
Said Story of my Life

I was 12 years old ,when my parents died and I was left with Uncle Sam. Uncle was treating me like his wife...I was a sex slave, okay at the age of 17 i fall pregnant and I didn't notice anything cause am still young and depressed mind you after the death of my parents he told to leave school and be house keeper since I see the no woman bla bla bla...ok I was still young and respect child yes I dropped out of school and turn to sex slave until fall pregnant remember there was neighbor there and there was the ones who notice that am pregnant but something that worries them I was in the inner doors ,okay one day I was going to River to catch water I met that old woman she was be like you're pregnant my child,ok "I was like askies granny are saying or asking" granny replys"am telling you my child "she carry on going... I was huh!!!ok I went back home "silly me" I told my uncle guess what happen...P2 it loading