

DAK_7637 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

the beginning

The Beginning of the Empire. In the wilderness of the former Gana Empire lay a small kingdom known as the Ashanti kingdom, this kingdom became the subject of Denkyere through conquering . Being a conquered kingdom you are obligated to pay homage to your lord , you are to bring half of your agricultural harvest, livestocks, virgen young ladies and able young men to the lord. This rites was performed every year to the lord.The king of the Ashanti's and also his people became angry and frustrated because as time went on the demand of the Denkyere king became unreasonable but they were powerless to confront him.An emergency meeting was issue to discuss about the increasing demand of their conqueral many opinions were suggested but it was later agreed upon to lay low and rebuild their army to regain their freedom.

I'm new to writing so if my English isn't good please bare with me.this novel is a mixture of truth and fiction so enjoy my new and first book

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