
The Second Demon

What happens when the first demon that Muzan turned happened by accident due to his ignorance? ~ What happens when that demon's soul couldn't handle the stress, dies and his body was thrown away? ~ And what happens when a foreign soul got reincarnated into the body of the said demon? ~ Follow this story as we explore the journey of the second demon as he strive to live in the world of Kimetsu No Yaiba and alter the fates of the characters. ~ Kimetsu No Yaiba doesn't belong to me, I only own my OC characters, all other characters in Kimetsu No Yaiba Belongs to Koyoharu Gotouge Sensei. ~ Trigger goes click click, Pigs go eat eat, Please Read this fanfic, You might like it. .. ... Did..did that rhyme? Do..do you like it? FYI!! The Cover Picture is not mine, I only edited it a little bit!

TediousHamster · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 2: Decisions

In a vast land of pure white snow and happy little trees, a certain young demon? can be seen sitting under a tree..

"What should I do…"

Confusion can be seen on his fair face, he has jet black short hair and his sharp eyes are crimson red with vertical slits for his pupils, scars and calluses can be seen on his hands as he cup both of his cheeks with it while he stares into the distance…

"*sigh*, what should I do from now on?"

Sighs kept pouring out of the young demon's?mouth as he kept muttering under his breath..

Suddenly, he stood up straight!

"Aghh, fuck this, let's just find some village and some food first..wait a minute, I'm a demon now..my physical abilities should've increased a lot and I should be stronger an average man, so technically I could my own food, rabbits and fowls shouldn't be that hard to hunt right? Yoshhh, let's a go!"

Filled with vigor, the young demon? started to turn around and walk happily while swinging his arms like a marching band and humming happily….before stopping his movements completely.

"Wait a second..Im a demon now and they die under the sunlight..crap!" The young demon? muttered before snapping his head to the skies with fear and anxiety written upon his face. What he saw made him sigh in relief.

"*phew*, thank goodness the sky is cloudy and no sunlight can pierce through"

Happiness came upon his face once more as he continued his merry march to the village while humming…before he stopped once again.

"Uhhhh..which way was the village again? I don't even know where I am right now..damn that stupid Muzan for carrying me while I was semiconscious, now I can't even tell where I am"

He started muttering in anger and kicking the snow, creating a splash of snow all over.

"Dammit, the cliff is behind me so Muzan couldn't t have carried me that far from the mansion and I could return there but I don't wanna meet that maniac again, not before I become strong enough.."

"*sigh* lemme think, there's a village not far away from the mansion, but going there would only cause the people the family might sent to search for me..and I doubt Muzan will tell a story that potrays me in a good light, hell if he's the evil manipulative shit shown in the manga, he must've already tricked the family and they might've already forgotten all about me…so my best bet is to go to a village that is a bit further away from the mansion but I have no idea where to that is…so I'll have to take a risk and go steal from the village near the mansion while searching for a map before moving to a village faraway frrom home."

After making his decision, the young demon? then turned around once more and started walking around the cliff, towards the village, albeit somberly, with no hint of his previous carefree and cheerful demeanor. With a grim face, he kept walking under the shade of the trees and on the white snowfield.

"I'll have to cover my face with my clothes."

The young demon? Then look on his clothes which is a purple colored haori above his black nagigi. He then decided to remove the haori and use it as a makesift mask to cover his face with it, he then started his walk back to the village, by going around the cliff.

'I hope this will at least be a decent cover for the brief time I'll spend in the village, I just have a hunch that showing my identity will be quite troublesome.'

The boy continued moving around the cliff and after a while, he reached a small path that scales the cliff.

'Huh, must've been made by the hunters or perhaps some villagers, well don't mind if I do'

I started to walk along the path and had no problem at all with my breathing even though it's quite a long trek and after I reached the top, I didn't feel tired at all and still feel good.

'Oh wow, being a demon is quite amazing…but I shouldn't get ahead of myself, I am still killable after all, in fact, even Tanjirou managed to beat up the first demon he encountered before becoming a demon slayer.'

My happiness died as quickly as it comes and I continued my walk as I can see the village's outline not far away from me between the gaps of the trees. I continued walking and soon after, I reached the village.

The village was quite..quaint..not surprising since in the manga it was said that Muzan was born in the Heian era which is in the late 700s, which is basically ancient and I have no clue about this era since FYI, Im a non-Japanese dude who got reincarnated in a Japanese anime in ancient japan.

'Maybe I should enter some kind of deep sleep ..or create a certain switch in my body to shutdown and hibernate, just like a certain blue cat robot.'

'Meh, less thinking, more stealing first, I'll look suspicious if I keep standing outside the village, in fact I can already see a few villagers looking at me weirdly'

I started walking into the village and started to take in the sight before me while searching for the marketplace, do they even have one in this era?

My thoughts were cut off by the sound of a crowd gathering in front of me, I look at them all and started to come near them.


'Damn that's a loud voice, wonder what're they up to? If they're selling something valuable and useful, I might just take a few with m-'


'Wait, what? He did? Oh wow, maybe if the reward is high, I'll-…wait a second, it can't be, can it?'


'Dammit Muzan! You bloodsucking, man-eating, shape-shifting, manipulative piece of shit!'


'Fuck!' I cursed under my breath while murmurs started to spread among the villagers.

"The second young master?"

"It can't be right"

"How did such a kind and talented young man turn into a demon?"

"Maybe he was always a demon, you know the stories said they love to trick humans, maybe his kindness was an act all along"

Even though their voices were soft, I heard the murmurs all around me as clear as day, as if they were talking normally right beside my ears.

'Should I walk away? No..that'll just make me look suspicious,I should leave with the crowd and blend in with them…that'll be easier..just gotta wait.

The crowd continued murmuring for a while before they started dispersing and I slowly but surely followed the denser group to blend in and walk away from the wanted posters…that's right, they already made a bounty poster for me. I continued walking away before parting apart with the crowd after I got far enough from the posters and the announcer just now.

'Change of plans' Stealing will just put me under the radar quickly, demon or not demon, since these people are all jumpy due to knowing that one of the kibutsuji's is a demon and might be roaming around nearby.

I then looked around an spotted what i'm looking for, information, and went to talk to an old lady nearby.

"Excuse me? Ma'am?"

"Yes? How can I help you young man?"

"I would like to ask if you know how to get to the next village"

"Oh? You don't know how to get there yourself?"

"No ma'am I don't know, I'm not from around here"

"Oh? Where are you from?"


"I've never heard of it"

"Of course ma'am it's in a mountainous area and deep inside a jungle, we rarely come out"(technically right now there's no Sabah, its only known as the Borneo but i'm not about to say that out loud)

"Ahhh, I see, I see"

"Well the nearest village is about a half day's journey, you just have to follow main road that leads out of the village until you reach an intersection and then keep walking west and in half a day, you should've reached your destination."

"Thank you ma'am, good day to you"

"You're welcome young man, have a safe journey"

I then turned around and started walking to the entrance of the village and intend to follow the route that the old lady gave me. Anywhere is far better being near the mansion and the village.

As I kept on walking, the noise and people fade away and only snow and trees are all over me, again.

'How about running instead? That'll save time, but then again, I might lose my energy at a faster rate and might get hungry again, speaking of which, Muzan should be able to see and detect what his demons are seeing and hearing right? But then again, the former owner's soul had merged with mine after I got his memories, if the webnovels about reincarnation into another body is true that is..I might've already cut myself apart from Muzan's control and curse, alongside the rule that, if he dies, all other demons die as well. I think I might've as well be a different being all together, a lone demon, a free demon."

I then paused in my tracks as I started pondering again.

'Following the main road is not a good idea as I might bump into some of the Kibutsuji's messenger that will go to other villages to spread my bounty posters, and since I'm wearing a mask, they might be sus and ask me to remove it, that's too cliché'

I glance at the side towards the sea of trees and started moving towards it.

'I should stick to the trees and shades, so that in case the sun comes out, I can at least protect myself from it, while not ideal, it should be good enough, I shouldn't stray too far away from the main road as well and keep in in sight so that I won't get lost.'

Im already amidst the trees as I finished my thoughts and hid myself under the shades as kept walking.

'Yosh! Seems like a good plan! Onwards!'

Maybe around 5 or 10 minutes of walking, I heard galloping sounds behind me and jumped up into the treetop to hide myself and moved the leaves a little bit to see the commotion.

A few moments later, A few men riding horses galloped past the tree that I'm hiding myself in. I kept myself hidden till they disappear into the horizon before dropping myself down from the tree.

"*Phew* At least I managed to avoid a confrontation, good thinking brain! Now, let's continue westward!"

Filled with relief and pride for avoiding a cliché confrontation and making cliché mistake, Our MC continues his journey to the next village before making a decision on what to do next in his demonic? second life.

Hopefully this will do for now, this chapter will only show how the mc will think and act, not fully accurate yet but you guys can see the outline of his thought processes, the next chapter will also show how he will react when pushed to the brink and will show even more of his current character and way of thinking.

Anyways, just comment and gimme your thoughts on this chapter and enjoy m'kay?

Hamster out!

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