
The Royal Bastard

As a death magician in a family of life magicians, Reagan's fate was doom. Outcast but determined to survive, she fought the hardest and suffered the most. Until she met the one person she would not let slip through her fingers.

Caesar_Vincii · LGBT+
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35 Chs

In the land of the death mages: Part III

When they were sufficiently out of sight, Yennifer pulled Reagan into a dark corner and pushed her up against a wall. Reagan scratched the back of her head and said, "Aouch.... You seem to like it rough. But You really don't want to be seen with me. The kid's right."

Yennifer said nothing. She just watched Reagan in silence. It was then that Reagan noticed just how pretty this girl was. It was quite surreal, one of the leaders of the Death Mages standing in front of her. Her outfit, a mixture of elegance and darkness, gave her an otherworldly grace. The intricate lace of her corset delving into the curves of her alluring body was an exquisite testament to her voluptuous yet powerful body. On the train that trailed behind her, like a caress from the shadows, was an emblem of her lineage, a sight to behold, the face of a Gorgon, Medusa. The Gorgon's serpentine locks have a strange appeal, drawing stares and striking hearts with fear, but also with lustful excitement at Yennifer's mortal beauty, which exudes a bold, brilliant aura.

Her shoulder-length black hair frames her face with a daring grace that defies convention, an expression of her rebellious embrace. Her eyes are a striking contrast, with white irises that shine like moonlight and pupils as black as night, deep and hiding unmentionable secrets. She is a symbol of sensuality and fearless grace. Opposite Annabella, but equally divine, they both embody beauty in their own way.

Reagan is brought out of her thoughts when Yennifer says with a frown: " I apologise on behalf of all the death mages. they should have done something to stop it. But I'm glad to see you stood your ground."

Reagan smiled at the genuine expression she saw on such a delicate face and then said:" I am honored by your kindness. That ...feels good. ". Yennifer then said with a seductive smile:" It had nothing to do with you Per-se. I simply hate Arthur Winstor but I hate even more seeing victims of a lousy system being blamed for it. The fact that I like your look is a little plus." Reagan decided to play along and held her wrists pinning her down against the wall she had pinned her against and whispered against her ear:" Whatever helps u sleep at night... if you manage to do that tonight.". Yennifer didn't fight back but laughed as she said:" I could get you wiped for this.". Reagan smirked and said:" Pleasure and pain ? Not my thing but I can indulge You.". Yennifer's cheeks turned red but she wiped that look almost immediately. She then released " the adamas", it is a submission spell only found among the most powerful members of the Lagini family. Reagan fell slowly to her knees. She never encountered that technique in all her years of training. It was powerful but felt natural. She raised her eyes to look at Yennifer whose eyes had turned brighter with a deep vibrant white irises.

Yennifer then came to Reagan's level and held her throat, smiling devilishly as she said, "You have no idea what keeps me up at night... child.". Reagan felt her heart skip a beat as Yennifer kissed her softly. She then fixed her hair and dress, making sure Reagan was staring at her cleavage... her toned but plump ass, and... long legs. She then said, "We will meet again, I hope." She let go of Reagan as she walked away.

Reagan stayed on her knees for a moment, remembering what had just happened. Once again she had been beaten at a game she thought she understood, but was in fact completely helpless. She got up and thought to herself, "Women are such a divine mystery.".

She fixed her clothes and waited for all the guests to arrive before entering the ceremonial hall.

The coronation went well. When the ceremony was over, George sent a guard to fetch Reagan, who was chilling outside with the rest of the guards. She came to George's side who presented her to the Director of Hasburg Academy, Steven Westor.

George said: "This is my protégée, Reagan Stone. She has been blessed with magical abilities and I would like her to join the Academy for further training. Rea made an annoyed face at George but then bowed as she said, "My Lord... It would be an honour to join your academy." Steven said with a genuine smile, "You are a rarity. People of your birth rarely have magic in them and are forced to live the simple life of Sagans. I can't wait to see you pass the entrance exam." Steven bowed to George and patted Rea on the head before leaving. She made a grimace and then turned to George and said in a complaining tone, "Old Geezer! The deal was that I would be home schooled. You would train me! What am I going to do in this snob academy... honestly! Has your happy tea finally got to you?". George resisted the urge to squeeze her throat and exhaled as he said, "Listen, you little brat! You will learn more when you see mages using their powers directly. As the leader of the Winstor, I have access to all sorts of life mage magic and spells that I believe I have thought you well enough. On the death mage side, you have only been trained as a Malvolius. That is not enough, as you have the ability to use all the different styles of death magic, thanks to your Lagini roots. You need more exposure. At the Academy you will broaden your horizons. You will return during the holidays. We will have time to work on your use of light." Reagan pouted and crossed her arms. George chuckled discreetly and said, "You look rather unhappy. If I were a user of light and darkness, I would be thrilled to expand my powers. From healing to poisoning, from blessing to cursing, from bending the will to shape-shifting. You are, as a janitor might say, a universal key.". Reagan said excitedly, "You... You ... go to hell. If I get caught, your smart head will be next to mine after we are beheaded.". George nodded and said, "Fair enough, raccoon!"

Then, noticing Yennifer and Annabella staring at Rea intensely, he asked, "Reagan... why are the daughter of the Ambrosieus chief and the sister of Dvark staring at you? ". Reagan started to sweat and said hesitantly:" No... No... I... have... no... idea." George dragged Reagan to the balcony at the far end of the hall, opened his eyes wide and said in a calm, frightening tone, "You promiscuous little demon! Have you done anything indecent with any of them?". Reagan pretended not to hear the question and smiled dumbly. George then said: "You've brought it on yourself.

George put his hand on Reagan's shoulder and summoned the Illumination. It is a technique used to reveal hidden thoughts. George saw everything and laughed hysterically, squeezing Reagan's shoulder tighter as he said: "Annabella De la Croix is the mystery girl! And the icing on the cake, you manhandled Yennifer!

He grabbed her by the neck and started shaking her like a bag of crisps. She turned green and said: "They... Jumped... on... me. I am the victim here...This is child abuse..eh..eh" George realised they were drawing attention to themselves. He let her go and fixed his hair and said, "You will be the death of me. Run along...avoid them. I will deal with you later.".

Reagan got out of there so quickly that it almost felt like she had vanished into thin air. George sighed, knowing that this love triangle was going to be a problem in the long run. He ran into Charles who was eavesdropping. George frowned and said, "That is so uncomely of you to eavesdrop. Charles replied, "Keep your dog on a leash! Annabella is off-limits." George replied in disgust, "You are such a disgrace. I have failed as a father, but you... you have surpassed me." Charles replied coldly, "Heed my warning! I would hate to have to do the worst before it is absolutely necessary.". George walked away and returned to his wife, who held his hand in sympathy, knowing that there was only so much that her husband could take.

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