
The Rise of the Rune Master

Did you ever ask yourself what kind of person you are? What if you got yourself in a difficult situation where you need to choose whether to sacrifice one person for the lives of many, or risk the lives of many just to save one person? What would you choose? Alfred was a normal teenage college student. He has nothing special, his looks, voice, height, background, and talent. All of them are average. The only thing unique to him was his curious mind. If something piques his interest, he will find out everything he could about it and overanalyze it to make a theory in his head, even if it's useless and he will never use it in his entire life. One day Alfred found himself in this new world, where danger is everywhere, and death is a daily occurrence. He will be forced to make difficult choices and decisions that will challenge his integrity. Can he survive until the end? or he will be consumed by the madness of sadness and guilt that will accumulate in his heart? Not all was darkness in this world, there are also some things that will give Alfred hope. He will learn a mysterious power called a rune that will give him the power to protect his life and his people. Can this mysterious rune become the savior of Alfred and his people? or this mysterious rune will be the reason for their demise? [Author's note. English is not my main language. I'm trying to study more, and expand my vocabulary to improve my work. If you like my story, please add it to your library, I will upload a chapter every day. If you want to support me please give this work a vote thank you.]

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51 Chs

Chapter 45: Counter Attack

Chapter 45: Counter Attack

The 4 leaders stopped, they were curious why the return of some hunters was a big deal that even the Elders almost ran to went to the entrance of the tribe. The Arrows were slowly walking toward the tribe, but when they saw that the Elders were waiting for them, they fasten their pace.

They were excited but at the same time anxious to report what happened in the mission. They were happy because they managed to fend off the Blood Hunters, while they were anxious as the supposed leader of their group went missing and they weren't able to find him.

After a while, The Arrow finally reached the entrance and met with the Elders. The oldest member of the Arrow quickly bowed to Vir and the Elders. The Elders didn't find it odd that Gunnar was not the one who was going to report to them, he always let his members report everything to them. However, Vir frowned when Gunnar didn't instantly greet him.

Most of the time when Gunnar saw Vir, he always ran to him to greet him, that was why Vir was a little worried that Gunnar didn't even show himself. He wanted to ask the other member about Gunnar, but before he could, Elder Ahote worriedly asked the oldest member of the Arrow.

"What happened to the mission? Did you fail?"

"No, we successfully fend off our enemy," The acting leader excitedly said, but his face instantly changed to sadness, when he remembered the price they paid to succeed. "However, we should have not succeeded unscathed if not for the sacrifice of Gunnar."

"What?" Vir instantly interrupted the conversation when he heard what the Arrow said. "What happened to Gunnar?

"Gunnar is… he went missing," The acting leader looked at Vir and hesitantly replied. He knew that Vir and Gunnar had a special relationship, even though Vir didn't show it, a lot of Arrows knew that he treated Gunnar as if he was his disciple or younger brother. "We do not know what happened to him, we tried to search for him, but we did not manage to find him. There is a possibility that the enemy manages to capture him, but there is still a possibility that he escaped and just hiding somewhere to recuperate."

Vir clench his fist to hold his anger, he was not angry with the Arrows, he was mad at himself. If he was just able to do his mission fast enough, he could be the one leading the ambush and Gunnar wouldn't be missing right now.

Chief Viren knew Vir, he knew that Vir was blaming himself again because of this unforeseen event. This behavior started the day that his wife died and he wasn't there to protect her. After that day, Vir always blamed himself when something bad happen to the tribe or to the tribesmen, even though it was clear that none of them was his fault.

Chief Viren placed his hand on Vir's muscular shoulder, to calm and reassure him at the same time.

"Do not blame yourself Vir, only you can do the mission you did and no one else. If not for you, our tribe has no chance of winning the war. Also, the Arrow said that Gunnar is missing, so there is still a chance to find him. Do not lose hope and trust his ability, I am sure you know how tough that young man is.

Vir's anger vanished and replace by determination after hearing what the Chieftain said to him. He also knew Gunnar was one of the best Arrow. Therefore, the enemy would have a hard time capturing him or even killing him.

The 4 leaders of the other tribe were silently listening to the conversation in the background. Although they were curious about the serious topic the Phantom Tribe was discussing, they knew they didn't have a right to ask a question about it.

The Elders decided that it was better to have this important topic in the private to hinder the possibility of any unwanted commotion. The 4 leaders decided that they should probably leave, but unexpectedly, the Elders also invited them to listen to the important topic.

The 4 leaders were confused about why the Elders invited them, but they didn't say anything and just follow them. When all the key persons finally gathered inside the biggest tent in the tribe, the oldest Arrow narrate everything that happened in their mission from the start until the Blood Hunters retreated.

The 4 leaders were surprised when they heard the report, they couldn't believe that with just 15 hunters, they were able to defeat the 50 Blood Hunters. However, that was not the main reason they were surprised.

The most surprising to them was the tactics they use to defeat the Blood Hunters, it was genius. They know to themselves that they wouldn't be able to think of that kind of perfect tactic by themselves. Yet, the one who made this tactic was a young man that almost half of their age.

They now knew the reason why Alfred was called for the important meeting. Because of this, they changed their opinion about the Phantom Tribe. At first, they thought that the Phantom Tribe was not a threat to them and they could easily deal with them if something went wrong. However, now that they learn that even the Blood Tribe lost to them, they need to seriously think carefully if they want to cross the Phantom Tribe.

"We need to prepare," Chief Viren broke the silence in the room. "Now that the Blood Tribe knew that they can not defeat us with 50 hunters, I am sure that they will send an even larger army the next time. This might be an opportunity for us to cause serious damage to them, we need to gather the hunters of the alliance. they will not expect that we will have a large number of hunters."

All the people inside that tent thought about this for a while, soon everyone nodded their heads. They also thought that what the Chieftain said was right, this might be the best opportunity to cripple the Blood Tribe.

Before they end the meeting, they discuss a few details about the plan, they decided to meet up outside the Phantom Tribe. Soon after, the 4 leaders together with their few members hurriedly left to inform their own tribe about the plan.

Vir gathered the Arrows to discuss with them the plan and also to check their condition. Alfred and Elder Ahote talk while they were walking back to their own shelters, they discuss if there were still more things they could do to help win the war.

After a while, Alfred finally reached his tent, he left Leo with Aponi earlier. He was a bit sad because his conversation with Aponi got interrupted earlier, he wanted to talk to her more and became closer to her. He wanted to get back all the time that he didn't able to talk to her when he close himself to train, but every time they were having a conversation someone always interrupted them as if the universe didn't want them to talk.

When he walked inside of his tent, he was surprised that Aponi was still there playing with Leo and Amra. He smiled and walked closer to them, Aponi also smiled at him when she saw him. She also wanted to talk to him because she had no one to talk to, therefore, they chat and tell interesting stories to each other until late at night.


In the Blood Tribe, Inside the tent of the Chieftain, the Bald Man was kneeling using one of his knees in front of the Chieftain. This Bald Man was the leader who fought the Arrows.

"I did not expect that you will fail the task I give you." The Chieftain amusingly said. "I think this is the first time that you fail me, you not just lost to them, but utterly defeated. I am now curious what kind of tribe manage to defeat you."

"I am sorry Chieftain," The Bald Man lowered his head and replied apologetically. "The hunters we fought, they were weird. they used some kind of tactics that we have never seen before. Also, I believed that they were not a tribe that specialize in traps. Instead, they specialized in fighting, or speed to be precise. Not a single one of my hunters can catch up to them, only I have the ability to do so."

"Speed?" The Chieftain asked while frowning. "Where is this tribe located again?"

"Is far away south from our tribe."

"I see, so it is them, no wonder you lost," The Chieftain smiled

The Bald Man wanted to ask the Chieftain if he knew about the tribe, but before he could, someone came inside the tent without asking for permission. It was a man with a thin body, his face looked pale that anyone who saw him would think that he was sick, his limb was longer than normal, and have a long ashen hair that make him look like a ghost.

This man was one of the 4 leaders of the Blood Tribe. He smirked at the Bald Man clearly mocking him for his failure before he kneeled on one knee in front of the man sitting on the Throne of Bones.

"What is it?" The Chieftain asked with a straight face.

"We received important news from one of the tribes we attack." The Long Limb Man replied unhurriedly. "we discovered that a tribe named Phantom Tribe is contacting other tribes to form an alliance to fight us."

"Oh… That tribe really is amusing," The Chieftain's face became amused by the report. "Gather your hunter and inform the other Leader to do the same, we will attack the Phantom Tribe and I will lead it this time. I think It is time to meet my old friends."