
The Rescue

A/N: Just a reminder, new chapter here officially means new chapter over on the P atreon now, where my patrons are currently voting on the future direction of this story!


If time were not of the essence, Naruto would probably have made sure to stack the deck completely in his favor. Wining and dining Tsunade first at the very least, with the potential of fucking her into oblivion ahead of time to secure her agreement. She had a hard time saying no to him when his dick was buried in her clenching quim, after all.

But time WAS of the essence, and the longer they waited, the possibility of Orochimaru finding a way to block the connection or overcome the pain grew and grew. And so, they had to go speak with Tsunade right away. Luckily, they didn't have to go all the way to the Hokage's Tower to do so, because her residence was now Naruto's residence, the Fifth Hokage having moved into the old Senju Compound, now the Uzumaki Compound, in recent days.

And so, it was easy enough to ambush her about the topic the very next morning at breakfast, with Naruto explaining things clearly and concisely while a squirming Anko sat next to him… AND on him, a clone of his currently fucking her right there at the breakfast table. Funnily enough, Tsunade hadn't batted an eye at that. She'd only stopped eating and really started listening when Naruto started talking.

Glancing between him and where Anko is even now being fucked into oblivion by his clone, Tsunade narrows her eyes.

"Let me get this straight. You fiddled with the inner workings of Anko's seal, figuring out what made it tick and how to manipulate it. Then, instead of removing it, you and she both decided to repurpose it as a torture device for one of Konoha's most infamous Missing Nin. Then, instead of coming to me immediately, you fucked for an entire day to really stick it to him?"

Well, when she put it like that… Naruto is about to open his mouth to apologize or defend himself or some combination of the two when Tsunade goes from frowning to grinning wickedly.

"Sure, let's go take down Orochimaru. We'll leave in the hour."

Naruto blinks rapidly at that, the mood whiplash taking him off guard. Then, his brain catches up with Tsunade's actual words and his jaw drops open.

"Wait… we?"

Snorting derisively, the Fifth Hokage leans back and shrugs, seeming somewhat smug.

"Sure. You didn't think I'd send you off to chase down a lead this good on your own, did you? We'll take Yugao with us as well and have a full team. Even if Anko is a little… indisposed, she'll be pulling her weight all the same."

Cocking his head to the side, Naruto considers that for a moment before slowly nodding.

"Huh… yeah, that would work. I'd been considering Shizune for the fourth position, if I actually got your approval and we could make this a full squad."

Still smirking, Tsunade's eyes twinkle a bit.

"Shizune can stay back and watch over the village's administrative needs while we're gone. If your manipulation of Mitarashi's seal does what you say it does, then this shouldn't take long at all, now should it? We just need to follow the bread crumb trail and put down that bastard once and for all."

Naruto blinks at Tsunade's vitriol. He gets why Anko hates Orochimaru. He gets why HE hates Orochimaru as well. The Snake Bastard took Sasuko from him. And sure, Naruto isn't dumb. He GETS that Sasuko made her own choices. But she wouldn't have made the choices she made if not for Orochimaru dripping poison into her ear. Or so Naruto likes to think. Truly, much of Konoha's woes can be traced back to Orochimaru.

"… I'll admit, I'm a little surprised Tsunade. I would have thought you'd still feel some small affection for him, as your teammate…"

Tsunade scowls mightily at that and shakes her head sharply.

"You're blinded by your own hatred, Naruto. Orochimaru stopped being my teammate a long time ago. And he earned my ire when he killed our Sensei. Sarutobi might have had his flaws… but he was still a good man. Orochimaru deserves to be put down for what he did in those experiments Konoha uncovered. But for what he did to Sarutobi, we're going to make sure it HURTS."

Naruto jolts and then flushes at that. Tch, Tsunade was right. He'd gotten so caught up in his own reasons for hating Orochimaru and wanting to hunt the Snake Sannin down… that he'd practically forgotten what happened to the Third. One of the few men in Konoha who had treated Naruto right. And sure, maybe it was the Third Hokage's insistence on keeping his status an S-Class secret that led to a lonely childhood for Naruto… but at the same time, it could just as very well have been that insistence that let Naruto grow up at all.

How swiftly would Konoha's enemies, or even his father's enemies, or even his MOTHER'S enemies, have come down on Naruto's head when he was still a defenseless child, if he hadn't been kept a secret? Just another orphan in a sea of orphans after the Kyuubi's attack. Nothing to see here…

Regardless, he owed the Third Hokage more than just to forget about the role Orochimaru played in his death. Sufficiently chastised, Naruto bows his head to Tsunade in acknowledgment of the admonishment.

"You're right, of course. Orochimaru is definitely paying as we speak. Up to us to go and make it stick, I suppose."

As if to punctuate his statement, Anko lets out a throaty, wanton moan as she cums again upon his clone's cock. Tsunade flicks an amused glance her way before nodding at Naruto and standing from her seat.

"Then let's get going, shall we?"


"Yes! More! Harder! Nnngh~"

As Anko's eyes roll up in ecstasy for the umpteenth time that night, Yugao can do nothing more than blush and curl up tighter in her sleeping roll. If she had suspected Lady Tsunade of assigning her to watch over Hinata Hyuga for the sole purpose of getting her in bed with Naruto Uzumaki before… she now KNEW it to be the case.

After all, what other reason would the Fifth Hokage have for dragging the former ANBU out on this mission? She was supposed to be making sure Hinata didn't get into any more trouble, and yet here she was, brought along on an assassination mission not only sanctioned by the Fifth Hokage, but also attended by the woman personally.

Yugao had had the entire situation explained to her, at least. They'd found a way to turn one of Orochimaru's Cursed Seals into not just a tracking device, but also a torture device. Naruto could not only use Anko's seal to hunt Orochimaru down, but also put the Missing Nin Traitor in unbelievable agony by visiting constant pleasure and ecstasy upon Anko Mitarashi.

It was certainly the most insane assassination mission that Yugao had ever been part of. They'd been traveling towards their destination for two days now. During the day, Anko was handled by Naruto's clones, who kept her in a constant state of bliss. At night… at night, those clones were repurposed into a perimeter guard, with over a dozen of them set up to alert them to anyone approaching or showing up nearby. Meanwhile, during the night was when the real Naruto AND Tsunade went to play with Anko.

Blushing, Yugao wishes not for the first time that Lord Uzumaki wasn't quite so CAPABLE. She was ANBU after all, and as part of that, she should have been taking her own watch for the night. On any other mission, with any other group of relatively sane ninja, she would have been part of the perimeter guard for at least some portion of the night.

But alas, instead they were perfectly safe and sound thanks to Naruto's clones, and so Yugao was curled up in her bedroll, trying to ignore the raucous fucking happening on the other side of the camp. Anko wasn't even TRYING to be quiet… but then to be fair, it was probably pretty hard for her.

Tch, the worst part of all of this was, even knowing that Tsunade's plan was for her to get in bed with the new Uzumaki Lord and get knocked up by him… it was working. Yugao was slowly but surely beginning to fall for the young shinobi. It helped that he'd heard her out and then left her alone. He hadn't tried to push her boundaries even once. She almost wished she had. She almost… she almost wished she'd joined in on the fun already, so that she could be part of the fun taking place NOW.

Suddenly and abruptly, so suddenly that Yugao herself is a little surprised by her own actions, the former ANBU turns over in her bedroll. It's a fast, jerky motion… but of course, the three on the other side of the camp don't notice, being much too busy with themselves. One of Naruto's clones probably notices though, and when it pops, that knowledge will go right to the blonde.

Yugao doesn't care though. Unbeknownst to the three lovers, she watches them go at it, blushing all the while, a hand buried down between her legs and three fingers eventually working in and out of her slit. Perhaps… perhaps it was time to stop waiting for Naruto to push her boundaries. Perhaps only SHE could be expected to push things in the direction she wanted them to go at this time…




"I do apologize for this… but it's necessary. Something is deeply wrong with Master. Accelerating our time table is the only option we have left available to us."

Damn him. Damn Kabuto to the pits of hell! Sasuko should have known the moment the white-haired spy showed up that she was better off fleeing then sticking around. She should have known just having her guard up a bit more wouldn't be enough.

Orochimaru might have dragged them both off into seclusion when the pain started, but when they'd STAYED in seclusion past a point that his pet Kabuto deemed long enough, the other shinobi had shown up and started fussing over the Snake Sannin. Frankly, Sasuko hadn't cared. She doubted there was anything Kabuto could do… at the time, anyways. Now she knew better.

Strapped down to a slab of metal, Sasuko strains uselessly against her bindings. Covered in chakra-draining seals, she doesn't even have the strength to activate her Sharingan, let alone form a Chidori and bust herself free. She's completely trapped, and all because she'd let Kabuto get the drop on her. But then, she hadn't thought he'd go completely fucking insane like this.

"It's time to begin."


Sasuko fights all the harder, as Kabuto lifts Orochimaru's screaming form over her. One of the earliest things Kabuto had done after arriving was paralyze Orochimaru from the neck down… but even that didn't do anything. Either the pain was all in the Snake Sannin's head or… well, it didn't really matter. At least not to Sasuko. What mattered to Sasuko was that she'd been stripped naked, covered in seals she didn't understand, bound in place, drained of her chakra… and now, it certainly looked like Kabuto was about to do something seriously regrettable.

With Orochimaru hovering over her, still screaming, Kabuto lines their bodies up to the best of his ability, making sure their mouths are mere inches apart. Only then does he remove the gag from Sasuko's lips. She immediately takes advantage of that to begin screaming at him.

"Release me this instant! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

Kabuto just smiles and shakes his head.

"I apologize, Sasuko, but these are Orochimaru's orders. Whatever is afflicting him, he clearly needs a new body. Yours was always to be his next form."

Sasuko's eyes widen, and she snarls at that.

"Fuck that! Fuck you! Get him away from me! What if the pain transfers?! Did you ever think of that?!"

Kabuto pauses for a moment, before simply smiling and shrugging.

"Hm, then we'll move onto something else. For now… please just relax, Sasuko. It will all be over soon."

No… no, this couldn't be how it ended.

"Master, can you hear me? Your new body awaits. Please, I need you to initiate the next step."

She'd always known Orochimaru had… less than stellar intentions for her. She wasn't an IDIOT. But… this wasn't what she'd thought he was after. Her eyes, yes. Her entire BODY?! Fuck, she'd really dropped the ball if she'd somehow missed this…

Still, if Kabuto really did need Orochimaru to initiate the next step, then maybe-

Sasuko's momentary hope dies, as Orochimaru's screaming mouth opens wide and the head of a venomous red-eyed snake prods out. Her own eyes widen, and she clamps her mouth shut, only for Kabuto to step up and force her jaw open. Slowly, using its tongue to lick and lap at the air, the snake begins to descend towards her mouth. Sasuko screams, in both fear and outrage, only for that scream to turn into a muffled gurgle as the snake's head fills her mouth, pushing past her lips.

Its not going down her throat, however. Rather, it reaches the back of her throat and begins to burrow. The pain is excruciating, she's-



Blearily, through the agony, Sasuko hears what sounds like an explosion followed by a familiar idiot's voice. But there's no way, right? She must be hallucinating things. And the snake is still burrowing. She's still… she's still dying.

Body twitching and spasming, Sasuko wishes she had the strength to break free of her bindings so she could grab this damn snake before it got any deeper. She cannot. In the end… in the end, she has to rely on others.

Kabuto is thrown away from her, and then a pair of strong hands are grasping the snake by its tail, even as it tries to burrow deeper into the back of her throat. Sasuko chokes on her own blood, as the snake is ripped out of her mouth at what could have been the very last second. She has no clue how close she was to death, how close Orochimaru was to taking her over and wearing her body like a puppet.

All she knows is that the snake is gone, and the pain soon follows, a soothing balm of healing chakra making Sasuko blink through the tears filling her eyes as the damage done to the inside of her mouth and throat is repaired. She burbles up a bit more blood, but eventually it's done, only the stain on her lips left over in the end.

When the dust clears, when she's finally able to see again, it's to find Tsunade Senju, the Fifth Hokage, staring down at her.



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