
The Rise of the Lazy Mage(Versatile mage FF)

Itachi Takahashi was above all others with an IQ of 250 he was an unrivaled prodigy coupled with godlike reaction speed and perception. The problem? Everything becomes boring. He spends most his free time sleeping or watching Anime and light novels including his favorite Quanzhi fashi/versatile mage. In a twist of fate he may get the adventurous life he so desired First thing I’ve literally ever written so please suggest any improvements I can make in my writing. I could not find any good quanzhi fashi/versatile mage fanfics anywhere so I decided to write my own especially with season 4 of the anime coming out. Chapters are pretty long especially later with a a few reaching 6k. I try to explain most details of the world for people who haven’t seen it, but the info dump page is a little messy and it’s better if you have watched the anime with the best option being the reading the light novel that has the most information. Expect an op mc so don’t complain if he 1 hit KO’s everything since I’m not to good at fight scenes. Mc will later go multiverse since it is quite small so that will be quite interesting. Don’t take it too seriously and I’ll update when I have the time between work school, and sports. The intro is pretty bad but I have fixed a few things and I feel like my writing has been getting better as I go on. I do not own the universe or characters of quanzhi fashi and all rights go to the creators. Btw I made a discord so post ideas or novel/fanfic recommendations https://discord.gg/hrHretR

Dato · Anime und Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 31- Revelations

A:N chapter updates will be less frequent, but longer. 6k words your welcome. Spent a few hours planning out and I have many interesting ideas. All I need to do is connect them. Nothing left to say, I hope you enjoy (:

After a short nap, Itachi left a message that he will be back in a couple days before flying out of the city towards the distant Parthenon.



He decided to let the captain take the next match or two since any opponent would have no chance against his combination of chaos and poison element, so they would have no problem in their next match against the Egyptian team. Itachi had quite a lot of confidence that he would be unmatched before unless they faced the Chinese team. It had been a while since he had seen his sister and he wanted to visit.

She had already been elected as a potential Goddess for the Parthenon and she has to compete with the other godess-elects for the position. Soon enough he arrived in Athens Greece and he could see the Parthenon sitting majestically on a tall hill overlooking the surrounding ocean and city below.

Known as the place worlds best healing institution, they train any good healing element user along with the physic and bless element. They also have one of the strongest forces in the world among organisations with even Super Tier mages being nothing special.

The highest seat of power is the Goddess position followed by the temple mother. Both are able to use the bless element to permanently increase someones element to almost double in power which is one of the reasons they are regarded so highly that people would be more than willing to cut off an arm and a leg just to receive it.

This was one of the rewards for the number 1 team that would win the competition, and many team members even drooled when they heard the reward.

The knights hall is tasked with protecting the Parthenon and there is a very strong hierarchy for them. There are currently 4 Purple Knights who have one appointed leader and 3 deputy leaders who all have at at least three of their elements as the peak of super tier.

Unless Itachi used demonization or his dragon form they would surpass him in sheer strength, but he can probably beat them in a drawn out fight due to his sheer versatility in elements combined with his magic recovery speed and healing. Not to mention his Soul weapon trump card that can transition between a bow and blade form. 'It kinda resembles a martial spirit' maybe I can visit a soul land world in the future he thought wryly before dispelling it with a shake of his head. 'I'm still so far from even being able to survive in space.

Much less discovering different dimensions and worlds' he thought remembering how he even came here in the first place. Being strong was far from enough to compete with something like that who can literally control the very time and space of reality.

Anyways, moving on next comes the 12 Golden Sun Knights who are all particularly distinguished in the Super tier. They are each given the name of a Greek god such as Ares, Hades, or Poseidon and they have had at least 1 element blessed almost doubling its power making them mostly unbeatable at the same tier.

Lower are the silver knights who have any element at the peak of high tier while blue knights are the lowest with at least one element in high tier.

Other Parthenon organizations among the slope of the hill include the hall of judgement which is pretty much a courtroom for sentencing rule breakers, and the Hall of faith which is farther down available to help heal people with many talented Healing mages working there.

This was where Xin Xia previously studied healing magic when she first arrived before the Holy Mother of the Parthenon recognized her unique talent and conferred her the position of Goddess elect to compete for the position.

It was no surprise, even though she was unable to walk, having healing, physic and the bless element made her the perfect candidate which is quite ironic since she didn't know Xin Xia was actually the daughter of Sa'lan.

Itachi couldn't help but laugh at the though of how the word would react if they knew the Holy Mother was actually the white pope, leader of the Black Vatican.

They were also enemies since Sa'lan killed the only other red cardinal who knew the white popes identity along with killing many members under her control.

He would deal with that mess later. Today he just wanted to visit his sister. While it would normally be almost impossible for him to meet with her due to how difficult it was for non members to meet a Goddess elect, he would have no trouble sneaking in with his talent for spatial magic to sneak through the wards.

Space magicians were extremely rare around the world with ones who had broken through so many mental layers being even rarer. Having the 8th mental layer at the high tier of space was unprecedented. Past the 7th was seen as almost impossible while 8 and 9 were almost myths.

There were only around 3-5 Super Tier space magicians in the world anyway and the highest was only around the 6th barrier, so it was no mistake to say Itachi had the most control over the element and he would easily match them in power even if they had higher cultivation for the Space element.

Anyway sneaking up to the side of the hill, he dashed among the shadows moving towards a relatively clear part where he came up to the barriers. Focusing his mind, his his hand glowed silver as a gap slowly widened completely undetected by stopping any signals that would normally be sent to higher ups if the barrier was being tampered with.

He climbed through dashing up the hill using shadows. After finding her home, which was a looked quite similar to a temple, he teleported past the guards while masking the energy being given off successfully making it inside unnoticed.

Soon he found a girl in a wheelchair sitting calmly cultivating as a faint golden hue surrounded her.

"Xin Xia" he warmly as she opened her eyes

Immediately her face lit up and she moved over with a happy look on her face "You should have told me you were coming" she said gazing up at him warmly

"Hmm and miss surprising you? I don't think so" he said reaching down and lifting her up in a hug wrapping his arms around her waist as he lifted her out of the wheelchair

Responding in kind, she buried her head in his chest as she wrapped her arms around him before looking up at him "I thought you were supposed to be in Venice right now?" She said a little confused

"I have a couple days before I'm competing again so how could I miss this chance to be with my dear sister" he said patting her head as she blushed a little

"How did you get here though? Shouldn't it be pretty hard for you to be allowed entry, and none of my guards even warned be of your arrival." She said a little worried

"Snuck in since I didn't want to bother with any of that. Those little defenses can't keep out your big brother" he said stroking her head fondly

"No need to worry, tell me how you have been" he said setting her back down as he continued to gently hold her hand

She proceeded to tell him how she had been doing well adjusting to this position. Since she was he newest in the running, she had the lowest amount of followers for the position, but she had been doing quite well recently, so they would have to see how it played out.

She seemed to be quite worried for him since he had told her about the Holy courts search for him since they wanted to control him. He also had told her he would reveal himself later in the tournament and she was understandably concerned since he would be going against a major super power in the world.

"Are you sure they are really after you? You were only labeled as missing. The public doesn't even know about the demonization. If they really wanted to eliminate you, wouldn't they just claim you practice evil arts?" she asked

"They want to control me along with using me for further experiments with this. Some of them may even think I'm dead, but I doubt it. No doubt if they realize they can't control me, they will instantly label me as a evil demon doing everything they can to eliminate me" he responded grimly since he knew how they operated.

An organization obsessed with staying in power would never leave a threat such as him alive.

"Don't look so worried, your brother isn't easily bullied" he said ruffling her hair

"Errrr quit doing that" she complained fixing it back before looking at him with a serious face "I will take control of the Parthenon and come to your aid if you need me" she said determinedly

She didn't want him to face this alone yet she knew how limited her power was. If she could win the most support and get elected as the Parthenon Goddess she would be able to help him in the inevitable battle with the Holy Court.

"I know you will" he said with a soft smile as he kissed the top of her head "I gotta go, but I will come to visit as much as I can. Also, the winning team gets to visit the Parthenon for a blessing so I will once again meet up with you soon.

"Seen you then" she said warmly as Itachi walked out before teleport down the hill. Crossing the barrier once again he decided he could use some training.


<Deep in the Sahara desert>




A young man could be seen sweat dripping from his brow his lean muscled frame shirtless facing an intimidating black dragon

"Come again, this time don't leave yourself so open. You can't always rely on your tough body to block attacks" Itachi said while he made a few healing butterflies flying around to heal all the minor cuts and scrapes he had accumulated through this training with Kayda.

He wasn't using demonization but his body nourished by magic, his dragon genes, and demonization had reached a very solid level comparable to steel. He could even compete with a strong monarch such as Kayda albeit with some difficulty.

Slashes from her claws only made shallow cuts on his body as he attacked again and again dodging blows left and right.

Opening her maw, a jet of red flames shot out pouring over Itachi as he felt a burning heat spread over his body inducing pure agony. Punching out, he sent a shockwave that split the flames in half as he emerged blackened and burnt and panting a bit.

Instantly a golden glow surrounded him as he could feel the burnt tissue repairing itself to be built even stronger. Black flakes of burnt skin fell of his body as he flexed his muscles a bit.

"That's enough for today" he said towards the black dragon who transformed back into an around 12 year old blond Lolita

Jumping into his arms she gave him a pouty face "why do we have to do this? Those punches hurt you know" she said rubbing her side as gave him an indignant expression

*Sigh "It isn't always going to be this easy so we both need to get stronger. You said you wanted to prove to your father you arn't weak? You think he reached his level lazing around in the dimensional space snacking on weak creatures before laying in the sun? You have to train for it. Anyways, everything was already healed so stop complaining you soft dragon" Itachi said flicking her forehead at the end of it.

He was actually quite curious about where Kayda came from. Since he had a special ability to remain in the summon dimension indefinitely, he would probably try to explore the ancient mountain when he reached super tier in summon element not much was known about it and pretty much all Super Tier summoners considered it nothing more than a source for powerful creatures to battle for them never looking in to where they actually came from.

Kayda's growth rate continued to be amazing and he estimated she would already be an Emperor rank once she passed the child phase which was not far off.

He wondered if her father was an entity above the emperor rank judging by Kayda's growth rate. Maybe there he would find some clues for what direction he should take from there since he was excited to explore that mystical place.

Anyways, he needed to train her and the best way was through combat. It also helped him strengthen himself along with gaining more fighting experience. If he used demonization it would be too easy, so this was the perfect level for both of them.

Kayda had also been getting a lot stronger and any injuries were healed by Itachi's healing element which could pretty much bring someone back from the brink of death. He could easily survive fatal wounds since they closed up so quickly, and it would be very hard to kill him.

He still couldn't be too complacent though and even if he was lazy, he still wouldn't neglect taking time to train himself. He gotten the idea for the training he had been doing the past couple of days remembering those cultivation novels where they would torture themselves while they heal themselves back at a stronger level.

Of course, he wasn't even doing anything remotely close to some of the bat shit crazy methods he had heard about, yet he had to admit the sheer number of wounds he had gotten from the training made his body a lot tougher. He never really considered himself to be one of those people with high will power, but his pain tolerance was actually pretty good with a deep cut feeling like nothing more than a scrape which made it easier than it should have been.

Still, he doubted he would be like those masochist people who are like "I need to withstand the power of this black hole as all the molecules in my body are torn apart so I have the strength to prevent that bastard from stealing my love"

It would be even more annoying if I had to spend all my time chasing after my lovers throughout the universe because my God realm father decided to give them a cheat boost while making me struggle after them while being looked down upon by random people saying "Your not worthy to be with her". *Cough *Cough MGA seriously, I regret reading all current 4300 chapters of that piece of trash.

*Sigh "I need to figure out how to get back to my time line earth." he thought The Japan here never came up with the brilliant idea of Anime Light novels and Manga. Maybe they had better things to do like not get eaten by monsters that inhabit a large portion of the globe? Valid reason, but I still want to get back so I can catch up on all the latest stuff.

One world at a time I guess. I should probably get back to the tournament. It has been over a week. I have been keeping tabs on the competition, and we are already in the finals beating both Egypt and Italy although I heard Egypt was quite the fight. Apparently Mat had to use both his Chaos and Poison element at full capacity and he still barely won.

'Whatever, the only real competition should be the Chinese team since Xue'er broke through to Super Tier and also that Space magic user captain is pretty strong although not quite as good as me' he thought a little smugly proud of how easily he could break through his mental shackles

Right now, his closest element to breaking through was his fire element almost like it was unwilling to lose to its long rival the lightning element. There were a few theories about magic being sentient maybe its true he thought jokingly although there was some point to that claim.

Anyway, after the tournament ends, he should probably go into seclusion to try to breakthrough all his elements in one go. He seemed cultivate even faster after the last breakthrough like he had more pull on the worlds energy.

He was akin to a whirlpool sucking the all the elemental essences from the air. 'I bet it would also help others if they cultivated near me since it would be very concentrated near him' he thought almost like he was a human formation that gathered world essence near him.

He was curious to see the affect on his other elements from breaking through to Super Tier. For the lightning element, it had an effect of melding his elemental spirit with his star ocean giving him unprecedented control over it. It felt like an extension of his body and he broke completely free from the star system where he would have to connect the stars manually.

Also he still had to awaken his new elements at Super Tier which he was quite curious about. Honestly he already felt like he had all he needed, but he was curious to see what he would get. He wondered if this awakening would be any different since this was such a huge milestone with the most instances of a strange occurrence happening.

He would probably spend all his time bringing his elements up to super tier first since he was in no rush and awakening a few more elements wouldn't have as much as a benefit as all the energy that would come from the breakthroughs.

After recalling Kayda, he flew back towards the tournament since the final was up soon. He made it back just in time for the tournament being waved over hurriedly by Matt. Their final lineup was arguably the strongest with Itachi who had never lost a match, Matt their captain, and Catherine and Gabriella who were both solid picks.

Unlike the last match Itachi had participated in, this field was a lot more simple mostly flat with a few decently tall rocky outcrops thrown around the field. From the top 4 all matches had used the whole field making this the largest battleground Itachi had ever competed in.

The Chinese opponents were Mu Ning Xue, Ai Jiang Tu their captain known for his spatial magic, Nan Jiu who was known for her sound element, and Zhao Manyan who was basically a walking tank.

Both teams met in the middle with the tension in the air making it hard to breath for some weaker willed members. Meanwhile Itachi and Mu Ning Xue looked at each other calmly with the latter being the first to open her mouth "remember what you promised" she said simply confusing the other team members

"I will face you with my real strength" he said giving a preclude of what was to come while the other Chinese team members looked at him seriously realizing that someone their strongest member focused on so much couldn't be normal.

Her strength with the Ice element was already almost as strong as Itachi's lightning element since she also had an evolving spirit. Combined with her sure kill Ice bow that she now had complete control over, she could pose a quite a threat to him. Many expected the Chinese team to win since she had already revealed the fact she broke through to Super Tier, yet Itachi knew she hadn't come close to revealing her full power and he was excited for the match the battle intent in his blood boiling.

During his time away, she had awakened the Space element which would make her even stronger in the future although it wouldn't be too much use now.

After meeting in the middle, both teams went to their respective sides with Itachi's team members asking him a few questions.

"How do you know her?" Catherine asked curiously while Gabriella butted in "you seemed quite familiar with her, but I thought you were from Japan?" she said suspiciously while looking at him

"I will tell you all later, for now we should just focus on winning the match" he said with Matt helping him out "He's right, this will be the strongest match we had so far. We need to watch out for ice girl's Super Tier Ice magic. If we let her cast it, it will almost be unstoppable. In the previous matches, a few tried to disrupt her with powerful attacks but everything was blocked by that defense specialist, so we have to try to sneak around.

Gabrielle, between shadow and wind, you are the best for this" he said before turning to Itachi "Anything you would like to add" he said while the countdown was 10 seconds from starting

"I do have one thing, like she said, I have been hiding a few things today is the day I will no longer hide. All I ask is for you to not be too shocked" he said with a grin

Before anyone could comment on his strange words, the clock struck zero signalling the start of the match and they immediately separated with Itachi moving towards the far left side of the field. Unsurprisingly, the first thing Mu Ning Xue did was summon her evolving Commander ranked Arctic fox which lowered the temperature just by stepping onto the field.

Responding in kind, Itachi's summon gate opened with a fiery red fox leaping out with 6 long tails flowing behind him. Similar to Xue'ers fox, it was nearing the Monarch rank and he had developed a fire attribute similar to how her's had gotten an ice attribute. This was only to be expected since one had its heritage from a desert in the blazing hot sun while another came from the was a fox cub retrieved from Antartica the coldest place in the world.

"Go say hi to your girlfriend Felix" he said receiving an aggrieved "awooooooo" in response which directly translated she's not my girlfriend

"Yeah, not yet" he said with a victorious smirk watching the Fox who would currently be blushing if that was even posible for a fox. Stamping his foot in indignation he ran off towards the white fox while his team looked at him in shock

"4 elements? he is in super tier? How did we never know about this?" Catherine said shocked while Gabriella frowned "It doesn't look newly awakened. Does that mean he has been in Super Tier for a while?" she asked since his other three elements were all at a high level as well.

On the other team they were shook with Ai Jiang Tu muttering "He really was a Super Tier mage" out loud. The two foxes ran together with Felix prancing up happily quickly stunned as he was tackled full force being thrown into the wall of the arena.

Itachi's lazy voice was heard over the arena "Really? Quit prancing you stupid fox, you gotta prove that you are worthy to be with her" he said shaking his head

*Sigh "I'll just leave the two of them to mess around" the fighting had already begun with the two teams trading blows. Ai Jiang Tu was already throwing curse element attack towards Matt who managed to reflect them with his chaos element surprising the Chinese team leader.

Blocking the curse element was very difficult, yet it seemed Chaos had the ability to stop this intangible attack.

Matt sent a few poison attacks, but they were stopped quite easily by Mu Ning Xue's wind tornados while Gabriella tried to sneak around to the side flitting through the rocky outcrops using a combination of wind wings and Shadow dash. Coming from the side, she had been charging up her strongest fire attack and a fiery meteor flew towards Nan Jiu who was targeted since she was the weakest on their team.

Turning, she hastily threw up a few water shields, but it would be no match for the high tier fire magic that was already evaporating her hasty defenses. Before she could get eliminated, Zhao Manyan covered in a golden light jumped in front of the attack throwing up golden shield right as it smashed into them. They were thrown back a few meters, but despite the light dimming significantly, it held.

Cursing at the failed attack she turned around, but before Gabriella could retreat, Mu Ning Xue appeared behind her like a ghost 8 wind wings proudly standing behind her surrounded by a green glow as an Icy blue lit up her hands "I heard you have been pretty close with by boyfriend" she said menacingly "Wha-" her voice was quickly cut off as her frail body was instantly covered in ice as a blast of cold magic covered her with any attempt at fire magic instantly being snuffed out at the pure qualitative difference between their temperatures.

*Sigh "She's lucky I only trapped her instead of freezing her solid. Onto the next target"










"Shit" Gabriella has been taken out Matt muttered as he continued fighting with their team captain. Chaos and Earth both flashing around him as he blocked many different attacks. Chaos was used to block all the soul attacks with Earth shields jumping up to stop the piercing lightning being shot off from the Chinese team captain. Itachi was nowhere to be seen while Catherine was struggling near the middle of the field.

After the failed attack on Nan Jiu, both her and Zhao Manyan were taking on Catherine, who wasn't doing too well. Her plant magic kept getting interrupted by Nan Jiu's own plant magic while both Ice and Fire attacks respectively were blocked with a combination of their defensive abilitys. Her mobility was never the best on the team, and a combination wave of high tier water magic had her desperately encased in an Ice shell to not get swept away.

Breaking out she immediately followed up by freezing ice attacks, but she was her attacks were easily blocked as she found herself running low on magic energy. Another high tier fireball shot out from her only to be doused with steam shooting everywhere due to both of the Chinese team members using water shields. Her view was distracted, and she didn't have time to react to Zhao Manyan jumping out with high tier earth petrification magic already activated.

She tried to block it with an ice wall, yet it was too late and her body instantly turned to stone with the referee jumping in to save her so she could be quickly de-petrified by the healers.

"Wow this is going easier than I expected" said a grinning Zhao Manyan "Only two left"

"Good thing the playing field is still even"said a cold voice behind him as Zhao Manyan turned to see a figure hiding in the shadows of an outcrop. Before he could speak, he was instantly slammed into the floor as he felt like every fiber of his body was being pulled into the ground by a strong force. Gritting his teeth he drawing on his magic reserves he shakily pushed up to a knee in the strong gravity meeting the eyes of the figure who looked coldly at him "Not bad, even able to almost stand up. Truly deserving of your title of the Tank"

'Dammit where is Nan Jiu? she should be able to interrupt his him' he thought frantically as any attempt to cast magic any stronger than novice tier was disrupted while he was still unable to even take a step.

"Looking for your friend?" the man replied pointing a finger with a smirk "maybe that will help you" he turned to see a figure collapsed at the edge of the arena "Quite weak, knocked unconscious only after being tossed against a wall.

I guess she was mainly a support member. Anyway it was nice talking to you. Maybe we can even meet up later. Goodnight" before he could respond a rock flew out from Itachi's hand batting his head as he fell to the ground unconscious.


"Damn, he just won't go down" muttered Matt angrily as he tried to petrify the elusive space user with high tier earth magic only for the man to flash away. Then from the side, hundreds of rocks flew towards Matt who had to hurriedly block them all with an earth wall. His telekinesis was getting increasingly annoying to deal with wasting a lot of magic energy to stop them.

A powerful high tier bolt of lightning crashing down, but Matt prepared for this using the Chaos element managed to catch the surge of energy redirecting it sending it back with an added boost.

Immediately in a flash of silver Ai Jiang Tu disappeared with the bolt crashing into the ground sending rubble everywhere. Feeling a surge of energy, Matt had a calculative look on his face "so thats where you are" he muttered as tendrils of deadly poison surged around him as he threw them out in curving arcs completely locked around one area.

Reappearing Ai Jiang Tu looked around surprised as he was already completely surrounded by poison shooting towards him. Completely surrounded by poison he used made a repelling space barrier that prevented any of the poisonous gas from reaching inside as his vision was blocked by the dark clould.

Right after that attack, an even bigger surge of poison flowed around Matt as he gave all the energy he had left for this last attack. The poison became so condensed that it almost looked solid as it took the shape of a spear. His left hand glowed a chaotic mix of black and red as he imbued chaotic properties that could cut through space itself with chaos blades inside the attack.

"Why don't you try out my strongest self created attack" he uttered bringing it down with all the force he could muster. Ai Jiang Tu's spatial defenses were immediately torn apart as he the blades slashed towards him ready to poison and cut him apart. Feeling the threat to his life, a golden glow surrounded him to prevent him from dying, but he was still thrown against the wall where he remained coughing weakly.

The referee stepped in pulling him out since although they were allowed to have a life saving treasure, once it was used they were disqualified. Besides, he looked in no condition to fight, and Matt didn't looko much better collapsing to the ground weakly.

Out of the shadows Itachi appeared picking Matt up with his telekinesis "I'll finish it" was all he said before moving him out of the arena.

"I guess we both wanted to be alone huh?" he said as a white haired beauty stepped out from behind a hill. "They wouldn't affect this match at all anyway" she said confidently and she wasn't wrong. The difference was too great.

Meanwhile in the distance the two foxes were rolling around practically play fighting with each other "It would be quite funny if not only we dated, but also our summons dated each other also" he said with a weird look on his face as Xue'er couldn't help but laugh in agreement.

Meanwhile spectators on the outside gazed into the battleground magnified a bit courtesy of a special feature on the barrier watching the two face off wondering why they weren't attacking yet. Over on the sideline, the American team was in quite a heated debate

"Not only did he have the Summon element, he could also use the shadow element as well" said Gabriella who had recently been unfrozen

"Some is going to happen, now I know why that white haired girl told him to use his real strength" muttered Matt who had a distant look in his eyes as he looked towards the field. Both of them were simply talking, yet he couldn't make out any of the words.

"Also, she even called herself his girlfriend, but how would he- wait... how do we even know he is from Japan?" she suddenly said gaining a few surprised looks from her teammates.

"We....." said Lucas trying to find a reason, but he finally slumped his shoulders in defeat "We don't

"The girls name is Mu Ning Xue... wait" suddenly she began hysterically laughing

"Oh My God Ah-aha it all makes sense" she said looking more closely at the field "the times match up also" she said as the rest of the teammates stared at her confused

"What do you mean?" said Matt looking at her with a confused expression wondering what had gotten into her.

"Two years ago, a young Chinese prodigy by the name of Mo Fan went missing apparently after a group of students on a training mission encountered a monarch beast. The Holy Court itself issued this missing person's report at a very high level and he had previously been labeled as one of the strongest for his generation.

Matt looked at her in realization "Are you saying that..."

"Yes" she said excitedly "I'm saying that Itachi is indeed Mo Fan from China which explains how he is so familiar with her"

"In fact, I even dug up a gossip on ice girl over there for well... research purposes, and she was actually dating the prodigy before he went missing" she said with conviction

"How is that enough information to know that this is Mo Fan?" Matt asked curiously

"I would never have made the connection otherwise, but we need to remember he revealed 5 elements" she said enthusiastically "He's definitely not a Forbidden tier mage, so how would he have that many? The answer is that he is Mo Fan ranked 4th on the amazing natural talents board with innate duel elements. He awakens two elements at every awakening, so I would have to say that he actually has 6 elements" she explained as she saw the gears turning inside their heads

"That's right, he was always so vague on where he came from when we were in Japan which is probably since he had never really lived their in the first place" said Olivia realizing how suspicious he had been acting

"Yeah that's true" said Matt turning towards their wide eyed director whose calm temperament was long gone "Do you know anything"

"Well..." he muttered scratching his head embarrassed "We checked his records and everything looked alright, so we didn't really look into it too much. The only link we had was his sister, but she seemed to disappear every time Itachi went somewhere, and after you entered the tournament she went back to Japan apparently."

"I was just so excited that we had such an amazing mage coming in, I didn't really try to dig too much"

"Wow, glad to see our school is so well protected" said Ryan mockingly who seemed to find the whole situation really funny

"Well at least he's on our side... right?" said Lucas a little nervously

"You don't think he will throw the match do you?" said Catherine a little nervously

Matt after pausing for a moment responded "I doubt it, this momentary peace is like the calm before the storm. Also, he told me he would finish it and I don't take him for the kinda guy to go back on that. Maybe they are having a lovers quarrel" he said helpfully while the others took a moment to process that information

"Hmm" Gabriella muttered with a thoughtful expression,"We are ignoring the fact he stayed missing in the first place. Why would he choose to be labeled as missing even traveling halfway across the globe?" she said as others muttered in agreement

Seemingly remembering something Director Adams face turned quite serious "So that's what he did. He must be really smart realize what was going to happen. I can only wish him luck since I don't dare interfere" he muttered with a forlorn expression on his face

"Do you know something Dad" asked Catherine curiously as they all looked at him waving them down he looked back towards the field with a almost saddened expression on his face "That is for him to tell you if he wishes however, it is best you don't get involved. This is not going to end well and the less you interfere the better. There is nothing you can do except sit down and watch the match. I can tell this is going to be an eye opener so you better pay close attention" he said before sitting down leaving the students with many questions.

*sigh Gabriella looked back towards the field with a complicated expression on her face "Mo Fan or Itachi, just who are you really?"

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