
The Rise of the Rune Master

Did you ever ask yourself what kind of person you are? What if you got yourself in a difficult situation where you need to choose whether to sacrifice one person for the lives of many, or risk the lives of many just to save one person? What would you choose? Alfred was a normal teenage college student. He has nothing special, his looks, voice, height, background, and talent. All of them are average. The only thing unique to him was his curious mind. If something piques his interest, he will find out everything he could about it and overanalyze it to make a theory in his head, even if it's useless and he will never use it in his entire life. One day Alfred found himself in this new world, where danger is everywhere, and death is a daily occurrence. He will be forced to make difficult choices and decisions that will challenge his integrity. Can he survive until the end? or he will be consumed by the madness of sadness and guilt that will accumulate in his heart? Not all was darkness in this world, there are also some things that will give Alfred hope. He will learn a mysterious power called a rune that will give him the power to protect his life and his people. Can this mysterious rune become the savior of Alfred and his people? or this mysterious rune will be the reason for their demise? [Author's note. English is not my main language. I'm trying to study more, and expand my vocabulary to improve my work. If you like my story, please add it to your library, I will upload a chapter every day. If you want to support me please give this work a vote thank you.]

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51 Chs

Chapter 24: Confrontation

Chapter 24: Confrontation

Gunnar saw both groups heading to their location. Therefore, he climbed down the tree to inform Vir of this possible danger. Gunnar was not satisfied with his current speed, he wanted to go faster but his injury was hindering him to do so.

The Arrows were happily celebrating but got interrupted by the sudden scream of Gunnar.


All the Arrows cease their activity when they heard the words of Gunnar, they armed themselves to prepare for whatever danger was coming on their way. Vir stood up waiting for Gunnar's arrival to know the situation. Gunnar didn't waste any time, he directly ran to Vir to report his findings.

"Head Arrow there is a possible danger coming this way."

"What is it?"

"There were groups of hunters rapidly heading to this location"

"Did you see how many hunters?" Vir asked with a frown.

"No, I was not able to see it clearly, but what I believe is, they are two separate groups and they are not in the same tribe. From my perspective, it looks like one group is chasing the other one."

Vir shifted his attention to Armani beside him.

"What do you think?"

"Based on what I heard, if what Gunnar said was right, If the other group was really pursuing the other. My assumption is, that the escaping group saw the smoke of our fire, either they are running here hoping to get some help or they are planning to use our group as a distraction. Either way, we should prepare ourselves for a battle."

Vir nodded his head, then held his stone spear. Soon after, the escaping group finally showed up. The Arrows were confused when they examined the group. All of them are wounded and seemed extremely exhausted, but the thing that puzzled them the most was the member of this group.

The group had 23 members in total, consisting of 10-armed people who seemed like a hunter, together with 13 others that looked like ordinary tribesmen. What was odd was they had some elderly and children with them. A middle-aged woman with black hair, a beautiful face, and an hourglass-shaped body walked in front of the group.

"Please help us! A group of hunters was chasing us with the intention to kill us all"

"I am sorry, but we are not in a position to be able to help other people. All of us are injured and not in a condition to fight." Vir replied.

The middle-aged woman inspected the members of Vir's group, then she saw the injuries on the body of the hunters, she truly believed that Vir's group was not in a good condition to help them fight. Her face darkened because she understood the severity of the situation.

"I am sorry, I think we brought a disaster on your group. When we saw the smoke coming from this location, I decided to come here in desperation. Hoping your group can cooperate with mine on killing the hunters chasing us, or at least fend them off."

"Why do you think we will cooperate with you?" Vir asked with a frown.

"Because the hunters chasing us is been destroying every tribe they saw, a lot of tribes have already been razed by this tribe. My tribe is one of them, we are the only remains of our destroyed tribe, and sooner or later your tribe will be the next."

"What is the name of this tribe?"

The middle-aged woman was about to say the name. However, the group of 15 people finally arrived interrupting the words of the middle-aged woman. The new hunters stopped when they noticed another group besides the one their chasing.

However, when they saw the bruises and injuries on the bodies of this new group, they relaxed and became confident. A young man strode forward with a smug face.

"Are you guys planning to interfere with us?"

"No, but I want to know if it is true your tribe is destroying another tribe?" Vir replied

"Yes, do you have a problem with that?"

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Gunnar screamed with anger.

The young man Furrowed his eyebrows, he glared at Gunnar with killing intent. Armani felt the atmosphere was becoming heavy, he advised Vir that fighting was not a good idea. Vir glared at Gunnar signaling him to shut up.

"I am sorry about my hunters. may I know why are you destroying other tribes?"

"Why? Because we can! why did you want to know? Are you going to fight us here?" the young man replied with annoyance.

The young man knew that Vir's group was in no condition to fight. Therefore, he was confident that Vir's group would not dare to fight them. Vir started to get annoyed, but Armani calmed him down by reminding him of their situation.

"No, we are not going to fight you, I just wanted to know the reason."

The middle-aged woman became anxious when she heard that Vir's group would not help them, she was sending a signal to her group to ready themselves to escape when the young man group started acting. The young man became even more overbearing when he heard that Vir's group didn't want to fight them.

The young man was about to say something. However, something caught his attention. The young man saw the 2 dead bodies of the beast in the back of Vir's group, he became excited and an idea come to his mind.

"We will let your group go without fighting if you give us the 2 dead beast and their Life Stones."

All the Arrows reacted aggressively when they heard the young man's word. Vir was also starting to lose his temper, his face started twitching, and his both hands were clenching so hard they started to turn red. Armani knew Vir was about to lose it, he tried to reason with him one more time for the sake of the Arrows' lives, then give him a suggestion to give one of the beasts to the young man.

"Do not be greedy young man, I will accept giving you one of the beasts, but nothing more" Vir said while holding his rage.

The young man noticed Vir's rage, but he didn't care.

"No, I want both of them, this is not a request, this is an order. Do you know who we are? We are from the Blood Tribe, we are the king of this forest?"

The already enraged Vir finally lost it when he heard the name of the tribe. His eyes reddened, his body shaking, and his face became so twisted that he resembled a mad man. However, Vir was not the only one feeling this rage, All the Arrows including Armani felt the same when they heard the name Blood Tribe.

Vir threw a spear at the young man without notice. The young man smug face vanished when he perceived a spear was heading his way, he didn't expect that Vir would initiate an attack. Therefore, he was caught off guard that he couldn't dodge.

He was hit on the right shoulder by the spear, Then the spear came out on his back and pinned him to the tree behind. The young man screamed in pain.


Before the group of the young man reacted, the Arrows had already made their move. The middle-aged woman was very confused about what was going on, at first Vir's group didn't want to fight, but now they are the ones who started it.

The middle-aged woman stopped hesitating, she ordered her group to help Vir's group to fight the Blood Tribe. Alfred was terrified of the battle. So, he hid in the nearby bushes, he can't comprehend how the situation became like this.

From his perspective, Vir and the young man were having a deal, but the young man disagreed, then suddenly Vir threw a spear at the young man. He didn't know how the circumstances escalated so quickly.

Alfred watched the battle. However, it was very chaotic, he was having a hard time discerning who was winning or losing, but there was one person who was standing out. This was the first time Alfred saw Vir this mad, he was fighting like a mad man.

After a while, the Blood Tribe hunters were starting to be scared, they didn't know that Vir was a 4th Stage Energy Enveloping. The fear on their faces became even clearer when they saw Vir killing two of their members using both of his hands to beat them to death.

One of the Blood Tribe finally can't take it anymore and escaped out of fear. After the hunters of the Blood Tribe saw someone in their camp escaping, those who are still able to move started fleeing one by one leaving their wounded ally behind.

Vir wanted to order the Arrows to chase those escaping, but when he saw the result of the battle, he changed his mind. 3 of the Arrows died in this clash and a lot more were severely injured. Vir finally realized the consequences of his decision, he was about to give a command to treat the injuries. However, the member of the middle-aged woman had already taken an action to treat the injured.

"What do you think you are doing?" Vir asked the middle-aged woman with a hint of threat.

"You do not have to be warry of us. My tribe specialized in planting different kinds of plants or herbs. So, we also have a lot of knowledge when it comes to treating different wounds using herbs. Anyway, I am Dara the daughter of the chieftain of our tribe, also the leader of our hunter. I am thankful for your help and I am sorry if we bring harm to your group." Dara reassured Vir.

"I did not do it to help your group. So, you do not have to thank us. I am Vir leader of this group. If you have a lot of knowledge of treating wounds, then I thank you for helping my hunters."

While the two were getting to know each other, they heard the scream of the young man who was still pinned to the tree.