
The Road to Divinity

(SI) A Marvel fan, who decided to do the right thing and save a life, succeded but at the cost of his own. Instead of facing death, he was thrown into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Coming to terms with his new surroundings, he has to navigate his way through a world full of heroes, gods, and villains. How difficult could it be? (Will include X-Men and F4)

Darwin_18 · Anime und Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 9 – Control From Within pt. 2

Chapter 9 – Control From Within pt. 2

I breathed in, then breathed out. The most difficult part being that my composure might not be at a hundred percent. Not long after I agreed, I quickly changed into clothes more suitable for fighting that didn't restrict my movements, that being black sweatpants with a gray t-shirt.

Shang wore his usual red jumpsuit, standing in the center on training mats with his hands behind his back. That's what's making it difficult for me, his calm and calculated behavior, each second that passed made me feel more nervous. I closed my eyes, taking one last breath and keeping it in for a few seconds while clearing my mind. When I was ready, my eyes shot open as I released the air, then moved closer to meet Shang in the middle.

"If you wish to call it off, the option still stands." Shang expressed calmly.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" I asked with a grin, attempting to show confidence. "Trying to talk me out of it won't work, I'll tell you that much."

Oh yeah, I was a nervous wreck alright.

Shang merely perked his lips with a light shake of his head. "Whenever you're ready, we can begin."

Clenching my fists, I took my stance, the one I learned back in Kamar-Taj. It was primarily a defensive stance, just to get into the right mindset.

'Now, how do I do this?'

I know for a fact that he won't be the one to initiate the dance. Shang wanted me to make the first move, something I wanted to avoid at all costs. He can counter any move I make in eleven different ways, making it difficult to think of how to go in, and land a hit.

I took slow steps off to the side, starting to circle him, only for him to only move his eyes. If I don't do anything, this stand-still is going to last all day.

Here goes nothing.

Deciding that there's no point in waiting, I charged in. Shang never moved a muscle, while I was barely a few meters away. Going with a punch to the face, Shang moved his head slightly to dodge it, slapping my hand away. It was enough to make me lose my balance at the moment, retreating for a moment before going back in. The next several attempts were of no use and would end the same way. After a certain point, once he slapped my hands away, his open hand hitting me slightly below the chest.

That alone was enough to make me lose my breath, forcing me to back off. Shang's hits move way faster than mine, making it difficult to counter them if my hands are out.

While thinking of an optimal strategy, Shang suddenly ran towards me. Taken aback by the sudden action, my mind immediately jumped into preparing my defense. Shang jumped into the air, going for a flying kick. I ducked towards the left, barely dodging it, only for another kick heading my way as I got back up. While I could block it, I was getting pushed into a corner as he threw more and more kicks. The only reason why I could hardly keep up with him because he wasn't using his full strength. It was drastically one sided from an outsider's perspective.

After a few minutes, my arms were slowly becoming sore from all the hits I blocked. When he saw an opening, he built up a kick but quickly retracted it only for the leg to spring back, hitting me directly in my stomach. It hit me with such force that I was sent backwards, rolling on the ground upon falling. When I stopped, I rolled off to my side, getting into a kneeling position with my hands on the floor.

'This isn't going so smoothly,' I thought grimly. Looking off to my side, I found a water dispenser. 'He didn't specify what kind of style of fighting.'

Raising my pinky, I was about to get ahold of some water before I felt my left eyelid twitch, clenching my fist as well.

No. I can't do that. I won't do that. No matter what kind of disadvantage I'm in, there's no way I'm going to cheat like that. Winning in that type of fashion won't get me anywhere. I knew what I was signing up for, meaning I'll play by his rules fair and square.

Of course, also being so damn persistent to not know when to give up. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't survive in this world for as long as I have, and I don't intend on letting this stop me. Rising up, I whipped off the small amount of blood dripping from my lips, forming the same stance once more.

Shang threw me a look of acknowledgement, seemingly impressed by my commitment, so instead of one waiting for the other, both of us met each other head on.

Every time I got remotely close, Shang would evade my attack while simultaneously easily landing a single hit on me that pushed me back a little at every physical encounter. Defending myself until I get a very good opening is my only chance, fighting with extreme defensive won't take me far. It was increasingly difficult to keep up the more we fought. I used every ounce of knowledge of combat training and experience, it still wasn't enough.

I didn't know how much time passed during our brawl, I long forgot to keep track of it.

I panted heavily, trying to regain whatever strength I had. By now, each blow got significantly more painful. My defenses were falling apart, the pain becoming more and more unbearable. Whatever I did, he'd easily counter and punch back harder. I can make due with blood coming out of my mouth, the numerous hits to the head are just now starting to make me dizzy. I wasn't sure how much more I can take, nor how to figure out a way to turn the tables.

I may have been beaten from the start, but that doesn't mean I will be branded as a quitter.

With a sigh, I whipped off the blood from my lips. I'll just have to do what my gut tells me.

"It is over," Shang said calmly, closing his eyes while taking a relaxed stance as he moved forward. "You are your limit. I don't take any pleasure in this fight, nor do I want this to be prolonged more than it needs to be. You'd be only causing yourself more pain, it be foolish if you-"

I lunged forward, my fist met with Shang's jaw while he was too busy talking. It wasn't by any means my strongest punch, but it wasn't going to quit now. Due to my state, I was quickly losing balance, only managing to recover the last second. Turning around, I got a good look at Shang's face, mouth hanging while his hand was on his jaw.


I want him to see I wasn't joking around.

"Too bad... I'm not done yet..." I breathed heavily as I raised my hands for defense. "I've risked too much already... I have no option of backing out... not now. I already told you… talking me out won't work. The only way to advance further… is to overcome another obstacle, just like the many… many trials I faced… until now. One of two things are going to happen... either I'll achieve what I set out to do... or... I'll die trying. If it's the latter… you might want to clean the floor after this… "

Even though I was severely outclassed, and was getting the living crap beaten out of me, I enjoyed it. I might not get Chi how I envisioned, I still found it fun for some odd reason. I wanted to prove what kind of person I was, so I'll show him first hand.

Shang, still taken aback by my sudden attack, watched as I made my declaration. I didn't allow him another moment of peace as I charged at him. My first few steps were wobbly, almost making me fall down, only that wouldn't stop me. This time around, Shang deferred from moving at all, staying firmly in place while only reacting with a hit to shove me back. My fighting became sloppier, making me miss out on potential openings, with my reaction time going down as well. There wasn't a muscle in my body that wasn't in pain, and I wasn't doing them any favors by further pushing myself.

I no longer could focus on how much pain I was in, rather how tired I was. Very, very tired. I only kept going and going, resisting to stop. Because if I did, I know I wouldn't be able to continue.

'Keep going… just keep going.' That one thought plagued my mind as I limped towards my opponent. I didn't want to give in, but realistically, I was reaching my limit, for real this time. My head was so dizzy I could barely make out in what direction I should be going, my muscles going on pure will power rather than strength, as I presumed I was dangerously low on it with each step I took. One quick look in front of me, I confirmed Shang was about three meters away from me. I didn't stop, the best I could do is ignore the overwhelming pain as long as I could. I started raising my shaking fist when I reached my destination.

My fists moved on their own, probably wouldn't respond if I told it to otherwise.

'Just a little more… and-'


On instinct, my hand froze upon hearing the command. My head fell to my left, only to see Shang closing his eyes. "I've seen enough. There's no need to continue."

Oh no, we aren't going through this again.

Winding up slightly, I went for another swing.

What I didn't notice is that instead of my fist colliding with his face, it simply went off to the side, completely off target. As my arm travelled, my weight shifted as well, the feeling in my legs giving out on me, making me witness how I ever so slowly collapsed onto the ground. Even though my body crashed, I was relieved for a moment that I could rest in a still position.

'A few seconds…' The thought ran through my mind, trying to prevent my eyelids closing shut. 'A few seconds and I will be… back… on my… feet…'

---Line Break----

I groaned upon waking up, to some extent wishing that I didn't.

The moment I opened my eyes, I remembered how I ended up in this state, with Shang beating me to a pulp. Every single part of my body was in pain, slow movements were enough to make me wish he'd just finish the job while he was at it. The irony, last time I was out cold by using too much power, now I was out by getting smacked around by a Martial Arts Master. We've come full circle without too much time passing.

'Where's my bag. I need those potions. Right. Now.'

Looking around slowly, I realized I was on the bed in the office. On the nearby table, I spotted my bag with the upper part of my robe. Moments later, I heard the door open.

"I see you're awake." Shang spoke softly while carrying a tray with two cups and a pot.

"Unfortunately… would prefer still being out." I responded lowly as I sat up, moving inch by inch to prevent further pain.

"I'm surprised, not many people would keep on fighting when going up against an opponent who outmatches them, let alone on the verge of passing out," Shang commented while pouring in our drinks. "I certainly wasn't expecting that level of commitment. You've earned my respect."

Groaning when I fully raised myself, I signaled towards the bag with my head, instantly regretting it. "I'm glad I got something out of that fight. Mind handing me that?"

Shang went across the room to retrieve my bag, placing it on the bed beside me, muttering a quiet "thank you" as he did. Reaching into it was torture in out of itself, my fingers and wrist struggling with each movement. After some searching, my hand recognized the shape of the bottle I was looking for. My hands were shaking slightly when I gripped the cap and removed it, making sure not to spill a drop. Upon taking the first round, I could feel some discomfort and pain going away, just enough to make me wish I wasn't dead. The second potion came soon after, speeding up the effect of the first potion.

I took my cup of tea, using it to wash away the taste of the potions. We were met with silence while I drank the liquid, only for Shang to break it after sipping his own tea. "Now that you're up, there's a topic we need to discuss."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," I muttered disappointingly, taking another round of the three beverages. "I lost, no need to mention it. Just like we agreed, I won't bother you anymore. You can still take the gym, I have no real need for it."

Shang raised his hand slightly, indicating for me to stop. "You misunderstand, that wasn't what I was going to say. Quite the contrary, I have decided to teach you."

Due to his very blunt nature, and the condition I was in, I was very sure I misheard him. "Ughh, what?"

"I have decided to teach you Chi." Shang repeated, more clearly this time. "You've shown me everything I needed to see."

"Wait, wait," I repositioned before continuing. "I lost, very badly. How does that convince you to teach me?"

"Simple," Shang started before taking another sip. "Words can only prove so much, but actions tend to speak louder than words. In a fight, you can clearly tell what kind of person your opponent is. When we fought, I got to see who you really are. None of your moves indicated any hate nor rage. From start to finish, there was no change whatsoever to show me otherwise. I had to push you further to see if my theory was true. When I saw how far you're willing to go, I realized you indeed are the kind of person you claim to be. I've met many people who lusted for power, willing to do anything to get it. However, with you, it honestly felt like a simple spar rather than a matter of winning. I'm now positive I can trust you with that kind of power."

For the first few seconds, I stood still, then slowly nodding. "I'd react more energetically, only I would pass out if I would even attempt to stand up."

A smirk appeared across Shang's face. "Judging from those drinks, I'm sure that will change soon enough. Would you like to know the moment where my opinion started to change?" I nodded for him to continue. "When you raised your finger, I was positive you intended on using one of your abilities, but you didn't. I could tell by the look in your eyes, it wasn't about claiming victory, it was proving yourself to me. Even when you could barely stand, you used nothing but your fists. I'm not sure how many people would go about the way that you did. Everything else, just confirms my suspicion."

"All in all, it was an agreed fight between two opponents, using my powers to get an edge didn't feel right. Win or lose, I don't feel like I would have earned your respect if I didn't fight honorably. I'm glad to know I managed to prove myself, even though I was tempted on using my powers for a second there.

"Being tempted is one thing, actually giving into it is another," Shang said wisely, then moving on to the main question. "When would you like to start?"

"Eh, give me until morning," I said somewhat excitedly as I finished my tea. "Just enough time to get the feeling in my arms and legs."

"Very well," Shang stood up. "I'd advise you to rest. If you need anything, I'll leave the door open so call me."

"Not much I can do at the moment, might as well get some shut-eye."

Before the man left the room, he focused on the wide training area before looking back at me. "The place really is impressive. It will be of great substitute compared to my current apartment."

When hearing that, a wide smile appeared on my face as I got into a comfortable position. "Told you. Have fun back there."

--- Line Break---

"In order for one to access their Chi, one must place proper balance on the mind, and on the body," Shang explained calmly as he walked back and forth slowly. "While that may seem like a pretty basic explanation, it's more layered than that. Improper balance of Chi can cause many problems to one who isn't suited for it, even though it would be possible for anyone to use it."

Shang instructed that I sit in a comfortable position as he sat with his knees. "You do have some experience in manipulating energy, and from what you've shown me, it's a good starting off point. Using water as a versatile weapon by controlling it has its similarities with Chi Manipulation. One key difference, you don't focus on letting that energy flow out of your body, rather channeling it all in. Right now, I want you to clear your mind and relax your body. Focus everything you have into right here. You'll know the feeling when you experience it, as well on how to manipulate it on your own once you do." Shang tapped at the center of his chest.

"Hope you don't mind me asking, but can you be more specific by any chance?" I asked curiously. "I know it's not that straight forward, however I'm not sure what I should focus on?"

"In all honesty, it varies from person to person, as all have a different process," Shang explained. "We already did the movements required to channel inner peace, it's up to you to put the pieces in the correct order."

After that, I've got a weird sense of Déjà vu.

It was like my first day when I first began training, which I very much liked, it made me feel easier as I passed these trials already. As more time passed, I felt like I was moving one step at accessing my Chi, that might be since I would repeatedly ask Shang various questions whenever my training would come to a halt. I'm guessing that was a contributing factor as it made the process easier.

When my body and mind were synchronized, I'd imagine my heart as being the center point of my focus. While I was able to block out all sound, my heart beat only grew louder in my head, which was a good sign. Over time, it felt like my whole body was experiencing that sensation. While my attempts were lackluster the first dozen tries, I wasn't going to stop any time soon. I figured out how the process should go, now it was all about trial and error. The mechanics were similar to how Kamar-Taj taught drawing out Dimensional Energy, only the slightest chance meant the experience was different as well. Although, this would also help me out getting that type of energy to fuel my spells much easier. While I was doing my meditating, Shang would use the free time to train in a variety of ways in his new gym.

Just like in my Astral Form, time became irrelevant. Accessing my Chi was my main goal, meditating and synchronizing my mind with my body. The feelings I would have while channeling it would be amplified, serenity and state of clear mind became so… intoxicating. My resolution persevering through any doubt or hesitation I might have felt along the way. As more attempts were executed, I was having trouble fully summoning that much Chi into my whole body. For the solution, I tried focusing all the untapped Chi at the center of my palm, a similar tactic I used when training for Water Manipulation. If I can firstly create a small object of Chi, I can go off from there. While I was faced with more errors, I never stopped using my method, going up until I managed to succeed in my task.

Then, a breakthrough happened.

Shang and I observed the small ball of Chi that swirled in my hand, a yellow circle in the center of my palm acting as opening. Its appearance was beautiful with the sphere incomplete, which is perfectly understated for my first time. After all that trouble, I've acquired one of the most flexible forms of manipulation, all that's left is to become comfortable with it.

"Intriguing," Shang commented with a hand on his chin. "This is unexpected."

"How come?" I said with a smug look as the sphere disappeared. "Didn't expect me to nail it so soon?"

"Not that," Shang expressed without missing a beat. "Those who have experience manipulating energy will have a head start compared to those who haven't. The fact you managed to manifest Chi as a small sphere rather than building it up inside your arm is what interests me the most. I had a hunch you'd be able to do it within some time with enough practice, however, this is something I didn't foresee."

"Why, is it unheard of?"

"No, it's known to happen, although on rare occasions," Shang answered. "Now, we have our work cut out for us."

"How so?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Now that you can channel Chi, this allows us to improve some aspects to better suit your particular situation. I think I just might have the ideal method in mind."

"Really?" I asked with a tone of interest. "What would that be?"

"You can call it "fine tuning"," Shang answered simply. "After that, I trust you can figure out the rest on your own."

"In that case, may we proceed to the next step?" I asked, a smile forming on my face all the while.

---Line Break---

"You did well today," Shang said proudly, sitting on the bench right opposite me. "It seems like your training at the temple you attended taught you well. Your ability to control energy is remarkable when only practicing for three months. It's not anything to scoff at, but having a solid start is good nonetheless."

"Heh, thanks for the pep talk. Glad to know on what stage I'm on when it comes to that, it has been a bit difficult to come to a conclusion on my own," I thanked the Kung Fu Master while packing up my gear. "Being able to tap into Chi this early on is a milestone in my eyes. I have a general idea on how it functions, so I think I should be able to figure out the rest on my own."

"Is there anything else I could assist you with?" Shang asked.

"I think I've troubled long enough, should be fine on my own from now on," I merely shrugged. "The only thing I could think of is a sparring match whenever you're free. Training dummies do their job and the styles I asked you for will help too, but it isn't the same as sparing with a real person, ya know?"

"I guess it isn't," Shang agreed with a smile. "I hope your training goes well, if you ever have any problems, you know where to find me. I'll make sure to take good care of it."

"As long as it's of use to you, it's all that matters." I said happily.

A few moments of silence passed before the conversation resumed. "What will you do now?"

Without skipping a beat, I replied instantly. "Break someone out from a highly secured prison."

Shang's eyebrows jumped slightly. "Pardon?"

"Ah, that... came out wrong, hold on," I began digging through my Holding Bag, trying to find a certain file, of a specific soldier. It was filled with information I added on my own, as I didn't need to steal any for this one, for now that is. However I still needed to keep it all in one place, especially when I get some real evidence in there. "Here. This should help."

Shang took the file and read what's inside, and judging by his facial expressions, some parts piqued his interest but also confused him. "Is this… all true?"

"Trust me, that isn't even half of it," I admitted, feeling I had no real need to keep this kind of information a secret, especially with people I plan on working with in the future. "There are still many things that are yet to be discovered. This is just scratching the surface. It took a while to gather that info alone, the rest is gonna be a bit more difficult, so it's going to take some time until the ones behind the whole thing are caught."

"I'm not sure what to make of this." Shang admitted as he kept going through the file.

"I do, it's messed up, and that's putting it lightly," I said, deciding to keep it simple. "I can't say for certain what else they did or didn't do, only it's a matter of time before I uncover it all."

"Do you think this is a wise choice?" Shang asked. "Make no mistake, it is not my place to tell you what you should do, or be involved in any kind of way. However, I feel like I should voice my opinion. Would this be a smart move?"

"An innocent man is held captive and they've used him as nothing more than a weapon for killing, actually, I consider that a suicide move if I walked in unprepared, but it will bring me one step closer to taking them down," I stood up, shrinking the Bag of Holding and threw it into my backpack. "Besides, someone's gotta do it."

"You mentioned you've had some health problems?" Shang brought up. "If you insist on doing this, will you be able to succeed?"

"That was some time ago, I should be good when I actually go do it," I responded leisurely. "Plus now that you've taught me Chi, I'll have another trick up my sleeve to depend on. I should make it out alright, without a scratch of course."

Shang stood up as well, extending his hand. "Then I wish you the best of luck."

Shaking his hand, I replied with a smile. "Likewise."

I turned around to make a portal back home. Just before I passed through, I looked back at him. "Now don't get rusty, you hear?"

Shang pursed his lips slightly and shook his head. "Feel free to visit then. If I do get "rusty", then the outcome of our next match might end in your favor."

Letting out a chuckle, I waved back at the man, closing the portal a few seconds later.

After making a quick meal to refuel. The moment I was done, I immediately went into my secret room to begin planning. While I did tell Shang I would be capable of using my spells, I might run into trouble if I use them for an extended period of time. To compensate that, I'll have to use some premade spells to have them on me as primary tools. Sure, I have Chi under my belt now, the only problem is that I can't rely on it. It's more of a wildcard than anything. At best, I can probably make one solid move out of it and nothing more. One attack for now should be my only focus when using it.

If I'm lucky, I could maybe channel some for a thin layer of protection if I have some to spare.

Sitting at my work station, I tried thinking what I would need to accomplish my mission. It's going to be underground, tight spaces, tunnels, and all that kind of stuff. My best course of action would be using the environment to my advantage, as my armor will help me out for the most part. A tool that will alter the terrain or activate its action when I use it instantly.

Something small, compact, and effective. But what?

Looking around my table, I tried to come up with some kind of idea, when I saw the old gym membership I use to make my fake ID. Then something started to click.

Reaching towards it, I flipped the card back and forth. Small and compact, that can use the terrain to my advantage.

'Hmm, this could be a fun one,' I thought with a grin forming on my face. 'Everyone likes a good card trick, right?'

---Line Break---

'Ok, quick and simple this time.'

I thought in my Astral State as I observed the bank on First Street, which was located in Washington, DC. The place where the Winter Soldier was kept.

From my memory, I recalled the last mission Bucky did was last year, where he fought against Black Widow, so he wasn't used since then. Right now, he is in cryostasis underground, the place being used as an "S.H.I.E.L.D. safe house", yeah right. I already did a sweep of the place, the underground section was divided into a few sections, having two more levels when down under. Of course, there were S.H.I.E.L.D./Hydra agents all about, only they didn't have any notable pieces of tech that were dangerous.

Unless you count guns, but I honestly doubt that will stop me.

I prepared my tools I would need for this, since I wanted to try a different approach anyway. Instead of the laurel green robes I usually wear, I went with an all-black version for the occasion. I completed a full set of armor, easily using a spell to have the joints connected and each part would stay in its place. Being able to move freely and comfortably will be a big boost. I did several other tests to make sure my armor will be effective.

Like always, I'll have to remove any evidence of me being here. The cameras they've had weren't battery powered, meaning they go off when the electricity does.

Going back to my body, I opened a small portal on the ceiling of the security room that was occupied by only two guards. It was tightly concealed, meaning access was only available from the inside. Diving through, I kicked the guard closest to me in his left temple. As the man was sent back, the other guard jolted from his chair as I fully landed, lunging towards his gun that was on the edge of the table. I instantly created an Eldritch Whip and flung it his way, latching on his wrist the last second. Pulling the whip back, it pulled the guard as a result, to which I head-butted him.

Easily knocking the two guards out, I tied them up with energy whips that looked like rope and will fade out over time, throwing them both into the closet.

Looking over the camera feeds that were scattered in the underground hideout. Everyone was still in their positions just like I saw not too long ago. This really is a golden opportunity, Bucky is still frozen and the scientists that's supposed to activate him were rooms away. My guess is when the lights go out, he'll make a book towards the Winter Soldier. Not to mention a room full of guards was around them, at least it will be challenging without going all out. It would be good if I grab the book from them as well, just in case. All the more reason to have some fun.

The best part, S.H.I.E.L.D. won't get any of this. Calling them for backup or reporting this break in? Not happening. Don't misunderstand, Hydra will be fuming, only they will still have to cover this up to avoid questioning. Possible scenario is that they do report it with a whole different story, only that sounds like more trouble for Hydra so sweeping this under the rug seems most likely. Another scenario is that they call for backup, only they won't be able to get in nor be of any assistance as they will be too late, no matter the response time.

Not that there's going to be any evidence either way.

It being a safe-house, there was barely anything of value here. I'll have to make some money to keep my balance in check. Reaching behind for my bag, I took out a light-blue transparent card that had what appeared to be numerous sparks of electricity moved all around inside as the image, only letting out a low sizzling sound. This little nifty creation was my answer to quick spells without needing to open the Codex or waste any of my energy.

Taking a few steps back, I flung my energy card towards the control panel. Upon contact, the card exploded into bolts of electricity that entered the machine, making it go haywire. Moments later, all the power this place had was out. Before moving in, I formed a white cube that will expand in size when placed on the door towards down stairs. Don't feel like simply teleporting the two out but don't want to waste more time while already going this route.

Opening another portal to the room with the scientists, with them and every single other guard turning towards my kneeled form, a single dimly red light made visible to them as they armed their weapons hastily.

"Evening." I greeted them cheerfully as one hand went for my dagger and the other to my bag for another card. This time going for a lime-green colored one with swirling lines, letting out low sounds of wind blowing. I threw it towards the middle of the room, slamming my dagger downward, a thin energy blade appeared last second, keeping me in place. They unleashed their array of bullets only for it to have no effect. When the card reached its mark, it divided into four separate spheres of air, then releasing four gusts of intense wind, blowing everyone and everything in the room away.

I ducked slightly to avoid getting hit by anything. When I looked back up, I found the whole room to be in a mess. Most of the guards were knocked unconscious, only a few still awake, with one of the scientists ending up right next to the exit while the other was knocked out. Following the scientist, I was greeted with a wave of armored guards, forcing me to take cover in the same room I just exited. While I could take the hits, I'd rather not stay in the open. Raising my right arm, where a white gem allowed me to shoot energy beams from it. It was an experiment to make weapons out of any object that can hold energy.

I kept shooting while keeping my primary focus on the scientist running in the massive crowd. They weren't prepared for the beams that knocked them down, however they were coming in numbers, meaning more to slow me down.

Taking out some of the guards, I knew I had to clear the place up. While shooting, I grabbed a brown-colored card with dark green lines all around it. Jumping to my right, I threw the card out, going upwards towards the ceiling. Moments later, a layer of wood started spreading from the source, traveling across the ceiling and moving down around the walls, closing off some entrances to other rooms. From it, countless vines shot out towards the guards, grabbing them and pulling them to the walls or ceiling. Startled, the men tried fighting back against the vines, only it was no use. It sent them in a cocoon like state, fully trapping them inside. Only a few of them were left, which didn't take long to take out. Walking through the now silent hallway, I tried not stepping on any of the unconscious bodies on the floor, the vines not bothering to grab ahold of them due to them not sensing any movement.

Reaching the end, I entered a spacious but empty room. The two doors on each side housed nothing more than guns and other supplies. There was one way where the scientists snuck off to, that being the two massive iron doors that opened on side to let a single guard out. Compared to every previous guard, this one significantly taller, with what appeared to be a different kind of protection than the standard ones.

"You aren't getting through me, chump." Taunted the big bulky guard, the only one that was protecting the chambers.

"Give me a minute and we'll see about that." I responded leisurely.

The man roared as he charged towards me, while I entered a defensive stance. When he was in range, he tried bombarding me with punches that I dodged by moving back. Seeing as how I was more agile, the guard lifted both his hands up and lunged forward, slamming his hands down at me. Instead of moving back, I crossed my arms as I lifted them up, stopping his attack with minor difficulty, only pushing me down slightly. Looks like my armor is holding up pretty well, I could hardly feel any impact and with my slightly amped durability, knocking me down won't be so simple.

While in this position, I pushed his arms away with my own and kicked his kneecap. Falling on to his left knee, I smacked him right in the nose, breaking it with ease. The big guy went down, now for the scientist. Out of nowhere, I heard a war cry coming from behind, making me jump into that direction. A single guard ran down the halfway while shooting his assault rifle as he ran.

I crouched down while lifting up my arm, shooting multiple beams at him, the third and fourth shots hitting him in the upper right shoulder and stomach respectively. Getting back up, two large arms came around my waist, keeping my arms in place as the bulky guard hoisted me up in a bear hug. His initial plan didn't work out as he couldn't increase his grip due to the armor, so instead he started running forward to the nearest wall to slam me into it.

My arms may be stuck, however, with one flick of my hand, a small form of the green card slid out from my sleeve that expanded to its regular size. I activated it by squeezing the card as hard as I could, summoning a powerful gust of wind between us. As a result, the force made him lose his hold on me, only I flew upwards while he was pushed back, landing back on the floor. I maneuvered so I could ease my landing, sliding backwards as I went into another crouch when fully stopping. Resilient fellow, that guy.

"Hmm, eh, might as well."

I thought about whether or not to test out my new little project, deciding it would be a shame to miss out. Brining my right hand behind my back, I spread it wide open, slowly starting to focus all of my Chi into the palm. Even though I was wearing armor, I could feel thin lines of pure energy traveling to my hand. The weight in the center started growing heavier, by now forming a sphere of Chi in the size of a baseball with streams of energy surrounding it. The sensation of using this ability was phenomenal, and quite addicting. With that ready, I charged in.

The guard was back on his feet, and going to meet me head on again. Big mistake. With my left hand, I summoned my Green-Jaded Hook to catch him off guard. Throwing it out, it passed right above his left shoulder but looped around his neck, but pulling forward wasn't the idea. Sending out a whip, the chain extended further from the edge of the hook, a single chain locked as the rest grew in length. When we got close, I revealed my right arm, a golden-like aura circling around a white sphere with golden traits, while pulling the chain back with my left.

The chain around his neck pulled him slightly, stopping him in place with his chest wide open. Lunging forward with my own version of the Rasengan to his stomach that he left unprotected, it left him completely stunned upon impact. His whole body was sent flying backwards, the sphere pushing him until he crashed into the wall next to the metal doors, sliding down moments later.

Rapidly moving to the doors to complete the mission, I admired the final result. This version was just a prototype, and a much weaker variant as I didn't know how it would work on a living target. It broke through his armor, leaving an open space around his stomach area, the flesh slightly burnt.

While still learning how to control Chi, I could only accomplish this move about two or three times in a fight before it starts taking a toll. Back to the metal doors, I could just teleport through, only that wouldn't be as fun, would it?

Lifting my right arm again, I formed another Rasengan, conjuring more Chi this time, slamming it at the center line where the doors separated. The doors blew open, chucks of metal flying back when it revealed the final room.

Seems like I'm just in time.

Bucky was out of his cryo-chamber and was restrained by metal bars on a table, while catching the scientist in the middle of reading the activation code. His face was full of shock when his eyes spotted me, but couldn't do anything as one of my beams hit him in his left shoulder, knocking out the familiar red book out of his hand.

Taking a closer look, I could see that Bucky was in a daze, and quite possibly still in pain. That is to be expected from someone who got out of a freezing pod and immediately mind controlled. Should put him to rest right away.

Bucky's eyes widened, going back and forth from me to the scientist on the ground, who was just outside of his field of vision. Closing the distance, his breathing became heavier and rapid.

"It's alright," I said softly as I could, trying to ease his suffering. "I'm here to break you out. Just relax, I'll do the rest."

Reaching into my bag, I took out a tiny glass flask containing a small dosage of tiny vapor. While I didn't think it was possible, his eyes grew even wider at the sight of the bottle. I immediately raised my hand. "Please, do not worry. This is to calm the nerves, ease the pain as well."

His eyes darted back between me and the bottle. Not that the man had any options to choose from, so with a slight nod, he agreed. Taking off the cap, the purple vapor started leaking out, then bringing it closer to his nose. By the second whiff, his eyes started closing, no longer struggling against his restraints.

Within seconds, he was out-cold. I made sure this wouldn't cause him any further pain. It was a hassle to whip up, although the end result was well worth it. Picking up the red book, I stashed it and went to cut the restraints with my dagger, opening a portal when done, carefully removing him from the chair by laying him down on the ground, creating a thin energy layer beneath him that acted as a bed, then taking him to the other side with his normal arm over my shoulders. I set him down on the couch in the Pocket Dimension. When I did, I looked at his sleeping form and for just a split moment, I realized this was probably his first time in a long while that he could sleep normally.

I wish I could say that he was scot free, only there was one crucial problem to fix, the brain washing. I did study some cleansing magic, something that will help Bucky greatly. With my numerous hours of research, this particular type of brainwashing should be, and I quote, "out-of-date" and "simple", which I find surprising to say the least. Taking out the red book from my bag, I looked at it before looking back at the Winter Soldier.

He should stay like this for a while, so I better get to work and see what I can do.

---Line Break---

I was sure that I would be able to greet the War Veteran peacefully this time around, sadly, it didn't go so smoothly.

"Woah, woah, calm down there, pal," I spoke calmly with my hands moving up and down. "No need to raise the metal fist in here."

When I finished cleaning his mind, which took plenty of time in out of itself, I moved him to the couch of my actual home to make things easier to explain. While waiting for him to wake up, I began preparing our dinner. At some point, he jumped out of the bed without much warning, which is where I have to calm him down, again.

"Where the hell am I!?" Bucky blurted out, scanning every inch of the living room. His stance was defensive, and more like he didn't want to engage in a fight at all. "What year is this?!"

"My apartment, and two thousand-eleven."

"Where? Exactly?" The soldier asked the second I answered, his heavy breathing not changing.

"In New York, close to Central Park to be exact," I moved towards the window slowly, motioning him to follow. "Please, take a look for yourself."

Bucky stood in place, his body still in a defensive stance, looking in every possible direction to make sure his surroundings were safe. Step by step, he walked towards another window, slowly moving the curtain off to the side to see for himself. Once he did, Bucky was mesmerized by the sight. Cars that, to him, were way different that he remembered, buildings having more color and… screens that showed various items and names he wasn't familiar with, not in the slightest. Alongside the buildings that shone with lights, it complimented the night sky greatly. Looking down, he tried staying focusing on one person at a time, but he was overwhelmed with how much there was going on, and how… different everything looked.

"Is this… how the future looks like?" Bucky asked himself, unable to trust his own thoughts. While he'd liked to know more, he had a different dilemma at hand. Now he has to find out if this person is with Hydra and this is another one of their "tests" they'd like to toy him with.

Looking back at the person in question, Bucky was determined to get some answers, speaking in a low tone. "Who are you, and why did you bring me here?"

"I'm sure you have, like, a million different questions on your mind right now, and I will answer all of them, I promise," I motioned back towards the dining table. "Please, let's discuss it over some dinner. I'm sure you're starving."

I went back to the kitchen to add the finishing spices to the roast beef I was preparing. I already made vegetable soup, two plates cooling off on the table. When adding the final touches, I waved my hands over the tray to form a yellow energy box on it, heating up the meat to have it ready sooner instead of using the oven. Since he's awake might as well not waste time.

Hearing a sound that resembled like a slight gasp, I could tell Bucky was shocked to see such a thing, where I couldn't help but smirk slightly.

"How did you do that?" Bucky asked, awe in his voice as he watched the food heating up. "What kind of technology is that?"

I clicked my tongue as an initial response, swiping with my hand to the right to lift the tray and place it on the table. "It's not actually technology, not the type you'd expect that is." I seated myself in one of the chairs, forming a reassuring smile towards Bucky for him to join me. "It's magic, actually. I will explain that as well."

The soldier was still skeptical, contemplating whether or not he should feel at ease, deciding it was the only thing he could do at the time being. His movements were stiff and robot-like, which is to be expected. Circling the liquid of my bowl with a spoon in hand, I was just about to begin before deciding to throw another glance at my guest. Bucky's eyes studied his meal, as if he was trying his hardest to find some kind of flaw in it.

"Is… there a problem?" I asked genuinely.

Bucky's only response was to shift his focus from the soup to me, his emotionless stare looking back at his bowl.

"Oh, I guess I'd be slightly concerned about food poisonings. Let's fix that. "

Waving my hands quickly, the two plates with the liquids stayed in place, only shaking slightly as the two plates flew an inch off the table to switch sides. Bucky jumped in his seat as he witnessed the plates move on their own, now having the other bowl before him.

"As I said, it's vegetable soup. I'm not that cruel, especially when a person hasn't eaten in God knows how long." I expressed truth in that sentence, knowing how crazy I would be if I was locked up without a decent meal. "You can add anything you want from here."

I said motioning towards the spices in the middle. Now showing that this wasn't any trick, I hoped he could trust me a little more, unless he thinks I would try and poison the both of us.

That would be a little too much, no?

After a few seconds, Bucky took his spoon to eat his serving, seeing as he could potentially relax for the time being, potentially. Putting the spoonful into his mouth, there weren't words that could describe the feelings his mouth were experiencing. He wanted to gorge down on the soup, but he wanted to act as politely, that being the difficult part.

The dinner proceeded with peace and quiet, and when we were finished, I cleared the table with a gesture and decided it was time to get the ball rolling.

"There, with that out of the way, we can move on to the topic at hand," I spoke as I whipped my mouth with a napkin. "Would be fair to hold up my end of the bargain, so ask me anything."

"Your name would be a good start..." Bucky said lowly. "That and who you work for."

"Fair enough," I sighed leaning back into my chair. "My name is Ethan Chester and believe it or not, I don't with anyone. I work alone, as of late that is. I was enrolled in an "institution" not that long ago but I had to go on my own after a few instances involving another member."

"Does that place also have people who do magic?" Bucky asked. "I thought those were just made up stories."

"You'd be right to think so, it isn't exactly a place you'd find on the side of a street. Only a few know about our existence, while the rest of the world are oblivious. There's a reason why we Sorcerers tend to work from the shadows rather than going public, you know."

"That reason being?"

"It involves having to deal with that pesky group of people who held you captive for nearly seventy years, so," I replied while shrugging my shoulders. "Actually they're one of the reasons but you get the idea."

Bucky's hands balled into fists after just mentioning Hydra. He paused when thinking about his next question. "Why did you bring me here? I've been asking myself that ever since we started eating, and I still don't see your angle in breaking me out. If you truly say you're not one of them, how can I be sure that they won't find us?"

"Well, when you find out one of the world's most troublesome organizations uses brainwashing on a World War 2 veteran, one that supposedly died helping Captain America fight that same group, to turn him into an assassin to do their bidding, the answer becomes rather simple," I replied honestly. "Hydra can't find us, I have this whole block under surveillance, nobody can find us and there's no way to track us down. To them, we out there appear like we don't even exist. As for Hydra as a whole, I did extensive research on them when I first discovered them. After snooping around a little, I've come to the conclusion that sitting around is a no go. Thought that cleansing the minds of the people they control would be the moral thing to do."

Bucky's eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean by "cleanse the mind"?

"Exactly that," I responded without missing a beat. "All the work Hydra put into brainwashing you was removed, for good. Removed in the span of a few hours."

Upon hearing this, Bucky's eyes grew at the size of dinner plates, with his mouth hanging. At first, he wanted to ask how, but his mind wanted a different approach. "I don't believe you."

"Why would I lie?"

Trying to remain calm as possible, Bucky tried answering. "They've… they've been messing with my mind ever since I was in the War, that I can remember clearly. Every time they would bring me out, they'd… do something to me. You said it's been almost seventy years, so I seriously doubt whatever you did in a couple of hours scratched the surface of what they did over the course of a couple of decades. I just can't see you or anyone else fixing what's wrong with me."

As a response, I waved my finger in order to summon the familiar red leathered book that was lying somewhere in the house, gently placing it on the table. Upon seeing it, Bucky flinched, but I was quick to act. "This right here, is now absolutely useless. I went over every single aspect of mind control they implemented into your mind. The words that they used to make you into their puppet dont work. If I were to read them out loud, they'd seem like ordinary words, just how they should be."

I didn't get any sort or reply, just flat out silence. From how things were going, I don't think he had any intention on replying.

"So that's how it is? Guess that leaves me with only one way of proving it."

I closed my eyes for a few seconds, taking long breaths through my nose as I prepared myself for what I was about to do, and the risk that comes along with it. I'd like to have him by my side, as there's a low amount of people I can properly work with. In order to accomplish that, I have proven my sincerity without fighting back when I do this.

"Longing." I spoke the first of the ten trigger words, trying to sound to mimic a Russian accent as accurately as possible.

Instantly, Bucky jumped back in his seat with his eyes wide, gripping the edge of the table. "No…"

"Rusted… Furnace…" I continued on calmly, each word made Bucky jump. "Daybreak…"

"Stop it!" Bucky yelled as he shot up from his seat, walking backwards with his hands covering his ears.

"Seventeen… Benign…"

Even though his ears were covered, it just wasn't enough, he could still faintly hear them, understand the motion of my lips. It was setting his mind on fire, the memories of the pain flashing through his mind became unbearable. He had to stop them, now.

"Nine… Homecoming-"

I got the word out as Bucky rushed towards me, grabbing me by the collar and hoisting me up, simultaneously pushing me until my back crashed into the wall, then firmly gripping my neck. The moment he grabbed me, my hands gripped his wrist, just so I could remain focused. With his enhanced strength, it was enough to make my knees shake as the grip slowly became tighter.

"I swear to God, if you say one more word…!" Bucky threatened by slightly raising his metal arm.

"O- One…!" I choked out, just one more to go.

His grip tightened, fully raising his other arm. "Bastard! I told you to stop!"

'Just one more…!' I internally screamed while closely watching his movements. His fist was almost fully raised, only it felt like time slowed down significantly. I have to finish this right now. With the last ounce of strength I had, I spat out the last trigger word. "Freight Car!"

Before his fist came into contact with my face, it stopped roughly about a few centimeters from my nose, staying in place while also shaking. Retracting his hand back, I got a good look at Bucky's shocked expression, closely observing his metal arm before going over the rest of his body.

Seems like he realized the mind control is gone for good.

Tapping repeatedly the arm that held me against the wall, Bucky let go of me after a few seconds while moving backwards. Taking deep breaths and rubbing my neck, I straightened myself up before speaking. "Like I said, you don't have to worry about that anymore…."

Bucky to this moment looked over his hands, still unable to believe the words didn't affect him at all. "How did you… manage that?"

"Just as Hydra has the ability to control one's mind, people like me have the power that can repair it," I explained with some difficulty, limping back to my seat. "Now that I've proven myself the only way I know how, can we go back to talking?"

It took a few moments for him to properly respond, still looking at me with a skeptical expression. Even though he still had some doubts, he returned to his seat, this time more relaxed than before.

"Is there anything else you'd like to ask me?" I moved us back on track as I took a sip of my tea.

Reestablishing eye contact once more, Bucky spoke up. "Can they… somehow bring it back if they capture me?"

"By simply using another combination of words, no. They'd have to go from the start, that is if the method is even optimal anymore. I'm not sure if they can recreate the same procedure to control someone, so just in case, I can offer you some protection if they ever get ahold of you again."

Lastly, Bucky moved on to the most dreaded question yet, looking down at the table. "What happens to me now?"

"To be honest, that entirely depends on you. I'm seeing two options here," I said calmly, prompting Bucky to look up. "If you want, you are by all means free to go, and we will never encounter one another ever again. I won't hold you against your will, or ask payment in return for releasing you. I can provide you with some assistance to help you get accustomed to this day and age. Although I must warn you, I'm not sure how far you can go on your own. I should inform you, just in case your memories are foggy, but as of now, Hydra, are everywhere. Agents hiding undercover at every single turn, surveillance at every corner, countless business and organizations corrupt, while also having resources to burn. Shortly after the War, Peggy Carter went on to form an organization, called S.H.I.E.L.D., to stop people like Hydra. Sadly, they didn't notice they were infected from the start. The world's most powerful group of people that are meant to protect, are nothing more than a cover for Hydra, so you can kiss security goodbye."

I was met with silence for the next minute or so, patiently waiting to hear Bucky's response. "What is option B, then?"

"You can stay and help me," I said hopefully. "You see, I plan on eliminating Hydra. Time is scarce enough as it is, giving them any more results in us dying sooner. Like I said, they are severely infected, meaning in order to get rid of them, we'll have to play around two groups. While I'll admit there's some good on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s part, trusting or even working with them are too risky. In fact, they might not even know that Hydra is still active. While we may be short in numbers, I believe it can be pulled off with the proper plan."

Bucky's eyebrows furrowed when I finished, coughing slightly as he leaned forward. "If they haven't even been noticed since the War, and are really that powerful, what makes you think that you'll leave more than a dent?"

For the first time, I couldn't hold my ego in. Not because I was overconfident, but I knew what kind of advantage I had on my plate. "Just like the whole world didn't know Hydra was under their nose, they are oblivious to my existence as well. I have various methods to counter their tactics, while also having the element of surprise. I know what I'm going up against, they don't. I wouldn't be asking you this if I wasn't sure if my operation would work. Besides, what I did to remove Hydra's program still has more to it. The memories they've removed can eventually be restored, the reason I didn't do it is because restoring that many memories can cause brain damage if done recklessly. It seemed fair to me to let you choose what you would like to do with them."

I wasn't over-exaggerating, Hydra is a dangerous foe that should be dealt with caution. If I play my cards right, I will come out victorious. They are bound to be a bigger threat than what I'm familiar with, but I won't give them the opportunity to hit me back. If Bucky decides to stay, I'll have someone who has experience with Hydra, and will make the task of eliminating them much easier.

Still, it's his decision.

I rose up from my seat. "I understand this is not something you can decide on the spot, I won't put any further pressure on you. You can give me your answer in the morning. There's some new clothes over there, plus the spare bedroom is the first door when you make a turn down the hall. That's all I got, so good night, Mr. Barns,."

I walked towards my bedroom, aiming to get a head start on the books I want to finish. I won't focus too much on Bucky, the man needs his space and he'll decide in the morning.

No matter what the answer might be, I'm just glad I prevented plenty of damage in the long run.

---Line Break---

Even though it was somewhat late at night, there was life all around.

The sound of people talking couldn't be escaped when outside, and for Bucky, that alone felt abnormal to him.

It was the only thing he wanted to do, no, it's what he needed to do. Bucky didn't trail far away from this… person who willingly broke him out of captivity, now sitting in the park that was in the view from the apartment window. While he had several doubts about him, there weren't any indications that meant Bucky was in harm's way, at least he thinks. There's no argument that Bucky was furious when that person, Ethan, began saying those accursed words. They alone brought many memories he wished he could forget, although he was still in control when he was done, so it meant he was genuine when he said that the program was out for good. Bucky was still on the fence about fully trusting him, though.

Right now, he attempted to enjoy the peace he so longed for, calmly seated on a park bench that wasn't far from the iron fence, allowing him to hear the voices of people who passed. While Bucky originally planned on going somewhere quiet, he realized that's the last thing he needs. The voices of other people, regular people, eased his mind more than he could imagine. With the new clothes he was offered, being a grey tracksuit, Bucky was able to hide his metal arm and put the hood on to hide in plain sight, not that a single person bothered with him anyway.

To tell the truth, Bucky wasn't sure what to do now. Hell, how could he know?

He had the option of getting off the grid, which greatly tempted him. Finding an isolated place where he can spend the rest of his life. There would be no more fighting, no conflict, just himself. After everything he's been through, was it too much to ask? Bucky realized that he was marked for life, with Hydra now in their prime being on the run from all authority is going to be difficult. At best, he could buy a few months or even years, if he would move every now and then that is.

On the other hand, Bucky felt like it was his duty to stay and fight.

He was a soldier, it was job to keep on fighting. Bucky didn't hesitate when signing up for the Military, and knew what kind of risk he was putting himself into. Yet, putting his life on the line was a low price for the good guys to win. Under normal circumstances, he would jump right back in without a second thought. Now, it just wasn't the same.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Bucky fully leaned back on the bench, shifting his focus in the distance to distract himself. As much as he wanted to make himself believe this is the same world when he was still "alive", it just wasn't. No matter where he looked, everything felt different. Even the way people talked seemed foreign to Bucky. With so many concerns flowing through his head, Bucky tried calming down by remembering the moments he cherished most.

His childhood, teenage years, being deployed in the military. Of all those memories, they all shared a sense of unfamiliarity, but one person shined through them all.


A sliver of a smile formed across Bucky's face upon remembering his dear friend, only to disappear when more memories came flooding in. He would never forget the last moment he saw his friend, the glimpse Steve's horrified face as he fell down to the cold river. Bucky had no idea how the mission went or if his friend made it out alive, but for some reason, he had a feeling that Steve pulled it off, he just knew. Enhanced super strength or not, Bucky always admired how Steve, even if the whole world was against him, would never run away from a fight, no matter the odds.

"Hope you had a good life, brother…"

Bucky looked up to the sky as he lowly uttered those words, making a mental note to find Steve's grave, to pay him a visit to give him a proper goodbye. All the memories they've shared flashed through Bucky's eyes one more time as he stood up.

While reminiscing about his friend, Bucky's mind came to a resolution. He knew that he needed to keep going forward, it's what Steve would want. While he wasn't sure how much he could trust himself now that he was out of Hydra's grasps, there was only one way he could live out the rest of his life, by atoning for his sins. Mind control or not, a small glimpse of the actions he did before made him decide what to do from now on. It made him feel sick when remembering all the cruel things he did, and there's no possible chance he's going to let Hydra go unpunished. When he does that, he can then live in peace.

Putting his hands into the pockets of the track suit, Bucky slowly began walking, going towards the gate, his mind set on his newfound goal.

---Line Break---

After my dinner with Bucky, I confined myself to my room and didn't exist from those four walls for the whole night. Like I said, privacy. Besides, I needed to go over the last few books I had on me to start practicing the more dangerous and intense spells. With Shang's help, I have other forms of combat to practice with my training dummy. Approaching the spare bedroom, I saw the door was slightly opened, but when taking a peek inside, I saw it was empty. Fully opening the door, I inspected the room top to bottom, it was exactly how I left it.

'Can't blame the guy,' I thought while closing the door. "I hope he'll stay out of trouble. They'll eat him alive if he isn't careful."

Continuing my walk towards the kitchen, I stopped when I saw smoke coming from the right side at the end of the hallway. Immediately, my mind went into overdrive, breaking into a run towards the kitchen. Turning the corner, I wasn't greeted with danger of any kind. Frankly, it was quite the opposite.

Bucky was cooking, and with the smoke coming from the pan that was on fire, alongside his jittery behavior, he was having some trouble.

Jogging towards the stove, I waved my hands to manifest silver vapor from the tip of my fingers, instantly putting out the fire and clearing all the smoke when it came into contact. Turning over to Bucky,

While I wanted to ask him if he decided to stay, my mind said something else. "You could have just woke me up, you know?"

Bucky looked away embarrassingly. "Yeah... I was meaning to wait and ask you then, didn't expect that I would start a fire cooking a simple breakfast."

"You never cooked before?" I asked as I disposed of the burnt eggs and bacon.

"If you count heating up canned food then yeah." Bucky replied with a shrug.

"You're in luck, I happen to be an exceptional cook. I'll get you up to speed." I politely offered while taking out the second batch of ingredients from the fridge with a few waves.

"Sounds good." Was Bucky's reply.

He stayed by me when instead of using my powers, did the normal way for a change. While doing so, I had to ask. "So, you decided to stay?"

"I figured if the world's that bad, being on the run is gonna end badly for me I feel. I wanted to..." Bucky paused for a moment. "To thank you, for whatever you did. I feel like... my old self again. I don't have anything I can repay you with, but if you really do want to take Hydra down, I want to be of use. They have to pay for what they did. Not just to me, but to everyone else who suffered by their hands. "

"Trust me, I'm only doing my part. I occasionally step in and do what I can. Besides, doing this kind of work is rather lonely. I'd be glad to work alongside you, Mr. Barns," I said honestly as I looked at him, then extended my hand out to him. "From here on out, I will be fully transparent with you, and we'll both work together, as partners. Have to warn you though, hope you get used to my methods, magic does tend to be confusing to newcomers."

Bucky looked at my hand momentarily before accepting it. "I think I'll manage, and Bucky is enough. No need to make me feel older than I already am."

"Then we have a deal, Bucky. Welcome aboard."

For the next several minutes, we were met with silence as I proceeded

"Oh, and another thing," Bucky began, turning my focus towards him. "I took your warning and didn't go too far away from the building, although I was wondering, can you tell me what happened ever since the war ended? Sure doesn't file like the same New York when I left it."

I gave a slight nod, more than happy to inform him of all that's happened since then. "I'll make you a list, then."

Thats it.

First off, I'd like to explain why it took so long to post this Chapter. Throughout the entirety of September, I was sick, really badly. Not Covid-19 or anything but severe throat pain that put me out of commission for the whole month. I don't want to go into more detail since I would rather forget that time period, so I'll only say it ruined my sleep schedule with all the antibiotics I had to take.

Aside from that, I've recently made a Harry Potter SI story, so for those who haven't seen it (or are interested) go check it out.

As for this Chapter, I decided to take a slow approach compared how the last Chapter went. I feel like it was necessary to show that using powers comes with consequences, that's why for most of the Chapter he doesn't use any bigger spells in the last half. Feel like having done this, I won't keep having Ethan get into these kinds of issues and should proceed getting stronger without these restraints up until now. Saw this as the stepping stones in getting fully familiar with your powers and won't have problems dealing with most threats, for now.

We also got Chi, something I wanted to get for a while. It has many useful applications and can mix in with other techniques. It seemed fair that the process learning it didn't take the same time as when he first learned how to control energy, so there wasn't any need to waste much time there.

Lastly, Bucky Barnes. I personally always felt bad what this character had to go thru the MCU, and really felt like he deserved a break. With this, canon (which already was altered) lost more key moments and now all bets are off. Plus, though both Bucky and Ethan could use the company while going up against the world, can do everything solo.

Right now, I'm thinking what I could do next, as there's still about a year (or less than a year) before the Battle of NYC, so any suggestions until then will be helpful. Lemme know what you think by leaving a review (civil ty)

Until next time, cya

Darwin_18creators' thoughts