
The Moon pt1

In the beginning, when humanity still lived in caves they learned to fear the night. For the simple minded man the night brought forth unknown danger and hateful beasts. Their only source of solace during this dreadful time was the gentle moon shining down from above, unlike the people below, the moon had exited for million of years yet it had never told anyone the sadness it held. The moon had experienced the death of the dinosaurs, the birth of mankind and though it witnessed these event it felt alone circling the earth up in space. As time passed and humanity advanced, they forgot about the comfort that the moon brought forth during those perilous nights they once experienced. Mankind discovered fire and built great cities that enabled them to no longer fear the night. As the moon witnessed this occur it felt glad that the humans no longer feared the dark, but it felt even more alone now that they no longer relied nor revered it.

As time moved on, the moon saw the atrocities the mankind did in the cover of the night, it saw people steal, saw them kill, and even saw them backstab one another. It witnessed the wars that killed millions, the plague that decimated continents and witnessed the despair of those afflicted with kindness and compassion, as to the moon the compassionate people were the ones it most pitied as they were the ones who fell apart due to others.

It was on a quite night like many that it had witnessed before, that moon witnessed what would cause it to give up on mankind. On that night like many previous nights, the moon witnessed the carnage that people could cause, it witnessed robberies, witnessed murder and witnessed heart breaks that brought despair to the compassionate fellows that it struck. It was during the peak of its orbit around the earth that the moon saw what had happened to the girl. The girl was your average everyday highschool student who dreamed of romance and worked hard to pass her classes. The girl lived in her aunt's home along with her younger brother, as her parents were shot in a robbery on their way to pick her up from basketball. The girl blamed herself for her parents death and tried to atone for it by taking care of her younger brother. At school the girl isolated herself from her classmates as she believed that her life only brought misfortune upon others. Though there was one guy that she would find herself talking to everyday.....

As it had and always shall the moon witnessed the life of the girl. It saw the care she showed when taking care of her brother, the sadness she kept within at the thought of her parents and the love she felt towards the only person she associated with. Though the moon did not want to admit it, it felt pity towards the girl. Maybe it was the fact that the girl only found solace while talking to the boy or maybe it was the sadness that the girl held, but the moon hoped that unlike what it had see happen so often in the past, the girl would end up happy.