
Chapter 32: Fate of Antegria

The Roamer

Chapter 32: Fate of Antegria

Aeolus took out every single undead he had, while telling them the formation they'd be in. Basically, all the healers would be at the back, ranges would be in the second line, and melee fighters were in the front. Though it was a simple formation, it was also one of the most convenient in this world.

However, the next scene that appeared in his eyes instilled great fear into him.

The commander had opened some sort of portal, and five men came out of it, along with three women. Each of them had the aura of someone extremely powerful and unconquerable, as if they had been reigning above the world for a long, long time.

"What did we come here for, commander of Antegria?" one of the women asked, displeasure over her whole face.

"This rat is, surprisingly, extremely powerful. He has the affinity of death, and has dedicated extreme time into training his undead slaves. He has spent so much time that every single one is at his power level." the commander of Antegria explained, with a fearful look on his face. Even without any undead soldiers, the affinity of death was mighty. Now that he had undead soldiers, and so many of them, with all of them at his level, this was bound to end up with someone dying.

"Still, it's a damned brat. Even if most of them are at his level, he should, at most, be at the first layer?" one of the new people asked, confused about why the commander of Antegria needed help with such an issue.

"You'd think so, but this brat has power that is equivalent to that of a person at the twenty-fourth layer." the commander of Antegria said, trying to make the others understand just why he needed help.

"If that's the case, this brat isn't normal. We should clean up this mess of yours, and head back. You can pay us back later." one of the women who recently appeared piped up, while turning her attention towards Aeolus.

"Brat, I don't know how you've come so far in life, but it all ends here." the commander of Antegria said, with a sly grin on his face. Aeolus was currently very excited, but had even more fear running through him then he did excitement.

'Even a battle maniac like me can tell that this will be a huge battle, that will probably not just be limited to this forest.' Aeolus said to himself within the mind, fearfully acknowledging the power of the enemies in front of him. He turned around, and began to run as fast as he could.

"You're not going to get away with such ease." the commander of Antegria said, and got into the same charging stance he was in before. Aeolus realized that he would not be able to escape, but was doing it for a reason.

'I have to lower their guards and get them to come towards me running, so they'll run into the string I've set up!' Aeolus was planning on using the string he had set up before the battle to the fullest of his power. He weaved around the forest, while his undead were still fighting the commanders, or most of them.

The commander of Antegria began his wild rush, and made himself seem like a bull. His eyes were extremely blood red, and the pupils were green. Aeolus took into mind just how much power he was exerting to make such a mad dash. However, his mad dash was immediately stopped.

"Wha-!" went the commander of Antegria.

He had been caught in a bunch of string, and couldn't move. He began to struggle intensely, but he still couldn't escape. He couldn't even use his weapon to cut the string because it was on his back, and he couldn't reach to his back right now. He began screaming madly, hoping that some commanders would realize the situation and help him.

Though, Aeolus wasn't planning on giving him a chance. He used his remaining string to form the string arena, which was beginning to look like it was more of an eye of the tornado now, with the commander in the middle. All the string shot out, but none of them went for his vital points.

Instead, they punctured all the joints on his body, such as the elbows and the knees. This way, he could stop the movement of the commander. However, the commander was confused as to why Aeolus would do such a thing.

"Why not outright kill me?" he said, with a confused tone deep in his voice.

"Simple, I want to make the most out of your soul." Aeolus said, with a wicked grin on his face. However, the commander of Antegria palled at the thought. This was a fate worse than death, bringing him down completely before killing him was way worse then just outright dying.

'Since he can't move now, I'll take as much time as I can to absorb his soul. I won't be able to kill all the commanders today, and I'll probably get away with just killing him.' Aeolus thought to himself, while also thinking of how he would escape from such a situation. Sure, he could put the undead back into his mid-layer, but that would attract all the commanders towards him.

While absorbing the soul of the commander, he also noticed that something was off. He sensed out all of his undead, but over twenty-two of them were in his mid-layer, only five still standing where the battle with the commanders begun.

"This… did the commanders already take down all of my undead?!" Aeolus yelled, in an unwilling tone. If what he just said was the truth, then it was good that he ran. All those undead were as strong as him, and even though each only had a single affinity, they still had his power and knowledge. Yet, so many of them still lost.

"I'll just take in the last five, and book it now while I can!" Aeolus yelled, and sent out his emotions to the last five undead. They immediately understood, and got sucked back into his mid-layer. All the commanders turned their heads in the direction of Aeolus, who was hundreds of miles off.

"He took all of his undead back in, and I don't sense the commander of Antegria anymore. It's likely that the commander died, and the brat was left in a terrible state, hence him running." one of the female commanders, Tasha, said. She had a reputation for being ruthless and proud, but still uses her head.

"I don't think the brat ended up in a terrible condition. He probably realized that all of his undead were back with him, meaning that we beat them all. He took in the last five and booked it, I can sense him running through the trees now." The buffest male commander, Toronto, said. He was the commander of the strongest city in Pangaea, the capital called Narcisa.

"For now, let's let him go. We still haven't understood everything there is to this brat, and what if we can make him into an ally? A brat who is this powerful at such an age, while also wielding the affinity of death? I'd be surprised if he didn't surpass all of us by the age of eighteen." One of the calmer commanders said, who wasn't full of blood in their head. They were looking towards the future, not the present.

"I agree with Sasha, we should let him go for now, and find him later. Who knows, maybe he'll have a change of heart?" Toronto said, while smiling at Sasha. He has had a crush on her for years, but couldn't bring himself to admit it. Besides, even if he didn't have a crush, it was true that this brat could become a powerful ally.

"Well, since the commander of Antegria is gone, and nobody has the teleportation affinity, I guess we'll have to run back?" one of the commanders said in a whiny tone, not wanting to head back on foot.

"Shut up, we can all reach our respective cities in a few minutes if we just run." said Sasha, while giggling at the male commander.

Just like that, they all split up and headed towards their respective cities. Meanwhile, Aeolus was still running for his life, and ended up taking to the sky after sensing spirit running through the ground below him.

--- sequence 2 ---

Aeolus was breathing heavily, as the pressure of the situation had really pressed down on him. He then began to look back on what happened, just to understand the depth of the situation. After all of that, he began laughing crazily.

"How the hell did I survive that?" Aeolus said while laughing like a madman, showing just how entertaining the situation was to him. He escaped so many powerhouses, without taking injuries as well!

He stopped flying, and began to descend. He was in the middle of the ocean, but he could use a swim. Besides, he really was pretty exhausted right now. However, there seemed to be extremely thick rain clouds today, so he immediately rid his mind of that thought.

'Are all of my shadow soldiers here?' Aeolus wondered, and began to check. As expected, all of his shadow soldiers were there, safe and sound. He exhaled, and revealed a smile on his face. He then turned around, and began flying back to Pangaea.

"Right now, Antegria is missing its mightiest pillar in power, and will be easy to retaliate in." Aeolus decided, and began to go towards the string in Pangaea. He had only planted one so far, and that was in Antegria. For that reason, it was really easy to identify.

After flying for some time, he finally arrived at Antegria. He radiated his aura throughout the city, just to make everyone come out of their homes. The expected results came in, and most people came out of their homes wondering what the hell they were sensing.

"Who the hell is radiating such an aura?!" a person who Aeolus believed was the lord of this city came out of the huge manor in the center. Aeolus looked down at him from the sky, and a huge grin appeared on his face.

"Boy do I got news for you!" Aeolus yelled down, with an insane look spreading over his face.



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 13 (Almost 14)

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D