
Chapter 148 First Orgasm 1

  "What are you doing Love?" Elsa jolted in fear as she heard his deep voice. He was not supposed to see this. Hazel said she wasn't supposed to let Liam see this, she has thought he was sleeping, did she shout?

How did he wake up? "I... I was... Tr to!" She didn't know if it was right to let him know. Hazel said it was girls stuff and he is not meant to know about this things. But right now she was cornered, there no way she could lie about this. He saw her clearly,

"I... I told you each time you kiss me or do those things, I always feel wierd between my legs!" He narrowed his eyes at the girl whose face was beet red. Elsa did not dare look at him, she was too embarrassed right now and she knew how hard it was for her to answer his question.

"I asked Hazel since you said nothing about it when I told you. And she said I should do this!" Her tongue wet her lips. "Is this your first time doing this?" She nodded coyly.

"Can I help?" She met his gaze astonished. She thought she would get scolded, but here he was offering to help out. "N... No I can handle myself!" She said quietly for Liam to smirk. "Alright, I'll watch let's see how good you are with pleasing yourself!" He said for her neck to turn red also.

"Elsa spread her legs again as she rubbed her fingers up and down her sex just like Hazel told her. She closed her eyes feeling the heat between her legs increased. No matter how hard she rubbed, it only increased making her increase her pace.

Liam could not take it, he cannot be here while his wife masturbate before him. If it's masturbating she wants he could give it to her. He sat up and captured her parted lips.

The little girls eyes flew open as his hands cupped her little mounds. Liam left her lips to her nipples as he bit it with his teeth. "Ah!" Elsa held her lips with her palm as she stopped everyother action and focused on him. Astounded by his actions.

"Don't worry I'll only do what you want!" He whispered as his hands went down there. She clapped her thighs together not moving her gaze from him. "Don't get scared love, I'll never hurt you!" He spoke calmly breaking all her defensive walls gradually as he noticed how calm she was getting.

Liam moved his hands when he noticed his little wife was now calm, as he rubbed his hands on that thick flesh down there. She sighed.

"Why not take your panties off? We'll try flesh to flesh!" She did as told trusting the devil next to her. His voice was ever so alluring.

Besides he was her husband and he had the right to her body. She knew Liam was being patient and considerate with her, cause he has done nothing other than kissing her since they started leaving together.

"Spread your legs Love!" His seductive deep voice echoed in her ears and she invuluntrily spread her legs before him. Finally he could see her flower, she was blooming, blooming gradually.

Elsa turned her red face to the side not daring to look at him as he watched her down there like a TV for some time. "You're so beautiful Love!" He suddenly uttered as his index finger got in there, touching her sensitive flesh lightly as it moved up and down.

Elsa legs curled from the pleasure she was going through. The pleasure this time was different from the time she had touched herself before. She couldn't tell if it was because it was Liam.

Liam's eyes never left her reaction to his touch. He stared at her parted lips, her wet blue eyes that stared at him. She was innocent, and damn sexy.

"He pressed his fingers in a spot that elicited a tiny moan from her delicate lips. He was satisfied with her reaction. He pushed a finger in and Elsa grabbed it out of fear, "Love, don't get scared hmm!" This was all new to her and it was too much.

She felt dizzy that she thought she was going to die from pleasure. This, this thing Liam was doing to her.......

"Ah...!" She bit her lips to push back the sensual cry that was turning her husband insane already. His hands moved in and out slowly, making her get comfortable with it. Elsa's head hit her pillow as she held the bedsheets tightly with her eyes tighly shot cause of the immerse pleasure.

Liam didn't need to tell her to moan for him as his action brought out a loud cry from her sweet lips. "Liam!" She finally called his name as his tongue poked and licked her sex. She called his name in the sweetest way she's never heard before.

Elsa arched her back, as she moaned loudly, she couldn't push it back in again, not when she could feel his tongue licking, sucking teasing her madly. Making her breathless. His fingers did wicked things to her as they moved in and out of her.

Liam didn't increase his speed from slow, he wanted to drive her crazy which he was doing right now. His little wife's tight grip on his hair turned him on as she held his head with her thighs.

"Ah oh L... Liam please....!" She struggled to stay sane which didn't work, cause she had travelled to pleasure town. She felt something build up in the bit of her belly, as the fire between her legs increased to it's highest level.

Elsa felt like she would die and in the next minute, she convulsed and collapsed on the bed.

Liam's tongue never left there as he licked all of her love juice.

Damn, his wife is the sweetest.