).


This is my first time being around such a huge crowd.


You'll get used to it. So, Khaya. I've been meaning to ask. Where are you from anyway?


Why do you ask?


Your accent says you not from around here. That's all.


I'm visiting Ray from another country. I have a feeling this isn't all in all about me.


Correct. I just want to get a grip on him through you. You seem like your close enough to him.


So you thought you'd get me to talk about what I like and dislike about him as a person so that you could judge his character? That's just a drag. Just send enough time with the guy and you'll understand him in no time. No shhh the match is about to start.


Greetings. I am Marques Nightingale. Today I've been given the task as overseer of this duel. To make things short, should Raven Nightingale manage to impress the Patriarch who would be using only white ranked aura and not be allowed to use his special skill,he would be given the acknowledgement to start his own squad. However should he fail he will be placed in a squad by the Patriarch. Now both parties enter.

Both Raven and Eren enter the field.


This is it. Nephew.


I'll be in your care. "Uncle"


Now...let the duel, begin.

Can y'all tell me what you think so far about this?

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