
Chapter 195 His Temptation 2

     "Will you also be here for my wedding Liam?" Brietbart asked as he picked a sliced of meat and threw it into his mouth. Chewing it steadily. He wanted to know why his wife acted that way towards Liam when she saw him at their party, cause she's still staring at him that way right now.

     "I'll be gone before then." Liam said calmly ignoring the stares from the girl, whatever he had with her won't be anything serious. He hated that he lost his memory having Tiger lecture him about his life before and Family.

      "Sir Mr Derpy's here to see you." The butler stepped in. "Tell him I'll be with him shortly."

       "You told me you had something important to tell me few months back, but you never came." Breitbart asked staring at his nephew. "Did I? that must be before the accident." "What accident?" 

       'Its Liam." Elsa finally found the information she was looking for. "My brother and few people did a few jokes on my life and crashed my jet. I really don't recall a thing from before so it's possible I forgot about my planned visit." She tried as much as possible not to stare at him to avoid the suspicious gaze from Brietbart.

        She's noticed the intelligent gazes from Brietbart since they arrived at the table and the last thing she wanted right now was to do anything suspicious so he doesn't hurt her. It's not like Liam's going to save her if he tries to harm her. She focused more on her food, pretending to ignore the men talking on the table.

      "Those people don't give up do they?, I actually asked cause I wanted to find out some important information, but since you no longer have any memory then I guess I'd ask someone else." 

       Breitbart had to leave the table to his important guest. Instead of suspecting his nephew and slowing down the wedding preparations, it's best he just get married to his newly found wife as soon as possible. Besides money was not an issue when it came to that.

      The table suddenly turned quiet as both people didn't say a word to each other. "How did you know who I am?" He met her gaze and she did same to him. "Does it really matter, you'd never believe a thing I'd say." She used the napkins on her lips, patting it softly.

     "That doesn't answer my question." "I just want to know if it's just me you forgot or everyother person?" He said nothing to her. "Did you forget, my parents, Dax, your family, and Tiger too? I heard he went with you, is he dead too....?

     "Elsa honey, are you done? Come check these out, you might like it too." She rose to her feet and walked away. Liam had thought asking her questions about how she knew who he was would make him recall some things, but he he was wrong, cause instead of recalling anything, she got him more confused. 

     She's finally piqued his interest, how did she know so much? She must have been someone important to know who he is and even to the name of his personal knight and families the same way Tiger explained. Something no one knows about, he suddenly wanted to know who these woman is or who she was to him.

     Liam stepped out of the dinning room and into his room. He came here for a vacation cause his stupid doctor said he needed one in other to regain his lost memeory which he doesn't seem to be retrieving. Rather he's here with a little girl who clearly knows everything about him but he knows nothing about her. With every seconds spent on this mansion, Liam feels more drawn to her which he couldn't explain why.


    Claire sat on her bed, her elbow on her knee as she used her hands to support her chin. She listened to her mother speak after listing all the things she needed for their up oming prom.

     It has always been her dream to be the prom queen of her time were she'd be matched with Damien the most popular boy in school. Claire just couldn't wait to attend this prom and her mother was willing to support her lecturing her on how she also became the prom queen at her time.

     It turns out she grew up to be her mother after all, they always fight for what they want and make sure they have it no matter what.

     "You should sleep early, cause we'd be doing lot's of shopping tomorrow." Florence said kissing the girl at the center of her head. It's a good thing their plans was coming through, with Liam unable to recall a thing, it would be easy stealing him for her daughter before he recovers.

     What Florence was not aware of was that her daughter, has her eyes on something else. She's always liked Damien Rivals and is finally happy he has noticed her. All Claire wanted now was for her mother to stop attaching her with other men and let her decide her life.

    She wanted to be happy for once, and not always plan for people's downfall, whatever Florence has with Elsa's parents should not be related to her life.

  She just didn't know how to tell her mother about all this, she seemed so excited each time she accepts to every suggestions she makes, making it hard for her to say no to her mother. The last thing Claire wanted was to hurt the woman, cause she's gone through a lot for her.

     She knew she owed her mother alot, and being disobedient to her words would only break the woman's heart more.


    Antonio stepped out of his Mansion with Scorpion and most knights of the Black's again. Liam was not like before to make sure everything was right that's the only reason his wife was with that crazy man Beaufort. They had to make a plan and a successful one, so they don't end up hurting the woman whom Beufort has carried.

    This time he has decided to lock this man up forever he had more than enough evidence to send Beaufort to life imprisonment. He has tried searching for his daughter, but he knew his wife would be the only way to find her since they've been together all this while.


     "Let us put of here, I swear when I finally leave this place, I'll make sure to deal with all of you." Rafael said firmly. The bodyguards to guard the place stepped Into the dongeon to see who had the guts to disturb their afternoon.

    Tiger had asked them to quit punishing both men since their boss had instructed to deal with both men himself. They all have to wait patiently for the man to command or take action before they're able to do a thing.

    They stared at the man causing a ruckus with disgust, he should be dead by now and his body thrown into the fire, that would be the perfect punishment for his crimes.

    "I think we should inform master about his missing wife, you should recall what happened with that woman, she would stop at nothing to make her stupid plans come to pass." Carlos said to Tiger as they both stepped out of the dongeon ignoring the screems of Rafael.

     "Not under my watch Carlos, not under my watch." Tiger let out a sigh. "I guess you're right, master deserves to know about his wife being missing, and you're going to inform him about that." Tiger suddenly declared surprising the man before him.

     "What? Why I'm I the one telling him?" Carlos asked.

    "Cause you're his right hand man Carlos." Tiger said the obvious as the man stared at him pushing his glasses above his nose. He knew he couldn't win against Tiger, though Liam's made him second in command, he just couldn't control this two men Tiger and Scorpion. He still wondered why Liam placed him incharge when he clearly had these two people.

    "A... Alright, I... I'll talk to master about it. Just tell me the city he's in so I can take my leave." Carlos tried picking up the courage. "Good that's the kind of news I want from you, well, he's in......" Tiger gave the information as both men stepped into the car.


    Liam narrowed his eyes at his target before pulling the trigger, "You used to use real humans for you training what changed things now?"

    "I did that?"

    Brietbart sighed, he had almost forgot his nephew has lost his memory. "The reason I asked about your memory was so I can find my wife's real family from your city." He said staring at his nephew.

     "Where did you get her from?" "The slave establishment." Liam frowned. What would she be doing at the slave establishment? He had forgotten that night she told him she was sent to the place cause his mind was confused at that point.

    "Did she tell you she's from my city?" "Yes but that's all she said she knows." No wonder she knew so much about him. Liam thought, but he still felt like she isn't just from his city, but she's really related to him.

   Maybe that's why she ended up in the slave establishment or maybe he's just thinking too much.