
Chapter 2 Part IV

- Abandoned Church -

- Ilgenfritz POV -

While looking at the first Fallen Angel who was looking cautiously at me after I mercilessly shot the stomach of his fellow Fallen Angel, he may also notice my seriousness of my mood.

" We are here under the orders of Lord Azazel to monitor the wielders of Sacred Gear." he said as he carefully look at the weapon in my hand, although he seems disdain the weapons that created by humans.

" Oh really? I'm sure your Lord was aware whose someone managing this territory especially if they are relatives of the four Satans." when I say this he flinched as he started to step backwards and summon a light spear in his hand, and another two presence was trying to ambushed me in my back, but too bad for them as I already noticed them when I shot their comrade through Sensory Wards.

I secretly projected two small knives engraved with Empowered Gandr rune on it and stealthy throw at them without looking, it's seems they caught off their guard which caused them to fall in ground.

" Die!" the male Fallen Angel screamed as he rushed at me with all his might.

* Clang!!!*

I used the butt stack of my sniper rifle against the tip of the light spear, while my hands are busy I use my foot and unleash a strong kick on his stomach.

" Puhaaa!!!" the male Fallen Angel bend like a shrimp when he was sent flying towards the wall with a bone crushing sound that could be heard around that place.

" Oops." I indifferently said as I look towards the other two Fallen Angels who planned to ambush me.

The first one is a little girl with a mid long blonde hair that tied into twin tails and she was clad with black Gothic Lolita dress, and the one is a woman in mid twenties with long black hair that reached towards her butt and she was clad with revealing leather clothes that used in adult play, similar to the Akeno that once she used to payback against me when I flirted her back a month ago.

" You should put an effort to sneak against me you know." I said as I walked towards the Sadist Attired woman who looks like a leader of this bunch, when I'm near to her I projected a mini stool and sat on it while waiting for her to respond. Which only glare from her that I received, heh talked about fearless I poke her cheek with the barrel of my sniper rifle while taking out the empty bullet from bullet chamber which another bullet was placed in bullet chamber through magazine.

* bang!!!*

I shot the ground a few centimeters away from her face to let her witnessed the firepower of the sniper which will obliterated her face if I aim directly to her face.

" Answer me truthfully, who ordered you to go this town? I doubt that Azazel will sent you here just to extract the Sacred Gear from the wielders." I said that as I'm using the Sensory wards on the whole abandoned church maybe I find something interesting that they brought besides the Extractor, well it's disappointing beside that tool nothing else worth in the remaining.

" It's Lord Kokabiel who ordered us! please release me!" her former bravado was disappeared and replaced by fear that bullet will lodge in her head.

" Cock a bell?" I asked in wander, but it seems this body's instinct was screaming to kill that guy, maybe because his name?

"...." she went silent.

" Anyway what's the goal of this Lord Cock a Bell? he should know that sending your bunch here will get nothing but trouble, unless he wants to start a war, war? I see." I say when I created a magic circle beneath her and send her to her boss, Azazel who was currently around in this town.

When I first meet him through the pamphlet with Gremory Household Crest which is my second client beside the Buff Magical GIRL, apparently he was interested who injured his colleague, he searched for me using the remnant aura of Gram that inflicted to his colleague, and he surprised to see the Boosted Gear due to danger was ringing inside my mind, I instinctively summon the Boosted Gear in case that he attack after all due to large amount of impure holy element that radiating inside his body.

Well it's seems the peace that they want to achieve will be broken through this, so I took a phone from my pocket and contact the person who back me up in promotion.


/ Hello Mr. Einzbern what is it?/ a tired voiced could be heard through phone.

" Well it seems Fallen Angel named Cock a Bell was trying to spark the war." I says while looking at the remaining three Fallen Angels in the ground.

/Purpphhh---!!! that Kokabiel huh, well it's not surprising as he was a warmonger amongst the Fallen Angels, he probably can't stomach the era of 'Peace'./ I heard a spill of liquid, probably he was drinking a coffee when I say that.

" So what's the plan?" I asked.

/ Let them be./ he said.

" Why?" I asked again.

/ We cannot just suddenly accused the Grigory Group about the chaos that about Kokabiel did, without being happened its better if he just started to cause a Great War and intercept him. So that we can get compensation, well I will notify the other three through I will omitted some details, after all I don't want Sirzech and Serafal to be the one to start the war./ he said.

- To Be Continued -

A/N: Sorry for late and short chapter, well I'm about to create this chapter from Saturday but I lost the mood due to certain prick leave a 1 star review just because my MC was "Reincarnated Devil" " and just wants Rias and Akeno". Who the heck he is! I just leave a note in the chapter why the mc agreed to join in Peerage, and most of all I created this fanfic just for a change, this fanfic was not a shitty system user or reincarnated individual with Meta Knowledge in DXD. I didn't bother much about the lack of reviews in this fanfic and I'm not petty enough to delete the reviews like some authors just to increase the rate of their fanfic.

So if you just leaving a bad review with just shallow reason, then don't bother to put a review and dropped this fanfic. Its not like I'm earning money through patron for this fanfic, this is just a hobby of mine and to spend a spare time of all.