
The Royal Bastard

As a death magician in a family of life magicians, Reagan's fate was doom. Outcast but determined to survive, she fought the hardest and suffered the most. Until she met the one person she would not let slip through her fingers.

Caesar_Vincii · LGBT+
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35 Chs

Long live the new Lord Lagini: Part I

The day of the journey had arrived. George was in the hall, supervising the final preparations to secure a portal to the realm of the death mages. George's white top is adorned with white and gold braids and epaulettes, adding an aura of majesty to his impressive physique. On his chest is the Winstor coat of arms, a golden eagle between two crossed swords. His trousers, which show great precision, are adorned with shiny gold stripes. To complete his outfit, the sword he wore at his side had a gleaming blade, a symbol of power and pride. Its hilt is decorated with touches of gold and precious golden stones. Atop his head, a golden laurel wreath with shimmering leaves matched his noble stature.

His wife joined him shyly. Her dress had an ivory bodice, carefully tailored to enhance her figure with timeless elegance. Gold embroidery wove intricate patterns, testifying to craftsmanship equal to her grace. Her skirts cascaded like a waterfall of dreams, flowing gracefully with her every movement. A golden sash is tied around her waist, emblazoned with the Winstors coat of arms, a symbol of her status and legitimate right. Atop her head, a radiant golden tiara with glistening jewels, that matched her graceful stature.

George looked at her and smiled as he said, "You do them too much honour. You look wonderful, my dear!". She replied, blushing at the lascivious look George was giving her, "You are the one who does me too much honour.".

Before he could make another comment, he frowned as his son and his two sons entered the hall. Charles and his sons wore uniforms similar to George's. Charles wore a white uniform with the Winstor crest on his chest, with silver braids and stripes. At his side was a golden sword with a silver hilt decorated with white stones.

His eldest, Arthur, wore a black uniform with gold braids and stripes and a gold sword, while his youngest, Harry, wore a black uniform with silver braid and stripes and a silver sword. Unlike their father and grandfather, the boys wore the family crest on their backs. Only the next legitimate heir to the thrower could wear the crest on his chest.

They stopped before them and bowed. George invited them to rise and said coldly, "Sons... You are welcome. Charles... I thought you were already there."

Charles replied nonchalantly, "Your spies are doing a terrible job, Father. I returned two days ago. It would be outrageous if the Winstor heirs did not join their father on an official visit.

Margaret, feeling the unbearable tension building up, went to her son and hugged him. He tensed at first, but hugged her back as he said, "Mum... As beautiful as ever.".

She replied a little tearfully, "You've got thinner. How long has it been? Why have you never come to see me? Your children hardly know me. Look at them. They are beautiful.". The boys smiled politely at their grandmother. Charles replied sadly, "Mother, you know why."

She nodded and stepped aside with the boys that followed her reluctantly. Father and son needed to talk and agree on certain rules of behaviour. When they were far enough into the garden, she then made small talk with them. The younger one relaxed and warmed up. The other remained as cold as ever. Something she noticed and pretended wasn't hurtful.

Charles then said: "I hear you want to bring that thing with you. I do not approve. You are disgracing our family by involving that half-breed.".

George, feeling directly attacked by this comment, replied: "She is your child and my grandchild. She has as much right to be here as your boys... if not more.".

Charles angrily made a fist and said: "I dare you to repeat that... You are just a weak old man who has failed his family. You deserve no respect.".

A bright aura emanated from George's body as he released Level One of the Divine Light, one of the Trinity, and said, "I am still your Lord commander.". Charles couldn't help himself and slowly dropped to his knees. George then continued, "Remember your place, boy. I understand your pain. It is the only reason I allow you to disrespect me. But today you will do your part and so will I. Our clan is more important than our banter. I will expect impeccable behaviour from my liege.". George then held his arm in front of Charles' face, who reluctantly kissed his ring.

Then he released him and said, "Your sons are growing strong. I have heard that Arthur and Harry are doing well at the Hasbourg Academy. Charles replied, "You heard right. After all, they are my sole heirs." George sighed and pretended he hadn't heard the last part. The boys and Margaret returned to find their grandfather and father casually discussing clan matters. Then Arthur, impatient to make his royal entrance, asked: "Well since we are all here, shall we? ".

George said dismissively, "We're waiting for the other leaders of the Winstors families and someone else. Speaking of the wolf...". Reagan arrived, walking with a confident stride. Her softly tousled hair framed her face with ease, and her eyes reflected a whole world of emotions. Dressed in a black uniform with red stripes and braids, she was a real eye-catcher. Her black cloak was edged with crimson stripes, and around her waist was a black satin belt adorned with a series of meticulously fashioned black and red diamonds. At her side, a black sword added a deadly charm to her appearance.

Arthur said: "So she's the half-breed. It's a shame." Reagan walked past them and stood next to his grandfather. Charles, who felt almost moved, wiped his gaze from his face and adopted a more stern attitude. Reagan noticed the hostility of Charles and Arthur and moved closer to George, who nodded.

Arthur said angrily: "Where are your manners? Bow down to your superior! Besides, a lady shouldn't dress like that.". Reagan ignored him and said to George: "I'm ready to go, old chap.". George smirks and says, "Arthur, Harry, this is Reagan. She's my protegée. I hope you treat each other well and that there will be no incidents.". The other various earls of families from the Winstor clan arrived and the delegation was ready to leave.

Margaret joined George at the head of the delegation, followed by Charles and his two sons. They were followed by several other earls. Reagan stood at the rear of the delegation, followed by the trained guards who entertained her with their stories.

In the land of the death mages... what awaits Reagan?

You will know in the next chapter

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