
The Rise of the Cyber God

Raven_Black09 · sci-fi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Dream

Rex Blackwell had always dreamed of becoming a successful engineer. Ever since he was a child, he was fascinated by machines and gadgets, and he loved to tinker with them and create his own inventions. He had a natural talent for math and science, and he excelled in his studies. He wanted to use his skills to make the world a better place, to solve problems and improve lives.

His parents, Robert and Alice, were proud of their son and supported his ambitions. They encouraged him to pursue his passion and enroll in the best engineering college in the country. They believed that he had a bright future ahead of him, and that he would achieve great things.

Rex was overjoyed when he got accepted into the prestigious Institute of Technology, where he hoped to learn from the best professors and work on cutting-edge projects. He packed his bags and left his hometown, eager to start his new life as a college student.

He soon found out that college was not what he had expected. The courses were challenging and demanding, and the competition was fierce. He had to work hard to keep up with his classmates, who were all brilliant and ambitious. He felt the pressure to perform well and impress his professors, who were often strict and critical. He spent long hours in the library, in the labs, and in his dorm room, studying and working on assignments. He had little time for socializing or hobbies, and he felt lonely and stressed.

He also realized that the world of"technology was changing faster than he could keep up with. New discoveries and innovations were happening every day, and the skills and knowledge he was learning in college were becoming obsolete and irrelevant. He felt that he was falling behind, and that he was wasting his time and money on a degree that would not help him in the real world.

He tried to stay optimistic and hopeful, telling himself that things would get better once he graduated and found a job. He believed that there was still a demand for engineers, and that he would be able to apply his skills and creativity to solve real-world problems. He dreamed of working for a big tech company, or starting his own venture, or joining a research team that would make breakthroughs in science and technology. He dreamed of making a difference, and making his parents proud.