
The Royal Bastard

As a death magician in a family of life magicians, Reagan's fate was doom. Outcast but determined to survive, she fought the hardest and suffered the most. Until she met the one person she would not let slip through her fingers.

Caesar_Vincii · LGBT+
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35 Chs

In the land of the death mages: Part II

Reagan was very surprised by Annabella's abilities. She pushed her into the water, but surrounded her with a ball of oxygen that kept her clothes and body dry. She snapped out of her thoughts when she finally saw who was calling Annabella's name with such authority. Rea frowned as she saw Arthur Winstor kiss Annabella's cheek and stroke her arm, which made her blood boil.

Arthur said, "Annabella... You are beautiful." He then drew her to him and gazed lasciviously at her cleavage as he said, "I know you're my betrothed....But I can't wait any longer. You've indeed grown into a beautiful young lady." He then tried to kiss her on the lips, but she turned her face away. The aroused young man then said coldly: "What's the point in waiting... our families have already arranged our union". Before he could say anything else, Annabella replied with an amused title of her head: "Arthur... I don't appreciate your insistence in this matter. I'm not going to disgrace myself so you can have your ways." She caressed his lips teasingly and said, "Patience... makes the fruit so much sweeter. Patience, my lord! You will soon have me for yourself.".

Arthur smiled triumphantly, tracing her curves with his hand, and said, "We should get back. The coronation is about to begin." Annabella said in a slightly annoyed tone, "I'll stay a little longer... Crowds make me uncomfortable." Arthur chuckled and whispered in her ear:" It will be my pleasure to tame your temper. You will soon be the perfect bride for the perfect groom. As he walked away, he said, "I think I saw the bastard my grandfather took under his wing coming this way. Avoid any contact with that disgrace of a mage.". Annabella nodded, a false smile on her lips.

When he was far enough, Reagan burst out of the water, surrounded by graceful flames. The glorious sight amazed Annabella. Reagan said angrily, "Arthur... it's... I should have guessed. I hope you enjoyed messing around with what appears to be the Inferior." She replied pleadingly, "It's not... what you think. I have no love for him. You...are...different." She held Reagan's hand and intertwined their fingers as she said, "I feel safe around you. We have just met... But there is something about you that makes me want to do things... I shouldn't." Reagan had never expected to hear that from her. She held her hand tightly and said with a sad smile, "I represent the choice that has been taken away from you. You are not attracted to me. It is the idea of making a different choice from what is expected of you that excites you. You are excited by the power of control within a relationship. That is fair enough.". Reagan kissed her hand and walked away without giving her a chance to respond. Annabella extended her hand to stop Reagan but she was far from reach. She sighed and started to make her way out as well.

She walked so fast that she was out of the maze in no time. Annabella came out a few minutes later with a frown on her face, which she quickly wiped off as she joined Arthur and Harry. Arthur noticed that his girlfriend and Reagan were exchanging longing glances and, annoyed, said to Reagan as she walked up the stairs: "Stone! Stone! Did you enjoy the visit to your home? ...What am I saying! It is not even your home. Even the death magicians did not want you.". The life and death mages present laughed. Reagan did not answer or even look at him, which annoyed Arthur, who cast the strengthened Iron Cage spell. The audience marvelled at such a skilful spell from the heir to the House of Winstor. It was a powerful protection spell that all novice mages could cast. But he used light to strengthen it. Only experienced mages could break out of it. Reagan turned to him and said emotionlessly, "You have two options. You free me and I go on with my shitty day. Or." Before she could answer, Arthur replied, "Or? Or what? Humour me, clown." Annabella tried to make him stop, but he grabbed her wrist and she winced in pain. Reagan saw this and said angrily as she released one of the most murderous auras of death they had ever felt:" Or I will give you a taste of death."? The feeling of death and decay that emanated from her was so intense that the life mages were paralysed with fear. The death mages were drawn to it in total awe. Arthur could barely hide his fear, but to save face he bravely took a defensive stance as he said, "I would die to see you, vermin, try. Reagan whispered in an eerie voice, "You asked for it.".

Before she could do anything, the cage shattered, surrounded by a foam of darkness. Arthur looked in the direction the spell was coming from and said: "Stay out of this! This has nothing to do with you.".

It took a moment for the others to get used to the darkness surrounding the strange figure. Reagan, as a user of darkness, had no trouble finding the source of the spell, but pretended to look for it. The darkness dissipated and the blurred figure was transformed into a woman of infernal beauty. Ignoring Arthur, she approached Reagan and examined her carefully. Then she said: "A Stone with magic... I can tell by the death lust in your eyes that you have powerful magic inside you". Reagan blushed slightly and gritted her teeth as the girl came too close to her face. The bold, beautiful girl licked her lips as if daring Reagan not to kiss her and smiled as she said: "You look great too. I can't wait to see what else you lust for.".

Annabella says dismissively with a hint of jealousy as she looks at Reagan with a raised eyebrow and then at the girl, "Yennifer... always perfect timing. It's where there's a conflict that you do best."

Arthur says proudly: "Indeed, my dear Annabella! She was born of it after all. Isn't that right, Lagini woman?". Yennifer turned her attention to them and said: "You are guests in my house. You must treat all my subjects with the respect they deserve".

She then turned to the death mages present with a stern look, which they all avoided by bowing, and said: "I'm surprised that my fellow death mages have allowed this to happen".

Reagan grimaced and murmured: "Yennifer as in Yennifer, the dark one? As in Yennifer, the second in the Lagini line? She turned her attention to Reagan with a devouring stare and bit her lower lip as she nodded.

Reagan, remembering that the old man had told him he'd kill her if he heard of any promiscuous incidents, decided to play it cool and said, "Well... thanks for helping us out. It would have been hard to deal with that pain in the arse! Now it's done... Gotta run. Ciao". Yennifer then placed her fingers on Reagan's lips and said, "I'm sure you can show your gratitude in a better way." Reagan swallowed in sweat and thought to herself, "Fuck... me... dead. This girl is going to kill me".

Arthur, disgusted, says, "Even from you, Yennifer, that's descending too low. She's a Stone. You're royalty". Yennifer gave him a menacing look and said: "Winstor! Do you really dare to question my decency at my own brother's coronation?". All the death mages, as if preparing to fight Arthur to the death, slowly surrounded the life mages who took up a defensive position like guards around Arthur.

Arthur, realising the sensitivity of the situation, showed courtesy and said in a diplomatic tone: "I would never insult an illustrious member of the Lagini, leader of the Tenebros. Let's forget this incident and enjoy each other's company".

Yennifer didn't even bother to reply. She took Reagan's hand and walked up the stairs, smiling as she noticed how upset Arthur was at being ignored and how irritated Annabella seemed to be at her holding Reagan's hand so intimately.

A dejected Arthur said: "Thank the gods that the union between the Winstor and Lagini bloodlines was sterile. I would have hated my father if he had forced me to have a relationship with her. Annabella... I don't like that you tried to interfere when I was teaching that bastard a lesson. You should learn your place."

Harry stepped in and said, "Art... you can't talk to your future wife like that." He exchanged a sympathetic look with Annabella and continued, "You don't realise how lucky you are to have such a woman by your side". Annabella smiled and Arthur replied, holding Annabella's hand and walking up the stairs: "Indeed... She is mine. Mind your own business, will you? ". Harry followed closely behind him, his eyebrows furrowed.