

It all started with an opportunity given to a ordinary and powerless boy. Someone asked " Boy what do you want in your life , I can help to achieve anything in your life , tell me." Boy said " I wish to live a happy life with my loved ones that no one can ruined it." A boy who dream to live a happy life . That's why he start a journey to become that much capable that no one can ruined his happy life with his loved ones. (Guys cover is not mine. And I will try to post chapter quickly so please be patient.)

Nemesis0001 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Power system

01-100 (Tier 1)

101-200 (Tier 2)

201- 300 (Tier 3)

301-400 (Tier 4)

401- 500 (Tier 5) [Demi god rank]

501-600 (Tier 6)

601-700 (Tier 7) [God rank]

701-800 (Tier 8)

801-900 (Tier 9) [Primodial God/Demon rank]

901-1000 (Tier 10) [Celestial rank]

1001-??? [Void realm]

{To attain void realm one needs to form void core and void techniques}

{All tier are divided into Low , Mid , Late , Peak in which all four contain 25 levels }

{After attaining Celestial realm one will level up to infinite until he attains a void rank}