
The Saiyan Emperor ( Reborn in Dragon ball)

Dragon ball fan is Reincarnated as a Saiyan So get this some random Jo is just enjoying his day and stuff then boom dead deadified and he meets this guy called soul guide who he asks reincarnate him to dragon ball and imagine the dudes luck when he is reborn as a Saiyan with great potential . Just so you know I am just trying to make the best story I can and I would like you to give whatever constructive criticism you can so I can best improve and stuff .Also Mc might not be the smartest but ill try to not make him an idiot but hell have his moment he's only saiyan after all Also I hope you enjoy the story bye Disclaimer(2): I do not claim ownership of terms, characters, powers, and material in general besides my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners

Ranks_Blex_2955 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 27:Broly’s new friend

Location: Planet Vampa

On a barren, yellowish-green planetoid. with a surface consisting of a yellow sky and rocky wastelands as far as the eye can see a small spiky-haired boy with an apes tail and a fury rag around his waist, drags a beetle-like creature to the entrance of a cave where he is met by an older man tinkering with a broken down device he threw the wrench he was using in frustration but his face light up slightly when he saw the young boy.

Ahh Broly your back, just in time as well come on then time for training.

The young boy who was revealed to be Broly just nodded and along with the older Saiyan walked to an open area away from the cave. There Broly stood a distance away from the older Saiyan eyeing him keenly with a blink the young Saiyan was right in the older's face preparing to throw a punch that sent the older Saiyan flying but it didn't end as Broly followed up with a strong punch to the older Saiyan who blocked but was sent crashing into the nearby rocks.

He coughed up blood and seemed to be badly hurt the power difference between the two was extremely large he looked up and saw Broly coming towards him to finish the job

"No!! Broly stop!! He yelled bracing himself for the attack that never came he slowly turned his head to see Broly floating midair his fist still extended, He slowly floated down and faced his bruised father with a worried look.

Paragus smiled "well done Broly, you grow stronger each day soon my son we will have our revenge on King Vegeta and all those who support him Hahaha...

Hahahaha Revenge against a dead man

Paragus was soon interrupted from his speech by the laughter of a young boy no older than his son he wore expensive-looking clothes with jewellery of the finest minerals he had only ever seen on king Vegeta this young Saiyan radiated a form of pride.

"Who are you boy? Paragus asked Arrot with venom in his voice.

Arrot chuckled for some time only making Paragus angrier until it dawned on him.

Wait, wait boy are you here to save us?

Arrot rubbed his chin before pointing his finger at Broly "You" he said directing his gaze at the scrawny child that would soon become one of the largest overpowered bastards in all Dragon Ball Broly.

"You, I came here for you"

Broly tilted his head slightly and looked at Arrot confused and before Arrot could continue Paragus ran in front of him and yelled with worry

"What do you mean you're here for Broly,?

Arrot starred at Paragus with a look of contemplation

Speak you brat I asked you a question, Who are you and what do you want with Broly in fact who did you come here with?

Arrot felt unusually irritated by Paragus he hadn't felt this much disrespect ever since he set himself as ruler of Taccon and that was over a year ago now he was the leader of a growing soon to be Empire and here was a Mid class Saiyan that he had surpassed long back talking down to him as if he had the high ground, but he didn't Arrot thought to himself how he wanted to make an example of Paragus right here but would be problematic with getting things sorted with Broly since in the super movie he went bezerk after this guys death

So Arrot chose to leave him Alive for now until he fully got Broly on his side. Going back to reality he noticed Paragus was still talking But Arrot decided even if he won't kill him yet hell make sure Paragus understands who is in control.

Arrot pointed his index finger to Paragus who stepped back slightly as if every instinct in his body was telling him that this child was dangerous before he could make another move Arrot shot a white laser at him and he tried to dodge but he couldn't move not because of fear but he was Paralysed by the white laser Arrot shot.

This was a spell Arrot had learned it was similar to syndromes zero-point energy, Syndrome can create a field of quantum energy that inhibits the majority of a victim's body movement. And Arrot had learned how to do the same he was currently using it on Paragus, Broly was about to try to step in But Arrot Raised his hand.

"Calm down Broly I'm not going to hurt him, well not too much it's just that in my position I can't afford To be disrespected so I have to resort to such Tactics.

Paraguay tried to move his body but was stuck in Place he couldn't even talk. But Arrot didn't care about him it was Broly he came for and Currently Broly had a confused look on his face trying to understand what Arrot was Saying to him, Noticing this Arrot released Paragus causing him to fall on the ground he walked over to Broly and handed him a food wrapper.

Broly sniffed the wrapper and was about to eat it but Arrot quickly stopped him and peeled off the packet for him, Broly sniffed it and finally took a bite eating the whole thing he chewed for a while and a wide smile formed on his face and stars in his eyes it was the best thing he had ever tasted.

He looked at Arrot happily and began jumping around him asking for more, Arrot chuckled and handed Broy three more wrappers, Broly quickly gobbled them up they were the best things in the world.

He then noticed that Arrot was smiling at him and as if realising something he stood up "T-thank you for the food" he said with a soft voice.

Arrot smiled "oh it's nothing really after all friends give each other stuff all the time"

Broly seemed a little surprised by this "Y-you said I'm your friend, are we friends? he seemed to have a hopeful but sad face when he asked.

Arrot smiled glancing at the massive fur rag around Broly's waist Of course, we are Broly are we not, have you ever had a friend before?

Broly had a sad expression to Arrow's question he then pointed to the far side of the filled a deep pit where some Vampa beetles were sucking on something then a massive weasel-like creature rose from the pit and ate the beetles, Arrot noticed how the creature only had one ear and he glanced back at Broly.

"So is that your friend? he asked already knowing the answer.

"H-he was "

Arrot sighed even tho he already knew the story he asked anyway "he was does that means you are not friends anymore, what happened?

Broly hesitated for a moment before he glanced at the beast and then at his father then he looked at Arrot with a small smile "I'll tell you if you give me more of that tasty food.

Arrot was stunned for a moment since he never expected this from Broly but he began to chuckle before tossing some of the food bars to Broly who caught them and began to munch on them happily but then he looked at the Vampa beast again with a sad expression.

"His name is Ba, and he was my first friend" Broly finally spoke with a soft voice then Arrot looked over at the beast again with interest, then Broly continued.

Not too long ago he then told the story similar to the original part of his training was learning to dodge the attacks of Ba, named after the sound he made when he attacked. Eventually, Ba came to see him as a friend and no longer attacked him. Paragus was however unhappy with this development as it interfered with Broly's training, so he shot Ba in the head with a Ray Gun, severing his ear. Ba never trusted Broly again and wouldn't come back, so Broly resolved to start wearing Ba's ear so that they could always be together.

He seemed sad having to tell the story but Arrot was not about to let the mood become so sad so he stood up and picked broly up "you know what buddy I've decided I'm gonna help you get new friends okay.

um, what?

I'm gonna take you to meet some fun but weird people that you can make friends with coz a kid like you shouldn't have to waste his potential on a rock like this so we are off.

"What about my Father?

hmmmmmm I'm sure hell be fine

"Wait we can leave him here

yes we can I mean he shot off your friend's earbud.

He did but...but he is still my father. his last word was serious and filled with dedication.

Arrot looked at Paragus for a moment then sighed "he is too weak to be a problem anyway plus if he ever tries to influence Broly or the other Saiyans against me then I'll just skillfully arrange his death, not like they will listen to him anyway the Saiyan children have each gone past the 4000 mark and that should be his maximum at the moment hmph not to mention the Binding spell I put on them and that I will put on Broly as well.

As Arrot was thinking of ways to make sure Paragus won't become a problem he was slowly getting back up. Arrot then turned to Broly with a sly smile.

"Hey, Broly how about we make a deal?

Hmm, what sort of deal? he asked seemingly interested.

"Okey so I will get both you and your Father off this planet and into a better one where you can make many friends and eat all kinds of delicious foods even better than the ones you ate now, and all you have to do is bow before me and pledge your allegiance to me and me alone.

Broly was quiet for some time thinking to himself and was about to answer when his father screamed and jumped in front of him.

Wait Broly wait don't trust this creature!!.

"Oh Father your awake, Arrot and I were about to make a deal"

Hush Broly don't you see he is using you and how do you know he can be trusted?

He gave me tasty food and offered to take us off the planet.

Are you serious doesn't this seem suspicious...whaaaa

Before he could finish talking Paragus could not open his mouth or move again he realised he was paralysed by the white laser again and tried to struggle more and more.

Arrot turned to Broly with a kind smile "Don't worry I'm not hurting him well at least I think so, anyway, have you made a choice yet?

Broly looked at his father then at Arrot with a smile "I agree I will pledge my allegiance to you in turn for my father's protection and a good home. He spoke with conviction in his voice

Arrot smiled then threw asparagus a distance away."Good now bow and cut your wrist just enough to let blood flow, Broly did as Arrot asked then Arrot made the signs and the same red magic circle appeared and the Saiyan mark appeared on Broly's chest, he observed it with excitement he looked at Arrot and smiled Arrot returned the smile and turned okay bud grab your old man so we can head out.

Broly rushed over to his father and easily picked up the older Saiyan he looked around Arrot "do you have a ship? he asked wondering where his ship was or its right there next thing Broly saw was a massive black battleship with a golden dragon head entering the atmosphere.

Arrot grinned at brolys look "Behold the finest ship in the galaxy the Edens Zero"

Edens Zero Pic:

Broly was excited about the outside of the ship he was extremely ecstatic about the inside, we were welcomed by Toma and Bean who came along with me, Aswell as my Praetorian Guard (yes them)

They were formed from the best and most promising warriors currently there are four of them three Saiyans and one Taccon each of them have surpassed the 10,000 mark and I had decided to reward them by increasing their power its a weaker version in my opinion of the potential unlocking method that came with the binding power it doubles the recipient's power level currently they are each above 20,000

Others who had reached such a high level were Toma who I had her power doubles to over 24,000 and I was able to properly spar with her as well as Abb they could be considered elites but I plan on changing the power class a bit and include it to the social hierarchy, but that's not important right now instead Toma was already traying to befriend Broly and Bean was already trying to get me to go back to work

"Oh, the burden of having great power comes with great responsibility.

My lord if I may have a word? I was brought out of my thoughts by the arrival of Greyback who was currently on the ship with us, Oh Greyback what do you need?

Greyback grinned "Oh lord you act as if I only ever come to you when I need something, I am truly hurt lord.

"Oh really well then sir Greyback ever do you wish to talk about hmmm? I asked with the kindest smile I could muster.

Well, it's regarding our growing space navy, I have noticed that these ships are powerful, yes but they will need proper testing sooner or later.

Well, of course, Greyback that is why when our next trade ships are sent these ships will be there to defend against space pirates, I trust you have already formed a proper crew for such endeavours correct?

"Yes my lord, we have indeed, but I feel they need more time for training they are too.... green as most young people would say.

Oh my, could the great Greyback admit he is old?


hehe don't worry about it Greyback I will give you a few more weeks to get ready but you will have to find a replacement to protect the trade ships, understood.

"Yes my Lord"

Greyback then walked off to continue his duties.

The rest of the flight back to New Saddala was mostly calm only with Toma trying to mess with Broly paragus was asleep so no annoying voices for me except for Rin who kept on talking about things I thought were pretty useless, but still peaceful nonetheless.

We finally arrived and we received a grand welcome I had Broly a house made in advance and he could stay his father was taken to a different home they would be allowed to visit each other, but Arrot would keep a close eye on them. He made it a priority to make sure that Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan is loyal to him and him alone.

He had decided to personally Train with Broly and better find a way to control his power, But no need to rush after all the Empire is still forming

"I will watch your career with great interest Broly".


Author note:

Hey, there is here did you miss me?

hehe Anyway, I just wanna say I wanted to write another chapter earlier this week but wasn't feeling it but some good news expects a time skip soon.

also, donate your power stones for the Glory of Saddala

and leave a review for it is the Emperors royal decree

also, he says to have a calm mind and a great day.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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