
The Scion of Light

In a world where humanity is on a brink of destruction, humans has taken almost every source of energy on Earth, scientist predict that Earth will be un-habitable in 100 years if human does not stop exploiting Earth. One day in the midst of chaos suddenly everybody heard a rumbling, at the same time in all big city on Earth appears a large gate, after studying it scientist confirm that it lead to another dimension with a bunch of resource. People start to screaming in joy But they don't know the danger yet... Few years after the appearances of the Gate Alex an 18 years-old boy who just graduate from high school suddenly found himself seeing a holographic message in front of him.

ChickenWinger256 · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

[Congratulation you have been selected to be the awakened]

[Proceeds with the mission that have been given to you to went trough the awakening]

[Upon finishing the mission you will be granted an awakening and you will be able to see your full status]

'What I have been chosen as an awakened?! what does it means!? and why is it said that I need to complete a missions before I went through an awakening?'

Usually if you went through an awakening you just have your powers awaken and it does not require you to complete a missions for you to went through an awakening.

'Does it means I am special?' Alex is looking his reflection on a glasses of a building he has a short blond hair and green eyes, his looks are somewhat handsome but not overly handsome, he is neither short nor tall, he is a little bit on a chubby side.

Suddenly he felt someone slap his back.

"What are you in dazed for Alex! We need to hurry or we will miss the bus home" Said a beautiful girl with a long black hair.

"Jennie! you don't need to slap me! remember you are an awakened and it is only a matter of days before you become an Adventurer!" Alex replied while looking pitiful because of the powerful slap that Jennie gave.

"So what are you in dazed for?" Jennie ask again while they are on their way to the bus stop.

"I'll tell you later" Alex replied.

"What? why are you so secretive it's not like there is a secret between us, we've been friends since I can remember!" Jennie said to Alex

"In the bus! I promised to tell you in the bus! It's crowded here"

"Okay then I'll wait 'till we get to the bus"

Then they proceed to walk towards the bus stop, after a while their bus finally came, then they sit at the back of the bus because there are no one at the back of the bus.

"So Jennie I think I can be awakened" Alex whispered to Jennie.

"What! You 'think' you can be awakened? what do you mean you 'think' aren't you supposed to just get awakened out of nowhere, why do think you can be awakened?" Jennie asked in a low voice.

"That's the thing I was in dazed because of that suddenly there are a holographic message in front of me that said I need to complete a mission to went through an awakening, I have 7 days to complete the missions" Alex replied.

"Well in any case congratulations for being an awakened! It seems like this parting trips was for nothing you will be coming with me to the adventurer academy next month!" Jennie said in an excited tone

"Yeah I hope I can complete the missions and become an awakened"

"Don't worry I know you will complete the missions!"

On the way home they are chit chatting to one another the bus finally came to the last stop where they both get off the bus. Alex and Jennie are neighbor their house is not far from each other.

"Goodbye Alex see you tomorrow"

"Bye Jennie see ya"

After parting ways with Jennie, Alex went home while still in daze when he reaches home he see the porch light is home that means his mother is home Alex looked at the two story house with mixed feeling, he is thinking about whether to tell his mother about the awakening or not. Because after his father died his mother always told him that if she can choose she will choose for Alex to not be an awakened, but Alex always dreams of being an awakened.

"Mom I'm home!" He went trough the door and calls for his mother.

"Oh Alex honey your home! go change your clothes and come sit at the dining table I just finished making dinner" He heard his mother voice from the kitchen.

He went to the dining table after he changed his clothes into a comfortable sweatshirt, not long after he sit, he saw a middle-aged woman with a blonde hair come out of the kitchen with some dishes her feature are somewhat similar to Alex, that is Alex's mom Susan, then Susan proceed to put the dishes on the dining table and sit in front of Alex. After that they have a warm dinner together and talks about some menials thing.

"Mom I have something to tell" After the dinner Alex decided to tell his mom about his situation.

"What is it honey?" Alex mom replied in a concerned voice.

"Mom, I think I can get awakened" Alex replied in a serious tone.

"Really Alex you silly boy, I thought it was something more serious!" Susan exhale a breath of relief.

"What mom! I thought you don't want me to become an awakened!" Replied Alex.

"What!? I never said that I only said that if I have to choose, because if you are to be an awakened then you will be an adventurer, and adventurer risk their life everyday and I don't want you to risk your life, and I don't want to lose you like I lose your father. But it does not matter if you became an awakened, I will always support you in whatever choice you ever make Alex because you are my son whatever happened to you, you always be my son" She then pull Alex to her embrace.

"Thank you mom" Alex cried in his mother embrace.

"But Alex what do you mean by you can be awakened, aren't the awakened just have to go trough an awakening and that's it?" Susan asking Alex.

"I don't know either mom. The status panel told me to complete a missions then I can get through an awakening" Alex answered.

"That's odd, but whatever. Just do your best Alex!"

"Yes mom"