
The Royal Bastard

As a death magician in a family of life magicians, Reagan's fate was doom. Outcast but determined to survive, she fought the hardest and suffered the most. Until she met the one person she would not let slip through her fingers.

Caesar_Vincii · LGBT+
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35 Chs

A blessing in disguise: Part I

After leaving the child in his mother's care, Charles rushed back to his house to begin making funeral arrangements for his wife and the 'stillborn child'. Margaret rushed to her husband's office, where he was smoking a cigar, and sealed the room with a stealth spell. George, startled by this intrusion, said with a frown: "Have you finally lost it? Unless the castle is under attack, I have no use for such behaviour."

She finally turned to face him, and before she could utter a word, he looked as pale as linen as he said: "This child .... impossible .... how is a Lagini with Winstor blood?" As the acting leader of the Winstor, his powers were far greater than any of them. Then he stood up, his body glowing with white light, and asked again in a murderous tone: "Where is Charles?" The aura was so intense that his wife fell to her knees out of breath. The child suddenly cried out in discomfort and the weight was gone on her side of the room.

George looked at Margaret catching her breath and said, "Did you do this?" Margaret replied in panic, looking at the child in fear: "You know I am not strong enough to resist or even dissipate the weight of light. The child did it." George laughed angrily and said: "She did it... a newborn did it... It would take at least a year of training for even the most skilled life mage to do that... Woman! Explain to me what this is!? "

She began to recount what had happened. Charles came to her, panicked, left the child in her care without a word, and hurried back from where he came. She searched the child's memory, filling in the missing details. As she spoke, George stared motionlessly into the fire. When she finished, the room fell silent. Margaret then asked her husband, "What ... shall we do with this child?" As if snapping back to reality, George said: "Have the child looked after in the east wing of the castle. I must think. We must find a way to turn this to our advantage.