
The Scion of Light

In a world where humanity is on a brink of destruction, humans has taken almost every source of energy on Earth, scientist predict that Earth will be un-habitable in 100 years if human does not stop exploiting Earth. One day in the midst of chaos suddenly everybody heard a rumbling, at the same time in all big city on Earth appears a large gate, after studying it scientist confirm that it lead to another dimension with a bunch of resource. People start to screaming in joy But they don't know the danger yet... Few years after the appearances of the Gate Alex an 18 years-old boy who just graduate from high school suddenly found himself seeing a holographic message in front of him.

ChickenWinger256 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

In the next 6 days Alex continue completing his missions in the morning he continue to do the exercise missions and after that he do volunteer works like cleaning the city plaza or helping the homeless shelter when he did not go to the orphanage. After 6 days of the same routine he finally finished all the missions.

[Congratulations the chosen one you have finished the missions]

[(Mission 1: Do good deeds to the society for 42 hours. Progress 42/42)

(Mission 2: To be an awakened you need to have a great physical abilities)

-(Push-up, 100 times a day for 7 days. Progress 7/7)

-(Sit-up, 100 times a day for 7 days. Progress 7/7)

-(Pull-up, 100 times a day for 7 days. Progress 7/7)

-(Running, 5km a day for 7 days. Progress 7/7)]

[On completing the missions you are rewarded with '+10 on Strength, +10 on Agility, +10 on Endurance']

[On completing the missions you are rewarded with a job, you can select from the following list]

[(Priest: This job have the abilities to heal yourself and your designated ally. This job use a staff as weapon. You will get 'Heal' and 'Area Heal' Skills upon choosing this job)

(Battle Priest: This job have the abilities to heal yourself and your designated ally. This job use a blunt weapon as weapon. You will get 'Heal' and 'Smash" skills upon choosing this job)

(Paladin: This job have the abilities to buff yourself and your designated ally. This job use a sword and a shield as weapon. You will get 'Defense Up' and 'Attack Up' skills upon choosing this job)]

'What should job should I choose? I don't like it if I don't do damage so 'Priest' is a no'

'It's between 'Battle Priest' and 'Paladin', I don't really like using a blunt weapon and sword and shield looks cool'

"Then it's decided I will choose paladin"

[Are you sure you choose 'Paladin']


[You choose 'Paladin' as your job you got additional 5 points of endurance and because 'Paladin' use the divine power instead of magic your magic status will be changed into Faith status]


[There is a strong 'Power of Light' detected on the host body]

"Huh? What is this?" Alex is feeling confused

[Because of the 'Power of Light' found in the host, 'Faith' status will be changed into 'Divine' status]

[You got 10 points of Divine Power]

[10 Faith point = 1 Divine Power]

Alex is confused with all of this revelation 'What's the meaning of this? Why am I having the Divine status instead of the Faith status?'

Suddenly he heard a voice besides him "Of course you got the Divine Power my lord"

"Wh-What the hell? Who are you?" Alex ask in surprise.

"Greetings my lord my name is Kala, I've been tasked by the church to be your assistant in your journey" Kala introduce himself to Alex while showing himself to Alex. Kala looks like a blob of light he wander around Alex's head.

"What do you mean by my assistant why do I need an assistant?" Alex asked Kala.

"Before you asked anymore question let me explain to you what you need to know first" Kala said.

"Do you know why there is a gate in your world my lord?" Kala asked Alex.

"No of course not I just know that suddenly appears and monster can came out of it" Alex reply.

"The Gate is actually a gateaway to another world, they are made by some Evil God whose purpose is to conquering the world. The world on the other side of the gate have been conquered by these Evil God and their followers, that world was our home, now we don't have anywhere to go so we evacuate here to your world and build our church from zero here, that is the simple way of telling our and the gate origin" After Kala done explaining the situation Alex still have the biggest questions unanswered.

"Why are you calling me lord and why does the church put such an importance at me?" Alex asked Kala.

"That's because you are the descendants of our God, Lux the God of Light, when our world were attacked by the Evil God and their followers, Lord Lux had a feeling that he needs to join the battle, so before he goes to the battlefield he impregnate the Holy Saintess and sent her and me to this world to raise the child away from the Evil God, after hundreds of years passed we never heard anything from the Lord, not until 5 years ago when the gate appeared in this world" Kala paused what he is saying and said with a shaking voice "I felt the presence of Lord Lux on one of the gate when I went to the gate where I felt his presence, and there I saw him full of battle scar and some fatal wounds. Behind him I see my comrades with a pale face from exhaustion and some with a wounds on their body. Then I heard Lord Lux say something 'I failed, We failed, Kala I leave my descendants to you, they needs to be stronger to repel the Evil God's army, my servants help Kala in building the church and help my descendants fixing the problems I caused to their world' 'Yes My Lord!'"