
THe Royal Affairs

"My king, You know the rules of our kingdom, if the elders found out about this, the princes will be killed. We have to do something to save them before anything happens to them" Reynold told the king, his heart pounding, as he listened to what the king had to say bout this matter. " how's the queen? " " The queen is still unconscious my king" " since she gave birth to them? " "Yes my king" The king sigh. He stood from his seat and went to the queen's chambers. Reynold followed behind him. When he entered inside, he closed the doors and looked at his sleeping queen. His heart breaking in million pieces as he saw his two princes laying beside the queen . One asleep, the other awake. King Ileus took the one awake in his arms and looked at his beautiful blue eyes. He kissed the child's forehead with tears streaming out of his eyes before he hugged the child tightly. Reynold was right there when all this happened. He then looked at his sleeping queen and said to her.. "Am sorry... My queen" He kissed her forehead before he stood up. He turned to Reynold and went to him. "Reynold, take him... Somewhere safe. Where he can never be found and know nothing about this kingdom. Protect him and let him live" He put forward his arms to Reynold and Reynold took the child in the king's arm with his head bowed down to him. He raised and promised the king " I'll protect him with my life my King.." he said with a bow to him. And the king nodded at him. He sigh and kisses his prince one last time before he nod at him. And Reynold left the queen's chambers.. ready to take the child away from the castle. Another man entered inside, he slightly bowed to the king as the king stared at his sleeping wife, before he commanded.. "Kill everyone who knows about the twins" The Man bowed to the king and left the room.. ready to eliminate everyone who knew about them. The crown's clown @ alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
8 Chs


The king was in his chambers now, he couldn't stop being worried about the whole situation, every now and then he would wonder how his little prince is doing, he sigh as he couldn't stop himself form getting worried. he went to the glass window and looked outside at the full moon that was glowing tonight, making everything seems so calm and peaceful, even though his heart wasn't that in peace.

then, the doors were knocked and someone came in.

"How's everything outside?"

"The queen is still under security your magesty"

"And the rumours?"

"They are still going your magesty, do you want me to do anything about it?"

"No no, let it be, if we make any wrong move, they'll be even more suspicious of the whole situation.. so just let it be"

" Yes your magesty"

" Have your taken care of what I've told you to do?"

" Yes your magesty, but... I can't find the mid wife. she's going to be a huge problem if we don't find her and claim her life"

" No no, let her be, she's helping out.. she's with Reynold"

Samuel sigh and nod at the king. then, he asked

" But your magesty, people are gonna ask where Reynold is.. "

" I'll leave that to you"

" Yes your magesty"

he bow and left. the king sigh as he looked over the moon again, hoping all will go well.

The wives were restless as much as princess Ivy. Worrying that things will now change between themselves and the king, as he now have a son, with his beloved queen, and the princess wondered if the king will treat her the same way as he used to. she sigh as her heart shook... as she lay on her bed losing herself in deep thoughts.

and just like that, the night passed, as Reynold and the midwife travelled in the darkness of the night.


Moments passed, and reynold and the midwife Gemma moved further and further away from the castle, with the baby in their arms, the night was long and they didn't stop once to take a rest, and after a long time, the child finaly fell asleep.

The two of them travelled through the forest as they hid from the people of khaebet, fearing if they're seen with the child, they'll definitely know everything concerning him, and his blue Sapphire eyes, nithing about him won't hude anything about his identity. They travelled and soon, the morning came as Reynold stared at the raising sun as it raised high.

Gemma saw it too. she looked at Reynold and asked him..

"We've travelled the whole night, where are we going?"

"I don't know, but all I know is that we need to leave khaebet for the safety of his highness..."

"And after that?"

Reynold looked at her, he saw how she looked at him with so much worry, worrying for the child and what might happen to it. Reynold sigh and looked ahead as they kept on walking

"we'll raise him"

"Like.... his parents?"

Reynold felt a slight sting of the word " Parents" he sigh as he answered her without looking at her " Yes"

" So I'll be the mother and you'll be the father? "

" Yes"

" and when he grows up, will we keep on lying to him or will we tell him the truth? "

" About the fact that he's a prince?"

" Yes"

" Bad idea"

" And why? "

Reynold sigh, he turned to her and answered her question

" Because if he finds out that he's a prince, then he'll want to come back here to his family, if he comes back here, than people will know that there are twins with the current prince, and if people know that they're twins, they'll get killed"

" Oh no! that can't surely happen"

" Yes, and inorder for that not to happen, will need to hide his identity, from the people and himself as well"

Gemma thought hard about what Reynold just explained to her, and in some way, it made a lot of sense, they can't let the little prince knows who his real parents are, or he might come and find them and ask them questions, and if that happens, then him and his younger brother, will die. and thus, she agreed with him. But then wait a minute..

"What if he asks about his blue eyes?" now that was a question.. "Non of us have blue eyes, especially like these ones"

the Little Prince's eyes were quite a unique pair of eyes, his eyes were quite sapphire and beautiful, and they were only found in the royal family. and thus, for once, she asked a good question.

"Well..... we'll think of that when he asks about it"

"But shouldn't we like prepare how to answer him? I mean what if he ask us differently and we give him different answers?"

"Then we'll just tell him he got them from his great grand mother"

"Yours or mi....."

"Will you please shut up?!!!!" he snapped out, his voice was so high that gemma got shocked for a moment, and she ended up shivering for quite some time.. but then, the baby woke up.. and started crying

"Oh no!! look at what you've done?!"

Gemma held the child in her arms and started calming it down while Reynold just looked at her as she handled the situation.

he sigh when the child finally stopped crying and went to sleep again.

"You really have to learn how to control that temper of yours, or else you'll wake his highness!!"

Reynold sigh and went closer to her.

" Okay, I need you to do one thing for me.. " he said with his sharp eyes as he stared at Gemma. his face was so close to her that of he takes even an inch closer to her, their faces will collide.

Gemma swallowed realizing how close they were. she said nothing as she breathed in his sweaty and masculine smell... which sent her a little over the edge.

"From now on, He's not the prince anymore, he doesn't have any relations with the royal family nor this kingdom, and thus, you.. or me, cannot address him as his highness, .. even if we're alone... Got it?! "

Gemma nodded slowly as she looked at him.. she was like a statue from where she stood, she couldn't even breath in properly from how close he was to her now, and Reynold wondered why she was so quiet all over sudden.

but when he finally realized, he moved away quickly before clearing his throat... and Gemma could finally breath again.

"Come on" he said and moved forward. Gemma followed him and asked him once more.

"last question, I promise"

Reynold sigh out of tiredness and asked her. "What is it now?"

"The child.. how do we call him if not his highness"

Reynold thought hard about the question, she once again asked a good question, he thought for a while before he turned to her and said...

"Lucian...he'll be known as Lucian"