
Andrew's Rage

Andrew calls it quits and decides that the canned food will do for their morning breakfast.

Andrew :what good is fishing when l can't even find the lake? now will you look at that, looks like shaz broke the fishing line, l should have placed it further away from the sleeping bag.(Andrew's phone rings) hello yes... Yes... When did this happen? (Sharon rolls over and opens her eyes, Andrew continues talking to the phone) is he going to be okay? . No the picture is a hundred percent real, l'll send you my location right away.. okay l love you grandma bye. Shaz baby guess who wants to crash our little party?

Sharon :uuuh let me see your grandparents, sounds like there's trouble is everything okay?

Andrew :why does it seem like everyone is able to read me like an open book? yeah my grandparents will be joining us soon.

Sharon : Honey, you made it a bit too obvious you mentioned who it was you were talking to just before you hung up , what's bugging you baby? You look abscent minded.. Oh my God you are bleeding?

Andrew :What this(speaks as he wipes out the blood on his forehead with his t-shirt) angel you're not going to believe what happened a few minutes ago

Sharon :Try me

Andrew :l woke up and decided to go fishing then l saw a silver feather on the ground, l picked it up and called my grand dad cause I know just how much he loves birds especially rare ones, l told him about the feather he didn't believe me then l sent him a picture.. (Sharon interrupts him)

Sharon:wooh wooh slow down you're talking too fast, take a deep breath and tell me what happened from the beginning.

Andrew :Shaz it's just too much for me to keep to myself any longer l prefer to finish telling you the story then l'll repeat myself, after telling you the whole story, l sent him the picture right?

Sharon :The golden feather?

Andrew :Silver feather honey you need to keep up

Sharon :Can l see it?

Andrew :Here(reaches into his pocket) ..what no,no,no, I had it with me a moment ago it must have fell off my pocket on my way back to the tent we need to look for that feather ASAP.

Sharon :Do you need me to call Jessica? l'm sure she'd be interested in what you have to say.

Andrew :No you didn't! are you insinuating that l'm losing my mind thanks but no thanks, l don't need to talk to your little shrink

Sharon :little, where's this coming from? you're showing me a side to you that l never knew

Andrew:oh yeah, l'll show you more Rolaratita appear in the name of Anuredanaki. Hold on l just have to believe it hard enough

Sharon :Baby you need help l don't think l'm safe around you anymore, l'll go looking for the Rolaratita on my own, what sort of sick practical joke is this? ooh l get it, it must be the prewertextasile's side effects, l should have known relax honey, there's no silver feather and Anuakredaki or whoever it is you were calling doesn't exist my love rest, I told you to get some sleep you it only works efficiently after sufficient sleep, You woke up too early.

Andrew :(Realizing that it would take a miracle to make Sharon believe him) Yeah l guess it must be the prewer what am l saying silver feather, Anuredanaki. What l really meant to say to you is that l've gotten faster now watch me run to that tree over there and back here in under five seconds watch (zoom zoom)

Sharon :Wow let me try too(zoom zoom)

Andrew :huh shaz the jofatile were geniuses who would have thought that this harmless flower would make one as fast as the speed of light. I can't wait to get my hands on the Rolaratita Redhill here we come

Lucky:Josh hurry we need to get there before sunset.

Josh:Grandad why can't you and grandma leave without me, Andrew is obviously pulling a prank on us, he got his to jeweler make a silver feather design.

Lucky :Why l outta smack the taste out your mouth for trying to talk me out of this trip. I raised Andrew up better than that he wouldn't do such a thing he would never fool around with anyone's emotions right Lulu bunny

Lucy:Andrew is who people refer to as a humanitarian he would give his life for the benefit of mankind , the reason he is such a successful Historian today is because of his love for humanity, unlike you, you vampire movie watching Savage put this pink sweater on l made it myself l'm tired of seeing you in black,it's starting to make my eyes sore.

Lucky :You better do exactly as you're told you do know what happens when you disobey us or should l refresh your memory, l haven't put my belt to good use in a while.

Josh:That won't be necessary keep the belt on, at least we are going to the middle of nowhere l won't be seen in this. I knew I shouldn't have called that ambulance

Lucky :what was that?

Josh :l said l too would love that romance, the same one Andrew and his girlfriend has

Lucy :Not anymore their married now

Josh:what and he didn't invite us

Lucky:yep he tied the knot in Italy

Josh:(silently) asshole

Andrew :Remember keep heading North l'll catch up, l'm just checking to see if we didn't leave anything behind.. Hey babe l just remembered feast your eyes on this (speaks as he shows her the silver feather picture on his phone)

Sharon :Nice it almost looks real the power of technology so babe The Rolaratita is on the highest cave of the highest Redhill right

Andrew :Yeah the highest cave

Sharon :you look disappointed what's wrong remember l know you

Andrew :l know you do, what frustrates me the most is that you don't trust me, listen babe it wouldn't be fair to let you go on without telling you the truth, everything l said this morning was true. Not only did l see the silver feather but l saw the owl the feather came out of and, a strange creature that walked and spoke like a man he said his name is Anuredanaki and that you and l should worship him to get the things that our hearts desire, the reason why l was bleeding is cause the owl poked me with it's golden beak, please Shaz you have to believe me, l'm not going crazy.

Sharon :Okay l believe you, and this Anuredanaki what to him ?

Andrew :he took off when he saw my blood, it scared the living day lights out of him.

Sharon :Now l see just how serious you were l feel awful for not believing you the first time. What else did Anuredanaki say

Andrew :He knew my name and that you were still asleep in the tent at that time , l can't remember the rest but you should have seen it, it was hideous. I even thought it wanted to eat me.

Anuredanaki :if l recall correctly it wasn't just a thought you screamed like a little girl "aah please don't eat me, mercy, mercy"

Andrew :Shaz there there

Sharon :l told you l believed you honey, but I've seen him before. Red alot has changed hasn't it.

Anuredanaki :Sharonulavira it can't be

Sharon :it is l, my dear brother l see you where among those that chose to keep their true form even in a new world.

Anuredanaki:l'll always remain true to myself no matter what!

Andrew :Sharon what's going on here? Did l just hear you calling Red your brother? And what do you mean true form? You're really freaking me out here.

Sharon :l'm not who you think I am we all aren't there's an arulervera in all of us humans actually come from a different planet known as the grunderfour some arulervera's are born as little human babies and some come at a later point in time, like my two brothers the reason l'm the world's greatest archeologist isn't by chance l use my sensing power to detect fossils and objects of value underground.

Andrew :you know that l find history so intriguing to the point where l made it my career but not once did you bother to share this with me, I don't even know who l'm married to anymore, how could you keep such a secret from me Sharon how could you?

Sharon :l like it that l'm human and l'm so ashamed of who l was, but I know now that I owe it to you to at least see my true form.. "Stars of the seven galaxies and all elements present,turn me back to the first form l make ye my servant" (After Sharon said this words she transformed into an alien looking like creature with a crown on it's head but it's beauty was breathtaking she looked almost as if her skin was made of emerald)here l am, I ask you now, if you would have seen me like this before would you still have married me?

Anuredanaki:Don't answer that it's a trick question, princess ulavira how lovely it is to see you again little sister, you spent so much time as a human you even love like one, I smelt your love for drewie boy all the way from the Redhill. How l desired to be worshiped by such loving hearts, but l reckon now you know why l needed you both praying to me?

Sharon :first of all l'm Sharon ulavira died a very long time ago she seizes to exist secondly stay out of this Andrew my love (speaks as she approaches him)

Andrew :Don't touch me(begins to walk around as the shock and confusion settle) so everything was a lie you were never who you said you were, l should have known something was up.. Your entire family died in a plan crash yet you have no pictures had them all cremated and sprinkled their ashes in your backyard. You had me real good, l wanted to surprise you with this (pulls out garlic from his pocket) l intended to make my granny's special garlic soup after we had found the Rolaratita cause you wouldn't be allergic to it by then l always wanted you to know how incredible the taste to show you what you've been missing out on every Thanksgiving, but I guess it was a little more than an allergy right ulavira? (says this as he points the garlic at her, she gets so weak and could barely stand, the same went for Anuredanaki)

Sharon :please put the garlic away we can work this out like descent.. (pauses)

Andrew :Say it, it always was your favorite dispute breaker line.. Human beings, descent human beings.. But what you're missing is that l'm the only human in the picture (turns and faces anuredanaki) isn't that right almighty?

Anuredanaki :Please put the herb away.

Andrew :The owl summon the owl now

Sharon :love you're so much better than this, this isn't who you are.

Andrew :Shut it princess those days are gone l'm not your love.. Smile for the camera(takes pictures of them with his phone ) not only am I going to be famous for finding the Rolaratita but I'm going to be known globally for capturing aliens(puts a straight face on and points the garlic closer to Anredanaki) Now summon it.

Anuredanaki :As you wish(makes the hissing sound)

Andrew :what's that smug on your face for? you must think l'm fooling around, listen here... (the owl comes flying and snatches the garlic from Andrew's hand. Anuredanaki gets up and grabs Andrew by the neck)

Anuredanaki :You pathetic swine how dare you belittle me (takes the phone from Andrew and crushes it into dust)l did say that l'm vegan but owls are carnivores.


Meanwhile Andrew's grandparents and brother enter the deserted area and notice the young couples car.

Lucky :This must be the place their car is packed over there(presses his phone and places it in his ear) that's strange,his lines not going through.. Well I guess we made it. Let's head into the woods

Josh :How will we know where we're going? Look at this place the chances of us finding them are zero to a hundred.

Lucky :pulls out a raffle me and little old Andrew used to go out Rabbit hunting in a forest near my farm, whenever he got lost l would fire it three times he knows the sound of my raffle, besides butch is an excellent tracker. (pets the dog Butch) relax there's nothing to worry about we'll certainly find him. look at this and tell me what you see(shows him his phone)

Josh:A silver feather

Lucky :What else do you see?look closer

Josh:Grand dad that's all I see just a hand holding up the feather

Lucky :The trees on the back ground have yellow leaves, this suggests that wherever are (Josh completes his sentence)

Josh:There are trees with yellow leaves

Lucky :Very good now let's go come on butch

Lucy:l think we're a little too old to be going on trips like this, I just hope they haven't walked far off my feet are killing me already (complains as she also walks into the woods)

Josh:Come on butch go find Andrew (butch runs into the woods)there's something really strange about this place l can feel it at the back of my spine. Grand dad when do you intend on firing the raffle?