
The Runaway master of Deception needs a Peaceful life

Prince Sabel, the only son of King Admound of the Kingdom of Werren, is tired of everything. Born with the ability of seven-star magic and cat eyes that can see through devious plans, his life has become very boring. He decides to run away from his castle and go to the tavern in the next country, where he meets a team of young adventurers and decides to be their advisor. By day, he is a charming prince disguised as a middle-aged man offering advice to young adventurers. By night, he is a dashing-looking, coffee-obsessed deception warlock. looking, coffee-obsessed deception warlock.

Pixiom · Fantasie
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15 Chs

The Night Charades

The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silver glow over the town. Inside the café, Sabel leaned against the counter, nursing his fourth cup of coffee. The warmth and richness of the brew did little to sober him up; instead, it seemed to amplify his intoxicated state.

As the night deepened, the café emptied out, leaving only Sabel and Rosemary. She was cleaning up behind the counter when she noticed Sabel's glazed expression.

"Maybe you should call it a night, Mr. Dance-a-lot," she suggested with a smirk.

Sabel waved her off, taking another sip. "Just one more cup," he slurred. "Gotta stay awake... something feels off."

Rosemary rolled her eyes and continued her tasks. Sabel, however, felt a strange unease growing inside him. His cat-like instincts were tingling, urging him to stay alert.

Suddenly, a faint noise caught his attention. It was coming from the storage vault next to the café. Sabel's ears perked up, and he stumbled to his feet, determined to investigate.

As he stepped outside, the cool night air hit him, momentarily clearing his head. He crept towards the vault, moving as silently as his inebriated state allowed. The door was slightly ajar, and inside, a shadowy figure was rummaging through the supplies.

"Hey!" Sabel shouted, his voice echoing in the quiet night. "What do you think you're doing?"

The thief froze for a moment, then bolted towards the back exit. Sabel, adrenaline surging, gave chase. The two figures darted through the narrow alleys, the sounds of their footsteps blending with the night's stillness.

Despite his drunken state, Sabel's agility and determination kept him close on the thief's heels. They weaved through the darkened streets, dodging obstacles and leaping over barrels. The thief was fast, but Sabel's stubbornness kept him going.

"Stop right there, you coward!" Sabel yelled, though his words came out slurred.

The thief glanced back, eyes wide with panic, and took a sharp turn down a secluded alley. Sabel followed, his vision blurring slightly as he pushed himself to keep up. Just as he was about to give up hope, the thief stumbled over a loose cobblestone and crashed to the ground.

Seizing his opportunity, Sabel lunged forward and tackled the thief. They wrestled briefly, Sabel's drunken strength proving surprisingly effective. Finally, he managed to pin the thief to the ground.

"Got you now," Sabel panted, his breath heavy and ragged.

The thief struggled but couldn't break free. With a wave of his hand, Sabel cast a simple binding spell, immobilizing the thief's hands and feet. Exhausted and slightly dizzy, Sabel stood up, swaying on his feet.

"You're coming with me," he declared, dragging the thief back towards the main street.

The trip back to the café felt like a blur. The thief, realizing escape was impossible, remained silent. Sabel's grip on reality wavered, but his resolve kept him moving forward.

When they finally reached the café, Rosemary's eyes widened in surprise. "What on earth happened?"

Sabel, barely able to stand, gestured to the thief. "Caught this one... trying to rob the vault."

Rosemary quickly called for the town guards, who arrived promptly to take the thief into custody. Sabel, now running on pure adrenaline, watched as the guards led the thief away.

"You did well," one of the guards said, patting Sabel on the back. "We'll take it from here."

Sabel nodded, relief washing over him. He turned to head back into the café, but his legs finally gave out. He crumpled to the ground, exhaustion and inebriation catching up to him all at once.

When the thief awoke, he found himself in a small, dimly lit cell. Iron bars lined the walls, and a single guard stood watch outside. The events of the night came rushing back, and the thief groaned, realizing his predicament.

"Morning, sunshine," the guard said with a smirk. "Sleep well?"

The thief glared at him, then sank back onto the thin mattress. "How did I end up here?" he muttered to himself.

Meanwhile, back at the café, Sabel woke up in his usual spot on the rooftop, the morning sun warming his face. His head throbbed from the previous night's escapades, but he felt a sense of satisfaction knowing he had thwarted the robbery.

As he made his way downstairs, Rosemary greeted him with a knowing smile. "You caused quite a scene last night."

Sabel chuckled, rubbing his temples. "All in a day's work."

He sat down at his favorite table, savoring the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. As he took his first sip, the events of the night played back in his mind, and he couldn't help but laugh.

Just then, a customer walked in, and Sabel's attention shifted. He was ready to face whatever the day had in store, his spirit undeterred by the previous night's chaos.

As the café filled with the morning crowd, Sabel bantered with the regulars, making jokes and lightening the mood. Despite his royal heritage, he had found a sense of belonging in the simple, everyday life of the café.

And so, another day began for the runaway prince, filled with coffee, camaraderie, and the promise of new adventures. For now, the peace and quiet of the café was enough to keep him content, even as he kept an eye out for the next bit of excitement.