
A New Era

Under Liang's leadership, the Heaven's Blade Sect rose to prominence, challenging the established sects that had once dismissed him as a mere peasant. With their numbers growing steadily and their martial prowess unmatched, the Heaven's Blade Sect carved a path of its own, leaving a mark in the annals of murim history.

Liang's journey from a lowly peasant to the founder of a renowned sect was a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Through his unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of strength, Liang proved that greatness could be achieved by anyone willing to grasp their destiny.

And so, the Heaven's Blade Sect flourished, its disciples wielding their swords with unwavering loyalty, upholding the values of strength, honor, and brotherhood that Liang had instilled within them. Their story echoed through the murim, inspiring future generations to dare to dream and reach for the heavens with their own blades.