

GAME ONLY RICHES PLAY ....... HIDDEN TRUTH AND FLASHING LIES........ TURN AROUND AND....... RUN FROM THIS LIFE........ Kingston royal school A place where every teenager wants to go . Except LIA XI...... "lia congrats! you are selected for a full scholarship at Kingston's !!!" Her life turned 360• when she got an ultimate offer to study at a place where getting an entry was like climbing Mt Everest . Every rich heiresses and scholarship girl had an only goal to attend the royal school at that time..... MIKE LONG Meet the ruthless arrogant and a Playboy who had no feelings and a dark past . Also known as most handsome teenager. UNTIL THAT TIME SLAP!! " I hate you , I hate all of your family members I hope that they all die!!" The guy stared at the red eyed girl saying nothing. "Bro ? she slapped you !! why didn't you fight back??" " She is mine ..... let her slap me all she wants . I won't leave her " he smirked ..... This is not a simple story of love This story is about the lives of the broken hearts who yearns to meet each other. THIS STORY IS ABOUT REVENGE , HATE , LOVE, BETRAYAL And what happen when...... All the lies comes tumbling out. When The past collides with future. When the oath of revenge is taken . Can a ruthless boy fight for a ruthless girl ? Only time can tell . the tale spun with horrors of truth. When story of past smashes future and present . Only you can find out . ___________________________________________________ Since the author is so awesome !*kidding!* I will give you a magical gift if you read this book ! that is......*chants abarakadabra* " MAY GOD BLAST YOU !!!" *kidding!* okay this author is just a little crazy Thx for stopping by .......... and if you save this .......... thx for reading this !!!!!!

_White · Allgemein
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38 Chs

#sneakylia CH9

Night is always calm and quite .

because Its the time when everyone sleeps.

well that was not the case in the boys dorm...


Lia banged a particular door at 1 am in the morning.

Like the hell she cared about the rest of the boys , who covered their head with pillow due to the noise.

Lia understood the meaning of WINTER BALL at 12:30am in the morning . She wasted no time in sneaking into the boys dorm, and ran towards the door 112 after going through the list of the students and there room numbers. Since the security was tight she had to cover her face and body


'Come on you dumbass open the damn door !!!' lia screamed in her mind .


the person who was know as the cold ruthless and scary boy was sleeping peacefully with clothes thrown around the lavish room and he was snuggled up inside the warm blanket since the temperature outside was very cold.


He didn't opened the door thinking that some one was knocking the door next to his .


the noise was so loud and clear that some fool was knocking his door, frustrated , mike marched towards the door . He cursed the person outside with bad luck that includes lots of swearing for killing his sleep.


lia heard someone coming towards her direction. Fear of being caught she was about to bang the door again , but suddenly the door opened .

And what she saw made her halt from punching mike's face.

Shirtless guy with with messed up blond hair displaying his well built abs who was staring at her wide eyed , face showing shock and confusion.


The voice was clearly of the old man who guarded the boys dorm at night .

And he was known to beat the crap out of a sneaking boy at night.

Mike grabbed her hand and dragged her inside .

"Wha-" lia's mouth was covered .

"sushhh shut up come with me " mike whispered near her ear.

since it was so dark he didn't see lia shudder from his closeness.

Mike knew that the old man had the master key through which he can enter any boy's room .

he dragged lia towards his bed "hey what are you doing I just came here to talk " lia whispered angrily .

Sound of foot steps halted at his doors.

Mike shoved lia inside the covers and slept beside her pretending to be asleep.

Lia was very uncomfortable.

mike had his arms at her waist inside the covers and pulled towards him . Lia tried to struggle ." do you want to be spanked by the guard ? if no then stop wiggling and act like a pillow ". With this he threw his leg on her .

lia grunted 'this guy knows how to take advantage to the situation .Prevert .'

The doors opened slightly as if someone was peering inside but after few seconds the doors closed again.

lia leapt out of the covers and strangled mike by sitting on top of him with her hand around his throat.

" You dumb ass !! do you really think that I will go to the ball with you ??" lia yelled - whispered

mike couldn't speak nor react . He was speechless . ' she do have a great stamina and strength' he thought , and motioned her to remove her hand so that he can breath.

lia understood and swiftly removed her hand .Though she wanted to kill that guy but she was not ready to go to jail..

Mike suddenly threw her down on the bed and now he was strangling her . Lia looked towards him wide eyed .

He moved his face towards her ears , he could feel her heavy breathing "Never lose your focus blind dog" smirking he got off her .

"I - I ...." lia couldn't speak .

" Ah ! you were saying something ....about the ball?" mike said smirking

" you !! how dare you ask me to go to that witches ball with you ! I just came here to tell you that I won't go !!" Lia was fuming with rage .

She could have defeated mike easily but she was tired to fight and now he was asking her to go to the ball .

And most importantly she didn't knew how to dance , balance on high heels , wear those uncomfortable dresses.

" oh! but I think that you made a promise and I thought that you won't break one...…"

"This is different....." lia hissed

"oh BTW it is compulsory to go to the ball with a partner ... because you will be graded on many parameters"

"…" some one save me lia cried


lia didn't slept even for a second all night she thought of the dance and the ball.

At morning Arran broke in her room and ran towards lia yelling and shouting

"wo hoo today I won't face any teachers and their damn rules!! are you ready yet ???"

Arran glanced towards lia and said

"well may be not"



I am a terrible person !!

ik ik ik I am sorry for such late updates

but there is a reason behind this .

you see... I had a stupid dream of being an author.... and yes this happened!!

but ....

I saw many book in the web novel and saw that there are books that only updated 1-3 ch and are having so many views

I was disheartened by it

but it made me thinking that may I am the fault , may be I am not writing good plot.

That why from now on I will take time to think and write plus edit till my freaking capacity.

and would also like to have suggestions for the next plot too from you all.

Thx for hearing my not so gud speech
