
The Saiyan Emperor ( Reborn in Dragon ball)

Dragon ball fan is Reincarnated as a Saiyan So get this some random Jo is just enjoying his day and stuff then boom dead deadified and he meets this guy called soul guide who he asks reincarnate him to dragon ball and imagine the dudes luck when he is reborn as a Saiyan with great potential . Just so you know I am just trying to make the best story I can and I would like you to give whatever constructive criticism you can so I can best improve and stuff .Also Mc might not be the smartest but ill try to not make him an idiot but hell have his moment he's only saiyan after all Also I hope you enjoy the story bye Disclaimer(2): I do not claim ownership of terms, characters, powers, and material in general besides my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners

Ranks_Blex_2955 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 39: I propose we reach an agrement

On the dunes of a sandy planet, there was a massive golden city that was set majestically in the middle of the desert it sparkled as the sun kissed its buildings, especially the massive royal palace in the middle of the city.

This was the city of Agrabah the capital of the planet Aladenii a sandy planet and one of the many middle worlds and the largest supplier of intergalactic fuel in the middle worlds.

As the normal Aladenii went about their day their sultan and Sultana were in a very important meeting with one of the most powerful monarchs in the universe Arrot the ruler of the Saiyan Empire, who was currently greedily devouring the food placed before him as the two rulers looked in shock at how someone would. eat after such a demand.

Yes, demand Arrot had not come to the planet to negotiate he arrived to demand and make claim, what was it he wanted you may ask" well simple, He wanted the world and its profitable business of course what else would Arrot want?

The Sultan and Sultana were unfolded at how bold he was as he used a large spoon to scoop up large amounts of shelled fish and placed them in his mouth, he would proceed to chew and swallow with the help of fine local wine, Arrot had developed a liking to this brand and had wines, in general, he had invested heavily in wine business all over his empire and as he was about to invest in oil as well the wine tasted sweeter with the shel fish.

He turned to the two monarchs in front of him as they were still in shock at his demand to join him, "Well I'm sure you two don't need much convincing about why I want your world and why it would be a wise move to willingly join me, after all, you've heard of the monarchs that did not bend the knee to be correct, but those that did are living lives as if nothing happened they are probably living better than before, so what do you say Sultan Alladeen the 105th?

The Sultan was in deep thought he knew that his world could not take on the Saiyans and those that they subjugated but he also knew that if he did join him the south Galaxy powers will be after him especially the republic and the Konats empire.

The Sultan looked at Arrot with resolve in his eyes Emperor Arrot if I may ask.

"Go ahead"

"What would you be planning for the south galaxy?

"Arrot sipped on the wine and slightly turned his head to face the Sultan "Oh me, what have you believing I have some sort of plan in mind?

"Well for one I have heard news of many middle world planets cutting ties with the republic all of a sudden these past few weeks and I found it disturbing and here you are today to demand I join you, I'm sure you already know of the many powers in the south Galaxy?

"Yes, the new republic and the Konats Empire Aswell as some smaller groups I am aware of them and how they have been trying to one-up the other by trying to rapidly convert planet after Planet to join them both in the south galaxy and the middle world.

The republic believes that if they can unite all worlds into a democracy then they will be safe from the Kontras imperialism, but they have mainly been entering the middle worlds for building up their armies and influence and for those that preach democracy they instal puppet states and dictators that favour them but torment the people,danm hypocrites but aren't we all.

For example, the Republic was involved in the business and politics of a world I have recently visited, It was the planet chilen and after visiting the country and realising what was wrong I got rid of them I then held proper elections then a true democratically elected leader of that world and the first thing he does is to bend the knee to me, strange I know but it was his own free will and a smart move

Arrot then sipped his wine before continuing "Ahh this is good but back to what I was saying, I have visited up to three worlds so far and my two assistants have gone off to visit others and I have noticed something around here Mr Sultan"

"W-what would that be Lord Arrot?

"Oh it's just that you don't fear the republic as much as you fear the Konatsians"

His eyes widened "What, what what what no no no Lord Arrot what a bold claim you have hahaha no we are simply Business partners with them an so we have good relations with them they even helped build buildings and advance technologies they have helped the people build fortunes"

"That sounds suspicious because I noticed a large amount of the businesses here are owned by Konatsians and from the research I've found the local Aladeene are being paid scraps and the working conditions are awful with the Konatsians.

The sultan begins to sweat clearly what Arrot was saying was the truth, and he knew it.

Arrot sipped his wine slowly "Dear Sultan could it be, that you fear them more than you fear me?

The sultan began to shake but his wife held his hand helping him calm down she looked at her husband kindly and smiled this helped him calm down, and think.

"Lord Arrot what you ask needs some time to think I ask that you give us time to contemplate, you are more than welcome to stay in the palace and explore the local cuisine".

"Of course, I would love that"

The two monarchs respectfully moved to their room trying their best not to run as it would be a sign of weakness and they had been raised in a time where Saiyans were a part of their nighttime stories and news of their savagery to the weak was known.

As they reached their room they breathe a sigh of relief as they survived, the Sultan began to drop onto the bed and scream into a pillow.

Why is it always so tough dear why did I have to be left to make such choices, between the Konats and the Saiyans?

Hi, wife set on the bed with him as she also just laid in bed pondering how they had come to this point.

As they pondered they did not know about being closely observed not by an enemy but by a young woman she hadn't just started watching them now no not at all when she first heard the news of a powerful individual visiting she was excited especially after learning he was a Saiyan she had recently heard the news about the Saiyans, but she was not allowed to meet him in case the worst were to happen, but she snuck a way to spy on them.

And upon hearing his first words her excitement turned into anger, confusion and hate who was this man to demand that we hand over our planet to him she watched as her parents the strongest people she knew coward and treated him as their better she hated it the sight of her parents looking weak she hated how they were pushed around like that she wanted to storm into their room and reprimand them but after seeing their current state she decided to go to the source of this problem.

The Saiyan.

Arrot was currently watching the hustle and bustle of the city at night atop the palace gardens while he of course drank fine local wine and ate fruits similar to dates they surprisingly went well together as he was enjoying the peace he detected someone walking towards him, it was the same person who was trying to spy on him this afternoon during the meeting.

she didn't try and hide herself this time she boldly walked to where Arrot set and stared him down she had a slender build long black hair brown skin and four arms like all her people plus a third eye to signify royalty.

She would look regal and threatening if she wasn't only twelve years old.

She pointed her finger at Arrot and with a prideful smile spoke "Apologise now Saiyan or face my wrath.

Arrot continued to eat the fruit and sip on the wine as if he didn't care which he didn't. The young princess did not take his lack of enthusiasm kindly as she immediately got into a fighting position.

"Very well if you won't acknowledge your sins I Jasmin of Alladeen will make you understand them, this I swear"

Arrot simply continued to eat his dates.