
Chapter 66

Linnea Lindberg

"Honey.. what do you think?" I asked Logan, the Prince of Denmark, who might be my future husband.

"It's beautiful, it suits you." He said as he sat down on the sofa.

"Really?" I asked again as I looked at the mirror. I turned to the door to see my mother walking into the room and she smiled widely.

"It's beautiful, darling. Do you like it?"

"Well.. I want it to be more simple. This is too much.." I said as I walked to see other wedding gowns.

"Well.. you two choose and let us know when we get home. We have to go to Italy." My mother said and I turned to her smiling.

"Will do, mother." I said as I waved my hand.

"I want to have a private time with my fiance, can you all leave for 30 minutes?" I asked all the people inside the room to go out.

"Yes, Your Majesty." They all said in unison and they walked out one by one. I turned to Logan and smirked.