
The Scion of Light

In a world where humanity is on a brink of destruction, humans has taken almost every source of energy on Earth, scientist predict that Earth will be un-habitable in 100 years if human does not stop exploiting Earth. One day in the midst of chaos suddenly everybody heard a rumbling, at the same time in all big city on Earth appears a large gate, after studying it scientist confirm that it lead to another dimension with a bunch of resource. People start to screaming in joy But they don't know the danger yet... Few years after the appearances of the Gate Alex an 18 years-old boy who just graduate from high school suddenly found himself seeing a holographic message in front of him.

ChickenWinger256 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

Thus they agreed on going to the orphanage, after awhile they arrived at their stop, it's only 1 stop away from the center of the city. When Alex think of orphanage he always imagine it to be a huge building with a large garden in the back for the children to play, but what's in front of him was nothing like that at all. The orphanage is just a 1 storey house that is smaller than Alex's and Jennie's house seeing that Alex feels his heart throb.

"Young man come here!" The grandma calls Alex after talking to someone who seems like the orphanage manager.

"Alex this is Madam Ruth the orphanage manager, this is Alex the young boy that I talked to you about he will be joining me helping the orphanage for today" Grandma introduce Alex to the manager.

"Hello Madam Ruth please take care of us today" Alex said to Madam Ruth.

"Welcome thanks for coming to help us today" Madam Ruth return Alex's greeting. "Actually we have something that needs a man help so it's such a big help if you can do it Alex"

"I am happy to help with anything mam just tell me what do I need to do!" Alex said in an excited tone.

"Oh you're so energetic! I like it, come on let's go! You too girl come with me!" Madam Ruth take Alex and Jennie to do their job at the orphanage.

Alex's job today is to help the orphanage renovate what needs to be renovate while Jennie helping in the kitchen with the Grandma.


After they finished all their jobs the clock shows that now it's 6 A.M. when they want to go home Madam Ruth ask them to join them for dinner.

"It's okay Madam my mother usually cooks at home and I don't want to disturb you anymore" Alex replied.

"Don't be like that Alex, you make me feel bad, at least dinner is what we can give you for your help, look even the kids want you to join them" Madam Ruth said to Alex.

"Yes that's right brother Alex you must have dinner with us!" one of the kid shout to Alex and the other kids started to asking Alex and Jennie to have dinner with them.

"What do you think Jennie do you want to have dinner with them?" Alex ask Jennie.

"Of course I'd like to but first we need to call home and said that we won't be joining dinner" Jennie then proceed to take out her phone.

"I guess you're right" Alex then call his mom.

"Hello mom, I think I won't be home for dinner"

"Alright Alex honey, don't be home to late!"

"Bye mom love you"

"Love you too"

After his call Alex said to Madam Ruth "Madam we will join you for dinner"

"Oh my that's great! Come sit here!" Madam Ruth offers seat to Alex and Jennie.

The food that the orphanage have is not that much but enough.

'There are meats and vegetables, it's nutritional balanced at least, that is good for the children growth'

"I am sorry Alex, Jennie even though I invite you to dinner this is all we have" Madam Ruth looks embarrassed.

"It's okay Madam as long as the kids are happy we are also happy" said Jennie who got along with the kids after playing with the kids during the day.

"Yes Madam that's right as long as the kids are happy" Alex added.

"That's such a relief, usually we don't eat this much but thanks to the grandma who bring groceries we have much to eat today, I'm happy that you don't mind our humble meal" Madam Ruth explain "Come on Alex, Jennie eat your fill"

"Wow it's so delicious! How Madam this is not humble at all it's just like eating out in a restaurant it's so delicious! Right Jennie?" Alex is amazed at the taste of the meal.

Jennie who's face is on the plate replied "That's right madam it's so delicious you cannot call it humble meal"

"Hoho I'm glad that you like the taste, even though I look like this I was actually a chef before" Madam Ruth said with a proud face.

"No wonder it's so delicious" Both Alex and Jennie were dumbfounded.


After Alex and Jennie have their fill with the dinner they said goodbye to Madam Ruth and the kids, they took a bus home.

"It such a fun day right Jennie? I never thought that helping others is such a satisfying thing to do" Alex ask Jennie.

"You're right Alex it's such a fun and satisfying day I'm glad that you invite me to do this, invite me again next time" Jennie replied.

"Yes of course"


When Alex got home he calls the 'Status Panel'

"Status, Mission 1 progress"

[(Mission 1: Do good deeds to the society for 42 hours. Progress 6/42)]

"Great the missions are progressing as I expected, for the next seven days these missions are my schedule"