
The school prince(she) is only close to me(he)

This story currently has an ongoing remake you can read it here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-school-prince-(she)-is-only-close-to-me-(he)-remake_23077545906124605 Yuriko Nanami is the prince of my school. She's beautiful, athletic, smart, friendly, handsome, and has a nice and cool personality, truly the perfect school prince. Me? Just your common guy with a dark brown hair that doesn't do anything social-like by himself *Thumbs up* And this the story of how we got closer to each other cover Artist: sakko0212 [Twitter] This story is also available on Wattpad

Lazy_Author_san · realistisch
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69 Chs

Chapter 50

(A/N Notes: Fifty f*cking chapters!!! Let's f*cking goooooo!!!)

"Haa... Haa... Haa... Ah..."

Yuriko was catching her breath after fleeing at full speed from Takeru due to her embarrassment, and then she noticed what she did to him

"... He probably isn't angry at me... But I still should apologize to him"

She said that to herself, then patted the dust out of her clothes and made her way to school

Around 30 minutes later

Yuriko went to her classroom where everyone should be right now since their play was during the afternoon

"Good morning"

"Yuriko-sama!? G, good morning!"

Some of the girls greeted her back, while the others just stayed silent at seeing Yuriko in casual clothes, and the girls were quick to notice that her causal skirt, differently from her school uniform skirt was going down all the way down to her shins, instead of the knees (A/N Notes: This is more of a personal preference of mine since for me a knee-length is more fitting to Yuriko due to how her personality turned out)

"Is there anything you all need help with?"

"Ah! N, no there isn't a lot of stuff, we're just checking to see if everything is in order"

"I see... Well, since I'm here I'll help with the checking"

"Y, you don't need to!... Ah! Actually, the new costumes for you have already arrived, so could you wear them to see if they fit you?"

"Sure, and where are the costumes?"

"Ah! Right! They're here. We'll take them later to the backstage dressing room"

"Thank you, then I'll be going to the girl's dressing room"


And Yuriko left to check on her costumes for the play

"Hmmm... It feels good and it looks good... But it's from that guy..."

Yuriko had already tried the other costumes and was now trying the dress, which was very similar to the Cinderella's dress of a certain mouse media company. She found the dress nice and all, but she didn't like the fact that it was provided by a certain annoying guy, then she removed the costumes and put on her casual clothes, and went to return the costumes to her class, and when she left the dressing room she saw that now most of the booths of the other classrooms were already open

"..." <If I'm not wrong, Takeru said that his class was doing a butler café... Maybe I should check it out?... I, it's not like I want to see him in butler clothes!>

She thought to herself, as she made her way back to her classroom, and returned the costumes. Then she went to take a walk around the school as she made her way to Takeru's classroom

"... *Sigh* Why did we open so early? There's no one that would come here this early!"

"Excuse me, but are you already open?"

"Huh?... !? Y, y, yes! W, we're open! P, please enjoy yourself!"

The girl who was serving as the hostess of the butler café got flustered when she saw Yuriko standing in front of her, but she still managed to invite her in. And when the people inside the classroom saw her they all got surprised as they quickly got up from the chairs and made a dignified expression

"..." <Takeru isn't here... He's probably behind those curtains>

Yuriko thought so as she made her way to a table, one of the boys serving as a waiter pulled the chair for her and she sat down, then a menu was carefully put on the table right in front of her, which she picked up and looked at the options. After a little while, someone came to take her order

"Are you ready to order, dear customer?"

"! Yes, I am"

The voice she heard was a very familiar one, and she looked at the owner of the voice. It was Takeru, giving a professional smile to her, Yuriko who now knew what she was going against had already put her prince personality to work

"... I would like a swiss lemonade and a lemon tart" (A/N Notes: ... *Sweating heavily* )

"A swiss lemonade and a lemon tart? Got it. Anything else?"

"Yes, I would also like to have you"

"With plenty service from me too, dear customer?"

"Yes, please"

"Got it"

And Takeru left to take her order to the kitchen



They both looked calm, but inside they were screaming loudly out of embarrassment, after a few minutes, Takeru came back to Yuriko's table and put down her swiss lemonade together with the lemon tart

"Please enjoy yourself"

When he tried to leave, Yuriko grabbed one of his wrists and pulled him down, making him fall and sit on her lap

"Didn't you say that you were going to give me plenty of service from you?"

"Oh? I thought you wanted that for after your meal"

"Fufu, you need to try better than that to fool me"

"Oh, I know that"

They both talked with confidence in their faces, then their lips overlapped. Everyone in Takeru's classroom stopped what they were doing to see the two, and they all blushed when they kissed each other after the beautiful Yuriko with her prince-like persona talked with the handsome Takeru who was easily keeping up with her, as they all felt charmed by that couple... When Yuriko and Takeru finished their kiss, they smiled at each other and she let him get up from her lap

"... If you excuse me, I have other duties to attend"

"Of course, I'm sorry for my selfish request"

"It's fine, I enjoyed it too"

And he excused himself and went behind the curtains, seeing him leave Yuriko put her elbows on the table and covered her face with both hands as she turned completely red that even her ears were turning red. And Takeru after he went behind the curtains fell to his knees as he also covered his face with both hands

"..." <Wow...> (x25)

Meanwhile, his classmates were all impressed how Yuriko and Takeru looked perfectly together during their unexpected flirting

Later, a few minutes before the Cinderella play by Yuriko's classroom

"Yuriko-sama! Horrible news!"

"What happened?"

"Yamamoto-kun hit his little toe on a corner at home so hard that it even bent in a weird way!" (A/N Notes: Ouch!... And Is this a plot armor or a plot hole?)

"! *Gasps* Wait... How do you know that?"

"His sister messaged me a little while ago"

"I see... Do we have someone to fill his role as the evil prince?"

"No! We don't! And the worse part is that all those extra hours of practice that we made him do will go to waste because he was dumb enough to fuck his little toe right on the day!!!"

"... Say does the person doing the evil prince need to know all the lines?"

"Due to our desperation, no he doesn't! He only needs to have a good face and be good at acting!"

When the director girl said that, Yuriko already knew who to get

"Well... I do know of someone who's currently with a handsome face, and he's really good at acting"


"Yeah, but he's a first-year... So, I'm not su-"

"It doesn't matter go get him no matter what!"


Yuriko at hearing that from the director girl managed to get the perfect excuse and reason to have Takeru in the play, though not for the role she wanted him to have, went to get him, since earlier before she left his classroom café, she had asked him when his shift ended, and he told her he would only be serving at the morning

A few minutes later

Yuriko ran towards his classroom, and she opened the door of his classroom in a hurry surprising everyone outside and inside his classroom


"! *Peeks out of the curtain* Yuriko? What do you need?"

"I need you to come with me! It's an emergency!"

"... Okay! Just gimme a sec"

Takeru finished buttoning his shirt and went to Yuriko, then she just held his hand and made him run with her back to the backstage. In there she introduced him to everyone

"This is Tanaka Takeru, my boyfriend, and he's good at acting, he also helped me with a few rehearsals"

"Okay! Please try this costume of the evil prince!"

The director girl was quick to act as she hurriedly had him try at least the evil prince's jacket




And they all noticed it was bigger than him, which was bad


The director girl went into full panic mode

"... At least I tried to get Takeru to participate *Really low voice*"

"... Say, does it really need to be these clothes for the evil prince?"

"GAAAAHHHH! Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well... I have a set of clothes that kind of give an evil vibe and if really strain it, they can somewhat pass as a prince costume from a certain 2000s anime at my apartment"

"How long does it takes from here to there?"

"If I walk, it'll take a total of an hour, if I go at a faster pace I might make within forty to fifty minutes if I run I might be able to make in thirty minutes, but I'll completely out of breath when I come back"

"... ... ... Considering the part, the evil prince is supposed to appear, and if we do a few stalling attempts... We might be able to get you one hour, so you can walk back to your apartment and come back walking, but be ready to start running should we fail to give you a full hour"

"Okay! *Preparing to leave* Ah! Here's my contact address so that you can warn me when I should start running"

"Thank you"

And Takeru left to get the set of clothes he said to the director girl he had and that could somewhat pass as an evil prince. And Yuriko was...

"*Happily smiling*" <Yeeeesssssssssss...>

Was happy to get Takeru in the play

(A/N Notes: Why am I having a feeling of deja vu?)


Lazy_Author_sancreators' thoughts