
An accidental encounter

Last night she had been drinking, and Lyra was dressed in nightwear, so she hadn't recognized her. Then, as Lumi Hawthorne raised her chin, she arrogantly questioned, "Who do you think you are?"

Before she finished speaking, Lyra lightly smiled, raising her hand to deliver a sharp slap across Lumi's face!

Thrown off by the slap, Lumi Hawthorne stumbled back several steps, nearly tripping on her high heels!

Lyra remained composed, her voice calmed as water. "What about you?"

Standing tall and commanding, she exuded a compelling presence.

Lumi Hawthorne, face still stinging, stared in disbelief at Lyra, forgetting to retaliate against her imposing aura.

The dressing room fell silent, and after a while, Lumi Hawthorne's manager was the first to regain composure, rushing to her aid and angrily accusing Lyra, "How dare you hit her!"

With a commanding demeanor, Lyra replied, "You were the one who struck first. If you can't respect others, don't expect others to respect you."

"I'm not shooting! I won't do it!" Lumi Hawthorne screamed in a tantrum.

"Lumi Hawthorne, you signed a contract with our company. The contract clearly states you must cooperate with our shoot. The clothes and makeup provided are our company's brands, and you have no right to refuse."

"If you don't shoot now, it's your choice. However, it's a breach of contract. According to the agreement, you'll need to pay triple the penalty!"

Having said this, Lyra didn't care, surveying the surroundings only to realize everyone was staring at her.

"Do you know who supports me? I will sue you!" Lumi Hawthorne angrily pointed at her.

Lyra shrugged indifferently. "Let the person supporting you come find me in person. I'm ready anytime!"

Fed up, she hoped Ronan would come in person, and she'd gladly take the chance to finalize their divorce!

After completing her resignation procedures, Lyra sighed deeply and left the advertising company.

Suddenly, a passing car splashed a puddle of water on her. The driver rolled down the window, blaming her first, "Watch where you're going!"

Already filled with anger, she rushed and pounded on the driver's side window, "How can you drive like that? Don't you understand basic pedestrian etiquette?"

The driver opened the car door, got out, and pointed a finger at the spot where she had struck, shouting arrogantly, "Why are you hitting my car? Can you afford to pay for such an upscale car?"

Lyra wiped the splashed water from her face, exasperatedly replying, "Is having money something to be proud of? You were at fault first, yet you're being so arrogant!"

Their argument attracted onlookers, who began to voice their support for Lyra.

"This driver is out of line!"

"Now that you've dirtied someone's clothes, would you still act so arrogantly if you had hit someone?"

"Take photos and post them online! Let's see how he dares to bully people!"

Someone immediately took out their phone to document the incident. The driver's face kept changing color.

At this moment, the rear window of the car partially rolled down, and an impatient voice came from inside, "Finley, what's going on?"

Hearing this voice, Lyra suddenly froze, and instinctively turned her head, peering through the windshield into the car.

Lyra saw a familiar and handsome face from several meters away while seated in the back of the car.

Deep, penetrating eyes, a straight nose, and a perfectly contoured jawline...

"Apologies, sir, there's been a slight mishap," the driver hurriedly approached, bowing respectfully.

"Get it sorted quickly," Ronan's tone was indifferent.

It was Ronan...

Despite his casual posture in the car, Lyra could sense his dignified aura.

It seemed like Ronan noticed something, as his eyes, previously lowered, suddenly met hers.

Lyra felt frozen, as if unable to move, standing still and silently facing him through the windshield.

Inside the car, he seemed to regard her as a stranger. With a fleeting glance, he casually averted his gaze.

Lyra pinched her palm hard until she felt a sharp pain, realizing she could still breathe.

They were married, yet they seemed like strangers, more distant than actual strangers.

The driver approached, apologizing stiffly, "Apologies, Miss, for soiling your clothes. Our boss is in a rush, please forgive us!"

Lyra continued to stare unblinkingly at Ronan until the driver's voice interrupted her trance, and she gently nodded.

In a hurry?

Was Ronan rushing to see Lumi Hawthorne shooting an advertisement nearby?

Lyra's bewildered expression grew even more rigid.

Winter had passed, and spring was in the air. However, at that moment, Lyra felt an overwhelming chill throughout her body.

The driver patiently stood by her, waiting for a response she never seemed ready to give. Unable to contain himself, he said, "Miss, can you forgive me?"

Lyra returned to reality, slowly shifting her gaze to the driver's face, her voice incredibly dry as she responded, "I accept your apology."

The driver breathed a sigh of relief and without waiting for further conversation, bid her farewell, "Then, I'll take my leave!"

Sitting in the driver's seat, the car started again. As it passed by her, she saw Ronan's cold, stern profile even more clearly.

Lyra's face became somewhat pale, her hands subconsciously clenched.

Lumi Hawthorne had been slapped, furious and causing a scene on the set, demanding that Lyra, who had struck her, come out and kneel to apologize.

To everyone's surprise, Lyra simply resigned and left. Enraged, Lumi Hawthorne cursed out the staff one by one.

Amid the escalating commotion, her agent rushed over, informing her that Ronan was outside visiting.

Lumi Hawthorne covered her face, running to Ronan's car, throwing herself at him, "Honey, I've been bullied!"

Lumi Hawthorne cried, her eye makeup smudged, dark patches clinging under her eyes, making her appearance extremely unsightly.

Ronan, having drunk too much the night before, had taken Lumi Hawthorne to a villa nearby, thinking to continue their night. However, seeing her in such a state, he immediately lost interest.