
The Saiyan Emperor ( Reborn in Dragon ball)

Dragon ball fan is Reincarnated as a Saiyan So get this some random Jo is just enjoying his day and stuff then boom dead deadified and he meets this guy called soul guide who he asks reincarnate him to dragon ball and imagine the dudes luck when he is reborn as a Saiyan with great potential . Just so you know I am just trying to make the best story I can and I would like you to give whatever constructive criticism you can so I can best improve and stuff .Also Mc might not be the smartest but ill try to not make him an idiot but hell have his moment he's only saiyan after all Also I hope you enjoy the story bye Disclaimer(2): I do not claim ownership of terms, characters, powers, and material in general besides my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners

Ranks_Blex_2955 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 33: The West Has fallen

At the corner of the West Galaxy on a Large green planet, a fierce battle was currently occurring as battleships and tanks fired endless barrages of lasers at oncoming foes, who did the same

The defenders were being pushed back losing more and more numbers as the invaders charged forward. Still, on an airship high in the sky a tall figure standing at about 7 feet with long black hair and the new Saiyan armour and a monkey tail, looked down on the battlefield as the sabre soldier shifted from their smaller forms to the bulky stampede form to they began to push past the enemy defence until they were driven back by the defender's laser.

The figure frowned as the saibermen line was broken behind him another figure emerged it was a smaller person a female Saiyan with long hair that reached her ankles large energetic black eyes and a joyful smile this was non-other than Bora one of the top commanders in the Saiyan army and even tho they lost ground she remained optimistic.

"Calm down my dear Broly, the troops will push through soon"

The figure was Broly the Saiyan said to be second only to the emperor himself deemed the Emperor's right hand and fist of the Empire, whenever there was a planet that resisted conquest (unification as the Saiyans call it) Broly was there to take it when there were bandits that were too strong for the navy Broly was there, Broly had become a public hero and was admired by the people for his ferocity and his kind heart, as a commander and most of all Arrots right hand he had amassed a massive fortune and had used much of it to donate to the reconstruction of worlds although his efforts paled in comparison to Arrots as a philanthropist he was still recognised by those he helped.

But only citizens of the Empire received such kind treatment as those that opposed the Saiyan assertion would know actual hell, Currently, he was pushing his campaign of unification (conquest) as he was invading planet "Wrong" which was the last planet in the west galaxy that hadn't submitted to Arrots rule yet and had resisted greatly but because Arrot had begun by establishing total trade dominance in the west galaxy the Wrong could not be supplied with enough resources to last an invasion they were struggling to be self-reliant after centuries of relying on Galactic trade supplying themselves had become much harder

Arrot saw this as a chance and sent them terms of surrender and offering them food for the people and safety in return for their loyalty as many planets already did once they realised that they had no chance they would willingly join the empire after all even tho the empire doesn't permit slavery they would rather be slaves they would be well fed rather than beaten and hungry because of pride, many planets had found that being part of an Empire with strong trade and a strong military was beneficial and Arrot had proven to be a competent ruler so they were pleasantly surprised, some even sent massages to the Wrong about the benefits but they still kept their pride but many knew the planet was falling apart as the citizens starved.

Arrot wanted to wrap up the campaign in the West as quickly as possible so he sent Bora to blockade the planet, which she did as they tried sending messages to the wrong to surrender but they did not listen and instead announced that they would fight till the end.

Bora easily broke through the blockade and Broly joined in on the invasion once he had finished his other duties in the sector and so they had a joint invasion the battle on the planet lasted a full day and they had taken every city except the capital which was currently being invaded

The invasion was lasting longer only because Arrot had hoped to reduce citizen casualties on the planet and if he Allowed Broly who was still in the process of controlling his power and Bora who had a bloodlust the size of Texas there would be trouble instead he told them to target the leaders of the Wrong.

Bora then planned to make a false battle near the capital city as some of her Saieber soldiers drilled under the city just as she was reminiscing on the plan she heard Broly grumble.

She looked up and saw him pacing around irritated "what's wrong Broly dear," she asked looking down at the battlefield where she saw the saibermen were pushing the wrong back "oh see I told you they would do great, but what the problem?

Broly looked around the battlefield "the longer this fight lasts the more people have to die"

Bora contemplated it for some time before shrugging "they weren't cute any way plus it's only until my team finds the leaders"

"How much longer tho?

as if to answer his question the monitor on the flagship rang and reviled the face of a young Saiyan not much older than Bora and Broly he smiled happily and began to tell them the location of the Wrong leaders they were not in the city instead they were hidden near a particular mountain range where they were preparing to leave the planet with whatever resources they stole.

Broly frowned and clenched his fist "these bastards are running away from their people Arrot would never do something like that never" Broly was just about to fly off to find them whilst facing the direction they were hiding when a pink laser ray shot past him at an incredible speed towards the area it made an impact and decimated the whole mountain range forming a massive crater at where the mountains used to be.

Broly looked at her with a questioning look as if saying I called dibs, Bora walked over to him petting him on the shoulder while standing on her toes since the height difference between them was too great "you know Broly dear I cant stand seeing my family upset like that and those bastards pissed you off and that pissed me off so I got rid of them for you"

Broly looked into her eyes and concluded one thing (this chick is crazy)

Broly and Bora then proceeded to occupy the rest of the planet and after informing Arrot they would find adequate people to replace the former leaders and in a way fill the power vacuum ()even tho Arrot was the one in charge he would need to put a local as an overseer otherwise the locals might get rebellious if someone who isn't one of them manages the planet like how an alien was to rule earth or let's say someone who has never lived in your country and doesn't have the same culture starts to run things like America messing with other countries)

And with the fall of planet Wrong, the West galaxy is now completely under the rule of Arrot and the Saiyan empire


Author note

Hey guys it's me the handsome, intelligent and not a loser author

just wanna say I'm back well kind of not really but yes it's strange I'm posting chapters mostly when they are ready I cant claim to be free all the time since things have only gotten more hectic but I need something to take my mind off things so there ill just be posting when I feel like it or when I am done with a chapter.

anyway missed you guys even tho i would occasionally comment here and there

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