
The Scrummy Bummy Lore

In the infantile state of a new universe were many creatures in their starting phase, one of which was a juice pouch and straw that would challenge any vegetables from the cabbage patch to a round of fisticuffs, ultimately overcoming them and absorbing their power, thus, it became formidable and left behind an entire and complete heritage behind. This being was later known to be none other but...The Succ Sage. The self named Genius Gang, a group of intellectuals with knowledge far beyond the norm of this infantile universe then began to rise and found this heritage, allowing them to begin their ascent to the higher realms. The Scrummy Bummy Lore is an incomprehensive, shortened archive of the real events that the Genius Gang went through on their path. Translator's Note: As the best translator in the world, it is easy to assume that my translation will be complely on point, however, the Scrummy Bummy Lore, being written in the language of the Gods, was far too complex for even a genius like I to translate fully, as I, just like you, am a mere mortal. Please do read this novel with an open mind, keeping in mind that not only are there multiple meanings that we do not understand, but also many that can eventually be understood through comprehensive thought. I myself feel as though I have matured as not just a person, but as an entity in this vast universe that we call our home after reading this novel. In short, I must say that if the human race ever evolves to the point where we can incorporate the Scrummy Bummy Lore into our national curriculum as the most significant subject, I can die knowing that humanity shall live on to achieve great things.

ImmenseEgg · Realistisch
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Blodvappa vs Manly McManz Slapping Contest

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Right so bvasicly right last night, abcdefgh boi boi wakkop from his bed which was near the code of condac which was near his keys tyo the succ truc eright when all of a sudden !!!!!! his [phone vibrated, launching itself off of his desk ansd decapitating him before flying nto space into a high earth orbit. Seeing this, 0ngi b0ngi boi was absoloutely appalled, quoting to take off your cloth etc. etc. after worshipping delicious melon gif 2 he immediately opened up his communication application (smokesignals.net) where he checked his massage .. O it is from toilet viper 983 .com!!!

Basicly bleeding snake 983 sent him a picture of him still attached to the umbilical cord sayinng "cant come to school today, im still being birthed, 1000 apologies" and opticinist bi boi understood that this wa a good reason, replying a message containing every lotterynnumber from the year 1956 as good will.

next DAY. ...

And I was, you know, if somebody had just the slightest resemblance to say, I so I live in [place name] BIRMINGHHHHHHHAM and just a couple of doors along, is a man looks a bit like 74849 and so, he had similar hair as well to 012902 had so for example, I'd, you know, I'd believe that that was 784783487 coming back from the dead and because I was an artist I was believing they were they were ...

"Your bed is cold," says a voice in the room that had big eyes in fear. He turned nervously and gently looked at the shadow on the bed as if someone was lying down. The man lying there came and went out of the shade where he was waiting. jot cot wakkop from his bed and removed his appendix, liver and intestines in a cooold swat, he was seeing a omniious omen and jos rusel the squirrel squinted at him from outside with his moist eyes. !!!"why are you so sad jos rusal" jopooooooot scot asked, but jos rusal; only cried in fear. he is a batty man.

very veeeeeeeeeeery sonic underground, and also rather belly boy jopot scot0ng was now cvery frightened by the bad omen of jos rusal, the harbinger of war and death, visited his bedroom window, and ate his nutsack, and he 69 69 69 meandered his way to school a6s 9ghe was a 69 669jaco hara/.l. and I think that B::::::::::::::::::). irish spidaman askuh baqgiujjjjj boIIIII BOI BASICALY when will you amkaka fanfictio0n of jopot blot giving birth tot hw ababy of the bgritish emopire/ uhis real[ply doe was simoply thast he coucdld niot make a fanction of som4gtehin haht is real. bro

jos cot pogo stickked his way to schol having been very frightened and also twat by the events that had foreseen his journey. realisticulyy tho jot cot was mostly worried about the roundabout that he had to cross, as it was a common occurrence thathwe would die of old age before the crossed that specific roandabout on his way to schoo.. 87 years passed in the blink of a n I and jot scot was now a 30 yeaers old bottle of dr pepper, having listened to the introductiion of sonic underground 800,000 times, only now just getting onto his playlist of who let the dogs out, repeated for 9 hours straight. It was just then that a lorry driver, in a state of extasy due to his vast knowledge of geography collided with jot cot finally ending his miserable life of waiting at the roundabout slingshotting him straight into the rotanda, where he had to explain his previous absence due to his birthing.

"For what reason were you absent yesterday for youer Chemisery eggxam, jot scallot" jot scallops, the fleaa infested MONGGREL: that he was, simply coul;d not sday that he let the dogs out to mrs mumzf0d, and formulatred a cunning pl;an....

"technmically right, last night, i was still going through the caesarean 0-- and was only born after lunchtime (not mentioning how i had a cheese and pesto pasta feast after mybirth wghich lasted for 4 months, only because the global supply of cheese and pesto pasta had been depleted),. at which the chemisery test had already been done by the entire echelon of my chemisery chemisery class!"

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM))))))))))))000000000000mmmmmmZZZZZZZZZZZZFFFFFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD WAS |AAAPOOCCCKKKAALYPPTIICCCCKKKKK "casuarina ??????" mamzford asked "a tree with slender, jointed, drooping twigs that resemble horsetails and bear tiny scale-like leaves. It is native to Australia and SE Asia, and is a valuable source of timber and firewood.Also called she-oak and pronounced [ˌkasjʊəˈriːnə] ?????????? Hadf you inhaled 50 tons of asbestos, i would have understood the situation, but for your negligence, and your INSOLENCE and AUDACITY you had, to miss the .mp3 file of your chamistry test, you will now literally perish.

From the earth below, a majestically decorated table emerged, pushing the rotunda's carpet aside and seperating the two of them who stared into each other';s eyes with fury and pride. COCKI COCK COCK CIOCK COCK COCK.

MAB LY MAMZAFORD streeeetched her entire arm back before bringing it to jot scot's face slowly, planting her hand on the target, his cheek full of cheese and pesto pasta and rapper rappist's chickin rap, only to pause mid way and apply more chalk to ensure the optimum slapping impact. blodvappa 983 gasped and was suddenly breathless as he saw a premonition of the slap that was about to come dowen upon his defenseless self. Adopting a "you know I had to do it to them" posture. It was then that the air ignited, not due to mrs mamzafads hand cutting through the air, but because of the oxygen premptively combusting, creating a tubular vacuum in the space of fabric and time making way for mrs mamjods slap in the most optimum trajectory. Wet critical who descended from the sky as the second coming screamed in ectasy and delight that he was present to witness this contest, and not because mrs mamzadad's hand lining up for the strike had converted the air within a 5 kilometer radius of itself into dense chlorine gas. "bldovappa 983, you are the sussy chungus"

Knowing that he had to do it to them, blodvappa sunk his head into his body to proetct it, but it was at this momanto that mrs mamzards entire arm flickered out of the bounds of reality. The next time it was seen, a blazing trail of 6-1 spicy chiken rap hot sauce fire was left suspended in the shattered void outlining the parabolic arc that the hand followwed, and the hand had impacted jos cot's entire body giving him scoliosis in a split second before he even had the time to play scrabble quicktime. Like a lego character he fragmented into a trillion little bricks t of cheese and pesto pasta that slowly reformed into one large jar of jalapenos. Moistened critical rolled on the floor in both agony and delight, reality itself had torn from that slap and the honour to witness it was simply unspeakable. He then died from chlotrine gas inhal and abestos addiction, ketamine .

Wowiee!!! I did not expect maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa to fight bbbbbbbb and slap him right after he was born lole XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Likeand scubsribe for a free samsung galaxy s2!

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