
The Scarlet-Eyed Setter

Tatsuki Kai has always been bored of his everyday life, but what will happen now that he’s been reborn in the world of Haikyu!! (Book cover is not owned by me.)

S1r1usG0ld · Sport
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15 Chs

Chapter 1: Birth

I don't know how long it's been, I'm surrounded by darkness. Slowly but surely I feel it eating my sanity. 'Is this hell?' I wondered as I cannot imagine being anywhere else.

You see I have already died. I remembered living for 18 years and then dying from a car accident. It was a boring life other than that, going to school day to day. The only excitement I got was from novels and anime.

As I was thinking to my self, suddenly a bright light appeared and drew closer. Suddenly, I felt nothing but intense pain all over my body and fell unconscious. When I woke up I could barely see my surroundings and could barely move. While I was getting my bearings, I noticed something. My hands were small and fat and I couldn't talk! It was then I realized I had been reborn.


It's been a year since I've come to this world. I've learned that I'm half-American and half-Japanese.

My father, Tatsuki Ryo, met my mother, May Miller, on a year-long business trip where they fell in love and my mother moved to Japan to be with him. I enjoy being with them as they've shown me a warmth I've haven't had in a long time. My parents died when I was 10 my last life and my grandparents only paid for my apartment and school. They weren't bad people just busy and didn't want to raise more kids, which I understood, but it was hard not having someone after they died.

My parents in this life love me intensely. My father never wants to put me down and kisses me constantly on my head, despite my protest of his prickly beard. All in all, I've loved living this new life.

I've started picking up the language now after being around it for so long. My mother cried when I said my first words. I've also found something interesting about where I am. Volleyball is widely popular in my country, to the extent where they show high school nationals on television. My mother used to play in high school and loves the sport, so I've sat with her while she watches. As I watched, I was shocked. All of these teams are from an anime I used to watch called "Haikyu!!". I even saw coach Ukai on Karasuna's bench.

I couldn't help but wonder 'did I get reborn in the world of Haikyu!!'.

After I got the idea in my head I couldn't stop thinking about it. 'Aren't I supposed to have met a god or something? Isn't that usually how these things go according to novels?'

I couldn't think of a reason why I was here. It's not like I had done a lot of good in my last life, it was just normal.

As I pondered over everything, I started becoming more and more excited. I started thinking of what I would do now that I knew. Then I realized another thing. 'Don't my neighbors have the family name Yu and didn't they have a son the same age as me? Could my neighbor be Nishinoya, he was my favorite character!'

I couldn't wait until I became a little older and could move around and see if my guess is true.