
The Scion of Light

In a world where humanity is on a brink of destruction, humans has taken almost every source of energy on Earth, scientist predict that Earth will be un-habitable in 100 years if human does not stop exploiting Earth. One day in the midst of chaos suddenly everybody heard a rumbling, at the same time in all big city on Earth appears a large gate, after studying it scientist confirm that it lead to another dimension with a bunch of resource. People start to screaming in joy But they don't know the danger yet... Few years after the appearances of the Gate Alex an 18 years-old boy who just graduate from high school suddenly found himself seeing a holographic message in front of him.

ChickenWinger256 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

*Ring* *Ring*

The sun shines through the gap on the curtain to Alex's face.

Alex woke up and look at the clock.

(07.00 AM)

Alex get up from the bed and he began to think what should he do today, suddenly he heard something.


[The countdown of the missions start now]


[Best of luck]

'Oh yeah I have some missions to do' Then he called the 'Status panel'



[ Alex Lumos

Level: -

Race: Human

Job: -


Strength; N/A , Agility; N/A, Endurance; N/A, Magic; N/A, Mana; N/A

Skill: -


(Mission 1: Do good deeds to the society for 42 hours. Progress 0/42)

(Mission 2: To be an awakened you need to have a great physical abilities)

-(Push-up, 100 times a day for 7 days. Progress 0/7)

-(Sit-up, 100 times a day for 7 days. Progress 0/7)

-(Pull-up, 100 times a day for 7 days. Progress 0/7)

-(Running, 5km a day for 7 days. Progress 0/7)]

After seeing the missions given by the system he began to plan his days.

'Mission 1 needs 42 hours to complete while mission 2 need to be complete every day for 7 days so if I do 6 hours of the first mission everyday I can complete all the missions in 7 days'

After contemplating about his schedule for the next 7 days he went to take a shower and change into a sweatshirt and sweatpants for exercising, then he went downstairs, in the first floor he see his mother is preparing for their breakfast.

"Alex honey come sit, have some breakfast" his mother called him to the table.

"Okay mom" Alex replied.

After some time Susan finished the breakfast and they eat a warm meal in the morning.

"So Alex what are you going to do today?"

"In the next 7 days I will try to finish my awakening missions, in the morning I will be exercising and after that I will go around the city and do some good deeds even I don't know what count as good deeds may be I will just do everything I can to some people who needs help"

"I see then I will be waiting for you here, good luck my son, do your best" Susan said while hugging Alex.

"Yes mom thank you" Alex returning the hug.

Alex then leave the house and began warming up in front of his house, after he finish his warm up he began to run the whole neighborhood.

His neighborhood is not that big so he needs to run around the neighbor hood for a few times. When he is on his last lap he pass by Jennie's house, there stood Jennie with her beautiful long black hair, while Alex was mesmerized by the sight of Jennie she called him.

"Oi Alex bastard!" Alex heard Jennie's shout from a distance.

'Damn this girl if she is not a beauty he won't ever have a boyfriend'

"Damn that mouth of yours Jennie, Can you be a little bit gentler?"

"What are you doing Alex I've never seen you outside the house this early aside for going to school"

"Oh nothing just exercising, do you want to join me?"

"No thanks I just woke up I'm to lazy for exercising right now"

"Then do you want to go to the city with me today?"

Suddenly Jennie's face got redder, she turned her head quickly so that Alex doesn't see her reddened face.

"What's wrong with you? Why you suddenly tuning your head?" Alex asked in confusion.

"No-Nothing, it-it's just the sun is too bright! Yes the sun! The sun is too bright"

"You are right it's hotter than usual I guess"

"By- By the way what time will you go to the city?" Jennie said in hurry to changed the subject.

"Maybe at 10 or 11 I'll contact you later, I need to finish my exercise first"

"Okay then see you later"

"Yeah see you"

After talking to Jennie, Alex continue his exercise. He went home and go to his room to do push-up, pull-up and sit-up. After finishing the mission he felt like he's going to die, he felt pain all over his body.

'F*ck it hurts so much! Why did I never exercise before, if I ever exercise before the pain would hurt less! The pain is killing me!'

Alex looked at the digital clock by his bed and see that it's 10 am now. He hurriedly grab his phone and contact Jennie to let her know that they will go to the city at 11.

(Jennie be ready at 11, I will come and pick you up)

Alex texted Jennie and not long after he received a text from Jennie


At Jennie's house, Jennie is ready to go when she see Alex's message.

"Damn this bastard I already finish getting ready and he postponed it" Even though Jennie is mad at Alex she actually feel excited because Alex never have the initiative to invite her to going out it's always her that took the initiative to ask him.