
The Second Coming of the Ancient Star

Austin, a man reincarnated from a world where science is prominent, finds himself In a world where Magians, humans who possess the capabilities to perform arcane (a.k.a magic), must battle against the re-emerging demonic creatures and their followers to protect the human race and other humanoid races, from annihilation. Following a life-saving encounter with a famous hero, Austin's awakening grants him the memories of his past life and access to 'The Akasha', a mysterious system. With newfound purpose, he endeavors to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, facing challenges and adversaries to uncover the secrets of his reincarnation and the enigmatic origins of The Akasha.

SuensQuill · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Prologue: Welcome!

Rising from an open field, the sturdy walls of the barony encircled the city with an air of solemn majesty. Massive blocks of hewn stone, each aligned to secure the residents of this land.

History will say that she had been a mighty fortress, defending the entire Kingdom of Brücke against the ferocious demonic beasts that roamed Todesfall Forest to the east.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, a lone figure approached the city, a long shadow cast over the rugged landscape and to the western gate. He was clad in a tattered cloak that billowed around him in the ensuing gust of wind.

From the distance, the guards watching the man getting closer could not help but feel a sense of suspicion.

The stranger's face was obscured by the hood pulled low over his brow. His steps were deliberate, each footfall echoing off the cobblestones as he neared the imposing gates guarded by vigilant sentries.

There are no visible weapons found on the man with hands hidden inside his cloak. But no one dared to think of this man as harmless just because there were no visible weapons. Based on facts, they knew how dangerous a Magian could be. A human who awakened to be capable enough of stopping someone's fate using the Mystical Arts.

The stranger paused meters away from the stout wooden doors. They are reinforced with iron bands and studded with rusted spikes, while an imposing gatehouse stood above it. Massive portcullises, forged of iron and hung with chains, stand ready to be lowered at a moment's notice.

He scanned the walls, that has defensive features adorn them, from left to right. Battlements jut out at regular intervals on top, providing vantage points for archers and guards to keep watch over the surrounding area. Watchtowers rise at strategic points along the perimeter, their crenelated parapets offering sweeping views of the city and its environs.

The stranger's gaze rested right above the gate where he met the eyes of one of the guards' that are filled with stern scrutiny. With a voice muffled by his cloak, he spoke, but his words were barely more than a whisper.

Unsure of his words, the guards exchanged wary glances before one of them stepped forward, jumped down from the towering height, and made a loud deafening sound in front of him.

The dust and tension in the air surrounded both men, while the stranger remained a few steps apart, observing the scene without any reactions.

Other guards felt the air thickened with criticality, but none of them made any significant move. Although they stayed prepared to act and jump from the towering height as well, but only if needed.

Few archers on the other hand, popped out in between the battlements who held their arrows in position with their bows.

The whole Platoon thought that it was reckless – and it truly was – but the men knew the Lieutenant too well. Therefore, they could only provide support in such a way.

The Lieutenant's hand is resting on the hilt of his sword as he glares at the stranger. But then he subconsciously made a step back while strengthening his grip as the opposing man slowly lifted his hands, which had been hidden inside his cloak, cautious of sudden attacks.

But the stranger simply removed the hood that covered his head, deeming his reaction too much.

The Lieutenant seized this opportunity to take a glance inside the stranger's cloak, searching for any concealed weapons, but found nothing except for an unarmored body.


An arrow that was accidentally released due to the Lieutenant's unnecessary reaction made a whooshing sound as it flew to the stranger's face. It was swiftly cutting through the air, and every second spells death. Though fast, the naked eye can follow it, albeit delayed.

It was at this moment when everyone thought that it's the end for the stranger. But no, it was the arrow's travels that ended abruptly a meter towards the man's face. The arrow wildly vibrated mid-air before falling dead on the ground.

The wind's hush that followed, indicated the confirmation that the man who visited is a Magian. His composed demeanor that gave nothing away heightened up everyone's guard. But despite the tension in the air, the scene played out in silence until the Lieutenant's deep voice rang.

"State your business!" the Lieutenant commanded before he could even take a good look at the person's face due to the silhouette from the setting sun.

"Good Afternoon, dear sir. Is this the Barony's new way of greeting their guests? I'm quite disappointed – I am here to fulfill the King's commission to investigate the Lason Tribe's demise. I would like ask for an audience with your Lord." The stranger replied with a mocking tone.

"Impossible! Your claim that you are the King's envoy is unfounded." The Lieutenant announced.

As the guards adjusted their focus, they were finally able to recognize the face of the stranger. Upon seeing his face, the Lieutenant's complexion paled while most of the guards atop the walls gasped in shock.

Without hesitation, the man in armor immediately knelt and bowed his head to the ground. His forehead made a loud impact against the cobblestones.

"Please forgive my rudeness!"

"Lift your head." It didn't sound like a command, but the guard obeyed the cold tone. Blood started to flow out from the Lieutenant's forehead but neither of them minded it.

Thinking that the man was not amused by his actions, he drew his sword and pointed the blade against his, own, neck. "I take full responsibility of mistreating the Barony's distinguished guest! I fearlessly accept any punishment that you may impose upon me."

"Stop!" The guest blurted out before the guard could execute whatever he was thinking of doing. His swift hand is now extended towards the Lieutenant, eyes are squinted as if to focus.

It was just a word but it was enough to freeze the Lieutenant on the spot. It's not because he did what was told, but because his body was unable to follow his own will. He knew right away, that he was under a spell.

"This is the reason why I hate unnecessary formalities. Can you respect my wish to enter the Barony discreetly?"

"Mmmm! Mmmm! Mmmm!"

"Ah sorry." The guest waved his other hand that was resting. "You're saying?"

"That's impossible. It is our duty to..." The Lieutenant denied but the guest waved his hand again which muted him.

"Ugh," he muttered. "Duty this and duty that, blah blah blah. You know that I could just sneak in unnoticed, right? I'm going straight to the Baron's Mansion either way. I just don't want you to lose face in front of your Lord, that's all. " He said confidently.


"But don't misunderstand, I'm doing these tiring formalities because I — it's for you. I can still remember guards being executed before because they were unable to report to their masters of my arrival. But forget that story of the past..."

"Mmmm - mmmm!" The fear in the Lieutenant's eyes grew stronger than before after hearing this.

"Shhhh – I'm not done yet. How about this – for etiquette's sake, just let the Baron know that I'm coming. I don't need any grand entrances or escorts, just let me be and I'll let you be. That way, we can both do our own tasks without anyone getting upset. Sounds good?" irritation is in his tone. He waved his hand back to let the Lieutenant speak.

"But..." the guard, determined to assert his will, opened his mouth to speak. However, before he could utter his next word, the guest waved his hand again, expressing an annoyed look. The guest bent over his ear for a whisper.

"Stop insisting, have you heard the stories about what happened to the people who faced my wrath?" The guest said this and stood upright once again with a smile on his face, which made it more terrifying as the Lieutenant recalled all of those tales in his head. His eyes shook out of horror. "Now, since we're finally on the same page, I'll give you one last chance to speak, so carefully choose your words." On top of the walls, some guards found this scene funny, seeing the prideful Lieutenant face a more prideful and powerful person, but nobody dared to laugh. Just by imagining how terrifying it is to face that person, they would have pissed their pants and fainted.

"I-I u-understand," he stammered as he watched the peeved expression of the man in front of him. The guest rested his hands inside his cloak again. The trembling Lieutenant stood and deliberately averted his gaze to let out a fierce yell to release his fear into the gates, "What are you waiting for? Immediately, open the gates and let our guest enter without any delay! NOW!" Beads of cold sweat formed on his forehead, his palms clammy against his sides.

As he watched the guest's back walking towards the opening doors, he tried to stop his body from trembling, but the metallic armor he was wearing was giving his fear off for everyone to hear.

In his ears, his heartbeats are louder than the creaks and groans, echoing through the air like the slow awakening of a slumbering giant, the sound of the gates being opened. It's like the world is now in utter silence around him.

Everyone watched the guest enter the city, but no one could see anyone walking on the other side of the gate, vanishing out of thin air.

"Report – Report to Baron – Report to the Lord, Now!" The Lieutenant yelled his lungs out from the ground, there was a shake in every word but no one heeded that detail.

"Yes Sir!" someone replied earnestly on the walls.

As the light of dusk already disappeared, the remaining sources to illuminate the dark field is the golden glow of the wall torches and the silver hue of the moon. Perhaps, he realized something that night since he watched the sky with stars glowing brighter than other stars. He thought as his consciousness slowly faded. In that dim light, the Lieutenant fainted


"Sir, what just happened?". A young guard asked a senior above the walls.

"Ah, you're one of the recruits?"

"Yes, sir."

"That man who entered tonight was the Hero of the Continent, along with the Sword Saint, who slaughtered all the demonic beasts that were nesting in the Todesfall Forest."

"But, isn't that story of the Legendary Wizard from few hundred years ago?"

"You got it right, kid, you got it right – Come on, help me get the Lieutenant."


Hello Everyone,

I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you. Many thanks for reading the Prologue, I hope that you'll continue to read the upcoming chapters. Please feel free to drop down comments and corrections to errors, I also accept ideas and suggestions.

This is my first ever writing a novel and I might have obvious beginner tendencies so please bear with me as I improve my writing in the future. Your support will motivate me to strive hard and continue harder. If you like my story, feel free to add it to your library and don't forget to vote for me.

I will be releasing new chapters in the future soon so see you.

PS: The Legendary Wizard is not the MC. I'm not gonna spoil anything so I'll just give you that.


Words to Ponder in this chapter:

"...he watched the sky with stars glowing brighter than other stars..." This is based on a Chinese saying that there's always someone better than you.

SuensQuillcreators' thoughts